How do I declare ENUMs in Chapel? - enums

Building out a flexible function, and I want it to look like
if sensor.type == SENSOR_TYPE.DISTANCE {
} else if sensor.type = SENSOR_TYPE.ANGLE {
Do enums have to be declared at the Module level? Can you point me to some examples or (better) provide one here?

Do enums have to be declared at the Module level?
Nope. They can be declared in inner scopes as well.
Can you point me to some examples
The syntax is covered in the spec and the quick reference sheet. There really aren't many great examples in the documentation right now, as far as I can tell. This might benefit from an issue or (better) a small contribution to the primers, for example.
or provide [an example] here?
Below is your example, expanded with a working enum. Note, I've changed .type to .t since .type is reserved for the actual type.
record Sensor {
var sensor = new Sensor(t=SENSOR_TYPE.DISTANCE);
if sensor.t == SENSOR_TYPE.DISTANCE {
} else if sensor.t == SENSOR_TYPE.ANGLE {
// Defined so this example will compile...
proc doSomethingEmotionallyDistant() { writeln('DISTANCE'); };
proc gleanAnAngelsAngle() { writeln('ANGLE'); };
You can also "use" an enum like you can with a module, to expose it's symbols to your namespace:
record Sensor {
var sensor = new Sensor(t=DISTANCE);
if sensor.t == DISTANCE {
} else if sensor.t == ANGLE {
// Defined so this will compile...
proc doSomethingEmotionallyDistant() { writeln('DISTANCE'); };
proc gleanAnAngelsAngle() { writeln('ANGLE'); };


Roslyn analyser: Nullable annotations in Linq

I am brand new to Roslyn and I have to write an analyser that will aid in improving nullable annotations when using Linq. The goal is to force any usages of .XYZOrDefault() to be stored in a nullable type variable/property/method signature. For example: if we use "var x = SomeKindOfList.FirstOrDefault()", "x" needs to be marked as nullable. We will be using C# 8, so I'm referring to NRTs. The idea of achieving this is by:
Determining if generic types are being used in the variable or
method declaration
Use semantic model to determine if the left hand
side of the expression's type is a nullable type
If left hand side of expression is not a nullable type, produce a
I've gotten this far with my coding:
private static void AnalyzeNode(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
Compilation compilation = context.Compilation;
var localDeclarations = context.Node.DescendantNodes().OfType<VariableDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var declaration in localDeclarations)
// Find implicitly typed variable declarations.
if (declaration.Type.IsVar)
foreach (var variable in declaration.Variables)
var variableSymbol = ((ILocalSymbol)context.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(variable)).Type;
var invocationSymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetOperation(variable.Initializer.Value).Type;
if (!((INamedTypeSymbol)variableSymbol).IsGenericType || declaration.Type.IsVar)
// For all such symbols, produce a diagnostic.
var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, variableSymbol.Locations[0], variableSymbol.Name);
I've read so much about what you can do that at this stage it's an information overload. Any articles, code snippets or advise that can just give me some more direction would be highly appreciated!
In the end we ended up writing our own analyzer as an interim solution until we can move to .Net 5. The most basic implementation that we came up with was the following code:
private static void AnalyzeNode(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
var localDeclarations = context.Node.DescendantNodes().OfType<VariableDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var declaration in localDeclarations)
foreach (var variable in declaration.Variables)
ITypeSymbol? variableSymbol = ((ILocalSymbol)context.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(variable)).Type;
IOperation? invocationOperationInfo = context.SemanticModel.GetOperation(variable.Initializer.Value);
if (invocationOperationInfo is IInvocationOperation op)
if (op.TargetMethod.IsGenericMethod)
if (!((INamedTypeSymbol)variableSymbol).IsGenericType || declaration.Type.IsVar)
// For all such symbols, produce a diagnostic.
var diagnostic = Diagnostic.Create(Rule, variable.GetLocation());
Hope this can help someone else who is, perhaps, just looking for a good starting point when having to develop something similar.

DART - can I cast a string to an enum?

Is there a way to convert a string to an enum?
enum eCommand{fred, joe, harry}
eCommand theCommand= cast(eCommand, 'joe');??
I think I just have to search for the enum (eg loop).
I got annoyed with the state of enums and built a library to handle this:
Basic usage:
import 'package:enum_to_string:enum_to_string.dart';
enum TestEnum { testValue1 };
final result = EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "testValue1");
// TestEnum.testValue1
Still more verbose than I would like, but gets the job done.
I have came up with a solution inspired from that can be used as a simple extension on List
extension EnumTransform on List {
String string<T>(T value) {
if (value == null || (isEmpty)) return null;
var occurence = singleWhere(
(enumItem) => enumItem.toString() == value.toString(),
orElse: () => null);
if (occurence == null) return null;
return occurence.toString().split('.').last;
T enumFromString<T>(String value) {
return firstWhere((type) => type.toString().split('.').last == value,
orElse: () => null);
enum enum Color {
var colorEnum = Color.values.enumFromString('red');
var colorString: Color.values.string(
Dart 2.6 introduces methods on enum types. It's much better to call a getter on the Topic or String itself to get the corresponding conversion via a named extension. I prefer this technique because I don't need to import a new package, saving memory and solving the problem with OOP.
I also get a compiler warning when I update the enum with more cases when I don't use default, since I am not handling the switch exhaustively.
Here's an example of that:
enum Topic { none, computing, general }
extension TopicString on String {
Topic get topic {
switch (this) {
case 'computing':
return Topic.computing;
case 'general':
return Topic.general;
case 'none':
return Topic.none;
extension TopicExtension on Topic {
String get string {
switch (this) {
case Topic.computing:
return 'computing';
case Topic.general:
return 'general';
case Topic.none:
return 'none';
This is really easy to use and understand, since I don't create any extra classes for conversion:
var topic = Topic.none;
final string = topic.string;
topic = string.topic;
As of Dart 2.15, you can use the name property and the byName() method:
enum eCommand { fred, joe, harry }
eCommand comm = eCommand.fred;
assert( == "fred");
assert(eCommand.values.byName("fred") == comm);
Just be aware that the byName method throws an ArgumentError if the string is not recognized as a valid member in the enumeration.
For the Dart enum this is a bit cumbersome.
See Enum from String for a solution.
If you need more than the most basic features of an enum it's usually better to use old-style enums - a class with const members.
See How can I build an enum with Dart? for old-style enums
This is the fastest way I found to do this :
enum Vegetable { EGGPLANT, CARROT, TOMATO }
Vegetable _getVegetableEnum(dynamic myVegetableObject) {
return Vegetable.values.firstWhere((e) => describeEnum(e) == myVegetableObject);
i had the same problem, a small enum and a string, so i did this
dynamic _enum_value = EnumFromString(MyEnum.values, string_to_enum);
dynamic EnumFromString(List values, String comp){
dynamic enumValue = null;
values.forEach((item) {
if(item.toString() == comp){
enumValue = item;
return enumValue;
i know this is not the best solution, but it works.
Static extension methods would make this nice (currently unimplemented).
Then you could have something like this:
extension Value on Keyword {
/// Returns the valid string representation of a [Keyword].
String value() => toString().replaceFirst(r'Keyword.$', '');
/// Returns a [Keyword] for a valid string representation, such as "if" or "class".
static Keyword toEnum(String asString) =>
Keyword.values.firstWhere((kw) => kw.value() == asString);
Check this article. Very well explained: Link
extension EnumParser on String {
T toEnum<T>(List<T> values) {
return values.firstWhere(
(e) => e.toString().toLowerCase().split(".").last ==
orElse: () => null,
The cleanest way is to use built-in functionality:
enum EmailStatus {
EmailStatus.values.byName('failed') == EmailStatus.failed;
=> true

Enum values as parameter default values in Haxe

Is there a way to use enum default parameters in Haxe? I get this error:
Parameter default value should be constant
enum AnEnum {
class Test {
static function main() {
static function enumNotWorking(e:AnEnum = AnEnum.A){}
Try Haxe link.
Update: this feature has been added in Haxe 4. The code example from the question now compiles as-is with a regular enum.
Previously, this was only possible if you're willing to use enum abstracts (enums at compile time, but a different type at runtime):
abstract AnEnum(Int)
var A = 1;
var B = 2;
var C = 3;
class Test3
static function main()
static function nowItWorks(param = AnEnum.A)
There's nothing special about the values I chose, and you could choose another type (string, or a more complex type) if it better suits your use case. You can treat these just like regular enums (for switch statements, etc.) but note that when you trace it at runtime, you'll get "1", not "A".
More information:
Sadly enums can't be used as default values, because in Haxe enums aren't always constant.
This piece of trivia was on the old website but apparently hasn't made it into the new manual yet:
The workaround is to check for a null value at the start of your function:
static function enumNotWorking(?e:AnEnum){
if (e==null) e=AnEnum.A;
Alternatively, an Enum Abstract might work for your case.

ES6 read-only enums that can map value to name

I would like to define an enum-like structure in JS, but have two requirements:
The values be read-only, i.e. no users can assign to them.
The values (0, 1, 2, ...) can be mapped back into the names (as with Java's name method)
The methods I know to create enums like this typically meet one requirement or the other, not both.
I've tried:
const MyEnum = {
a: 0,
b: 1,
c: 2
The enum itself is constant, but the values are still mutable and I can't map values back to names efficiently.
When writing an enum in Typescript, it outputs:
var MyEnum;
(function (MyEnum) {
MyEnum[MyEnum["a"] = 0] = "a";
MyEnum[MyEnum["b"] = 1] = "b";
MyEnum[MyEnum["c"] = 2] = "c";
})(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {}));
This can map both ways, but still doesn't have constant values.
The only option I've found that meets both requirements would be using getters on a class:
class MyEnum {
get a() {
return 0;
This method dramatically restricts the legal names and has a lot of overhead, especially in browsers that don't inline getters well (or can't).
#Shmiddty suggested freezing an object:
const MyEnum = Object.freeze({
a: 0,
b: 1,
c: 2
This meets the constant requirement well, but doesn't provide a great way to map values back to names.
I could write a helper that builds the reverse mapping like:
function reverseEnum(enum) {
Object.keys(enum).forEach(k => {
enum[enum[k]] = k;
But any kind of programmatic solution to generate the reverse mapping will run into problems if the original object is frozen or otherwise actually constant.
Is there a clean, concise solution to this in JS?
This does a pretty good job, IMHO.
function Enum(a){
let i = Object
return Object.freeze(
(o,k)=>(o[k]=a[k],o), v=>i[v]
} // y u so terse?
const FOO = Enum({
a: 0,
b: 1,
c: "banana"
console.log(FOO.a, FOO.b, FOO.c); // 0 1 banana
console.log(FOO(0), FOO(1), FOO("banana")); // a b c
try {
FOO.a = "nope";
catch (e){
I'd use a Map so that your enum values can be any type, rather than having them coerced into strings.
function Enum(obj){
const keysByValue = new Map();
const EnumLookup = value => keysByValue.get(value);
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)){
EnumLookup[key] = obj[key];
keysByValue.set(EnumLookup[key], key);
// Return a function with all your enum properties attached.
// Calling the function with the value will return the key.
return Object.freeze(EnumLookup);
If your enum is all strings, I'd also probably change one line to:
EnumLookup[key] = Symbol(obj[key]);
to ensure that the enum values are being used properly. Using just a string, you have no guarantee that some code hasn't simply passed a normal string that happens to be the same as one of your enum values. If your values are always strings or symbols, you could also swap out the Map for a simple object.
Just recently implemented an Es6 version that works quite well:
const k_VALUES = {}
export class ErrorCode {
constructor(p_apiCode, p_httpCode){
this.apiCode = p_apiCode;
this.httpCode = p_httpCode;
k_VALUES[p_apiCode] = this;
static create(p_apiCode){
return k_VALUES[p_apiCode];
return ErrorCode.UNKNOWN;
ErrorCode.UNKNOWN = new ErrorCode(0, 500);
ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND = new ErrorCode(-1000, 404);
ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND_EMAIL = new ErrorCode(-1001, 404);
ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST = new ErrorCode(-1010, 404);
I wanted to implement a similar pattern as what we do with Java enums. This enables me to use a constructor to pass values. The constructor then freezes the ErrorCode object - nice and convenient.
Usage: first import your enum class...
import {ErrorCode} from "../common/services/errors/ErrorCode";
Now, after importing the enum class, access it like so:
if( errCode.includes(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.apiCode) ){...}
PS> This is used in conjunction with a Webpack setup using Babel to convert our ES6 classes down for browser compatibility.

Create additional D3.js symbols

D3 already features a bunch of symbols, but I'd like to add a custom one. So that I could for example just call d3.svg.symbol().type('custom') in my code.
This cannot be done directly since the array of symbol definitions is not accessible from the API.
You can see in the source code HERE that the symbol definitions are stored in a called d3_svg_symbols. The only part of this map that gets exposed to the public API is the array of keys. This is done by calling the .keys() method of the map, HERE.
d3.svg.symbolTypes = d3_svg_symbols.keys();
The definitions themselves are never exposed, and so you cannot add definitions directly as you had hoped.
You can, however, construct a workaround without too much difficulty. One way would be to create a map of your custom symbols, and create a function based on the existing one for the built-in symbols. For example:
var customSymbolTypes ={
'custom-symbol-1': function(size) {
// returns a path-data string
'custom-symbol-2': function(size) {
// returns a path-data string
d3.svg.customSymbol = function() {
var type,
size = 64; // SET DEFAULT SIZE
function symbol(d,i) {
return customSymbolTypes.get(,d,i))(,d,i));
symbol.type = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return type;
type = d3.functor(_);
return symbol;
symbol.size = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return size;
size = d3.functor(_);
return symbol;
return symbol;
Then, you could create a function to check if a symbol is in the list of built-in symbols, and if it's not, assume it is a custom symbol:
function getSymbol(type, size) {
size = size || 64;
if (d3.svg.symbolTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
return d3.svg.symbol().type(type).size(size)();
else {
return d3.svg.customSymbol().type(type).size(size)();
HERE is a demo of this method in action.
I'll admit it seems kind of crazy to have to re-implement the whole symbol function like that. It might be worth a feature request on the github page asking to be able to provide a custom map of symbol definitions that could be read into the built-in method. Anyway, I hope that helps for now.
