I am not able to run the Jmeter script - jmeter

I am able to record the jmeter script successfully from Mozilla.
But I am not able to run the JMeter script.
In the console, I am getting messages like thread group started and finished but
in the listeners, I am not getting any results.
Can anybody help me whats going wrong here?

Move your HTTP Request 22 /Bird/Login and 37 /Bird/Login under the Thread Group so your test would look like:
Also be aware that you can quickly and easily configure JMeter for recording using JMeter Templates feature, if you choose File -> Templates -> Recording from JMeter main menu and click "Create" - you will have a "good" Test Plan suitable for recording and replaying

You have put View Results tree as child the wrong thread group.
Due to scoping rules in JMeter, it doesn’t receive any SampleResult from the Recorded Samples you are repalying.
So move it so that it becomes a child of Test Plan and you’ll get what you want


JMeter - Unable to stop / shutdown

I have a very simple test plan in JMeter. There is just one thread group with one get request. ( I created this to isolate an issue which I faced in another real world test plan)
I was trying to increase the load and analyse the result.
While reaching a point, say 5000 users, JMeter does not stop.
I was unable to manually stop or shutdown. While trying to do so, the following message is displayed. But there is no response after that even though I waited.
It says you can see the active number of threads in the upper right hand side, but I can see that there are no active threads.
If I go to task manager to end the task, the same pop up message is displayed in JMeter and hence I am not able to end the task.
Please can someone advise on why I am getting this message when I could not see active threads in JMeter UI.
You're violating one of the most important JMeter best practices: GUI mode is only for tests development and/or debugging
If you want to execute your load test with 5000 virtual users you should be running JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/test.jmx -l /path/to/result.jtl
Once your test finishes you can open the result.jtl file with the Listener of your choice or generate HTML Reporting Dashboard from it

How do you run a Postman test multiple times in JMeter

I have been looking into postman and JMeter for a school project and I know that you can run a postman test and get results using JMeter. I have also been told that the main reason for JMeter is that you can run that test many times in JMeter unlike postman.
Does anyone know how to do this? got any links or resources you can share or just know the answer yourself?
I have been searching online for answers and I have connected the 2 application through using the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder but this only provides me with 1 result and I have been unable to find anything that talks about using this to run the test many times.
If anyone is able to provide me with a solution it would be much appreciated
First of all you need to convert your Postman test into a JMeter test, the approach is as simple as running test in Postman using JMeter as the proxy:
Configure JMeter for recording. The fastest way is using JMeter Templates
From JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create". You should get a Test Plan structure like:
Expand HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Prepare Postman for recording.
From Postman's main menu choose File -> Settings -> Proxy and configure it like:
Run your collection in Postman
JMeter should generate relevant HTTP Request samplers under the Recording Controller
Now expand Thread Group and set the desired number of threads (virtual users) and loops (iterations)
Run your test in JMeter
Inspect results using View Results Tree listener
More information: Building a Web Test Plan - Adding Users
After you record the script in JMeter, you can run multiple times in Thread Group element by (increasing Threads Number to run script with multi threads or) increasing Loop Count, if you want to just repeat the script
thread group element controls the number of threads JMeter will use to execute your test. The controls for a thread group allow you to:
Set the number of threads
Set the ramp-up period
Set the number of times to execute the test

JMeter HTTP Test Script Recorder randomly stops recording

I am creating recordings for a company website for performance tests. Normally this works fine though on occasion when starting a new test recording, HTTP Test Script Recorder will not record anything but returns the following error in the browser:
I have been using jmeter for a while now so I know the setup for HTTP Test Script Recorder is ok.
Clearing browser history, running in public or private mode doesn't help. Re-issuing jmeter proxy cert makes no difference either, the same for deleting proxyserver.jks.
Having experienced this before, I know that after a few days HTTP Test Script Recorder will start working again.
Happens for both jmeter v4 & v5.
I can think only of one situation when it can happen:
You have a JMeter test running in background (or a thread which failed to stop for some reason)
You're trying to record something at the same time
Make sure that nothing is running at the moment (you should see 0/0 in upper right corner of JMeter GUI)
Start clean recording session, to wit restart JMeter and create the test plan using Recording Template feature (From main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Just in case be aware that you can also record your mobile application traffic using cloud-based proxy service, as a bonus you will get possibility to export recorded scripts in SmartJMX mode with automated detection and correlation of the dynamic parameters. Check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details if interested.
The issue you see is most probably a bug probably introduced by:
During recording, JMeter variables are null so we end up using an Unmodifiable version of them because of this:
I suggest you open a bug here, providing as much information as possible:
How you reproduce it
The jmeter.log with the stacktrace (not as an image)
The workaround is to avoid running a test and recording after that.
Edit on 3 december 2018:
You reported a bug:
The reproducer is:
Start a distributed test where Controller is in GUI mode and a jmeter-server
Once test is finished, start a Recording using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Hit a URL, you'll get the issue
The bug has been fixed today, it will be available in JMeter 5.1 and is already available in:

JMeter - Execution Order?

I have a test plan configured as so -
When I execute the test plan, all 3 simple controllers are executed at the same time, even though I have 1 thread set and 1 loop...
I want it to execute samples in "XML Import" then "UI - Quick Entry" then "UI - Reprint" rather than them all being executed at the same time..
I'm sure its obvious and I'm missing something. I am confused as to why this is happening.
You can have only one Firefox Driver Config element per Thread Group, each thread (virtual user) will kick off a separate browser instance.
JMeter executes samplers upside down (unless you have Logic Controllers specifying different behaviour). See Using Selenium with JMeter's WebDriver Sampler for more details on Selenium and JMeter integration.
I had to move the two webdrivers into their own threads, this is now working as I expected it to.

Endurance testing using Jmeter

I am new to Jmeter and trying to understand what all can be achieved using Jmeter. I want to perform endurance or soak testing of a application using Jmeter, i.e. I want to run a particular script for a particluar number of users for a period of 3 hours.
What all options are available to me and what is the best availablelistener to monitor the result?
Please help. Kindly add if I am missing anything that I should know before starting with soak testing?
For setting up the numbers of users and runtime of the test you use a Thread Group. Setting the runtime is done by checking the Scheduler check-box and specifying Duration.
Of the original listeners in JMeter I have found myself most oftenly just using the plain Summary Report. But JMeter Plugins gives additional listeners which may be better, it depends on what you want to measure. The JMeter Plugins also gives additional thread groups, where you can specify e.g. an increasing load over time.
Use a Thread Group to set up your number of users and the duration of your test (using the scheduler of the Thread Group).
Then add all the samplers and logic controllers you need to perform your testing.
Next, add a Summary Report listener to get an overview of your results (min/max/average and such), and add a View Result Tree listener to get an overview of EACH step your testplan is taking. This Tree listener is great to actually see what jmeter is doing, and to debug your tesplan.
BTW: if you add a HTTP Request Defaults object, you can set your URL and options in there, and don't need to add it to each and every sampler again. Especially works like a charm if you start using regexp extractors and such.
