Wakanda Progress Indicator from Angular client - wakanda

Looking for client side details / documentation on how to access the Wakanda server side progressIndicator details from an Angular application.
I find the latest server side docs on progressIndicator, but nothing on how to access these from the client.
In the old days of WAF, the communication was handled via the widget. I'm rewriting clients and do not find any documentation on the client side.

In V1, WAF offers a widget to periodically connecting to the server using the name of progress indicator as the reference.
In V2, the progressIndicator is available in REST API via rest/$info/ProgressInfo.
The call to {ServerIP}/rest/$info/ProgressInfo will return an array of current progress indicators on the server side. Each object represents an active progress indicator containing information like value, max, start time, etc.
Below is a quick example of calling rest/$info/ProgressInfo with the example code from Wakanda doc. The two calls are about 5 seconds apart:
Notice the fValue has been updated on the server. The developer can check for the updated value periodically and present it in customized progress bar, tag or progress bar from libraries like Angular Material.
Hope this helps.
Updated Requirements for $info:
When Wakanda server is in Controlled Admin Access Mode, $info is only available to users in Admin group, this requires the user log in and have an active session that belongs to admin group. This is documented in $info doc page.
The Controlled Admin Access Mode is not implemented in 4D Web server so $info will always work when sent directly to 4D. But this is highly not recommended because you will not be able to manage sessions and each REST call will consume a new client license.
In order to use progress indicator via $info in your Wakanda app, I would recommend considering disabling Controlled Admin Access Mode by implementing custom authentication using login listeners.Or, use getProgressIndicator() in RPC/Dataclass methods to implement a new REST access to display progress indicator to all users.


MS Teams custom tab app changes Session.SessionID between requests

I'm making a custom tab app of MS Teams with ASP.NET, however, the tab doesn't seem to pass a same cookie between requests on MS Teams. So the ASP.NET app behind the tab generates a new Session.SessionID on every request.
I've checked the following question, and tried some settings according to that page, but nothing helped me. Actually my web site works nicely if I navigate it via Chrome or Edge.
ASP.NET: Session.SessionID changes between requests
How do I get a same cookie between requests on MS Teams?
I've not tested this specifically so haven't seen it, but basically the broad idea of session is to have to uniquely "remember" a user, and then restore State for them from a location (e.g. database). From your question, it seems like the out of box "Session" object is giving trouble, but at any rate you should probably avoid using it because it won't "remember" the user even across devices.
However, Teams provides you a way to achieve the same thing yourself quite easily. Remember that the Teams 'Context' object provides a userObjectId property that is unique and valid for the same user on all sessions on all devices (it's actually their Azure Active Directory id). You can simply store whatever you want in your own database, key'ed by this id, and request it on page load. It's also possible to get this from the querystring for a static (personal) tab if you want to handle the behaviour server-side (e.g. C#).

How to create Processer group in apache-nifi?

I want to create processer-group in Nifi.from somewhere I will get the tenant name Based on tenant I want to make processer-group, is it possible through programmatically? Please reply
As #daggett pointed out in the comments, the Apache NiFi REST API provides documentation on the expected input and response of every API method. To discover the correct method(s) to perform a task, it is often easiest to use the NiFi UI with your browser's developer tools open. The NiFi UI is a reference implementation of an API client, as all UI activities are performed using the API. Simply execute the desired task (i.e. drag a process group onto the canvas and enter a name) and watch the resulting requests fire in the developer tools window.

Best approach for easliy loading data from back end server for iOS application

We are developing a social networking iOS application. The application loads lots of data from back end server. I have following doubts which is still unclear .Please help
What is the best approach for handling these much data from back end server?.
How does social networking mobile applications like facebook loads and update friends data?
Does these kind of application uses a local database to store these data?? If so when is the values in the local database updated?
Is making an synchronous call on a separate thread same as making an asynchronous server call?
Please provide your suggestions.Thanks in advance
Ideally, load data "on demand". Request from the server the data the user is seeing at the moment, or that you think she will see soon. Also, request data in batches (for example, last 50 posts, or post between certain dates).
Considering the answer above, Facebook does something similar. The key is to be smart on the server side. Let the client ask for a feed, for example. The server returns the last 50 posts and a "next page" attribute. The client can store that attribute and when the user scrolls down to the last post, send a request to the server asking for more news and passing the "next page" attribute that the server previously returned. The server of course will return a new "next page" with the new request. In this way, what is returned to the client is decided by the server.
Yes, you should use a local database which acts like a client cache. This is used to present the data that was shown to the user the last time she opened the app, so that you can show something while the request is loading from the server. You should update your database when the server sends a response to your request. This is also valid for friend lists, messages, etc. Don't forget, though, that the server has he most up-to-date information and the client database is mostly a cache to display temporary information.
Not exactly the same but for your use case it will be very similar. Ideally some operating systems provide low level asynchronous network operations, which is much better than handling it on your code with a background thread.

Create Docs through the Drive API with specific page setups (margins, orientation)

My app is already able to create Google Docs through the Drive API, and when doing so I can choose the title, data, and metadata. But I've been looking at the documentation and it seems there is no way to set some other properties of the Docs, such as the margins and the orientation (portrait or landscape) of the Docs being created. Is there a way to do so?
After not finding an answer in the documentation, the only thing I could think of was logging in with my Google Account, going to one of the created Docs, click on "Page setup", then select "Landscape", and finally "Set as default". I thought that by setting it as the default in my Google Account, it may happen that all the Docs created with it may be created as Landscapes. But it didn't work. A possible reason, however, is that the account actually creating the documents is a Service Account, not my regular Google Account. I guess both accounts, while being linked, are not the same thing, so the defaults of one don't apply to the other. Is there some way to set "Portrait" as the default orientation for the Docs created with my Service Account? If not, would the solution be to stop creating the Docs with my Service Account, and start creating them with my regular Google Account, so that the defaults I apply to them apply too to the newly created Docs?
Drive API doesn't support Docs related features for you to retrieve/set metadata about the documents.
Service accounts are individual Google accounts and no way related with your own user account. On the other hand, your default settings will only apply to you. You cant programatically set other user's defaults.
The best way I can think of, which is really a hack, is to make your own google docs API using headless chrome and pupeteer, which could be used only in part, and in connection with, the official docs API.
This is basically a web browser that runs on your server, which can be controlled to do anything a client would normally do on a web browser, like click buttons, submit forms, etc, only at the command of a server, which can be commanded through HTTP requests etc.
So after installing puppeteer, open the chromium browser, log into your google account, then open google drive with the server, and you should already be logged into the account. If not, you may have to log into the account using the server logic, which can get complicated with 2 step verification...
but anyway once you are logged into your google account on puppeteer, on drive.google.com, simply stay on that page and wait.
If the server receives some kind of HTTP request to make a new document, then have the server just literally click the new document button on the webpage, and it should open the new document in a new tab, which you should be able to access with puppeteer.
Then, when it is made, you can either just send the URL back to the request server, and / or make your page setup changes now, based on the data received in the HTTP request earlier.
For example, if, at one point (either after the document is created, or during its creation), there is some kind of message specifying the color of the background, just manually, on the server side, click File -> page setup, and select Custom, and, programmatically "type" the hex color code etc then click the OK button, then end the POST request.
If you have any questions, let me know
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var body = doc.getBody();
//turn landscape if portrait
var oldHeight = body.getPageHeight();
if (oldHeight > body.getPageWidth()){

Access to SMS and browser content tombstoning

WP7 newbie here..
In my application, I am using embedded web browser control to load an external web page.
I have a PIN based validation step in that application, which involves
1) User Leaving the current application, (which has a external web page loaded in the embedded web browser) to launch the SMS Inbox.
2) User reads the SMS he just received, which has the PIN. I am sending this SMS to the user.
3) The User then needs to resume back to the original application by hitting back button, to enter the PIN which he received in the SMS earlier.
Once user enters Step2, my application will go into background, and subsequently will get tombstoned. Once user enter Step3, I want to restore application state (with the embedded web browser control), without making a fresh HTTP request again to load the web page.
So, with the given scenario in my mind, I have following two questions -
1) Is there a better way to do all this, like not having to exit the original application, and still let user read the SMS. ( i.e any api to read sms ?)
2) Is there a way to serialize the browser state/save entire web page (with images, css, js) , such that entire web page can be rendered exactly the way it was, when user left the running application.
Important points:
1) I can only use SMS as a communication channel. I can not use something like raw push notification channel, which could let me show PIN to the user, without exiting the application.
2) I am targeting Windows phone 7.0 runtime, but if there is a better option available in Windows Mango update, please do tell me.
Any sort of help is greatly appreciated.
Added link to the embedded web browser component.
1) There is no API that would let you access the contents of the Messaging hub from inside your application. This is set up for privacy purposes.
2) By default, the web browser saves its state. So if you navigate away from your app, and then come back - the same web page will still be there unless you explicitly re-navigate on activation
1) The better way to do this would be to not embed the web page within an app. Just build a mobile website. If all the functionality is within the web page you gain nothing but problems by trying to put it inside an app.
The web browser control is not intended to be used to create an alternative browser (which is really what you're doing).
2) You can try using the SaveToString() method to store the state of the page when tombstoned but this doesn't allow for modifications to the page since it was loaded (including anything dynamically updated or any state in javascript). If you have multiple pages you'll also need to maintain the internal backstack and the state of each page separately.
Short answer: If you want to put your application logic in a webBrowser control then you can't support tombstoning. Fast-App-Switching (in Mango) partially addresses this but not completely.
