Get text of all div with a same class CasperJS - casperjs

I am new in casperJS and, I will appreciate someone telling me how to scrape all information with the same css class of a website.
for example, there is a list of items and all items have the same css class, I want to retrieve all the list.

I would recommend using casper.getElementsInfo():
casper.start('', function () {
var example = this.getElementsInfo('.example');


How do i request an Array from the controller from inside a javascript code

I am using Spring boot, JPA with mysql, and thymeleaf and openlayers for the map.
So i have a map, and on this map there are dynamically generated markers for different places. What I want is when I click any of those markers to send the name of the marker to my controller and in response get an array of fishes that can be caught in this specific area and then display the names and pictures of the fishes in a dynamically generated list located on the sidebar . I cant think on how I can achieve that. Ive made a HTML page to show how I want it to look.
I was thinking about making a get request and giving the name as a path variable but then idk how I can do that request from the javascript when the button is clicked. Any ideas or concepts that I can read about are apreciated.
Most DOM elements in html are accessible in javascript via something like document.getelementbyid and typically if I remember this correctly most of the objects you can do something like domobject.addEventListener("click", myScript); and in myScripy make an http call to spring requesting the list of fish. I recommend setting some breakpoints in your JavaScript code via the dev console in your browser and looking through some of the objects that are produced
You can make a get request like described here.
Clicking on the markers would be similar to this example, but instead of showing a popup you make a GET request for more data
map.on('click', function (evt) {
const feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (feature) {
return feature;
if (feature) {
const name = feature.get('name');
// now make get request
// ....
If you are requesting an image you could use xhr as in or you could use fetch, similar to:
fetch(url).then(function(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.blob();
}).then(function(result) {
if (result) {
const imagesrc = URL.createObjectURL(result);

Is there any way to autocomplete a textbox in html using the data read from a phpspreadsheet? How should it be done on codeigniter?

I have been trying to find a way to read data from phpspreadsheet and populate it into a textbox in html using the autocomplete plugin in jquery. I have been trying to do it in codeigniter and I am relatively new to it. Can anyone tell me the steps to go through this process? I
I believe you can do this by having the spreadsheet data loaded on one page and then redirect them to a second page and include the data from the spreadsheet.
This all pseudo-code to show the idea that I'm trying to explain.
function index() {
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\IReadFilter;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
$spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($inputFileName);
$sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, false, true);
$_SESSION['sheetdata'] = $sheetData;
function secondpage() {
$data['sheetdata'] = $_SESSION['sheetdata'];
// use this for the autocomplete
// templaste stuff here

Conflict when loading a page multiple times with jQuery ajax load

I designed a ASP.NET page named kk-container.aspx to be used as a control which will be loaded in Default.aspx with jQuery load function. The page kk-container.aspx has many HTML controls and javascript events bound as in the example.
<!--Sample code from kk-container.aspx-->
<div id="kk-container">
<!--Many HTML controls here-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#kk-action").click(function () {
return false;
//Many javascript here.
I load this kk-container.aspx into Default.aspx with such code in the Default.aspx.
<div id="mycontainer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
Everything works fine up to here. However, I have to load this kk-container.aspx in a few more divs in the Default.aspx. This causes conflict in the id's of HTML controls. $("#kk-action").click() doesn't work for all. How can I solve this problem and load kk-container.aspx multiple times in one Default.aspx page.
More to say: I considered giving random id's for HTML controls for each load of kk-container.aspx. However I had already designed my stylesheet mostly with id selector. And I use a packet javascript, valums uploader, working in kk-container.aspx. It will also require edit. If there is a simpler way, I don't want to code all over.
I expected too much from jQuery and asked this question desperately. I should have decided first whether I will use "kk-container" thing once or multiple times in a page. For loading "kk-container" thing multiple times, I had to consider these:
Designing CSS using class selectors instead of id selectors.
Producing random id for my HTML elements like in this question.
Writing my javascript functions so that they work compatible with those random id's.
Therefore loadind "kk-container.aspx" in a page with jQuery load wouldn't cause any id conflicts.
Anyway, I did a mistake and didn't want to rewrite my code. I found a solution to load content of "kk-container.aspx" in my Default.aspx page without a problem. Instead of jQuery load function I used iframes.
Since there is already an item with id "kk-action",
Action (like this one)
loading a content having an item with id "kk-action" will cause trouble.
$("#mycontainer").load("kk-container.aspx?id=" + recordID); //troublesome method.
Instead create an iframe without border and load that content into iframe.
function btnEdit_Click(recordID) {
var kayitKutusuFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
kk-Frame.setAttribute("id", "kk-iframe");
kk-Frame.setAttribute("src", "kk-container.aspx?id=" + recordID);
kk-Frame.setAttribute("class", "kk-iframe"); //For border: none;
kk-Frame.setAttribute("frameBorder", "0");
kk-Frame.setAttribute("hspace", "0");
kk-Frame.setAttribute("onload", "heightAdapter();"); //For non-IE
if (isIE = /*#cc_on!#*/false) { //For IE
setTimeout(function () { heightAdapter() }, 500);
I didn't gave random id to "kk-iframe" because I will not use it mulitple times. It now resides in FaceBox. To make the iframe flawless, it needs to be auto-resized. My heightAdapter() function will do it. Not only when a content is loaded into iframe but also content changes dynamically because of my clicks.
Here is the actual code for resizing iframe to fit content by Guy Malachi.
function calcHeight(content) {
//find the height of the internal page
var the_height = content.scrollHeight;
//change the height of the iframe
document.getElementById("kk-iframe").height = the_height;
Here is my heightAdapter() function which will work both when content is loaded and when I clicked something causing content to expand.
function boyutAyarlayici() {
var content=document.getElementById("kk-Frame").contentWindow.document.body;
if (content.addEventListener) { //Forn non-IE
content.addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
else if (content.attachEvent) { //For IE
content.attachEvent('onclick', function () {
And the following is a link in a repeater. Since the link will be replicated, it should have unique id by asp server.
<a href="#mycontainer" rel="facebox" id='btnEdit-<%# Eval("ID") %>'
onclick='btnEdit_Click(<%# Eval("ID") %>); return false;'>Düzenle</a>
Now, whenever I click one of the replica links, the content having an item with id "kk-action" can be loaded into the my flawless iframe which will be created in "mycontainer".
<div id="mycontainer" class="kk-iframe" style="display:none"></div>
And the content will be shown in my fancy FaceBox.
You're going to have to use classes to style the elements. There can only be one unique ID per page, so you are going to have to generate different IDs or use class selectors in your JavaScript such as:
The above is probably the best way to go as it will give every element with that class the binding

How to open thumbnail wrapper of the image gallery automatically when the page loads ? (jQuery)

I need to tell you that i'm very new to jquery and still learning, please don't laugh at this. I wanted to have an image gallery on my website and found this beautiful gallery that uses jquery. Here is the link for it:
So there is this snippet that helps the user to click on the album or rather the arrow next to it, to open and close the thumbnail wrapper for the album. All I want is for the first album to open automatically when the webpage is loaded completely. I guess we might have to use the .load() method but I'm not sure how to use it. The code that is inserted here has both the functions to open and close the album, I just wanted to automate the opening part.
//clicking on the menu items (up and down arrow)
//makes the thumbs div appear, and hides the current
//opened menu (if any)
$list.find('.st_arrow_down').live('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $elem = $this.closest('li');
'height': '170px'
}, 200);
var $thumbs_wrapper = $this.parent().next();
$list.find('.st_arrow_up').live('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
I tried getting help from the original author of this script but unfortunately she is not responding. Looking forward to your kind assistance. Thanks in advance!!
This 2 lines:
search for HTML elements with class="st_arrow_down" or class="st_arrow_down"
and bind event "click" on these
This code on
$(document).ready(function () {
var $elem = $('.album').first();
var cnt = $elem.find('.st_wrapper').first().css('display','block');
When DOM is ready, you search first album then show animation and display the imgs

Linking Directly to a Tab using Prototype

I'm using Magento to build a storefront - I'm not used to Prototype, but that's what they use by default, so I'm trying to play nice. I have used the tabs setup provided in the Modern theme (built by the Magento team), and I've integrated it into my theme and it works great.
Where I need help is in directly linking to a specific tab - I've created a tab to house the product reviews, and that works fine, but there are links higher up on the page that link to reviews - however, they are linking to another page, which I would rather not use. I'm not familiar with the prototype being used, and I don't know what the link would look like to link to the tab - I'd like the experience to be something similar to:
1) Click on the link
2) The reviews tab opens and the page moves you down to it - like a run-of-the-mill anchor.
The href value of the tab is simply:
The javascript that runs the operation is this:
Varien.Tabs = Class.create();
Varien.Tabs.prototype = {
initialize: function(selector) {
var self=this;
$$(selector+' a').each(this.initTab.bind(this));
initTab: function(el) {
el.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
if ($(el.parentNode).hasClassName('active')) {
el.observe('click', this.showContent.bind(this, el));
showContent: function(a) {
var li = $(a.parentNode), ul = $(li.parentNode);'li', 'ol').each(function(el){
var contents = $('_contents');
if (el==li) {
} else {
new Varien.Tabs('.product-tabs');
My guess is that I need to invoke the showContent function and just force it to use the reviews tab, but I'm not quite sure how to do this. If anyone could shed some light on it, I'd appreciate it.
Not entirely the right answer, ie it cheats a bit, but we solved this by using jQuery's 'click()' function to simulate the tab click.
Gave the reviews tab title anchor an id of 'tab-reviews-tab' and in our link at the top of the page added the following JS:
Obviously it would be silly to include jQuery just for this, but if you're using it for something else already, sticking to what you know can work!
If someone is still interested in a solution, here is a hint to the same question:
souce link
Hope this can help u.
The answer to your question is on gist and ipaste.
Here's this summary:
You need to save the Varien.Tabs object in a var so replace the new Varien.Tabs('.product-tabs'); with var csTabs = new Varien.Tabs('.product-tabs');
If you are only doing this one time just create link as such:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:csTabs.showContent($$('#product_tabs_email_or_other_id a')[0]);" >The Link</a>
If you expect to do this often just add a new method to the Varien.Tabs (at line 75)
openTab: function(b) {
var controlledLink = $$("#"+b+" a")[0];
Now your links work like this:
Further Info
