Get Entity Metadata in Spring boot and spring data jpa - spring-boot

I need to get entity Metadata like Id, column name, its length, null able etc. I am new to. Spring boot and we are using spring data jpa. Are there anu utility methods that can retrieve me list of columns and its Metadata information for the table in spring boot?
Please help me on this
Thanks in advance

You can use Java Reflection API to get all fields and read metadata information.


Spring boot Kotlin pagination without JPA

I am building a Spring Boot rest API with Kotlin. I tried to find some information on how to do pagination in Spring Boot, because I want to return only some fixed amount of data at once (and then if requested, next chunk of information).
I was able to find tutorials and code samples where people used JPA and then it seemed to be relatively simple to have an interface that extends PagingAndSortingRepository. This is not possible for me, I'm using jdbc templates in DAO to access my DB. How can paging be done here without using JPA?
There are also interfaces Page and Pageable at my disposal, but can these be used without JPA? And if yes, how?

Teiid Spring Boot - Configuring Multiple Data Sources

I started with Teiid Spring Boot simple example from the following url:
It uses two different data source to demonstrate Teiid Spring Boot's capability to interact and fetch data from multiple data sources. However, when I deployed my Teiid Spring Boot component it threw exceptions related to entityManagerFactory.
One of the sites that I came across related to Spring Boot says that in order to define and use multiple data sources I need to assign one as Primary and others as Secondary Data Source, as provide on this page:
Can someone please confirm if my understanding is correct? If i am required to define Primary and Secondary Data Source?
I am using Spring Boot 2.2.4 and Teiid 1.3.0
Thank you!
Purnima Das
Have you seen this working example here with a single database? Teiid 1.3.0 This can be easily extended to have two databases. It only works with Spring Boot 2.1.6.RELEASE right now. No need to define the primary and secondary with this framework. Follow the example.

Is there a way to add JPA annotations at runtime to JAXB generated bean classes using Spring Data JPA?

As part of project requirements, where we need to handle certain volume of data through REST call. Customer would call in a REST service, passing in a payload and distributed a jar of JAXB generated bean classes. Now these classes are not Entity beans by itself. Service should be able to use these JAXB objects and persists them as Entities using Spring Data JPA. But this required #Entity and other annotations required for JPA.
Is there a way to let Spring Data JPA know that these are entities and perform CRUD operations using JpaRespository etc? I know couple of options are discussed Separating JPA information from POJO and Is it possible to build a JPA entity by extending a POJO? . But those two are Hibernate specific solution and have control on the source code of the JAXB beans.
But I'm looking at solution more abstract in Spring Data JPA out of box.

How to benefit the auditing infra of spring data mongo?

Unlike spring data jpa I could not find the #EntitListeners annotation in spring data mongo which I could use along with #Document annotation on models for auditing purpose.
Early guidance will be highly appreciated.
There are LifeCycle Events like in JPA also for MongoDB.
Have a look at the documentation:

Can JaVers be integrated with Hibernate?

I've seen you can use JaVers to serialize changes to a database, but I can't find a good example about Spring or Hibernate integration. I would also know if I can change the generated table names and columns.
In Javers doc, there is the example you are looking for:
If you are using Spring Boot, examples for JaVers Spring Boot starter for SQL
We recommend using the second option - JaVers Spring Boot starter
