ThreeJS triangulateShape returning null - three.js

I am trying to create a custom shape using ThreeJS triangulateShape.
For example: if the points are: ["-1 0 1", "-1 0 -1", "1 0 -1", "1 0 1"] a simple square, it should automatically create the faces formed by triangles: ["0 1 2", "0 2 3"].
I am trying to use the shapeUtils.triangulateShape function but it fails. The code looks like this:
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
var points = (vertex) {
return vertex.split(' ').map(function(x){return parseFloat(x);});
for(var i =0; i < points.length; i++) {
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(points[i][0], points[i][1], points[i][2]));
var holes =[];
var triangles = THREE.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( geometry.vertices, holes );
It creates a null array. I guess something is wrong in passing the params to triangulateShape but cannot figure out. Thanks

ShapeUtils.triangulateShape only accepts a 2D contour as the first parameter. You are applying 3D data.


ThreeJS - THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere() Gives Error: NaN Position Values

I am creating a simple THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry using Threejs. The surface is a geologic surface in the earth.
This surface has local gaps or 'holes' in it represented by NaN's. I have read another similar, but older, post where the suggestion was to fill the position Z component with 'undefined' rather than NaN. I tried that but get this error:
THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere(): Computed radius is NaN. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.
PlaneBufferGeometry {uuid: "8D8EFFBF-7F10-4ED5-956D-5AE1EAD4DD41", name: "", type: "PlaneBufferGeometry", index: Uint16BufferAttribute, attributes: Object, …}
Here is the TypeScript function that builds the surface:
AddSurfaces(result) {
let surfaces: Surface[] = result;
if (this.surfaceGroup == null) {
this.surfaceGroup = new THREE.Group();
surfaces.forEach(surface => {
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 'blue', side: THREE.DoubleSide });
let mesh: Mesh2D = surface.arealMesh;
let values: number[][] = surface.values;
let geometry: PlaneBufferGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(mesh.width, mesh.height, mesh.nx - 1, mesh.ny - 1);
var positions = geometry.getAttribute('position');
let node: number = 0;
// Surfaces in Three JS are ordered from top left corner x going fastest left to right
// and then Y ('j') going from top to bottom. This is backwards in Y from how we do the
// modelling in the backend.
for (let j = mesh.ny - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
for (let i = 0; i < mesh.nx; i++) {
let value: number = values[i][j];
if(!isNaN(values[i][j])) {
positions.setZ(node, -values[i][j]);
else {
positions.setZ(node, undefined); /// This does not work? Any ideas?
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
plane.receiveShadow = true;
plane.castShadow = true;
let xOrigin: number = mesh.xOrigin;
let yOrigin: number = mesh.yOrigin;
let cx: number = xOrigin + (mesh.width / 2.0);
let cy: number = yOrigin + (mesh.height / 2.0);
// translate point to origin
let tempX: number = xOrigin - cx;
let tempY: number = yOrigin - cy;
let azi: number = mesh.azimuth;
let aziRad = azi * Math.PI / 180.0;
// now apply rotation
let rotatedX: number = tempX * Math.cos(aziRad) - tempY * Math.sin(aziRad);
let rotatedY: number = tempX * Math.sin(aziRad) + tempY * Math.cos(aziRad);
cx += (tempX - rotatedX);
cy += (tempY - rotatedY);
plane.position.set(cx, cy, 0.0);
I have read another similar, but older, post where the suggestion was to fill the position Z component with 'undefined' rather than NaN.
Using undefined will fail in the same way like using NaN. BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere() computes the radius based on Vector3.distanceToSquared(). If you call this method with a vector that contains no valid numerical data, NaN will be returned.
Hence, you can't represent the gaps in a geometry with NaN or undefined position data. The better way is to generate a geometry which actually represents the geometry of your geologic surface. Using ShapeBufferGeometry might be a better candidate since shapes do support the concept of holes.
three.js r117
THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry:: parameters: {
width: number;
height: number;
widthSegments: number;
heightSegments: number;
widthSegments or heightSegments should be greater 1 ,if widthSegments < 1 ,widthSegments may be equal 0 or nan.
In my case, it was happening when I tried to create a beveled shape based on a single vector or a bunch of identical vectors - so there was only a single point. Filtering out such shapes solved the issue.

THREEJS - Indexed BufferGeometry with 2 materials

I want to create ONE single buffer geometry that can hold many materials.
I have read that in order to achieve this in BufferGeometry, I need to use groups. So I created the following "floor" mesh:
var gg=new THREE.BufferGeometry(),vtx=[],fc=[[],[]],mm=[
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color:0xff0000 }),
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color:0x0000ff })
for(var y=0 ; y<11 ; y++)
for(var x=0 ; x<11 ; x++) {
if(x&&y) {
var p=(vtx.length/3)-1;
gg.addAttribute('position',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(vtx,3));
Array.prototype.push.apply(fc[0],fc[1]); gg.setIndex(fc[0]);
scene.add(new THREE.Mesh(gg,mm));
looking at the example in can see that the BLUE material looks weird.
Single material showup OK.
2 materials with group as above, in any case show the BLUE really strage.
Changing the 1st group to start=0, count=200 (for all triangles) and removing the 2nd group, will show MORE squares of RED (obviously) but still NOT in the way I would like it to show.
Changing the 1st group count to any value greater than 200 will cause a crash (obviously) of attempting to access vertex out of range...
Is anyone know clearly what shall I do?
I am using THREE.js v.101 and I prefer to not create special custom shader for that, or add another vertex buffer to duplicate those I already have, and I prefer to not create 2 meshes as this may get much more complicated with advanced models.
Check out this:
fix #1 - don't define group 0
fix #2 - 2nd parameter in .addGroup is buffer length, it must be multiple of 3 (100 was wrong)
var gg = new THREE.BufferGeometry(),
vtx = [],
fc = [[],[]],
mm = [
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
color: 0xff0000
new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
color: 0x0000ff
for (var y = 0; y < 11; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < 11; x++) {
vtx.push(x - 5, 0, y - 5);
if (x && y) {
var p = (vtx.length / 3) - 1;
fc[(x % 2) ^ (y % 2)].push(
p, p - 11, p - 1,
p - 1, p - 11, p - 12
gg.addAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(vtx, 3));
// group 0 is everything, unless you define group 1
// fix #1 - don't define group 0
// fix #2 - 2nd parameter is buffer length, it must be multiple of 3 (100 was wrong)
gg.addGroup(0, 102, 1);
scene.add(new THREE.Mesh(gg, mm));

How fill a loaded STL mesh ( NOT SIMPLE SHAPES LIKE CUBE ETC) with random particles and animate with this geometry bound in three.js

How I can fill a loaded STL mesh ( like suzane NOT SIMPLE SHAPES LIKE CUBE etc) with random particles and animate it inside this geometry bounds with three.js ?
I see many examples but all of it for simple shapes with geometrical bounds like cube or sphere with limit by coordinates around center
A concept, using a ray, that counts intersections of the ray with faces of a mesh, and if the number is odd, it means that the point is inside of the mesh:
function fillWithPoints(geometry, count) {
var ray = new THREE.Ray()
var size = new THREE.Vector3();
let bbox = geometry.boundingBox;
let points = [];
var dir = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1).normalize();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let p = setRandomVector(bbox.min, bbox.max);
function setRandomVector(min, max){
let v = new THREE.Vector3(
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.x, max.x),
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.y, max.y),
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.z, max.z)
if (!isInside(v)){return setRandomVector(min, max);}
return v;
function isInside(v){
ray.set(v, dir);
let counter = 0;
let pos = geometry.attributes.position;
let faces = pos.count / 3;
let vA = new THREE.Vector3(), vB = new THREE.Vector3(), vC = new THREE.Vector3();
for(let i = 0; i < faces; i++){
vA.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 0);
vB.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 1);
vC.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 2);
if (ray.intersectTriangle(vA, vB, vC)) counter++;
return counter % 2 == 1;
return new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
The concepts from the previous answer is very good, but it has some performance limitations:
the whole geometry is tested with every ray
the recursion on points outside can lead to stack overflow
Moreover, it's incompatible with indexed geometry.
It can be improved by creating a spatial hashmap storing the geometry triangles and limiting the intersection test to only some part of the mesh.

Morphing vertices' positions between multiple 3d models with three.js

I am trying to transition between 3+ 3D models with some nice perlin noise based on user input, just like this:
I can easily transition between two models in my vertex shader, passing down a u_morphFactor uniform variable, which I tween between 0 and 1 (0 = first model, 1 = second model). My question is how should I do it with 3 or more models.
Here is how I handle my geometry:
class CustomGeometry extends THREE.BufferGeometry {
// pass down the two models' reference geometries
constructor (geo1, geo2) {
let { count } = geo1.attributes.position
let timeArray = new Float32Array(count)
let targetArray = new Float32Array(count)
for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 3) {
// assign next model's vertex position to the current one.
// if there are is no corresponding vertex, simply move to vec3(0, 0, 0)
targetArray[i + 0] = geo2.attributes.position.array[i + 0] || 0
targetArray[i + 1] = geo2.attributes.position.array[i + 1] || 0
targetArray[i + 2] = geo2.attributes.position.array[i + 2] || 0
// assign position AND targetPosition as attributes, so we can transition between them
this.addAttribute('a_targetPosition', new THREE.BufferAttribute(targetArray, 3))
this.addAttribute('position', geo1.attributes.position)
Now with the two models' vertices uploaded to the GPU, I can pass down the uniform and make my transition:
let uniforms = {
u_time: { value: 0 },
u_morphFactor: { value: 0 } // show first model by default
And the GLSL is:
vec3 new_position = mix(position, a_targetPosition, u_morphFactor);
However, I still can't wrap my head around how should I approach this same technique with 3 or more models. I guess I have to mess with the shader math that handles u_morphFactor..
TL;DR: I know how to map vertices from one 3D model to the next, simply going from 0 to 1 in my shaders. How do I do this with 3 or more models?

Three.js - How to use the frames option in ExtrudeGeometry

I can't find anywhere an explaination about how to use the frames option for ExtrudeGeometry in Three.js. Its documentation says:
extrudePath — THREE.CurvePath. 3d spline path to extrude shape along. (creates Frames if (frames aren't defined)
frames — THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames. containing arrays of tangents, normals, binormals
but I don't understand how frames must be defined. I think using the "frames" option, passing three arrays for tangents, normals and binormals (calculated in some way), but how to pass them in frames?... Probably (like here for morphNormals):
frames = { tangents: [ new THREE.Vector3(), ... ], normals: [ new THREE.Vector3(), ... ], binormals: [ new THREE.Vector3(), ... ] };
with the three arrays of the same lenght (perhaps corresponding to steps or curveSegments option in ExtrudeGeometry)?
Many thanks for an explanation.
Edit 1:
String.prototype.format = function () {
var str = this;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
str = str.replace('{' + i + '}', arguments[i]);
return str;
var numSegments = 6;
var frames = new THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames( new THREE.SplineCurve3(spline), numSegments );
var tangents = frames.tangents,
normals = frames.normals,
binormals = frames.binormals;
var tangents_list = [],
normals_list = [],
binormals_list = [];
for ( i = 0; i < numSegments; i++ ) {
var tangent = tangents[ i ];
var normal = normals[ i ];
var binormal = binormals[ i ];
tangents_list.push("({0}, {1}, {2})".format(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z));
normals_list.push("({0}, {1}, {2})".format(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z));
binormals_list.push("({0}, {1}, {2})".format(binormal.x, binormal.y, binormal.z));
Edit 2
Times ago, I opened this topic for which I used this solution:
var spline = new THREE.SplineCurve3([
new THREE.Vector3(20.343, 19.827, 90.612), // t=0
new THREE.Vector3(22.768, 22.735, 90.716), // t=1/12
new THREE.Vector3(26.472, 23.183, 91.087), // t=2/12
new THREE.Vector3(27.770, 26.724, 91.458), // t=3/12
new THREE.Vector3(31.224, 26.976, 89.861), // t=4/12
new THREE.Vector3(32.317, 30.565, 89.396), // t=5/12
new THREE.Vector3(31.066, 33.784, 90.949), // t=6/12
new THREE.Vector3(30.787, 36.310, 88.136), // t=7/12
new THREE.Vector3(29.354, 39.154, 90.152), // t=8/12
new THREE.Vector3(28.414, 40.213, 93.636), // t=9/12
new THREE.Vector3(26.569, 43.190, 95.082), // t=10/12
new THREE.Vector3(24.237, 44.399, 97.808), // t=11/12
new THREE.Vector3(21.332, 42.137, 96.826) // t=12/12=1
var spline_1 = [], spline_2 = [], t;
for( t = 0; t <= (7/12); t+=0.0001) {
for( t = (7/12); t <= 1; t+=0.0001) {
But I was thinking the possibility to set the tangent, normal and binormal for the first point (t=0) of spline_2 to be the same of last point (t=1) of spline_1; so I thought if that option, frames, could return in some way useful for the purpose. Could be possible to overwrite the value for a tangent, normal and binormal in the respective list, to obtain the same value for the last point (t=1) of spline_1 and the first point (t=0) of spline_2, so to guide the extrusion? For example, for the tangent at "t=0" of spline_2:
tangents[0].x = 0.301;
tangents[0].y = 0.543;
tangents[0].z = 0.138;
doing the same also for normals[0] and binormals[0], to ensure the same orientation for the last point (t=1) of spline_1 and the first one (t=0) of spline_2
Edit 3
I'm trying to visualize the tangent, normal and binormal for each control point of "mypath" (spline) using ArrowHelper, but, as you can see in the demo (on scene loading, you need zoom out the scene slowly, until you see the ArrowHelpers, to find them. The relative code starts from line 122 to line 152 in the fiddle), the ArrowHelper does not start at origin, but away from it. How to obtain the same result of this reference demo (when you check the "Debug normals" checkbox)?
Edit 4
I plotted two splines that respectively end (blue spline) and start (red spline) at point A (= origin), displaying tangent, normal and binormal vectors at point A for each spline (using cyan color for the blue spline's labels, and yellow color for the red spline's labels).
As mentioned above, to align and make continuous the two splines, I thought to exploit the three vectors (tangent, normal and binormal). Which mathematical operation, in theory, should I use to turn the end face of blue spline in a way that it views the initial face (yellow face) of red spline, so that the respective tangents (D, D'-hidden in the picture), normals (B, B') and binormals (C, C') are aligned? Should I use the ".setFromUnitVectors (vFrom, VTO)" method of quaternion? In its documentation I read: << Sets this quaternion to the rotation required to rotate vFrom direction vector to vector direction VTO ... vFrom VTO and are assumed to be normalized. >> So, probably, I need to define three quaternions:
quaternion for the rotation of the normalized tangent D vector in the direction of the normalized tangent D' vector
quaternion for the rotation of the normalized normal B vector in the direction of the normalized normal B' vector
quaternion for the rotation of the normalized binormal C vector in the direction of the normalized binormal C' vector
vFrom = normalized D, B and C vectors
VTO ​​= normalized D', B' and C' vectors
and apply each of the three quaternions respectively to D, B and C (not normalized)?
Thanks a lot again
Edit 5
I tried this code (looking in the image how to align the vectors) but nothing has changed:
var numSegments_1 = points_1.length; // points_1 = list of points
var frames_1 = new THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames( points_1_spline, numSegments_1, false ); // path, segments, closed
var tangents_1 = frames_1.tangents,
normals_1 = frames_1.normals,
binormals_1 = frames_1.binormals;
var numSegments_2 = points_2.length;
var frames_2 = new THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames( points_2_spline, numSegments_2, false );
var tangents_2 = frames_2.tangents,
normals_2 = frames_2.normals,
binormals_2 = frames_2.binormals;
var b1_b2_angle = binormals_1[ binormals_1.length - 1 ].angleTo( binormals_2[ 0 ] ); // angle between binormals_1 (at point A of spline 1) and binormals_2 (at point A of spline 2)
var quaternion_n1_axis = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion_n1_axis.setFromAxisAngle( normals_1[ normals_1.length - 1 ], b1_b2_angle ); // quaternion equal to a rotation on normal_1 as axis
var vector_b1 = binormals_1[ binormals_1.length - 1 ];
vector_b1.applyQuaternion( quaternion_n1_axis ); // apply quaternion to binormals_1
var n1_n2_angle = normals_1[ normals_1.length - 1 ].angleTo( normals_2[ 0 ] ); // angle between normals_1 (at point A of spline 1) and normals_2 (at point A of spline 2)
var quaternion_b1_axis = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion_b1_axis.setFromAxisAngle( binormals_1[ binormals_1.length - 1 ], -n1_n2_angle ); // quaternion equal to a rotation on binormal_1 as axis
var vector_n1 = normals_1[ normals_1.length - 1 ];
vector_n1.applyQuaternion( quaternion_b1_axis ); // apply quaternion to normals_1
nothing in this other way also:
var numSegments_1 = points_1.length; // points_1 = list of points
var frames_1 = new THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames( points_1_spline, numSegments_1, false ); // path, segments, closed
var tangents_1 = frames_1.tangents,
normals_1 = frames_1.normals,
binormals_1 = frames_1.binormals;
var numSegments_2 = points_2.length;
var frames_2 = new THREE.TubeGeometry.FrenetFrames( points_2_spline, numSegments_2, false );
var tangents_2 = frames_2.tangents,
normals_2 = frames_2.normals,
binormals_2 = frames_2.binormals;
var quaternion_n1_axis = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion_n1_axis.setFromUnitVectors( binormals_1[ binormals_1.length - 1 ].normalize(), binormals_2[ 0 ].normalize() );
var vector_b1 = binormals_1[ binormals_1.length - 1 ];
vector_b1.applyQuaternion( quaternion_n1_axis );
var quaternion_b1_axis = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion_b1_axis.setFromUnitVectors( normals_1[ normals_1.length - 1 ].normalize(), normals_2[ 0 ].normalize() );
var vector_n1 = normals_1[ normals_1.length - 1 ];
vector_n1.applyQuaternion( quaternion_b1_axis );
