Titanium Appcelerator Ti Media Picker widget - appcelerator

I am trying to use the widget https://github.com/appcelerator-forks/gimdongwoo.ti-media-picker-widget
But I am receiving the error:
[ERROR] : Script Error Couldn't find module: ti.mediapicker for architecture: x86_64
I follow the instructions, but it is not working for me.
Can you help me?

Since it is a widget you need to look at the actual module that is used. In this case it is: https://github.com/gimdongwoo/TiMediaPicker and the iOS version is 3 years old (Ti SDK 3.5.0) and needs to be recompiled. So you need to download the repo (https://github.com/gimdongwoo/TiMediaPicker) and compile the module for iOS with the latest SDK. Details here: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/iOS_Module_Quick_Start


trying to make Google maps work with IOS emulator in React native

while trying to make Google map work on my IOS simulator using React native, I've received an error saying that Airgooglemaps directory must be added to Xcode.
And so after doing some research, I have been modifying files on my Xcode project and stumbled upon this error file building the project. Can anyone please help, thank you.
Apple Mach-O Linker Error
Have you linked the library?
react-native link react-native-maps

Binding android SDK in Xamarin - Meridian

I'm a newbie in Xamarin and in the past few days I have been trying to bind the Meridian Android SDK (meridianapps.com). In the documentation the SDK requires 2 external libraries (via gradle) that are:
Using the extension this I added this 2 references in the Xamarin project. The volley library initial gives some compiling errors that I solved using the entries in pastebin.com/qqLqy0AA in configurations in the Transforms/Metadata.xml that I found here.
The otto library I can't solve the problem and that's why i require some help
In the link pastebin.com/NeNsx29P it´s the output of the compiling of the binding project with the Meridian SDK and the 2 dependencies.
And in the link pastebin.com/V2ia8GVh I try to make the binding with the proper dependencies added
Thank you,
Note: Sorry for the links but for now i only can post 2 links per post. Later I will edit the post.

local libraries in xamarin not updating [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Xamarin Forms Android Error: Please install package 'Android Support Library'
(13 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've developed a project in windows,later i loaded into my mac mini it was running fine,then i've seen package updates available ,when updated i got 39 errors saying
/Users/xxxx/Projects/TimeSheet/TimeSheet: Error XA5209: Unzipping failed. Please download https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/android_m2repository_r29.zip and extract it to the /Users/xxxxx/.local/share/Xamarin/Android.Support.v7.RecyclerView/ directory. (XA5209) (TimeSheet)
when i checked this directory ""/Users/xxxxx/.local/share/Xamarin/Android.Support.v7.RecyclerView/ """" there was nothing updated in Folder in mac.is there any restriction is there guys? please help me
Thank you
You don't want to download the latest Android support libraries since Xamarin uses an older version. They take longer to update since they need to do the translation.
The current version that is compatible is
See the Troubleshooting guide for more information.

Facebook SDK for iOS6/Xcode 4.5 not working [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice error for static libraries on iOS, anyway to bypass?
Recently upgraded Xcode and my iOS devices to the latest respective versions and i'm now unable to build an app using the Facebook SDK (version 3.0.8) for a device - building on the Simulator works fine.
Error I'm receiving whilst trying to build:
file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: ....FacebookSDK.framework/FacebookSDK for architecture armv7s
I've noticed that on the iOS SDK landing page (http://developers.facebook.com/ios/) they have this peice of text..
Upgrade to 3.0 SDK. We will be adding support for the much anticipated iOS 6 integration to the SDK in the coming weeks.
So.. is that it? Am i literally unable to continue to work for potentially weeks until they support iOS6?
I'm hoping there is a quick fix for this, surely I can't be the only one in this situation.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
For a temporary fix you can do what Sudhakar said, but the app won't run on an iPhone 5, (or atleast with my tests it didn't). You really need a properly compiled SDK.
The current Facebook SDK is build for armv6. I hear they are working on getting a new version out asap that is build for armv7.
In the meantime you can clone down the facebook SDK from github and compile the SDK to work with armv7 yourself. Below are the instructions:
Download or clone a copy of the source code from the git hub page (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk)
Open up the xcode project and in the build settings change the architecture to armv7.
Save and close
Navigate to /scripts and in terminal run build_all.sh
This will then compile the source and output builds/FacebookSDK.framework
To get this to work I had to clone the git repository to /Desktop/iOS
I replaced the FacebookSDK.framework that was within my app with the newly created version and it worked like a charm.
good luck!
Click the your are Xcode Project -> in Architures tab -> valid Architures -> keep armv7 only and remove armv7s.
In my case it working fine, this is only temparary solution.

XCode 3 - core compile errors with clean installation and iPhone 4 SDK

This is a copy of another question from AskDifferent, since I'm being adviced to put this question here instead.
This has been asked once elsewhere but nobody could give the guy an answer... and I Google seem to only know that single occurrence of the problem!
So I'm the second guy in history to experience this and my problem is:
I'm running XCode 3.2.3 on Snow Leopard 10.6.4 (I think, it's the minimal required OS version for this XCode version) with iOS SDK 4.0.2
I create a new empty Cordoba (PhoneGap) project
I set up my Base SDK in Project Settings to iPhone Simulator 4.0 per instructions on PhoneGap's website
I don't change any other setting at all
when I hit "Build and Run" button, XCode starts compilation and finished with 3 errors and 10 warnings
Now, I don't mind those warning, but I cannot successfully compile because of those 3 errors now. No idea how to fix this, I'm totally new to PhoneGap or Mac OS for that matter.
The errors I get are:
/Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVLocation.m:123:32 /Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVLocation.m:123:32: error: use of undeclared identifier 'kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized'
/Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVCapture.m:783:70 /Users/[name]/Documents/CordovaLib/Classes/CDVCapture.m:783:70: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSEC_PER_MSEC'
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
I would appreciate any advice from you guys, as I'm completely at a dead-end here.
CLAuthorizationStatus, and thus kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized are only available in 4.2 and later.
Check this for more info: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/CoreLocation/Reference/CLLocationManager_Class/CLLocationManager/CLLocationManager.html#//apple_ref/c/econst/kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorized
As to your other error, google pulls up this: How to resolve Phonegap error while Building the app
