What the unexpected behavior Observable RxJS with async functions and toPromise? - rxjs

When i use only subscribe-method, it works truthy, but with this code - i don't understand the result.
const Observable = require("rxjs").Observable;
let i = 0;
const x = new Observable((o) => {
setInterval(() => o.next(++i), 1000);
(async () => {
while (true) {
try {
console.log("value", await x.toPromise());
} catch (e) {
x.subscribe((value) => {
console.log("subscribe", value);
This code result is:
subscribe 2
subscribe 4
subscribe 6
subscribe 8
subscribe 10
subscribe 12
subscribe 14
What's happened?
It works same with this variant of using toPromise
function a() {
x.toPromise().then((value) => {
console.log("promise", value);
}).catch((e) => {
console.log("error", value);

toPromise() is executed on an Observable on its completion. Since your observable is never actually completed, it does not execute. Use take(1) to force it to emit value before the completion of the observable.
const Observable = require("rxjs").Observable;
let i = 0;
const x = new Observable((o) => {
setInterval(() => o.next(++i), 1000);
(async () => {
while (true) {
try {
console.log("value", await x.take(1).toPromise());//here
} catch (e) {
x.subscribe((value) => {
console.log("subscribe", value);
subscribe 2
value 1
subscribe 4
value 5
subscribe 7
value 9
subscribe 11
value 14
As for the values:
take() will complete once atleast one value is emitted regardless of whether the source observable completes. So it really depends on what value the observable is emitting the next time the toPromise() is called


Delay batch of observables with RxJS

I perform http requests to my db and have noticed that if I send all the requests at once, some of them will get a timeout errors. I'd like to add a delay between calls so the server doesn't get overloaded. I'm trying to find the RxJS solution to this problem and don't want to add a setTimeout.
Here is what I currently do:
let observables = [];
for(let int = 0; int < 10000; int++){
observables.push(new Observable((observer) => {
db.add(doc[int], (err, result)=>{
data => {
error => {
() => {
You can indeed achieve this with Rxjs quite nicely. You'll need higher order observables, which means you'll emit an observable into an observable, and the higher order observable will flatten this out for you.
The nice thing about this approach is that you can easily run X requests in // without having to manage the pool of requests yourself.
Here's the working code:
import { Observable, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { mergeAll, take, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
// this is just a mock to demonstrate how it'd behave if the API was
// taking 2s to reply for a call
const mockDbAddHtppCall = (id, cb) =>
setTimeout(() => {
cb(null, `some result for call "${id}"`);
}, 2000);
// I have no idea what your response type looks like so I'm assigning
// any but of course you should have your own type instead of this
type YourRequestType = any;
const calls$$ = new Subject<Observable<YourRequestType>>();
tap({ complete: () => console.log(`All calls are done`) })
for (let id = 0; id < NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_TO_FETCH; id++) {
new Observable(observer => {
console.log(`Starting a request for ID "${id}""`);
mockDbAddHtppCall(id, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
And a live demo on Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-z1x5m9
Please open the console of your browser and note that the console log showing when a call is being triggered starts straight away for 3 of them, and then wait for 1 to finish before picking up another one.
Looks like you could use an initial timer to trigger the http calls. e.g.
This would only trigger the sendHttpRequest() method after the timer observable had completed.
So with your solution. You could do the following...
timer(delay + int).pipe(combineLatest(new Observable((observer) => {
db.add(doc[int], (err, result)=>{
Where delay could probably start off at 0 and you could increase it using the int index of your loop by some margin.
Timer docs: https://www.learnrxjs.io/learn-rxjs/operators/creation/timer
Combine latest docs: https://www.learnrxjs.io/learn-rxjs/operators/combination/combinelatest
merge with concurrent value:
mergeAll and mergeMap both allow you to define the max number of subscribed observables. mergeAll(1)/mergeMap(LAMBDA, 1) is basically concatAll()/concatMap(LAMBDA).
merge is basically just the static mergeAll
Here's how you might use that:
let observables = [...Array(10000).keys()].map(intV =>
new Observable(observer => {
db.add(doc[intV], (err, result) => {
merge(...observables, MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS).subscribe({
next: data => {},
error: err => console.log(err),
complete: () => db.close()
Of note: This doesn't batch your calls, but it should solve the problem described and it may be a bit faster than batching as well.
mergeMap with concurrent value:
Perhaps a slightly more RxJS way using range and mergeMap
range(0, 10000).pipe(
mergeMap(intV =>
new Observable(observer => {
db.add(doc[intV], (err, result) => {
next: data => {},
error: err => console.log(err),
complete: () => db.close()

Invoking observables with Subject next() not working

Why does this function only work once? I click a button to call the next() on the Subject queue which works but if I click the other button it doesn't work.
getData(text): Observable<string> {
const timer$ = timer(2000);
const observable = new Observable<string>(observer => {
map(() => {
observer.next('http response ' + text);
return observable;
I setup a Subject and use next() which should make the observable emit data.
queue = new Subject();
streamA$: Observable<string>;
streamB$: Observable<string>;
images$: Observable<string>;
constructor(private timerService: TimerService) {
ngOnInit() {
this.streamA$ = this.timerService.getData('a');
this.streamB$ = this.timerService.getData('b');
this.images$ = this.queue.pipe(concatMap((data: string) => data));
clickA() {
clickB() {
<button (click)="clickA()">Click A</button>
<button (click)="clickB()">Click B</button>
<div>{{images$ | async}}</div>
You're using concatMap(). This emits all the events emitted from the first observable emitted by the subject, then all the events emitted by the second observable emitted by the subject.
But the first observable never completes, so there's no way for the second observable to ever emit anything.
If you want the observable returned by the service to emit once after 2 seconds then complete, all you need is
return timer(2000).pipe(
map(() => 'http response ' + text)

Chain Observable Queue

Coming from the Promise world, I can implement a queue function that returns a Promise that won't execute until the previous Promise resolves.
var promise = Promise.resolve();
var i = 0;
function promiseQueue() {
return promise = promise.then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(++i);
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 1
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 2
promiseQueue().then(result => {
console.log(result); // 3
// -> 1, 2, 3
I'm trying to recreate this queue-like function using Observables.
var obs = Rx.Observable.of(undefined);
var j = 0;
function obsQueue() {
return obs = obs.flatMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.of(++j);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 1
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 3
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log(result); // 6
// -> 1, 3, 6
Every time I subscribe, it re-executes the history of the Observable, since at the time of subscription the "current Observable" is actually an Observable which emits multiple values, rather than the Promise that just waits until the last execution has completed.
flatMap isn't the answer for this use case, and nearly all the "chain" and "queue" answers I can find online are about chaining several Observables that are part of one overall Observable, where flatMap is the correct answer.
How can I go about creating the above Promise queue function using Observables?
For context, this queue function is being used in a dialog service, which dictates only one dialog can be shown at a time. If multiple calls are made to show different dialogs, they only appear one at a time in the order that they were called.
If you change:
return obs = obs.flatMap...
return obs.flatMap...
You will see the same output as you do with promises (1, 2, 3).
To chain observables such that the next one is not executed until the previous one is complete, use the concat operator
let letters$ = Rx.Observable.from(['a','b','c']);
let numbers$ = Rx.Observable.from([1,2,3]);
let romans$ = Rx.Observable.from(['I','II','III']);
// results...
a b c 1 2 3 I II III
Live demo
Figured it out! May not be quite as elegant as the Promise chain, and I'm definitely open to suggestions to clean it up.
var trigger = undefined;
function obsQueue() {
if (!trigger || trigger.isStopped) {
trigger = new Rx.Subject();
return createObservable(trigger);
} else {
var lastTrigger = trigger;
var newTrigger = trigger = new Rx.Subject();
return lastTrigger.last().mergeMap(() => {
return createObservable(newTrigger);
var j = 0;
function createObservable(trigger) {
// In my use case, this creates and shows a dialog and returns an
// observable that emits and completes when an option is selected.
// We want to make sure we only create the next dialog when the previous
// one is closed.
return new Rx.Observable.of(++j).finally(() => {
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('first', result);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('second', result);
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('third', result);
var timer = setTimeout(() => {
obsQueue().subscribe(result => {
console.log('fourth', result);
}, 1000);
// Output:
// creating
// first 1
// creating
// second 2
// creating
// third 3
// creating
// fourth 4
Rather than try to figure out how to chain them in order, I have each observable create its own trigger to let the next observable know when to create itself.
If all the triggers have been completed (setTimeout case, we queue up another one later), then the queue starts again.

Wait for n executions of a method and then continue after complete

I have a function that returns promise:
Setup.zoomIn() : Promise<void> {...}
I would like to use rxjs to invoke that function 5 times with delay of 1 second between each, like this:
let obs = Observable.create(observer => {
let count = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
if (count === 5) {observer.complete();}
obs.subscribe(() =>
console.log('zoomed out');
Only and only when that is executed I would like to continue with execution to perform further steps:
obs.toPromise.then(() => {
// do some stuff here but only after zoom has been invoked 5 times
Create a list of observables for zoomIns functions and concat them with another Observable.
function zoomIn(i) {
return new Promise(res => {
setTimeout(()=>res(i), 1000);
function anotherPromise() {
return Rx.Observable.defer(()=> {
return new Promise(res => {
setTimeout(()=>res('anotherPromise'), 3000);
const zoonInList = Array(5).fill(0).map((x, i)=>i).map(i=>
Rx.Observable.defer(()=> {
return zoomIn(i);
Rx.Observable.concat(...zoonInList, anotherPromise())

Create an Rx.Subject using Subject.create that allows onNext without subscription

When creating an Rx.Subject using Subject.create(observer, observable), the Subject is so lazy. When I try to use subject.onNext without having a subscription, it doesn't pass messages on. If I subject.subscribe() first, I can use onNext immediately after.
Let's say I have an Observer, created like so:
function createObserver(socket) {
return Observer.create(msg => {
}, err => {
}, () => {
Then, I create an Observable that accepts messages:
function createObservable(socket) {
return Observable.fromEvent(socket, 'message')
.map(msg => {
// Trim out unnecessary data for subscribers
delete msg.blobs;
// Deep freeze the message
return msg;
The subject is created using these two functions.
observer = createObserver(socket);
observable = createObservable(socket);
subject = Subject.create(observer, observable);
With this setup, I'm not able to subject.onNext immediately (even if I don't care about subscribing). Is this by design? What's a good workaround?
These are actually TCP sockets, which is why I haven't relied on the super slick websocket subjects.
The basic solution, caching nexts before subscription with ReplaySubject:
I think all you wanted to do is use a ReplaySubject as your observer.
const { Observable, Subject, ReplaySubject } = Rx;
const replay = new ReplaySubject();
const observable = Observable.create(observer => {
const mySubject = Subject.create(replay, observable);
mySubject.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Results in:
A socket implementation (example, don't use)
... but if you're looking at doing a Socket implementation, it gets a lot more complicated. Here is a working socket implementation, but I don't recommend you use it. Rather, I'd suggest that you use one of the community supported implementations either in rxjs-dom (if you're an RxJS 4 or lower) or as part of RxJS 5, both of which I've helped work on.
function createSocketSubject(url) {
let replay = new ReplaySubject();
let socket;
const observable = Observable.create(observer => {
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onmessage = (e) => {
socket.onerror = (e) => {
socket.onclose = (e) => {
if (e.wasClean) {
} else {
let sub;
socket.onopen = () => {
sub = replay.subscribe(x => socket.send(x));
return () => {
socket && socket.readyState === 1 && socket.close();
sub && sub.dispose();
return Subject.create(replay, observable);
const socket = createSocketSubject('ws://echo.websocket.org');
socket.subscribe(x => console.log('response: ' + x.data));
Here's the obligatory JsBin
