Conversion from Visual* to GdkVisual* - x11

I can do vice-versa using below api
Visual *gdk_x11_visual_get_xvisual (GdkVisual *visual);
but i don't find any api which can provide me GdkVisual* out of Visual*


Cannot AzureBlobStorage initialization in Bot Framework 4.9

I am implementing "AzureBlobStorage" by referencing "Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure", but when I initialize I get an error with "CloudStorageAccount".
Error CS7069 Reference to type 'CloudStorageAccount' claims it is defined in 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Common', but it could not be found QBotSolution
Solution Explorer:
It looks like Visual Studio can't determine which package you're trying to use. If you're just looking to do traditional bot state management, you should remove these packages:
For bot Blob storage, you should only need Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure, so be sure to include using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure; at the top of whatever file you're trying to use this in.
Here's a few good references:
State Management Sample
Write Directly to Storage - Using Blob Storage Docs
State Management Docs

azure media service for xamarin?

I have created a console application with azure media service.
in the app i am using the plugin
the way i am doing is
static IAsset CreateAssetAndUploadSingleFile(string filePath, string assetName, AssetCreationOptions options)
IAsset asset = _context.Assets.Create(assetName, options);
var assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.Create(Path.GetFileName(filePath));
return asset;
so i just want to know whether this plugin will work on xamarin(i am not a xamarin devoloper) as its a portable project.
if its not do we have any alternative plugin?
my basic purpose is upload and encode.
That package is for our current .NET SDK
It does not support .NET Core. See the dependencies.
It's not compiled for Xamarin though, so I don't believe that it works in Xamarin, but i'm not a Xamarin expert at all.
What is your scenario exactly? Why would you want to call the Media Services account directly from Xamarin anyways? You would only need to do that if you are creating a management application for the account Administrator. Otherwise, dont put Media Services directly into any client code! You should hide it in your middle-tier, and only pass Streaming URLs or SAS locators to the client application to upload content to.
For the upload from phone scenario, middle tier should create an Asset, get a writable SAS Locator for the Asset, hand that to the client side. Client can then use Azure Storage APIs to upload the content to that SAS URL directly (it ends up in an Azure storage container then.)
I believe that Xamarin has client side support for the Azure Storage APIs available.
As john answered, you don't do this stuff on a client, you will need to use SaS tokens and what not. I could explain everything here, but there are some nice guides and examples online.
Build 2018 video explaining how it works (including Azure Functions):
The github example of this video:
To understand it better, I recommend this guide, it is old but it does cover the entire process, just make sure to combine new documentation with this old one.
Old docu:
Official current documentation:
Probably useful for new readers.

Apiary: Export API as JSON, to generate client code

We all know that apiary rocks (or not.. I think it does), and I was wondering what would it take to take it a step further allow users to export a JSON description of the API? (So developers can script client code generation)
This should help:
There are two directions you can explore:
you can use Alpaca to generate client SDKs. Alpaca accepts API Blueprint as one of it's input formats
for more flexibility, you can use Snowcrash to parse API Blueprint into JSON - and roll your own code generator.
There are more tools around API Blueprint available at

Soap Serialization/Deserialization on Windows Phone 7

Please help me..I wanna serialize/deserialize an object on WP7 on visual studio 2010 with c#. Why I can not use soapformatter? How can I do soap serialization/deserialization on wp7?
Is there a reason you need to use the Soap serializer?
If not (if you just need to do serialization to file for example), you can just use the XmlSerializer (which is very close to the Soap one iirc) and the DataContract one. My recommendation is to use the DataContract one with an empty namespace.

How do I call a Web Service in VB6?

I have an old VB 6 Application. I now want to access a Web service/web method in it, I am using MSSOAPLib30 DLL for the interaction.
Everything is fine with the simple types like int string.
But I am unable to send Complex types like Class and Structs.
Anybody have any suggestions?
You need to create a Type Mapper.
Microsoft SOAP Toolkit Type Mappers
If you have the opportunity, you can make things much easier by creating the code to call the web service in VB.NET and then using interop to invoke it from VB 6.0.
Calling Web Services from Visual Basic 6, the Easy Way
