Serving web page with Docker using custom /etc/host on host machine - laravel

I have added a host/ip to my macbook pro's /etc/hosts file. So something like: example.test
What I would like to do is run a web server with Docker that utilizes the hostname, instead of 'localhost'
I can't figure out how to make this work. I have a laravel project running, and can make it serve to localhost with Docker via:
php artisan serve --host=
I have tried using the --add-host flag with Docker's run command when I start the container. So something like:
docker container run -it -p 80:80 -v $(pwd)app --add-host example.test: my-custom-container bash
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am pretty stuck.

The --hostname argument provides the hostname of the container itself.
docker container run --hostname example.test -it -p 80:80 -v $(pwd)app --add-host example.test: my-custom-container bash
$ docker run -it debian
root#2843ba8b9de5:/# hostname
root#2843ba8b9de5:/# exit
$ docker run -it --hostname debian
root#foo:/# hostname


"docker run -p" assigned the localhost IP but did not effect on Macos

I use the following command to create a container on MacOS,my docker version is "Docker for Mac",
docker run -itd --name dns-mysql1 --network=host -p brilliance/dns-mysql:latest
but when it starts,it does not affect,the mapped port and IP address has changed,
As follows:
but it does work on Ubuntu or other Linux system. I want to know why.

Run Laravel docker image with exposing ports -p

I have a laravel app but I can't make it run with docker run command. The last two instructions are
CMD ["php", "artisan", "serve","--port=9000"]
I am trying to make it run trying with:
docker run -p 9000:9000 my_image:latest
docker run --net="host" -p 9000:9000 my_image:latest
docker run --net="bridge" -p 9000:9000 my_image:latest
The only thing I see is the classic laravel output
Laravel development server started: <>
What am I missing?
The problem is, i.e., the server is bound to localhost within the container, instead of listening on an external interface. The solution is to use the --host argument, which will bind the server to all available interfaces.
CMD ["php", "artisan", "serve", "--host", "", "--port=9000"]

Connecting to rethinkdb (or any other app running on an http port) from the Docker OS X beta

I've installed the Docker for Mac beta which allows you to use docker commands directly. I want to try to run rethinkdb through docker, so I've followed the instructions of the rethinkdb docker container docs and done the following:
docker run --name some-rethink -v "$PWD:/data" -d rethinkdb
This works, and I can see the container with docker ps and start shell with docker exec -it /bin/bash
However, I can't connect to the admin panel on my Mac directly with their suggestion
$BROWSER "http://$(docker inspect --format \
'{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' some-rethink):8080"
This essentially amounts to google-chrome, but this doesn't work. I asked around and was told
You can't use the docker private ip address space to access the ports
You have to forward them to the mac
However, I'm not sure how to do this as I don't have any port forwarding tools I'm familiar with such as ssh on the container itself. Using the suggested port forwarding command in the rethinkdb container docs ssh -fNTL ... but with localhost instead of remote does not work.
How can I connect to the rethinkdb admin panel through http with the docker beta on a Mac?
Try forwarding the container port using the -p flag in the docker run command, e.g.:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name some-rethink -v "$PWD:/data" -d rethinkdb
and then it should be accessible on localhost,
Relevant docker run docs:

Can't access docker-machine IP on Windows

I'm using Docker Terminal on Windows running a container from my nginx image and when I access the docker-machine IP on my browser I get "CONNECTION_REFUSED".
This is command that I used to run the container
docker run -it -d -v /home/user/html:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 80:80 myimage
Check if your container is running (docker ps)
Log in your container to see if there is any error log (docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash)
Make sure you are using correct IP address (docker-machine ip container_name)
It's very important to check logs with docker logs <container name>
After that, you'll see if connection refused is due to a
Address visibility problem.
NginX configuration problem.
Port 80 is already being used.

Not able to access Kibana running in a Docker container on port 5601

I have built a docker image with the following Docker file.
# gunicorn-flask
FROM devdb/kibana
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python python-pip python-virtualenv gunicorn
# Setup flask application
RUN mkdir -p /deploy/app
COPY /deploy/
COPY app /deploy/app
RUN pip install -r /deploy/app/requirements.txt
WORKDIR /deploy/app
EXPOSE 5000 5601 9200
# Start gunicorn
CMD ["/usr/bin/gunicorn", "--config", "/deploy/", "listener:app"]
I am running the container from the image created from this Docker file as follows.
sudo docker run -p 5601:5601 -p 9200:9200 -p 5000:5000 -v /home/Workspace/xits/config/elasticsearch.yml:/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml -v /home/Workspace/xits/config/kibana.yml:/opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml es-kibana-gunicorn:latest
The issue I am facing is that I cannot access Kibana port 5601 on my host machine. My browser page says ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I am able to access port 5000 though.
I can't figure out why this is.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The parent Dockerfile devdb/kibana is using a script to start kibana and elasticsearch when the docker container is started. See CMD ["/sbin/my_init"] and the script itself.
When in your own Dockerfile you use the CMD instruction, you override the one from the parents Dockerfiles.
Since your CMD only starts gunicorn, elasticsearch and kibana won't ever be started. That's why there is no response on their respective network ports.
The Docker image you inherits from inherits itself from phusion/baseimage which has its own way of making multiple processes run in Docker containers. I recommend you follow the instructions on their README file to learn how to add your gunicorn to the list of services to start. Basically you would have to define a script named run and add it to your docker image within the /etc/service/<service name>/ directory.
In your Dockerfile, add:
COPY run /etc/service/gunicorn/
and the run script should be something similar to:
cd /deploy/app
/usr/bin/gunicorn --config /deploy/ listener:app
