How to change icon of Sidebar Menu item in ASP.NET Boilerplate? - aspnetboilerplate

I'm trying to change the sidebar menu item, but it's not working properly. I'm trying to use mobile icon.
new MenuItem(this.l("Devices"), "", "menu", "", [
new MenuItem(this.l("Mobile"), "Pages.Mobile", "mobile", "/app/device/mobile")

The free template uses AdminBSB, which supports Material Design Icons.
Font Awesome's "mobile" is similar to Material Design's "phone_android"/"phone_iphone".


how to show the menu bar in sublime text 4 (windows)

I updated my sublime text after which I can't seem to see my menu bar on top of the screen but now have to click the 3 lines button to view there any way to make show the menu bar like normal again?
I tried going to "view" and enabling it but I can't find any "menu bar setting"
I think showing the hamburger menu is a feature of your current theme.
Try changing your theme Preferences-->Select Theme
Alternatively customize your theme Preferences-->Customize Theme
(refer to your themes documentation).
Customize the rules in the theme file as required.
See the sublime forum post
Example found from the link above, works for the adaptive theme:
"class": "title_bar",
"bg": "#0000"
Happy Coding:)
This is kind of strange, as my View menu has a Hide/Show Menu option on it right near the top. At any rate, to show the menu (or hide it again), select View → Show Console (or hit Ctrl`) and enter the following command:
and the menu should show up again.

Themed title bar not working in sublime text 4

I updated my sublime text 3 to version 4 and in there article, they said that:
The Adaptive theme on Windows and Linux now features custom title bars.
But i can't figure out how to use it. I tried adding this settings:
"ui_native_titlebar": true,
"themed_title_bar": true,
But no luck there. And i am using the ayu theme.
Here's how it looks right now:
Please anyone can help me that would be great!
Also i am on Linux mint.
Have a great day!
This is outlined in the comment on the preference:
// Adaptive theme only: controls if a custom or default title bar is used.
// Note that on Windows, the hamburger menu is used whenever this is
// enabled and the adaptive theme is in use.
"themed_title_bar": true,
The key part being that this is only supported by default in the Adaptive theme.
In order for the title bar to be themed, the theme itself needs to provide a theme rule that does it, and (ideally) that theme rule would be tied to the setting here.
In order to get themed title bar in other themes, you would need to either ask the author of the theme to support it, or create a customization.
Selecting UI: Customize Theme from the command palette will open a window similar to the settings window that allows you to add rules to your current theme.
Something like this would add support for the setting; you may need to adjust the colors to something that matches better. Also, if the right hand pane already has other customizations by you, just copy the rule into the appropriate part of the file instead.
// Documentation at
"class": "title_bar",
"settings": ["themed_title_bar"],
"fg": "color(white)",
"bg": "color(var(--background) blend(white 85%))",
themed_title_bar only works on Windows and MacOS; under Linux it doesn't do anything because it's the job of the window manager theme to customize the window decorations.
On Linux there is a different option for this, gtk_client_side_window_decorations which controls whether client side window decorations are enabled or not. The default value for this is true if you're using gnome and false otherwise.
You can set it explicitly in your user preferences to turn it on or off (a restart of Sublime Text is required).
For more details, see Sublime Text 4 hide title bar.

Visual Spacing Layout

I've noticed in some places (e.g. aws webinars) that the visuals layout (when creating multiple visuals) can be without spaces between them.nI have been unable to figure out how to do this hence each of my visuals has spacing between them. How is this possible?
Just recently, the QuickSight team has released custom themes. You can remove gutters (the space between visuals) and/or margins (the space between the container and the visuals) by
clicking the "Themes" paintbrush on the left, action-pane in the analysis
creating a new theme (or editing an existing if you're already using a custom theme)
clicking into the "Layout" options
toggling "Margin" and/or "Gutter" and saving the theme
Follow below steps -
Go to "Themes" in the left pane
Under "Starter themes" click "..." and choose "Save as". This will open "Theme Editor".
Under "Main" Enter "Theme name" as you prefer.
Under "Layout" uncheck "Margin" and "Gutter"
Click "Save" at the top right.
Now under "My themes" you should see the custom theme you just created.
On the custom theme, Click "..." and choose "apply".

Visual Studio Code Extension with own panels with HTML form elements

I want to develop an extension for VSC. The user should add images (selection via combobox) and some values for the attributes like title. I don't want to use snippets. In Atom packages it is possible to create views/dialogs. There are functions in atom.workspace like addTopPanel() and addModalPanel().
In the Docs I've found contribution points there are listed examples for keyboard shortcut, menus, showing messages and open file open dialogs, but nothing about own panels/view.
Is it possible in VSC to create own panels?
At this time, I think this is still not possible. The extensibility model for VS Code doesn't include it. VS Code is able to be as stable as it is because the extension host runs in its own separate process (not allowing you to directly interact with the DOM, so can only interact through the API). Many people are asking for the ability to build custom UI components for extending it, so I'm sure it will come soon.
Panels and modals are possible in vscode using WebView's. Use <style> tags to adjust a view's size and positioning.
See the WebView documentation and a WebView example.
You can use the viewContainers and specify the location
"viewsContainers": {
"panel": [
"id": "panel-tasks",
"title": "PANEL VIEW",
"icon": "media/logo_square.svg"

How can I add an icon and a subtitle to a Joomla menu item?

In Joomla 3.2 I need a to show a group of "buttons" (colored boxes) that are links to other articles or pages. These buttons must have an icon, a title (with bold text and a larger font) and a subtitle with a smaller font.
It's possible to do this with the standard menu component and some CSS customization, or shall I install or create a new component? If so, do you know any component that does this things?
Thank you!
I was also confused once to find the simple solution to attach an icon to menu-item links, but it was in version 2.5.12
The solution for version 3.0 and above is also same.
While adding a menu item you will find another tab with heading "Advanced Options"
In that you will find "Link Type Options" Tab.
"Advanced Options"-> "Link Type Options"
From that you can set "Link Image" and the image will get attached to the same menu item.
"Advanced Options"-> "Link Type Options"->"Link Image"
You do not need to use any other extensions if the requirements are paused at menu-item icons only and you can use tool-tip option to inform users more about the links, I think sub-title is not possible to set here.
