bash: programmatically assemble list - bash

I'm trying to write a shell script which is assembling a list that will later be passed to sort -n. If I do:
find . -type f -printf "%s\n" | sort -n
the output is sorted just as I expect. What I can't figure out is how to assemble the list from inside the script itself. Here is the current script which tries to sum up how much space is used in a directory, sorted by file extension:
echo -n "Enter directory/path to analyze: "
read path
extList=` find $path -type f -print | awk ' BEGIN {FS="."}{ print $NF }' | grep -v '/' | sort | uniq `
for ext in $extList; do
byteList=`find $path -type f -name \*.$ext -printf '%s\n' `
for b in $byteList; do
sum=$(( $sum + $b ))
sum=$(( $sum/1024 ))
list+=`printf " $sum KB $ext\n"`
echo $list | sort -n
I've tried a lot of things for the list+= line, but I don't get a true list. I wind up with everything appearing as a single line, unsorted.

Here's a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example of what you're seeing:
echo "$(printf 'foo\n')$(printf 'bar\n')"
This is because trailing linefeeds are stripped in the contents of $(..) and `..` command substitution.
Instead, you can use $'\n' or a literal linefeed. Both of these will correctly append a linefeed:
Once you fix that, here's your next MCVE:
echo $list
foo bar
This is due to the lack of quoting in echo $list. It should be echo "$list".
However, none of this is the bash way of doing things. Instead of accumulating into a variable and then using the variable, just pipe the data. This is what you're doing:
for word in foo bar baz
echo "$list" | sort -n
This is more canonical:
for word in foo bar baz
echo "$word"
done | sort -n

One problem is that `cmd` strips trailing newlines. Another is that echo $list doesn't quote "$list", so newlines are printed as spaces.
There's no need to build a list variable to then sort it later, though. Instead, try sorting all of the loop's output.
for ext in $extList; do
printf " %s KB %s\n" "$sum" "$ext"
done | sort -n
I'd suggest not storing the extension list in a string either. You could use a function:
extList() {
find "$path" -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%P\n' | awk -F. 'NF>1 {print $NF}' | sort -u
extList | while IFS= read -r ext; do
done | sort -n
Or store them in an array:
readarray -t extList < <(find "$path" -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%P\n' | awk -F. 'NF>1 {print $NF}' | sort -u)
for ext in "${extList[#]}"; do
done | sort -n


Getting a list of substring based unique filenames in an array

I have a directory my_dir with files having names like:
I'm looking for a way to get an array [a_v5, f_v40, c_v1] in bash. Here, array of file names with the latest version number is what I need.
Tried this: ls *.json | find . -type f -exec basename "{}" \; | cut -d. -f1, but it returns the results with files which are not of the .json extension.
You can use the following command if your filenames don't contain whitespace and special symbols like * or ?:
find . -type f -iname \*.json |
sed -E 's|(.*/)*(.*_v)([0-9]+)\..*|\2 \3|' |
sort -Vr | sort -uk1,1 | tr -d ' '
It's ugly and unsafe. The following solution is longer but can handle all file names, even those with linebreaks in them.
maxversions() {
find -type f -iname \*.json -print0 |
gawk 'BEGIN { RS = "\0"; ORS = "\0" }
match($0, /(.*\/)*(.*_v)([0-9]+)\..*/, group) {
prefix = group[2];
version = group[3];
if (version > maxversion[prefix])
maxversion[prefix] = version
for (prefix in maxversion)
print prefix maxversion[prefix]
mapfile -d '' array < <(maxversions)
In both cases you can check the contents of array with declare -p array.
Arrays and bash string parsing.
declare -A tmp=()
for f in $SOURCE_DIR/*.json
do f=${f##*/} # strip path
tmp[${f%%.*}]=1 # strip extraneous data after . in filename
declare -a c=( $( printf "%s\n" "${!tmp[#]}" | cut -c 1 | sort -u ) ) # get just the first chars
declare -a lst=( $( for f in "${c[#]}"
do printf "%s\n" "${!tmp[#]}" |
grep "^${f}_" |
sort -n |
tail -1; done ) )
echo "[ ${lst[#]} ]"
[ a_v5 c_v1 f_v40 ]
Or, if you'd rather,
declare -a arr=( $(
for f in $SOURCE_DIR/*.json
do d=${f%/*} # get dir path
f=${f##*/} # strip path
g=${f:0:2} # get leading str
( cd $d && printf "%s\n" ${g}*.json |
sort -n | sed -n '$ { s/[.].*//; p; }' )
done | sort -u ) )
echo "[ ${arr[#]} ]"
[ a_v5 c_v1 f_v40 ]
This is one possible way to accomplish this :
arr=( $( { for name in $( ls {f,n,m}*.txt ); do echo ${name:0:1} ; done; } | sort | uniq ) )
Output :
$ echo ${arr[0]}
$ echo ${arr[1]}
$ echo ${arr[2]}
This is not an elegant solution... my knowledge of awk is limited.
You should find this functional.
I've updated this to remove the obsolete uniq as suggested by #socowi.
I've also included the printf version as #socowi suggested.
ls *.json | cut -d. -f1 | sort -rn | awk -v last="xx" '$1 !~ last{ print $1; last=substr($1,1,3) }'
printf %s\\n *.json | cut -d. -f1 | sort -rn | awk -v last="xx" '$1 !~ last{ print $1; last=substr($1,1,3) }'
Old understanding below
Find files with name matching pattern.
Now take the second field since your results will likely be similar to ./
find . -type f -iname "*.json" | cut -d. -f2
To get the unique headings....
find . -type f -iname "*.json" | cut -d. -f2 | sort | uniq

count all the lines in all folders in bash [duplicate]

wc -l file.txt
outputs number of lines and file name.
I need just the number itself (not the file name).
I can do this
wc -l file.txt | awk '{print $1}'
But maybe there is a better way?
Try this way:
wc -l < file.txt
cat file.txt | wc -l
According to the man page (for the BSD version, I don't have a GNU version to check):
If no files are specified, the standard input is used and no file
name is
displayed. The prompt will accept input until receiving EOF, or [^D] in
most environments.
To do this without the leading space, why not:
wc -l < file.txt | bc
Comparison of Techniques
I had a similar issue attempting to get a character count without the leading whitespace provided by wc, which led me to this page. After trying out the answers here, the following are the results from my personal testing on Mac (BSD Bash). Again, this is for character count; for line count you'd do wc -l. echo -n omits the trailing line break.
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c # " 3" (x)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | bc # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | tr -d ' ' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | awk '{print $1}' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | cut -d ' ' -f1 # "" for -f < 8 (x)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | cut -d ' ' -f8 # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | perl -pe 's/^\s+//' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | grep -ch '^' # "1" (x)
echo $( printf '%s' "$FOO" | wc -c ) # "3" (√)
I wouldn't rely on the cut -f* method in general since it requires that you know the exact number of leading spaces that any given output may have. And the grep one works for counting lines, but not characters.
bc is the most concise, and awk and perl seem a bit overkill, but they should all be relatively fast and portable enough.
Also note that some of these can be adapted to trim surrounding whitespace from general strings, as well (along with echo `echo $FOO`, another neat trick).
How about
wc -l file.txt | cut -d' ' -f1
i.e. pipe the output of wc into cut (where delimiters are spaces and pick just the first field)
How about
grep -ch "^" file.txt
Obviously, there are a lot of solutions to this.
Here is another one though:
wc -l somefile | tr -d "[:alpha:][:blank:][:punct:]"
This only outputs the number of lines, but the trailing newline character (\n) is present, if you don't want that either, replace [:blank:] with [:space:].
Another way to strip the leading zeros without invoking an external command is to use Arithmetic expansion $((exp))
echo $(($(wc -l < file.txt)))
Best way would be first of all find all files in directory then use AWK NR (Number of Records Variable)
below is the command :
find <directory path> -type f | awk 'END{print NR}'
example : - find /tmp/ -type f | awk 'END{print NR}'
This works for me using the normal wc -l and sed to strip any char what is not a number.
wc -l big_file.log | sed -E "s/([a-z\-\_\.]|[[:space:]]*)//g"
# 9249133

bash script, list all the files over a specific size

so I have some code like this:
result=`find . -type f -size -1000c -print0 | xargs -0 ls -Sh | head`
for i in $result; do
item=`wc -c $i`
echo $item1
this will print out all the files in the current fold that are at most 1000bytes, it has the format like:
size_of the file ./name_of_the_file
but i want to get rid of the "./" symbol, so i try to use "cut"
i want to do something like:
for i in $result; do
item=`wc -c $i`
item1=`cut -f 1 $item` // this gives me the size
item2=`cut -c 7- $item` // this gives me all the character after ./
echo item1, item2 // now make it print
but i'm getting error like:
cut: 639: No such file or directory
can anyone please give me a hint on this? I appreciate it.
Don't use cut when you can use bash variable expansion operators.
for i in $result; do
i=$(echo $i | cut -c3-) # remove ./ prefix
size=$(wc -c < $i)
echo $size, $i
To use cut with a variable, you have to echo the variable to a pipe, because cut processes a file or stdin (like most Unix filters).
By redirecting the wc input instead of giving the filename as an argument, it just prints the size, not the size and the filename, so there's no need to cut its output.
This is a bit more concise:
find ./ -type f -size -1000c -ls | sed -e 's/\.\///' | awk -e '{ print $7, $11 }'
for i in $result; do
item=`wc -c $i`
item1=`echo $item | cut -d" " -f1` // this gives me the size
item2=`echo $item | cut -d" " -f2-` // this gives me all the charac...
echo $item1, $item2 // now make it print
As Barmar mentioned, you were passing the entire string to cut. Using the -d option can specify what character you split the string on, so assuming the size is separated from the remainder of the info by at least a space, the above should yield an $item1 and $item2 as you wanted.

How to get "wc -l" to print just the number of lines without file name?

wc -l file.txt
outputs number of lines and file name.
I need just the number itself (not the file name).
I can do this
wc -l file.txt | awk '{print $1}'
But maybe there is a better way?
Try this way:
wc -l < file.txt
cat file.txt | wc -l
According to the man page (for the BSD version, I don't have a GNU version to check):
If no files are specified, the standard input is used and no file
name is
displayed. The prompt will accept input until receiving EOF, or [^D] in
most environments.
To do this without the leading space, why not:
wc -l < file.txt | bc
Comparison of Techniques
I had a similar issue attempting to get a character count without the leading whitespace provided by wc, which led me to this page. After trying out the answers here, the following are the results from my personal testing on Mac (BSD Bash). Again, this is for character count; for line count you'd do wc -l. echo -n omits the trailing line break.
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c # " 3" (x)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | bc # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | tr -d ' ' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | awk '{print $1}' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | cut -d ' ' -f1 # "" for -f < 8 (x)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | cut -d ' ' -f8 # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | perl -pe 's/^\s+//' # "3" (√)
echo -n "$FOO" | wc -c | grep -ch '^' # "1" (x)
echo $( printf '%s' "$FOO" | wc -c ) # "3" (√)
I wouldn't rely on the cut -f* method in general since it requires that you know the exact number of leading spaces that any given output may have. And the grep one works for counting lines, but not characters.
bc is the most concise, and awk and perl seem a bit overkill, but they should all be relatively fast and portable enough.
Also note that some of these can be adapted to trim surrounding whitespace from general strings, as well (along with echo `echo $FOO`, another neat trick).
How about
wc -l file.txt | cut -d' ' -f1
i.e. pipe the output of wc into cut (where delimiters are spaces and pick just the first field)
How about
grep -ch "^" file.txt
Obviously, there are a lot of solutions to this.
Here is another one though:
wc -l somefile | tr -d "[:alpha:][:blank:][:punct:]"
This only outputs the number of lines, but the trailing newline character (\n) is present, if you don't want that either, replace [:blank:] with [:space:].
Another way to strip the leading zeros without invoking an external command is to use Arithmetic expansion $((exp))
echo $(($(wc -l < file.txt)))
Best way would be first of all find all files in directory then use AWK NR (Number of Records Variable)
below is the command :
find <directory path> -type f | awk 'END{print NR}'
example : - find /tmp/ -type f | awk 'END{print NR}'
This works for me using the normal wc -l and sed to strip any char what is not a number.
wc -l big_file.log | sed -E "s/([a-z\-\_\.]|[[:space:]]*)//g"
# 9249133

Randomizing arg order for a bash for statement

I have a bash script that processes all of the files in a directory using a loop like
for i in *.txt
There are thousands of files and they are always processed in alphanumerical order because of '*.txt' expansion.
Is there a simple way to random the order and still insure that I process all of the files only once?
Assuming the filenames do not have spaces, just substitute the output of List::Util::shuffle.
for i in `perl -MList::Util=shuffle -e'$,=$";print shuffle<*.txt>'`; do
If filenames do have spaces but don't have embedded newlines or backslashes, read a line at a time.
perl -MList::Util=shuffle -le'$,=$\;print shuffle<*.txt>' | while read i; do
To be completely safe in Bash, use NUL-terminated strings.
perl -MList::Util=shuffle -0 -le'$,=$\;print shuffle<*.txt>' |
while read -r -d '' i; do
Not very efficient, but it is possible to do this in pure Bash if desired. sort -R does something like this, internally.
declare -a a # create an integer-indexed associative array
for i in *.txt; do
j=$RANDOM # find an unused slot
while [[ -n ${a[$j]} ]]; do
a[$j]=$i # fill that slot
for i in "${a[#]}"; do # iterate in index order (which is random)
Or use a traditional Fisher-Yates shuffle.
for ((i=${#a[*]}; i>1; i--)); do
for i in "${a[#]}"; do
You could pipe your filenames through the sort command:
ls | sort --random-sort | xargs ....
Here's an answer that relies on very basic functions within awk so it should be portable between unices.
ls -1 | awk '{print rand()*100, $0}' | sort -n | awk '{print $2}'
ephemient makes a good point that the above is not space-safe. Here's a version that is:
ls -1 | awk '{print rand()*100, $0}' | sort -n | sed 's/[0-9\.]* //'
If you have GNU coreutils, you can use shuf:
while read -d '' f
# some stuff with $f
done < <(shuf -ze *)
This will work with files with spaces or newlines in their names.
Off-topic Edit:
To illustrate SiegeX's point in the comment:
$ a=42; echo "Don't Panic" | while read line; do echo $line; echo $a; a=0; echo $a; done; echo $a
Don't Panic
$ a=42; while read line; do echo $line; echo $a; a=0; echo $a; done < <(echo "Don't Panic"); echo $a
Don't Panic
The pipe causes the while to be executed in a subshell and so changes to variables in the child don't flow back to the parent.
Here's a solution with standard unix commands:
for i in $(ls); do echo $RANDOM-$i; done | sort | cut -d- -f 2-
Here's a Python solution, if its available on your system
import glob
import random
files = glob.glob("*.txt")
if files:
for file in random.shuffle(files):
print file
