JavaFX: Disable all Buttons from a ToggleGroup - user-interface

Like the title says, i want to disable all Buttons in a Togglegroup. I know it is possible to select the Buttons individually and button.setDisable(true).
But is there a possibillity like group.setDisable(true)?
Thanks for any help or hints.

If all the toggles are in the same container (Group or Pane), and there is nothing else in that container (at least, nothing that you care about being disabled, so Labels might be OK), then you can just disable the container (the disabled state propagates to child nodes).
Otherwise there is no direct way to do this: you can just iterate through the toggles, use the appropriate cast, and disable it:
toggleGroup.getToggles().forEach(toggle -> {
Node node = (Node) toggle ;


Missing calls in the Chrome devtools js flamechart

Last time I was doing optimizations (maybe a year ago), I was able to see all possible function calls in the js flamechart.
Now, however, it doesn't seem to go all the way.
Here's a long running function:
I'm expecting way more sub-calls so that I may understand why is it running so long.
Here's how that function looks like:
function updateIfNeeded() {
switch (state) {
case 'NO_REQUEST':
throw new Error('Unexpected draw callback.\n' + 'Please report this to <>.');
state = 'EXTRA_REQUEST';
var nextNode = view(nextModel);
var patches = diff(currNode, nextNode);
domNode = applyPatches(domNode, currNode, patches, eventNode);
currNode = nextNode;
state = 'NO_REQUEST';
It's part of the elm-runtime.
Now, while it is possible that this function might not call any other functions, it would not explain why it's running for so long.
Where is the button for my complete flamechart :}
The Performance panel has a Disable JavaScript Samples checkbox in the capture settings menu.
When this checkbox is enabled, the timeline only shows the yellow placeholders to differentiate between script execution time and, layout, paint and composite activity.
Notice how the Cog/Settings Icon is red when the checkbox is enabled.
When the checkbox is not checked, the timeline shows the flame chart. When all the capture options are in their default state, the Cog/Settings Icon is blue while the menu is open and grey when the menu is closed/collaped.
Unfortunately it is not possible to be certain that this was the exact issue that you encountered, as the shared screenshot doesn't depict the capture settings.
Hopefully this knowledge proves valuable should you encounter the same behaviour in the future.

WP7 controls: When to set VisualState after recovering from Tombstone?

My question is simple: WHEN (on what event?) can I be sure that a control has fully loaded and has its states and templates also?
Why am I asking:
I'm trying to restore the state of my own WP7 control after recovering from tombstone. This control looks like a calendar in a weekly view. In this calendar you can select many items displayed as colored Rectangles.
If I select any of them, and then go to tombstone and come back to the page, it seems like my control forgot which Rectangles were selected. In fact, it did NOT forget the data itself, but the Rectangles forgot their selected state.
After recovering from tombstone, I try to select the Rectangles by setting their VisualState to "Selected" (which works in any other scenario). I found out, that it fails, because VisualStateManager can't find the "Selected" state.
I know this is tricky, because when coming back from tombstone the controls do not build exactly as in any "normal" case. (for example Bindings and Templates do not apply in the same order) But up until now I could always trust, that when FrameworkElement.Loaded fired, I had my controls ready. Now it seems like VisualState is not. (I tried to set the state from Loaded event handler, but results are the same, VisualStateManager.GoToState returns with false.)
What more can I do?
This is a tricky one! I have also experienced issues where UI events fire before the UI itself is fully constructed, see this blog post for an example. My general approach to this is to handle the LayoutUpdated event, which fires each time the visual tree is updated. You will find that this event fires multiple times, both before and after the Loaded event.
When the Layoutupdated event fires, you can check whether the visual state change has worked, if so, no longer handle the event. If not, keep trying!
Within your loaded event, try the following:
// try to set the state
if (VisualStateManager.GoToState(myControl, "myState") == false)
// if failed, wait for the next LayoutUpdated event
EventHandler updateHandler = null;
updateHandler = (s, e2) =>
if (VisualStateManager.GoToState(myControl, "myState") == false)
myControl.LayoutUpdated -= updateHandler;
myControl.LayoutUpdated += updateHandler;

Attaching double click event to a label

How can I attach a "clicked" event to a label? I tried GtkEventBox but had no luck with it.
Connect to the button-press-event signal on the EventBox.
Gtk# differentiates between Widgets and 'Containers'. Most widgets placed on a Gtk# form will NOT receive mouse click events. In order to receive a mouse event you need to place the widget inside a specific container - like EventBox:
Add an EventBox containter to your form. You can place it behind other Widgets or since it is not visible, unless you specifically select it to be (or change its background color).
Put your label widget inside this EventBox. Notice that the label will get the shape and size of the EventBox.
Add to this EventBox the signal 'ButtonPressEvent' out of the "Common Widget Signals".
If you need to identify the button that was clicked while handling this event, use the uint value in: args.Event.Button typically '1' will be the left mouse button, '2' the center button and '3' the right button ('2' might be also when both left and right buttons are clicked).
It seems you don't need EventBox at all: Since the problem is that labels don't have any associated X11 window, just give it one with set_has_window(True)! The following works for me:
self.label = Gtk.Label()
self.label.connect("button-press-event", self.click_label)
The documentation says it should only be used for implementing widgets - but hey, it works. Who cares about "should"?
2019-04-17 Update:
ptomato here is right, GtkLabel is one of the exceptions that indeed requires an eventbox, so you should connect to the button-press-event signal of the eventbox. For other widgets, the set/add events APIs in my original answer should be still relevant.
Original (wrong) answer:
Connect to the button-press-event signal, but directly on the GtkLabel. I'd say you don't need an eventbox here, as GtkLabel already inherits this signal from GtkWidget. To enable the GtkLabel to receive those events, you need first to call gtk_widget_set_events or gtk_widget_add_events, and add the sensitivity to the GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK event.

How to make selection on QGraphicsScene?

I'm writing a diagram editor in Qt with Graphics View Framework.
Currently I'm just trying to create a simple Node (QGraphicsItem) on GraphScene (QGraphicsScene). I created a Canvas (QGraphicsView) and added a grid to it. I can even add Nodes and move them around on scene. My final goal is to have different working modes, editing and styling options, etc. For now I just want to know how can I setup selection for Nodes already present on scene. I tried doing it with mouse events but noticed that event calls for selection and Node insertion overlap... When I try to select something a new Node is created... This is my first Qt application so I don't fully understand how the functionality I want to achieve should be designed.
How the Selection Rectangle should be properly drawn?
How should I manage mouse events that conflict with each other?
You can use a checkable button/action(that's a QPushButton/QAction with a checkable property set to 'true) to switch between Edit & Insert mode. Then you check the state in your mouse event and insert a new item only if you're in Insertion mode.
You can also distinct between mouse buttons - insert item when dragged with the right button for example
Or use QKeyboardModifiers - for example: on drag + Ctrl - insert item.
Hope this helps.
In case of the overlapping mouse events, you should have a single place (like QGraphicsView to handle the mouse clicking/moving events) and create a state machine and then handle the events according to the state you are in. You need to plan your architecture well and that can be really complex task.
set your state enum/constants
refer to the current machine state in your events in your if conditions
keep your "business logic" on a single place
Like it's shown in these two NodeEditor tutorials #11 and #12: and
If you still want more in depth explanation of the functionality and events of Qt, here is a full list of tutorials with implementing all possible features like dragging edges to nodes, selecting them and deleting them, cutting edges, serialization, etc., you can have a look on the whole list of 50 tutorials I've recorded here:
I'm putting a link to the whole list, since it's not possible to write all the code on this page...

Removing focus from all objects in Visual Basic 6

Is there a method such that a user can click on the form itself, and in doing so remove focus from whatever object (textbox, combobox, etc) currently has it? Basically, can focus be uniformly removed from everything at once?
Setting the focus to the form itself does not work.
I thought about doing the old "hide a placeholder button behind another object" trick, but I'm really not a fan of that.
In VB6 a PictureBox can get focus, even if it does not contain any control.
In your case you can put a PictureBox with TabStop false, BorderStyle set to 0, TabIndex set to 0 behind every other control but not containing any focusable control and stretch it to ScaleWidth by ScaleHeight at run-time.
You have to put the labels and any windowless control in this background PictureBox too.
This way when the user clicks "on the form" the focus will "go away". With "no focus" Tab key will focus first control (the one with TabIndex set to 1).
When a form is active, something generally HAS to have focus. It sounds like you're just wanting to not "show" that a particular control has focus.
If that's the case, it's going to depend on the controls. Some have properties that control whether or not the specific control "indicates" its focus in some way.
But the built in Windows controls will always show their focus state unless you subclass them
Given this problem. I'd probably put a button on the form , then move it offscreen when the form loads. Make sure it's not a tab stop, but then when you want to hide focus, set focus specifically to the button, make sure the button is STILL in the tab order, even though it's not a tab stop, so the user can press tab while on the button and end up somewhere logical.
Don't have VB handy, but could you simply remove TabStop?
for x = 1 to me.Controls.count
me.Controls(x).TabStop = 0
I have a picturebox and a control on a form.
Private Sub cmdButton_Click
Exit sub
End sub
The control doesn't change its appearance, nor does the picturebox.
Of course you'll need to add an If-Then clause if you want the control to respond normally sometimes.
