Laravel auth attempting event is firing in the wrong segment / name - laravel

Inside EventServiceProvider I have this.
public function boot()
When I go Auth::guard('admin')->attempt(...) the event is triggered as expected.
But, when I go Auth::guard('web')->attempt(...) the event is also triggered, this is not expected. why? isn't the name supposed to be the trigger segment?


Updating a model property by POST API, can run an event?

The clear description is, an API with the post method updates a value of a model property. how I can set up a listener in Laravel that after every change by API, run an event for example send email or sms?
If you were wanting to create an event when any update happened you could easily just do this via the boot.
class SomeModel extends Model
public static function boot()
static::updated(function ($model) {
// send your email/sms
However this would trigger when ever the model is updated, Since you only want this when you are updating via the API you would want to create a custom event and trigger it via dispatch in your api route/controller.

How to avoid user take long time to wait while controller is processing

let's me explain example
User click button
run function trigger in Controller
User wait 30sec because MyModel::doSomeThing take long time to process
MyModel::doSomeThing do many thing. I don't want user to wait for it.
Is it possible to run MyModel::doSomeThing by don't care about result and return to user immediately?
function trigger(Request $request){
$id= $request->get('id');
MyModel::doSomeThing($id); // this one take 30 sec.
return response()->json([], 200);
If the result of doSomeThing() method isn't necessary for your response & can be done in background, I suggest using Events and Listeners, which will use queues to run in the background, and the user won't need to wait for this procces to finish. The process is fairly simple. Create event and it's listened with these two commands:
php artisan make:event YourEvent
php artisan make:listener YourListener --event=YourEvent
After that, register your event and listener in the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider, under the $listen array:
protected $listen = [
YourEvent::class => [
Now, when you have that sorted out, you need to build your event instance. Inside your newly created method, in the construct method, add this:
public $yourModel;
public function __construct(YourModel $yourModel)
$this->yourModel = $yourModel;
After you created your model, time to edit your listener, which will hanlde all the logic ghat you need. Inside this handle method, you will have the access to $yourModel instance that we defined in our event:
public function handle(YourEvent $event)
// Access your model using $event->yourModel...
The only thing left do to is to make your listener queueable. You can do this by adding implements ShouldQueue your listened definition:
class YourListener implements ShouldQueue
Now when we have everything setup, you can change your controller code to call this newly created event, and let the queue handle all the logic:
function trigger(Request $request){
$id= $request->get('id');
YourEvent::dispatch($id); //Calling event which will handle all the logic
return response()->json([], 200);
And that should be it. I haven't tested this code, so if you encounter any problems, let me know.

Laravel deleting cache working in controller but not in model closure

I'd like to delete a specific model from the cache using its id. This works as expected in the controller, but not using the model closure.
What I have in App\Models\Post:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
protected static function booted()
static::updated(function ($post) {
If I do Cache::forget('post:'.$post->id); in the controller it works.
Something I'm missing?
Make sure that you are actually changing a value on your model, because the updated event only fires when the model was dirty, as you can see here.
The saved event however will fire whenever you call the save() method, as you can see here:
protected static function booted()
static::saved(function ($post) {
From the docs:
The retrieved event will fire when an existing model is retrieved from
the database. When a new model is saved for the first time, the
creating and created events will fire. If a model already existed in
the database and the save method is called, the updating / updated
events will fire. However, in both cases, the saving / saved events
will fire.

How to hook into the delete event for a resource in laravel nova?

I have one query, I want to delete the image from the server when particular resource get deleted from Nova.
can anyone suggest me is there any way to override delete method for the resource.
EDIT: How to hook into the delete event for a resource in laravel nova?
Note: I know we can do using observer. but I am looking for another
In order to hook into laravel nova's delete resource event, you don't have a builtin way. But the parent model's have a delete method, you can override it and do extra work there
public function delete() {
/* add your extra logic for deleted model */
you can use boot in your model like this:
public static function boot()
self::deleted(function ($model) {
parent::remove($model, self::$index);
I used Observers and deleted function Nova Resource Events and works fine

Queueable entity App\Setting not found for ID error in Laravel

I am trying to send emails in laravel 5.1 by using queues. When running queue listen command on terminal,
php artisan queue:listen
Displays below error on terminal,
Queueable entity [App\Setting] not found for ID [].
Values of jobs table is not process. Any idea ?
How can I process my queue ?
I know this question is a few months old, but I'd like to add an observation of mine while encountering this very same error message. It is due to the EventListener (interface of ShouldQueue in this example for asynchronous) not being able to resolve a dependant variable correctly (out of scope or not included in scope of Event object passed through the handle(Event $event) method of EventListener).
For me, this error was fired when I put my code within the __construct block within the EventListener:
public function __construct(Event $event)
$localProperty = $event->property
public function handle()
// Yeah I left this blank... whoops
Instead, the handle() method of the EventListener takes an Event interface and when called processes the job in the queue:
In the Event:
public function __construct(Object $ticket, AnotherObject $user)
$this->ticket = $ticket;
$this->user = $user;
And in Event Listener
class SomeEventListener implements ShouldQueue
use InteractsWithQueue;
use SerializesModels;
public function __construct()
// Leave me blank!
public function handle(Event $event)
$someArray = [
'ticket' = $event->ticket,
'user' = $event->user,
Mail::queue('some.view', $someArray, function($email) use ($someArray) {
// Do your code here
Although a tad late, I hope this helps someone. Queues are similar to Events (with the exception of Jobs being the main driving force behind Queues), so most of this should be relevant.
Turned out that it was because a model was added to the queue, that has since been deleted.
