SSH - terminal misbehaving when SSH invoked from a `while read` loop - bash

I'm coding a Bash script to automate tasks across multiple servers.
I am logging to a Centos 7 machine over SSH to run some editor (nano, vi, ...)
ssh -tt centos#... '/bb/Conf edit'
The /bb/Conf edit is basically just vi /bb/conf.yaml.
When I run the SSH command from my shell, it works fine. However, when the same SSH command is ran from a Bash script inside a while read ...; do loop, the editor has wrong size (80x40 I guess) and seems to ignore the keys I press - i.e. in nano, Ctrl+x doesn't do anything. The only key that works is Ctrl+c which closes the connection.
I thought this is something related to the TERM variable, as per this, so I tried to add export TERM=xterm or TERM=rxvt to /bb/Conf or the place calling the SSH. The variable is in fact set in the target environment (I've tried echo $TERM right before vi). But the terminal still misbehaved.
Then I have tried to put just that single command ssh ... to a new script. When running that, the editor worked fine.
After a while I found out that it works outside a while read loop, but not inside. I assume that the editors do some stdin/stdout magic and then read somehow breaks that.
Is there a way to run an editor like vi or nano from within a loop?
(The purpose in my case is to allow the users to edit files on multiple servers.)

That's because both read and ssh are reading from the same input stream. The solution is to use a different file descriptor for the while read loop:
while IFS= read -r -u3 line; do
ssh ...
done 3< file
Here, we're using file descriptor 3 instead of stdin.
Lengthy pipelines can be hard to read and maintain, but you can use whitespace constructively: newlines are allowed following | and && and ||. Also, parentheses introduce a subshell which contains an arbitrary script, so indentation helps.
while read -u3 line; do
: do stuff here that needs to read from stdin
done 3< <(
command 1 of the pipeline |
command 2 |
command 3
That's clean and readable. The downside is that it puts the last part of the pipeline (the while loop) first, so the code kind of flows backwards.


Shell program behaves differently when read from a file vs. pipe [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
While loop stops reading after the first line in Bash
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I made a bash script for my personal usage which sets up selenium webdriver with appropriate options . Here is its raw link -
If i execute this script using curl after writing it to a file first like..
curl -o && \
chmod u+x && \
The script works perfectly as its intended to work
But usually i like to execute scripts directly using curl , so when i do..
curl | bash
The script works very weirdly , it keeps repeating line 22,23 and 29 infinitely on loop. i couldnt beleive it as first so i tested this 3,4 times and can confirm it.
what is the reason for same script acting differently in both cases ?
How do i fix it ( ie make it work correctly even after executing it directly without writing to a file )
Edit -
If someone want they can quickly test this in google colab ( in case someone intending to test but don't want to install any packages locally ) . I am mentioning this thing because you won't be able to reproduce this properly in any bash IDE.
When you pipe the script to bash, this command (line 24):
read -p "Enter your input : " input
reads the next line (i.e. line 25, case $input in) because bash's stdin is connected to curl's stdout, and read reads from the same descriptor as bash.
To avoid that, the developer can change the script so that all input is read from /dev/tty (i.e. the controlling terminal). E.g.:
read -p 'prompt' input </dev/tty
Or the user can use one of the below, so that read reads from the terminal, not the descriptor it was read from.
bash -c "$(curl link)"
bash <(curl link)

How can I start a subscript within a perpetually running bash script after a specific string has been printed in the terminal output?

I'm trying to build a bash script which needs to do a couple of things.
Firstly, it needs to run a third party script that I cannot manipulate. This script will build a project and then start a node server which outputs data to the terminal continually. This process needs to continue indefinitely so I can't have any exit codes.
Secondly, I need to wait for a specific line of output from the first script, namely 'Started your app.'.
Once that line has been output to the terminal, I need to launch a separate set of commands, either from another subscript or from an if or while block, which will change a few lines of code in the project that was built by the first script to resolve some dependencies for a later step.
So, how can I capture the output of the first subscript and use that to run another set of commands when a particular line is output to the terminal, all while allowing the first script to run in the terminal, and without using timers and without creating a huge file from the output of subscript1 as it will run indefinitely?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script needs to stay running & will output to the terminal (at some point)
# a string that we need to wait/watch for to launch subscript2
sh subscript1
# This can't run until subscript1 has output a particular string to the terminal
# This could be another script, or an if or while block
sh subscript2
I have been beating my head against my desk for hours trying to get this to work. Any help would be appreciated!
I think this is a bad idea — much better to have subscript1 changed to be automation-friendly — but in theory you can write:
sh subscript1 \
| {
while IFS= read -r line ; do
printf '%s\n' "$line"
if [[ "$line" = 'Started your app.' ]] ; then
sh subscript2 &

IFS read not getting executed completely when using commands over remote in linux

I am reading a file through a script using the below method and storing it in myArray
while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a myArray
"do something"
done < file.txt
echo "ALL DONE"
Now in the "do something" area I am using some commands over ssh
ssh user#$SERVER "some command"
But the issue is after executing this for the 1st line of file.txt, the script stops reading the file further and skips to next step that is I get the output
But instead of commands over ssh I use local commands the scripts run file. I am not sure why this is happening. Can someone please suggest what I need to do?
You'll have to try giving the -n flag to ssh, from the manpage:
-n Redirects stdin from /dev/null (actually, prevents reading from
stdin). This must be used when ssh is run in the background. A
common trick is to use this to run X11 programs on a remote
machine. For example, ssh -n emacs & will
start an emacs on, and the X11 connection will
be automatically forwarded over an encrypted channel. The ssh
program will be put in the background. (This does not work if
ssh needs to ask for a password or passphrase; see also the -f

How can I start an ssh session with a script without redirecting stdin?

I have a series of bash commands, some with interactive prompts, that I need run on a remote machine. I have to have them called in a certain order for different scenarios, so I've been trying to make a bash script to automate the process for me. However, it seems like every way to start an ssh session with a bash script results in the the redirection of stdin to whatever string or file was used to initiate the script in the first place.
Is there a way I can specify that a certain script be executed on a remote machine, but also forward stdin through ssh to the local machine to enable the user to interact with any prompts?
Here's a list of requirements I have to clarify what I'm trying to do.
Run a script on a remote machine.
Somewhere in the middle of that remote script be command that will prompt for input. Example: git commit will bring up vim.
If that command is git commit and it brings up vim, the user should be able to interact with vim as if it was running locally on their machine.
If that command prompts for a [y/n] response, the user should be able to input their answer.
After the user enters the necessary information—by quitting vim or pressing return on a prompt—the script should continue to run like normal.
My script will then terminate the ssh session. The end product is that commands were executed for the user without them needing to be aware that it was through a remote connection.
I've been testing various different methods with the following script that I want run on the remote machine.
echo hello
echo goodbye
It's crucial that the user be able to use vim, and then, when the user finishes, "goodbye" should be printed to the screen and the remote session should be terminated.
I've tried uploading a temporary script to the remote machine and then running ssh user#host bash /tmp/myScript, but that seems to also take over stdin completely, rendering it impossible to let the user respond to prompts for user input. I've tried adding the -t and -T options (I'm not sure if they're different), but I still get the same result.
One commenter mentioned using expect, spawn, and interact, but I'm not sure how to use those tools together to get my desired behavior. It seems like interact will result in the user gaining control over stdin, but then there's no way to have it relinquished once the user quits vim in order to let my script continue execution.
Is my desired behavior even possible?
Ok, I think I've found my problem. I was creating a wrapper script for ssh that looked like this:
cat <(echo "$commands") | ssh $remote "cat > $tempScript && chmod +x $tempScript" &&
ssh -t $remote $tempScript
ssh $remote << RM
if [[ -f $tempScript ]]; then
rm $tmpScript
exit $errorCode
It was there that I was redirecting stdin, not ssh. I should have mentioned this when I formulated my question. I read through that script over and over again, but I guess I just overlooked that one line. Removing that line totally fixed my problem.
Just to clarify, changing my script to the following totally fixed my problem.
cat <(echo "$commands") | ssh $remote "cat > $tempScript && chmod +x $tempScript" &&
ssh -t $remote $tempScript
ssh $remote << RM
if [[ -f $tempScript ]]; then
rm $tmpScript
exit $errorCode
Once I changed my wrapper script, my test script described in the question worked! I was able to print "hello" to the screen, vim appeared and I was able to use it like normal, and then once I quit vim "goodbye" was printed and the ssh client closed.
The commenters to the question were pointing me in the right direction the whole time. I'm sorry I only told part of my story.
I've searched for solutions to this problem several times in the past, however never finding a fully satisfactory one. Piping into ssh looses your interactivity. Two connects (scp/ssh) is slower, and your temporary file might be left lying around. And the whole script on the command line often ends up in escaping hell.
Recently I encountered that the command line buffer size is usually quite large (getconf ARG_MAX > 2MB where I looked). And this got me thinking about how I could use this and mitigate the escaping issue.
The result is:
ssh -t <host> /bin/bash "<(echo "$(cat my_script | base64 | tr -d "\n")" | base64 --decode)" <arg1> ...
or using a here document and cat:
ssh -t <host> /bin/bash $'<(cat<<_ | base64 --decode\n'$(cat my_script | base64)$'\n_\n)' <arg1> ...
I've expanded on this idea to produce a fully working BASH example script sshx that can run arbitrary scripts (not just BASH), where arguments can be local input files too, over ssh. See here.

bash script to ssh multiple servers in a Loop and issue commands

I have a text file in which I have a list of servers. I'm trying to read the server one by one from the file, SSH in the server and execute ls to see the directory contents. My loop runs just once when I run the SSH command, however, for SCP it runs for all servers in the text file and exits, I want the loop to run till the end of text file for SSH. Following is my bash script, how can I make it run for all the servers in the text file while doing SSH?
while read line
ssh abc_def#$line "hostname; ls;"
# scp /home/zahaib/nodes/fpl_* abc_def#$line:/home/abc_def/
done < $1
I run the script as $ ./ hostnames.txt
The problem with this code is that ssh starts reading data from stdin, which you intended for read line. You can tell ssh to read from something else instead, like /dev/null, to avoid eating all the other hostnames.
while read line
ssh abc_def#"$line" "hostname; ls;" < /dev/null
done < "$1"
A little more direct is to use the -n flag, which tells ssh not to read from standard input.
Change your loop to a for loop:
for server in $(cat hostnames.txt); do
# do your stuff here
It's not parallel ssh but it works.
I open-sourced a command line tool called Overcast to make this sort of thing easier.
First you import your servers:
overcast import server.01 --ip= --ssh-key=/path/to/key
overcast import server.02 --ip= --ssh-key=/path/to/key
Once that's done you can run commands across them using wildcards, like so:
overcast run server.* hostname "ls -Al" ./scriptfile
overcast push server.* /home/zahaib/nodes/fpl_* /home/abc_def/
