How to write post response in Laravel? - laravel

How to convert this php code in to laravel?
While add this code in laravel blade getting error?
echo "<h3>Thank You. Your order status is ". $status .".</h3>";

Laravel is an MVC framework, so the business logic remains in controller function like:
$status = Input::get('status');
and pass it to view like:
return view('view_name', ['status' => $status]);
and you can use this variable on view like:
<h3>Thank You. Your order status is {{ $status }}</h3>


Redirect to another route with data Laravel 5.8

Good day everyone. I am encountering an error in my code. I am trying to redirect to another route and passing data with it.
Controller code:
return redirect()->route('customer.success', compact('data'));
Route::get('success-customer', 'CustomerController#showSuccess')->name('customer.success');
Your assistant: {{Session::get($data['assistant'])}}
Now my error is, it shows the error of undefined data yet I used the compact function.
Answers and advices are highly appreciated!
In laravel 5.8 you can do the following:
return redirect('login')->with('data',$data);
in blade file The data will store in session not in variable.
{{ Session::get('data') }}
You can use this:
return redirect()->route('profile', ['id' => 1]);
To redirect to any controller, use this code
return redirect()->action('DefaultController#index');
If you want to send data using redirect, try to use this code
return Redirect::route('customer.success)->with( ['data' => $data] );
To read the data in blade, use this one
// in PHP
$id = session()->get( 'data' );
// in Blade
{{ session()->get( 'data' ) }}
Check here for more info
TRy this
return Redirect::route('customer.success')->with(['data'=>$data]);
In blade

data not displayed when passed from controller to view

I am trying to display data sent from Controller to view in Laravel 5.8 but when I do in my controller:
return view('index', ['user'=> 'mark']
and I try to display it in the view using:
nothing is displayed, why and how to solve this please?
when I do dd($user) in view I get 'mark' but it is not displaying using previous method
I tried what is in Laravel 5.8 documentations
you can try this:
$data['user'] = 'mark';
return view('index', $data);
//your view
{{ $user }}
In your controller, put:
$user = 'mark';
return view('index', compact('user'));
In your view, you can now access the user through Blade templating:
{{ $user }}

New to Laravel - How to pass model data to a blade view?

Ok, I am totally re-writing this question, now that I am a bit more familiar with larval.
Here is my situation: I have a guitar lessons site based on larval 5.2.36, where each lesson belongs to a category, and within a lesson are several exercises. An exercise table does not have a category id as it is linked to a lesson which has a category.
Goal What I am trying to figure out is how to pass the category of the currently displayed lesson or exercise to a menu sidebar view that displays the categories, so that the category of the lesson or exercise is highlighted. For this, I need to understand how to do such a task in laravel.
From what I gathered, this is often done via controllers. However, there is no menu controller, but rather a menu composer. It contains a function
class MenuComposer
public function compose(View $view)
$minutes = 6 * 60;
$value = Cache::remember('menu-categories', $minutes, function() {
return \App\Category::with('parent')->with('children')->get();
$view->with('categories', $value);
Then in the menu blade file we have
#foreach ($categories as $category)
<?php $category = $category->present(); ?>
#if ($category->parent == null)
<li>{{ $category->title }}</li>
#foreach ($category->children as $child)
<?php $child = $child->present() ?>
<li class="level1">{{ $child->title }}</li>
#foreach ($child->children as $grandChild)
<?php $grandChild = $grandChild->present() ?>
<li class="level2">{{ $grandChild->title }}</li>
So this is clear. I see that I can use the menu composer to pass additional data with a $view->with() call.
The question is how do I get the current category? For exercises and lessons, the routes don't have category data. They are of form
So I know I could do some sort of query of the model. But seems that wouldn't make sense, since I know there are other places in the process flow where the current cat is being passed. For instance, on an exercise page, the view is retrieving category as
It is being passed this in exercise controller as
public function index($id, $name = null)
$exercise = $this->apiController->get($id);
$authorized = $this->isUserAuthorized();
return view('exercise/index', [
'exercise' => $exercise->present(),
'authorized' => $authorized,
Similarly, a lesson controller passes $lesson object to lesson view as
public function index($id, $name = null)
$lesson = $this->apiController->get($id);
$subscribed = $this->request->user() && $this->request->user()->subscribed('premium');
return view('lesson/index', [
'lesson' => $lesson->present(),
'subscribed' => $subscribed,
Based on above, seems I could modify the return statements in the lesson and exercise controller to pass the category to the menu view, but I don't see in the documentation how to do that, and I suspect the menu view is rendered before the lesson and exercise controller are called...
Also read about using service providers. middleware, etc, here: How to pass data to all views in Laravel 5?
But all these approaches seem overkill. I don't need every view to have the data. Seems to me, I need to do this somehow in the menu composer. But I don't know what method to use from the menu composer to retrieve the current lesson or exercise category. In the menu composer after debugging in phpstorm I see that the $view object for a lesson has $view->$data->$lesson->$entity.
So what I did was edited the menu composer to pass category to view:
$s=array_key_exists ('lesson' , $d );
if ($s ==1) $attr = collect($d)->get('lesson');
This works since in the LessonPresenter I added function
public function cat()
$cat = $this->entity->category['attributes']['title'];
return $cat;
This works, but I feel like it is a hack. And I will have to do this for the Exercise Presenter as well. Being new to larval I suspect there has to be a more elegant way to do this. So can someone please explain how this should be done?
You can use Facades of Laravel directly in blade templates.
Just use {! !} syntax to try and echo it. e.g: {!! Route::current() !!}
There are also similar functions of Route facade you can use.
Then, you can check your category with #if() ... #endif blocks and add something like class name within it.
Note: Don't put lots of logic in your blade files. Do it in your controller file (even in your other service classes) and pass simplest variables (e.g $isCurrentCategory) as an array to your template files using View::make() function's 2nd parameter.
Maybe this can help you
<a href="#" class="{{ (\Request::route()->getName() == 'routename') ? 'active' : '' }}">
You can also get the route prefix for example, you can check this out here:
Laravel API Docs Routing

Laravel - Passing Parameters/ undefined variable

I'm struggling with passing parameters through in Laravel, I can access it via URL but I don't want that. I'm getting Undefined variable: user in the master.blade error.
Any help is appreciated
function viewUserDetails($userId)
$user = User::find($userId);
return view('user/userdetails',['user' => $user]);
Route::get('userdetails/{userId}', 'AuthController#viewUserDetails');
<li>Your Details</li>
Other guys are telling you about userdetails view, but your code is totally fine. What you need to do is pass $user variable to the master view too:
return view('master', ['user' => $user]);
Try to pass like this
return view('user/userdetails')->with('user' => $user);
function viewUserDetails($userId)
$user = User::find($userId);
return view('user.userdetails')-with('user',$user);
Then Used In blade File..
#foreach ($user as $data){
<h1> {{ $data['_id'] }} </h1>
<h1> {{ $data['name'] }} </h1>
I assume that you have extended master.blade in user/userdetails.blade. You need use array as second parameter to url function.
<li>Your Details</li>
It is best practice to use named route in laravel.
Change your route like this :
Route::get('userdetails/{userId}', 'AuthController#viewUserDetails')->named('user_details');
In your blade you can use route function to get the path.
<li>Your Details</li>
You can update your code like:
function viewUserDetails($userId)
$user = User::find($userId);
return view('user.userdetails',compact('user'));
Route::get('userdetails/{userId}', 'AuthController#viewUserDetails');
<li>Your Details</li>

Pass sql result from controller to views in laravel

I'm having a problem to get my data from controller into my view, and I was hoping someone could help me.
Here is the code for my controller:
$Info = new Info();
$Info = DB::select('SELECT * FROM 'tblinfo');
and I only echo it in controller because my value results doesn't pass into the view, here's the additional code for my controller:
foreach ($Info as $Infos)
echo $Infos->fname;
echo $Infos->gender;
$data['result'] = $Infos->fname;
$data['result'] = $Infos->gender;
$this->view = View::make(App::make('web')->makeDeviceVersionPath('.').'.infofolder.infofile', $data);
Here is the code for my views:
#foreach $result as $info
{{ $info->name }}
{{ $info->gender }}
I hope someone could help me to pass my sql result to my views. Thank you! :)
if u have model u dont need to type raw sql code
just do like this
$info= Info::all();
return View('Index.index')->with('info',$info); // use ->with('*',$*) to send data to view
// Index is View folder
// .index is view name
Now in view grab $info data with for each
#foreach($info as $infodata)
<h3>{{ $infodata->name }}</h3>
<h3>{{ $infodata->gender}}</h3>
Adnan's answer is ok.
Op you should really check Eloquent and Response documentation from laravels website.
