Helix Toolkit wpf Documentation - helix-3d-toolkit

I am fairly new to WPF and Helix toolkit. I am trying to learn how to create a 3D model with Helix Toolkit WPF. However, I could not find any documentation about Helix objects, methods, and properties. So, I was wondering if any documentation exist for objects and methods of Helix? If yes, where can I find it?
Thank you very much.

The documentation on the website is very basic. There was also a new release which, as far as I know, is not in sync with the documentation.
But you can check out the source from github and have a look at the example projects. There are a lot of them. You can build and run them in VisualStudio.


how do i add a library to xamarin android?

This sounds like a very simple question, but please don't have a go at me. I have tried searching. perhaps i'm just using the wrong terminology.
I'm not new to visual studio, i've been using it ever since version 6... but i am relatively new to .net.
I have written apps which used nuget libraries. this is a piece of cake. but now I want to use this library:
how on earth do i add this? There's no nuget?

Xamarin.Forms dependecy injection for native accessibility features

I would like to know if it was possible to perform dependency injection for native platforms accessibility features, as Automation Properties is not good enough.
By this, I mean that I would like to add hints/descriptions and other native accessibility features to my Xamarin. Forms view items such as entries or labels. If it isn't possible or this is a silly way of doing it, is there another way to apply native accessibility?
Pointing me in the right direction or a small example would be very helpful :D Thank you

Is there a way to replicate the Wix Repeater element in swift / xcode?

I have created a webapp using Wix, which relies heavily on the repeater element to display content from a database inside a repeating element. Repeaters do pretty much exactly what I want, but I realize they are built on a pretty sophisticated API, and there's a lot of stuff making this happen in the background.
Ultimately for this project, a native iOS app is the end goal. However, I have no experience in xcode - but willing to learn. Before I get in too deep, is there any kind of functionality I could find to achieve something like this?
Thanks in advance
You can't convert Wix Repeater element to Xcode. But, you can make deep customization to your Wix elements by using Wix Corvid.
If you not familiar with it, it's is a developing platform integrated into the Wix ecosystem that allows users to build advanced sites. Among other things, it’s able to create and manage databases, build dynamic pages, host user-generated content and more.

F# and OpenTK in Windows Forms

Does anyone know a good tutorial of using F# and OpenTK in Windows Forms?
These links I've already seen:
Thank you!
I believe the examples in the fsxplat project should be a decent starting point. There are two ways you can use OpenTK with WinForms.
If you're creating an application that has just one OpenTK window, then you can inherit from GameWindow and implement your logic in OnRenderFrame. Then you just create an instance of your object and call Run. This approach is used for example in the cube tutorial.
If you want to use OpenTK as part of a larger application, you can create a standard Form and add GLControl (from OpenTK.GLControl.dll), which is a standard WinForms control that renders content using OpenTK. You can find an example in DrawingForm type here.

Is there a good MVVM/MVP/MVC framework for JavaFX?

JavaFX with it's binding seems great technology for building UI layer, replacing PHP+AJAX, but are there any frameworks for building database forms applications with JavaFX, or it is meant to write everything from scratch?
You should give a try to some recent libraries :
JRebirth Application Framework to structure your whole application
FXForm to manage form
DataFX to manage complex tables etc..
You can find more tools at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/community/3rd-party-1844355.html
Eric Bruno has a nice write up on JavaFX and Database using JavaFX Composer. See his articles at DrDobbs
