How to regenerate token in JMeter at fix interval time - jmeter

I am doing API Performance Testing for my application. I am creating a script using JMeter. Now, I am facing the issue that on our application auth_token is only valid for an hour. After that it becomes invalid and we need to generate new token. So how can I manage this mechanism in JMeter where I can regenrate token after fixed interval?

You and create a separate Thread Group where you will have i.e. Test Action sampler configured to "sleep" for 1 hour and the logic to "regenerate" the token.
So you will have 2 Thread Groups:
"Normal" one where your API testing happens
"Another" one where a new token will be generated each hour
You can pass the token from "Another" to "Normal" thread group using __setProperty() function


In stress testing ,while executing script on Jmeter tool getting token session expired

while executing script on jmeter getting token session expired error showing in below image, searched on google and tried to solve,it is not solved
Most probably you recorded the test using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and the token which is used for authentication purposes has limited time to live so once it has expired it cannot be used anymore.
As your application suggests you need to perform the login process once again, then extract the token using a suitable Post-Processor, save it into a JMeter Variable and replace recorded value with the variable from the previous step.
The whole process of handling dynamic parameters is known as correlation and there is a lot of information on the topic in the Internet with examples.

Login Once and Re-use access Token in JMeter

I have a requirement where we need to login once for given test users and re-use access token generated by loginscript for remaining API call for a duration of 1 hour.
One Approach which I think is to Login & write the tokens in csv file and then read these tokens from CSV file for executing remaining API's, but with
this approach we need to write token in CSV file in an agent.
Since, we will be running test in load test rig. we do not have access to write in agents.
Is there any approach using which we can Login once, generate token in some variable and re-use token.
Appreciate if any one can help on this.
Login once for each user - put the logic for obtaining the token under Once Only Controller and it will be executed during 1st iteration of the Thread Group
Login once by 1 user and use the token by all users - put the logic for obtaining the token under setUp Thread Group, save the token into a JMeter Property using __setProperty() function and read it in the main Thread Group using __P() function

OAuth token generation using Jmeter for multiple User-Credentials

I am testing an application hosted in gcloud, to execute the test using jmeter I require OAuth token for respective User credentials. I am able to generate the token for one credentials, however I have not been able to find a way to generate them for more than one users.
If anyone has faced such problem or has any glimpse please let me know.
I need a fresh token with every iteration since token expires in every 60 mins
I am able to generate token manually to run the test
I have tried auth/header manager for the process
I have tried console auth code generation code as well
Above all generate auth code for a specific credential, wherein I have to keep the application active.
So you want to apply load to app backend using authenticated users.
If so, why don't you use
CSV File to store your test credentials
Use JMeter's CSV Config to read those credentials
once only controller for authentication, extract access_token and refresh_token
Use tokens to make calls to your backend
If you need to run loadtest / soak test for longer than one hour you can use if controller to verify the token validity and renew the token if necessary.
Hope this helps.
If you need to refresh the token each 60 minutes it makes sense to create a separate Thread Group which will be executing a token refresh request each 60 minutes.
The token can be passed to the main Thread Group using __setProperty() function, you can make the token value thread-specific by combining it with __threadNum() function like:
In "token" thread group:
In "main" thread group you can read the value using __P() function:
More information: Knit One Pearl Two: How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups

How can i simulate just one login for all thread groups?

I have just started working with Jmeter (5.1.1) and i have multiple thread groups.
In every thread group, i have to add the login http request or else the tests will fail.
How can i simulate just one login request for all the thread groups ?
Thanks in advance.
You can add a setUp Thread Group in order to execute the login, setUp Thread Group should be used for preparing test data, if you really want to use the same context coming from a single login from all virtual users in all thread groups (this makes sense only if you're using JMeter for a functional test) you can perform the login only once there.
Once you perform the successful login you should pass the associated indicator of the login (most probably it will be Cookies or other HTTP Headers) to other Thread Groups, the value(s) can be set using __setProperty() function in the setUp Thread Group and read using __P() function in other Thread Groups

How to run Authentication Thread every 4 min in Jmeter

I have a jmeter test plan below
I need to run the login request every 4 minutes in order to get the bearer token. I have added the login request and a flow Control action in a thread with three threads (expected to be run three times every 4 min) and a main thread to call the services. I have used property value to transfer the bearer variable to other threads.
However, the login is running 3 times when the run started and services are failing after 4 minutes as the token request is already completed.
Can some one help here to run the login service every 4 minutes for the other services to get the bearer token
Make sure that the Thread Group is configured to have 1 thread (virtual user) and loop forever
You can ensure that the Login Request gets executed each 4 minutes using i.e. View Results in Table listener
The token can be passed to the ILS Service Thread Group via __setProperty() function and read via __P() function
