Correct initialization and graceful shutdown of FFTW3 - fftw

I am using FFTW3 at several places in my software. However, these different places/functions/modules do not know about each other, and the order they are called (including their own initialization and cleanup) is impossible to predict. This results in a confusion when it comes to initialization and graceful shutdown of FFTW3.
FFTW3 has a function called fftw_init_threads() which is supposed to be called just once before using any FFTW3 function. Since I don't know which of the application modules (that uses FFTW3) is initialized first, how can I make sure I only call this function once in the entire application?
FFTW3 has a function called fftw_cleanup_threads() which is supposed to be called once at the very end of the application in order to clean up stuff. Any calls to FFTW3 functions after this call will fail. Again, since I don't know which subsystem of my application shuts down last, how can I make sure that I only call this function once at the very end?
One quick solution would be to blindly call the above two functions only at the beginning and end of my main() function respectively. However, this is bad design and not acceptable. The application itself should know nothing about FFTW3. Only the modules that are using FFTW3 should know about FFTW3. My current solution is to have an extra module which acts as a wrapper around the two functions and keeps track if FFTW3 has been initialised or shutdown. If a module requests FFTW3 initialization and FFTW3 is not initialized, then it will call fftw_init_threads(). Otherwise, it will just increase an internal counter and return. Something similar is implemented for the fftw_cleanup_threads() function. This solution appears to work if and only if the modules of the application use the wrapper in order to initialize and shutdown FFTW3.
So I wonder, how do you guys tackle this problem? Is there a way to query the FFTW3 library itself and check whether it is initialised or not? I wasn't able to find something in the documentation.
Thank you

It is safe to call fftw_init_threads multiple times, FFTW3 keeps track of its initialization status (global variable threads_inited in threads/api.c) and will not repeat the initialization if the previous one is valid.
You can call fftw_cleanup_threads multiple times, it knows not to repeat the process if there is nothing initialized.
What you need to avoid in your application is calling fftw_cleanup_threads from a module while others may still be using FFTW.
You could do that with a global counter to keep track of how many modules are using FFTW and only call fftw_cleanup_threads() when the last one is done.


"defer" for whole package in GoLang [duplicate]

I know you can define functions called init in any package, and these function will be executed before main. I use this to open my log file and my DB connection.
Is there a way to define code that will be executed when the program ends, either because it reaches the end of the main function or because it was interrupted ? The only way I can think of is by manually calling a deffered terminate function on each package used by main, but that's quite verbose and error prone.
The C atexit functionality was considered by the Go developers and the idea of adopting it was rejected.
From one of the related thread at golang-nuts:
Russ Cox:
Atexit may make sense in single-threaded, short-lived
programs, but I am skeptical that it has a place in a
long-running multi-threaded server.
I've seen many C++ programs that hang on exit because
they're running global destructors that don't really need to
run, and those destructors are cleaning up and freeing
memory that would be reclaimed by the operating system
anyway, if only the program could get to the exit system call.
Compared to all that pain, needing to call Flush when you're
one with a buffer seems entirely reasonable and is
necessary anyway for correct execution of long-running
Even ignoring that problem, atexit introduces even more
threads of control, and you have to answer questions like
do all the other goroutines stop before the atexit handlers
run? If not, how do they avoid interfering? If so, what if
one holds a lock that the handler needs? And on and on.
I'm not at all inclined to add Atexit.
Ian Lance Taylor:
The only fully reliable mechanism is a wrapper program that invokes the
real program and does the cleanup when the real program completes. That
is true in any language, not just Go.
In my somewhat unformed opinion, os.AtExit is not a great idea. It is
an unstructured facility that causes stuff to happen at program exit
time in an unpredictable order. It leads to weird scenarios like
programs that take a long time just to exit, an operation that should be
very fast. It also leads to weird functions like the C function _exit,
which more or less means exit-but-don't-run-atexit-functions.
That said, I think a special exit function corresponding to the init
function is an interesting idea. It would have the structure that
os.AtExit lacks (namely, exit functions are run in reverse order of when
init functions are run).
But exit functions won't help you if your program gets killed by the
kernel, or crashes because you call some C code that gets a segmentation
In general, I agree with jnml's answer. Should you however still want to do it, you could use defer in the main() function, like this:

Call API at Exit?

I'm using an API that has a 'bind' function that I call at the start of my program, but to be a good API user, I need to call the 'unbind' function when my program quits for any reason. Is there a way to do that? I can't find anything on Google, and defer api.Unbind() doesn't seem to get called. Thx.
There is no single way to get a 100% guarantee that some code is called before abnormal program termination. The closest you can get is to react to os.Interrupt (and also syscall.SIGTERM on Unix systems) and make sure your cleanup is done thereafter. A good way to achieve this is to use NotifyContext because it ties in nicely with the context package the main use of which is to allow for implementing cancellation of (potentially) long-running code.

How to track/find out which userdata are GC-ed at certain time?

I've written an app in LuaJIT, using a third-party GUI framework (FFI-based) + some additional custom FFI calls. The app suddenly loses part of its functionality at some point soon after being run, and I'm quite confident it's because of some unpinned objects being GC-ed. I assume they're only referenced from the C world1, so Lua GC thinks they're unreferenced and can free them. The problem is, I don't know which of the numerous userdata are unreferenced (unpinned) on Lua side?
To confirm my theory, I've run the app with GC disabled, via:
collectgarbage 'stop'
and lo, with this line, the app works perfectly well long past the point where it got broken before. Obviously, it's an ugly workaround, and I'd much prefer to have the GC enabled, and the app still working correctly...
I want to find out which unpinned object (userdata, I assume) gets GCed, so I can pin it properly on Lua side, to prevent it being GCed prematurely. Thus, my question is:
(How) can I track which userdata objects got collected when my app loses functionality?
One problem is, that AFAIK, the LuaJIT FFI already assigns custom __gc handlers, so I cannot add my own, as there can be only one per object. And anyway, the framework is too big for me to try adding __gc in each and every imaginable place in it. Also, I've already eliminated the "most obviously suspected" places in the code, by removing local from some variables — thus making them part of _G, so I assume not GC-able. (Or is that not enough?)
1 Specifically, WinAPI.
For now, I've added some ffi.gc() handlers to some of my objects (printing some easily visible ALL-CAPS messages), then added some eager collectgarbage() calls to try triggering the issue as soon as possible:
ffi.gc(foo, function()
print '\n\nGC FOO !!!\n\n'
And indeed, this exposed some GCing I didn't expect. Specifically, it led me to discover a note in luajit's FFI docs, which is most certainly relevant in my case:
Please note that [C] pointers [...] are not followed by the garbage collector. So e.g. if you assign a cdata array to a pointer, you must keep the cdata object holding the array alive [in Lua] as long as the pointer is still in use.

In go, is there a way to execute code on termination of the program?

I know you can define functions called init in any package, and these function will be executed before main. I use this to open my log file and my DB connection.
Is there a way to define code that will be executed when the program ends, either because it reaches the end of the main function or because it was interrupted ? The only way I can think of is by manually calling a deffered terminate function on each package used by main, but that's quite verbose and error prone.
The C atexit functionality was considered by the Go developers and the idea of adopting it was rejected.
From one of the related thread at golang-nuts:
Russ Cox:
Atexit may make sense in single-threaded, short-lived
programs, but I am skeptical that it has a place in a
long-running multi-threaded server.
I've seen many C++ programs that hang on exit because
they're running global destructors that don't really need to
run, and those destructors are cleaning up and freeing
memory that would be reclaimed by the operating system
anyway, if only the program could get to the exit system call.
Compared to all that pain, needing to call Flush when you're
one with a buffer seems entirely reasonable and is
necessary anyway for correct execution of long-running
Even ignoring that problem, atexit introduces even more
threads of control, and you have to answer questions like
do all the other goroutines stop before the atexit handlers
run? If not, how do they avoid interfering? If so, what if
one holds a lock that the handler needs? And on and on.
I'm not at all inclined to add Atexit.
Ian Lance Taylor:
The only fully reliable mechanism is a wrapper program that invokes the
real program and does the cleanup when the real program completes. That
is true in any language, not just Go.
In my somewhat unformed opinion, os.AtExit is not a great idea. It is
an unstructured facility that causes stuff to happen at program exit
time in an unpredictable order. It leads to weird scenarios like
programs that take a long time just to exit, an operation that should be
very fast. It also leads to weird functions like the C function _exit,
which more or less means exit-but-don't-run-atexit-functions.
That said, I think a special exit function corresponding to the init
function is an interesting idea. It would have the structure that
os.AtExit lacks (namely, exit functions are run in reverse order of when
init functions are run).
But exit functions won't help you if your program gets killed by the
kernel, or crashes because you call some C code that gets a segmentation
In general, I agree with jnml's answer. Should you however still want to do it, you could use defer in the main() function, like this:

How can I implement a blocking process in a single slot without freezing the GUI?

Let's say I have an event and the corresponding function is called. This function interacts with the outside world and so can sometimes have long delays. If the function waits or hangs then my UI will freeze and this is not desirable. On the other hand, having to break up my function into many parts and re-emitting signals is long and can break up the code alot which would make hard to debug and less readable and slows down the development process. Is there a special feature in event driven programming which would enable me to just write the process in one function call and be able to let the mainThread do its job when its waiting? For example, the compiler could reckognize a keyword then implement a return then re-emit signals connected to new slots automatically? Why do I think this would be a great idea ;) Im working with Qt
Your two options are threading, or breaking your function up somehow.
With threading, it sounds like your ideal solution would be Qt::Concurrent. If all of your processing is already in one function, and the function is pretty self-contained (doesn't reference member variables of the class), this would be easy to do. If not, things might get a little more complicated.
For breaking your function up, you can either do it as you suggested and break it into different functions, with the different parts being called one after another, or you can do it in a more figurative way, but scattering calls to allow other processing inside your function. I believe calling processEvents() would do what you want, but I haven't come across its use in a long time. Of course, you can run into other problems with that unless you understand that it might cause other parts of your class to run once more (in response to other events), so you have to treat it almost as multi-threaded in protecting variables that have an indeterminate state while you are computing.
"Is there a special feature in event driven programming which would enable me to just write the process in one function call and be able to let the mainThread do its job when its waiting?"
That would be a non-blocking process.
But your original query was, "How can I implement a blocking process in a single slot without freezing the GUI?"
Perhaps what you're looking for a way to stop other processing when some - any - process decides it's time to block? There are typically ways to do this, yes, by calling a method on one of the parental objects, which, of course, will depend on the specific objects you are using (eg a frame).
Look to the parent objects and see what methods they have that you'd like to use. You may need to overlay one of them to get your exactly desired results.
If you want to handle a GUI event by beginning a long-running task, and don't want the GUI to wait for the task to finish, you need to do it concurrently, by creating either a thread or a new process to perform the task.
You may be able to avoid creating a thread or process if the task is I/O-bound and occasional callbacks to handle I/O would suffice. I'm not familiar with Qt's main loop, but I know that GTK's supports adding event sources that can integrate into a select() or poll()-style loop, running handlers after either a timeout or when a file descriptor becomes ready. If that's the sort of task you have, you could make your event handler add such an event source to the application's main loop.
