React-Router stops working when I use Redux - react-redux

I am trying out redux. For some reason, when I use redux, react-router no longer works properly. When I click on the Link, the url changes, but the new component does not load. It only loads if I refresh the page.
Router without Redux
Router and Redux
What am I doing wrong?

The connect(...) wrapper function from redux produces a new component. This new component implements the shouldComponentUpdate function to only update itself and children, when it's props are different (pr shallowEqual).
The standard workaround is to wrap connect(...) with withRouter. This injects new props, that forces the connect-ed component to update on location changes.
ie. withRouter(connect(...))


Blazor databinding to a javascript web component with complex object from C#

I've got a Blazor app that is referencing a custom web component (<omnibar-navigation>).
This component has an items property that should be a json object that looks something like this:
[{'title':'Home','icon':'places-home-1','url':'/','metadata':null,'items':null}, ...]
I'm wondering how to bind a C# complex object to that items property.
var options = new List<Nav> { new Nav { Title = "Home", Icon = "places-home-1", Url = "/" } };
Then the binding would be something like this (doesn't work):
<omnibar-navigation items="#options">...</omnibar-navigation>
A code repo for this problem is here:
The page with the exact problem is here:
The component is imported on the Pages/_Host.cshtml file.
Great question. I noticed also some issues with binding a web component directly via Blazor data binding, especially with the connectedCallback of the web component which is a kwown issue.
But the great thing is:
If something in Blazor doesn't work, you can always use JavaScript Interop to make it work!
I've created here a blog post for you that shows how to integrate a web component via JS Interop that has such a property/attribute that takes a complex object:
It also shows how to wrap the web component with a native Blazor component, so that you can bind it just with C#. :-)
Here is a git repo with all the code:
Happy coding,
You're going to build a component with a Parameter property that receives an IEnumerable of your Nav type. You just need to deserialize your JSON and bind it to that collection.
Check this gist for how you can deserialize the JSON and bind to the collection in the index.razor file

NativeScript adding xml namespace on Page tag

I'm new to NativeScript. I have created a new project using the Angular Blank template. The navigation is done using page-router-outlet. I want to include a xmlns attribute on the page level. As far as i can see and understand the entire code is rendered inside a global page attribute. I've seen that I can modify the page properties by injecting the Page in a component and changing it's properties, but how can I do this for xmlns?
Best regards,
To register a UI component in Angular based application you should use registerElement and not XML namespaces (which is a concept used in NativeScript Core). Nowadays most plugin authors are doing this job for you, but still, some of the plugins are not migrated to use the latest techniques so in some cases, we should manually register the UI element.
I've created this test applicaiton which demonstrates how to use nativescript-stripe in Angular. Here are the steps to enable and use the plugin.
npm i nativescript-stripe --save
Register the UI element in app.module.ts as done here
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("CreditCardView", () => require("nativescript-stripe").CreditCardView);
Add the following in main.ts as required in the plugin README
import * as app from "tns-core-modules/application";
import * as platform from "tns-core-modules/platform";
declare const STPPaymentConfiguration;
app.on(app.launchEvent, (args) => {
if (platform.isIOS) {
STPPaymentConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().publishableKey = "yourApiKey";
Use the plugin in your HTML (example)
<CreditCardView id="card"></CreditCardView>

How should I integrate flux into create-react-app?

I implemented flux on top of a create-react-app application using the flux todomvc example as the point-of-departure:
AppView renders the create-react-app App component
AppContainer exports AppView (just like the todomvc)
index.js renders AppContainer (the todomvc uses root.js)
I'm wondering if that's the way to do it, or if it is better to rewrite the App functionality directly in AppView (in other words, get rid of the App component entirely).

What is the best practice to implement custom Javascript code and where should I start working with Ember first?

I'm using Ember 2.7.0 of course with ember-cli.
I come from Rails, I used to put in "assets/application.js" all my javascript like, for example:
var ready = function () {
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function () {
Now with Ember where I have to put this code in my application?
I read on the web the use of:
ready: function () {
but I don't know how to put this code: in app.js maybe, but I already have:
App = Ember.Application.extend({
modulePrefix: config.modulePrefix,
podModulePrefix: config.podModulePrefix,
and if I create another file in the root, like for example "mycode.js" like this:
import {Ember} from 'ember';
let myCode;
myCode = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function () {
export default myCode;
and import it in application using ember-cli-build.js here:
it compile the big js with my code, but it doesn't work at all my ready function.
How to do?
I have to use Components? Maybe an application component?
Which is the best Ember way for top performances?
To start working with Ember is a must to know Ember's structure and the way Ember works, Simply you need to use Ember guideline to get the best performance. I will explain you some steps and example and I hope it will help you to understand more.
First of all check this image
1. Review Ember Guides and API Docs
In addition, it's a good to review this repository on Github as well. which will help developers to get used to Ember.
2. Install Ember-CLI
Ember-CLI is a command line interface which has been designed for creating Ember apps that strongly favor convention over configuration.
3. Install the Ember Inspector Extension
The Ember Inspector Extension is super-useful for debugging your Ember app.You may also find Chrome app on Google play.
4. Read “From Rails To Ember”
Since you know Ruby on Rails and you are a developer of that, it is essential that you read the tips compiled in From Rails To Ember.
5. Get to Know Ember.Component
A simple way to think of an Ember component is that it is a combination of controller and view, isolated and reusable:
You should pass in the state you need to the component.
Components should communicate with their parent scope (e.g, controller
or another component) by sending actions.
Parent scope (e.g., controller or another component) communicates with
the component by changing the data state that it has passed to the
As an example I am going to explain some part of your code.
You have this
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
and probably this is your HTML code
<a id="btn-fluid">Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div id="myPage" class="">dummy text </div>
However, in Ember what would be the best practice to use Actions in your Route or Controller to define your action function for example your code in Ember will be something like this :
myPage: null,
actions: {
clickOnbtnFliud() {
this.set('myPage', 'container');
and HTML in the same template for the controller would be like
<a {{action 'clickOnbtnFliud'}}>Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div class="{{myPage}}">dummy text </div>
In Summary,
You may use Components as you need which is the best practice for your Ember Application but you need to understand where you have to create that.
You rarely need to edit Ember-Cli-Build.js unless you want to insert extra plugins library or ... but I don't recommend you to insert your internal JS files as you can simply convert it to Ember Native codes. For instance you don't need to do this app.import('mycode.js'); but you can simply create your Route and add your custom code like I said as an example before to your Route or Controller or Components.
What I can assure you is if you user Ember in the way that you can find in Guidelines in Ember website, You don't need to worry about performance.Just try to user Ember Native way to implement your code.
Last word, As much as possible keep yourself motivated to use EmberAddons rather than thirdparty plugins and always choose the best updated addons not all of them. Search for best Addons and popular ones and use it.
Hope this guide help you.

Load async YouTube API in to ReactJS application

I need to load the YouTube JavaScript API which requires you to include a script tag with an onload query string which points towards a global callback function. Once the Google client is loaded the callback gets called:
function init() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {
YouTubeClientLoaded = true;
<script src=""></script>
This all works fine in principle but I'm having a hard time working out how to integrate this global callback in to my ReactJS application. How can I tell react that the client is loaded and ready to use?
I've had a few thoughts but all seem hacky. I thought about starting the React app up and setting a timer that periodically checks for the existence of the YouTubeClientLoaded global variable (or the gapi object) or perhaps a pubsub mechanism so my global init function can emit when it's ready. Problem with the pubsub route is that the pubsub itself would also need to be global so then how do I get that communicating with React...
Is there a more correct way of achieving this?
