Creating Microsoft Flow Custom Connector fails with "Failed to upload file" - power-automate

I'm trying to create a Microsoft Flow Custom Connector, from an OpenAPI file, as described here.
It allows me to import the file, and correctly shows the actions in the UI. However when I come to click "Create Connector", it fails with the message "Failed to upload file XXX with size 7952 and sasUrl https://...".
When I look in the browser network log, I see it is making OPTIONS requests to:
Which are failing with "403 CORS not enabled or no matching rule found for this request". The request 'Origin' header is set to
It looks like CORS isn't enabled on the blob container, at least for
Using the same OpenAPI file, I can successfully create a Logic Apps Custom Connector, just not a Flow Custom Connector.
Has anyone else encountered, and worked around this problem?

I found same problem. I did manage to make it work by creating the custom connector in powerapps via instead and then could use it in Flow. Hope that helps.
I also found that can't create approvals connectors in UK Flow. At least in the default environment you can't. If you make a new environment they can work.


Version 4.0 localhost testing getting 3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid

I am currently testing the changes for version 4.0 of the protocol for PSD2 using Direct Integration.
I am running under Visual Studio using a localhost website address.
When calling the SagePay payment endpoint with ThreeDSNotificationURL set as a localhost address (http://localhost:15536/Payments/ThreeDResponse) I receive the following error '3228 : The ThreeDSNotificationURL field format is invalid.'
If I change this field to a fully qualified domain ( I no longer receive the error, but can't complete my testing.
Using localhost for the termurl in version 3.0 of the protocol works as expected.
I was attempting to work locally like your self and receiving the same issue. After speaking with support they confirmed that they will not accept "localhost". Also, the documentation suggests that HTTPS is a requirement, so this might also be a blocking factor.
I think someone suggested using ngrok as a means of tunneling external requests into your localhost, which is a good method to continue development locally whilst also being visible externally to services like SagePay.
Once I got passed the above issue, I got several more errors for other missing required fields as listed here; (note that if BrowserJavascriptEnabled is true all conditional fields are then required)
Did you URL encode the ThreeDSNotificationURL in your post?
I send it like that and it is ok:
I run the site on my local IIS for development.
I recently had this issue and I wanted to document it here, because searching for this issue gives very little in terms of results.
I was getting this error code when i switched my Opayo/SagePay extension (MageNest SagePay for Magento) to 3ds2.
As it turns out, the full URL wasn't being sent. It was trying to send sagepay/direct/postBack?form_key=HZuYxgiEq9w2CNFB and NOT It's partly my fault because there was a domain field in the config which was empty (it's not like the domain can't be retrieved automatically, huh) and partly the vendors fault because it was very badly documented.
So while this is a different problem for a different platform, I hope this helps someone.

Setting up ErpQueryEndpoint Destination for VDM

I have created a destination for VDM called ErpQueryEndpoint and have unsuccessfully attempted to obtain business partner info with one of the java VDM tutorials. Below is an export of that destination - I've tried this with and without TrustAll = true. When I use the 'Check Connection' button on the Destination screen, I get "302: Redirect" instead of 200. When I attempt to navigate to the URL below from Chrome, it re-directs me to a non-SAP logon screen. (I believe our Basis team has tried to set-up SSO with Azure.) I'm wondering if this redirection is what is causing my java VDM program to fail.
#Password=<< Existing password/certificate removed on export >>
#Mon Mar 11 15:17:38 UTC 2019
Description=ErpQueryEndPoint for java programs that use Virtual Data Model (VDM)
Thanks for your help. The tutorial program is now working. Getting a 302: Redirect when clicking 'Check Connection' was not the problem. Even though only the base URL was in the destination, I still needed to supply the credentials from the business partner communication arrangement. (It is also works for sales contracts when I supply the credentials from its respective communication arrangement.)

Google Drive API Console: Error saving Drive UI integration page

I have a webapp in production that interacts with Google Drive through Google Drive API.
I need to change some settings in Drive interaction but I can't save.
When I save the Drive UI integration page, I receive this error:
There's a problem at our end.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know using
the "Send feedback" link below. Thanks!
(spying Network console: there is an Internal Server Error in a POST call)
I tried to send feedback for months: nobody answers and the bug is still there.
I tried also to create another project: I can save the first time but then the bug returns.
How can I do? Has someone the same problem?
Is there a way to receive a reply from Google? Is there some workaround?
Thank you.
i think that problem must be Client ID
before adding Client ID, go to the Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs
then select edit your Client ID. after that your production site url add to Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs.
then enter your Client ID in Drive UI integration page
For myself trying to get the Drive UI configured I noticed a couple of errors (that don't have any specific error messages)
When adding in an Open URL it has to be a valid domain, so for instance I tried to test it out with local host, to no avail. However something like worked, but something like https://localhost:8888 does not. Even though https://localhost is a valid javascript origin in the client_id configuration (at least for the app I am working on, not sure about other apps), localhost doesn't work as an open URL.
When adding in the mimeTypes it needs to be in the format */* and can include custom mimeTypes like application/custom+xml and application/custom-name+json not sure for other custom types that are not in a particular format like xml or json. Also not sure about wildcards.
When adding in file extensions do not add in the '.' just the name of the file extension.
The app icon I found only failed to upload the image when the image wasn't the exact dimensions, I actually ended up editing some icons in photoshop to change the pixel x pixel values as a quick work around during dev.
That worked for me to get it to save and I tested it with a file that had a custom mimeType (application/custom-name+xml specifically) and custom file extension!

How do I Create a Custom Connector in Microsoft Flow with the correct request URL?

I am attempting to create a custom connector for the Clio API ( I was able to successfully authenticate and access the API in Postman, testing out quite a few different types of requests with good results.
Then I exported the collection to a Postman file and imported it into a new custom connector in my MS Flow account as instructed at As part of that process, I entered the following settings:
Scheme: HTTPS
Base URL: /
Within the custom connector requests, all the definitions looked acceptable, except that instead of having the fully qualified request URL, they did not include
For example, one request should use the following address:
The field in MS Flow, where URL should be entered, is grayed out and only includes /api/v4/contacts.json and looks like this:
The grayed out field cannot be typed in. Instead, I have clicked "Import from sample," which leads to a window where I can type in the fully qualified URL. After I do that and click the "import" button, the window still lists the partial URL as shown above.
At first I thought that was intentional, since I had entered the host elsewhere for the connector, and I thought that Flow would put them together to send the request to the right URL. But it did not: when I tested the operation, I got a 404 error:
"error": "{\r\n \"code\": 404,\r\n \"message\": \"Unable to match incoming request to an operation.\",\r\n \"source\": \"\",\r\n \"path\": \"\",\r\n \"clientRequestId\": \"500779d5-356d-4c79-bf96-caf2-f5bc2919\"\r\n}"
When I looked at the request, this is the URL:
So obviously Flow is not using the correct request URL, and I cannot figure out how to enter the fully qualified request URL. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?
I found another comment where someone else is having the same problem: so I'm not the only one. Thanks in advance for your help.
After some additional searching, the address in the request (with is the required redirect URL for the proxy per this post:, and is used when processing OAuth. But the crappy part of this is that I can't see the request URL so I can't troubleshoot. Is there any way to see what request the proxy server is sending out to the Clio API?
It's been a while since this question was posted, but let me give you a suggestion to include the /api/v4 part of the URL inside the Base URL property of the Flow. This way all your endpoints will use the specified version and you will not have to define them one by one in each request.
Except if you intentionally want to use different versions across the requests :) Anyways, I'm glad that you've been able to resolve the issue.

500 error when integrating multiple apps in one code base

I'm trying to set up an MVC application that will service several facebook applications for various clients. With help from Prabir's blog post I was able to set this up with v5.2.1 and it is working well, with one exception.
At first, I had only set up two "clients", one called DemoStore and the first client, ClientA. The application determines what client content and facebook settings to use based on the url. example canvasUrl:
This works for ClientA, but for some reason when I try any DemoStore routes I get a 500 error. The error page points to an issue with the web.config.
Config Error:
Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'facebookredirect.axd'
I am able to add additional clients with no problem, and changing DemoStore to something like "demo" while using the same facebook application settings works fine also.
Working calls:
http:// localhost:2888/ClientA/
http:// localhost:2888/ClientB/
http:// localhost:2888/Demo/
Failing call:
http:// localhost:2888/DemoStore/
I was thinking this might be an MVC issue, but the Config Error points to the facebookredirect handler. Why would the SDK try to add this value to the config during runtime, and only for this specific client?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to figure out what went wrong here. Silly mistake..
After I had set up the application routes to require the client_name I changed the Project Url in the project properties to point to demostore by default. When I hit ctrl+S a dialog popped up that I promptly entered through without reading.
When I changed the Project Url, IIS Express created a new virtual directory for the project. This was the source of my problem. Why? I'm not sure, but once I removed the second site from my applicationhost.config I was able to access the DemoStore routes.
Moral of the story: read the VS dialog messages!
