How to create a spring boot app with ssl.enable=true and a non-secure "/health" end point - spring

Is it possible to configure spring boot application ( Jetty ) to have at least one non-secure (non https) endpoint for a load balancer to perform health checks but have all other requests be forced to be secure?
When setting the property:
requests for all ports (both regular port and management/actuator port) are forced to be https.
Secure requests URLS must have the server name in the URL match the certificate configured. A load balancer or container manager like kubernetes would have to access each node in a pool of servers with some kind of host name to server mapping.

Initially I thought that the setting management.ssl.enable=false would do the trick but it doesn't appear to be the case. What I wound up doing that worked for me was to add an ssl exclusion rule for just the /health endpoint.
Here is an abridged version of my SecurityConfiguration which is a #Configuration annotated class that extends/implements WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter/WebSecurityConfigurer.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"))
if (securityProperties.isRequireSsl()) {
//allow health checks to be over http
making use of the requiresInsecure() for the /health endpoint was the key. Note, the order is important, generally in Spring Security more specific rules should come first.

The Spring Boot 2 property for disabling the management server TLS is:


How does one use different session creation policies for UI and REST endpoints with Spring Security?

I have an application that contains both a UI and some REST endpoints. The UI uses SAML login (the old Spring Security SAML extension) and the REST endpoints using a custom authentication. The REST endpoints are only called by external applications.
For the REST endpoints ("/api/**") I have stated a stateless session creation policy and for the rest of the endpoint no session creation policy at all (I also tried with ALWAYS as in the below example).
Prior to some Spring Boot version, not sure which, this worked. Currently I'm using Spring Boot v.2.6.1. The UI endpoint got the authentication object from the Http session.
But now it doesn't work. The security context object cannot be found in the Http session using the default HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository implementation. It is saved but it can't be restored.
So is it possible to use two session creation policy, one for the REST and the other for the UI part, or should this be handled in a different way?
Now it seems that the stateless session creation policy is also used by the UI, which is not intended.
I'm using two WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter classes; one for the API and the other for the UI.
After a successful SAML login the redirect URL now contains the ";jsessionid=6051854D94A0771BB9B99FE573AA4DFD" parameter. Probably because of the stateless policy...?
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
List<AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter> authFilters = new ArrayList<>();
authFilters.add(new OAuthMacAuthenticationProcessingFilter(authenticationManager(),;
ApiAuthenticationProcessingFilter apiAuthenticationProcessingFilter = new ApiAuthenticationProcessingFilter(authenticationManager(),authFilters);
.authenticationEntryPoint((req, rsp, e) -> rsp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED))
.addFilterBefore(apiAuthenticationProcessingFilter, BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
and for the UI part
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(metadataGeneratorFilter(), ChannelProcessingFilter.class);
var auth = http
.disable(); // The logout procedure is already handled by SAML filters.
I'll answer this myself. The above code does actually work. The problem was on the remote end, the IDP I was using had some problems that day that resulted in that it didn't work as expected. The day after, it worked.

Spring Security - Custom Authentication Provider and HTTP Basic for Actuator Endpoints

I´ve got a running Spring Boot Application (Spring Boot v2.4.1) and I would like to monitor it using Spring Boot Admin.
I have already setup the server and I can monitor the instance of my application with the /actuator/ endpoint not secured. I have a permitAll() on it.
Now I´d like to secure it, but I do not know how to do it without messing with my current Security Configuration.
I have Spring Security configured to match username and password from a DB and with a CustomAuthenticationProvider. If possible I would like to add a Actuator Endpoints with a HTTP Basic authentication.
This is my current security config:
.antMatchers("/user/**").hasAnyAuthority(AUTHORITY_ADMIN, AUTHORITY_USER)
.successHandler(new CustomUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler(translator))
I would like to keep that configuration and also tell spring that whenever a user hits /actuator/ endpoint, it will requiere HTTP Basic Security credentials.
I was thinking on having two #Configuration classes, extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. One would be the one I´ve already got and the other one for the actuator endpoints. But I had no luck with it.
Thank you
Thank you very much
You can create two SecurityFilterChain beans, one for your /actuator/** endpoint with higher priority, and other to every other endpoint with lower priority, like so:
public SecurityFilterChain actuatorWebSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.requestMatchers((matchers) -> matchers
http.authorizeRequests((authz) -> authz
public SecurityFilterChain defaultWebSecurity(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// your current configuration
In this configuration, the #Order annotation tells the order that the SecurityFilterChains are gonna be matched against the requests.
This is how I solve it: I create a new #Configuraiton class extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter,
I was unable to stop using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (as suggested by #Marcus-Hert-da-Coregio in the comments) because if I do not extend it I was not able to define my custom AuthenticationProvider.
This class has #Order(1) so it would take precedence over my other initial configuration (which I set to #Order(2)). And this is it's content:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Then my custom AuthenticationProvider will verify if the given credentials for accessing the actuator endpoints are valid.
Addittional information
The reason why this fails the first time I test it was because I was not setting the initial
by adding it I was telling SpringSecurity that this configuration should only be applied to those endpoints. I get that notion from this article
I hope this helps someone in the future

How to allow certain endpoint in spring security to be allowed without authentication?

I have Spring Boot Rest API web app in which I am using spring security to have most endpoints to require authentication.
This is part of code:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Can some one explain what each line begining with http.csrf means?
How can I modify above code so that enpoint /bars/pk can be allowed to be accessed without requiring authentication just as if there was no Spring Security ?
By default, Spring Boot activates protection against CSRF attack (Cross Site Request Forgery attack). The attack consists of a malicious site taking advantage of a user being alredy authenticated to a site (e.g. bank) in order to trick the user to do actions on that site (e.g. fund transfer).
The protection against the attack consists of the Spring Boot application sending a token with every response and expecting the token to be sent by the client on subsequent request. If the token is not received, Spring Boot returns an error.
Sometimes, you want to disable this behavior (at your own risks), so you use csrf.disable. You might find it convenient to disable csrf protection if you develop a Stateless API, and you have no way to link a POST request to any previous requests or session. But again, you need to consider this and reason about it carefully.
Please note that CSRF protection has not effect on GET requests. It only affects state chaning requests (e.g. POST, DELETE)
In order to allow your endoints to anyone, without requiring any authentication, you need to use
To specifically allow unauthorized requests to /bars/pk and keep the other elements unchanged, modify your code as follows :
Here is a complete example:
.permitAll() // Allow all GET requests to go unauthenticated
.permitAll() // Allow all requests to go unauthenticated for the specified paths
.anyRequest().authenticated(); // Authenticate all other request paths

Spring Boot https redirect

I deployed a Spring Boot web application to AWS and configured SSL certificate for a domain. Every time I click a Login button mapped to:
public String login(){
return "login";
I'm redirected to https login page. However, when a user tries to access a page that requires authorization, he is redirected to unsecured http login page.
My Spring Security look like follows:
Here is live example:
Assuming that connection is secure until it hits application, you will have to add following to security config to make all requests secure.
If the tls is terminating at the load balancer(which may not be ideal but there are cases) then this may not work. In such circumstances, in aws alb/nlb, a listener can be added on port 80 which can redirect to port 443. This would not require any change in the application as the redirection happens from hte load balancer before the application gets the request.

Spring boot actuator secure services does not work fine

I an Trying to secure spring actuator services /manage context path when calling for example:
with this config in my
port: 9091
context-path: /manage
enabled: true
role: ADMIN.
Git branch with security actuator service layer
but access to every service is still free.
Spring security config:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
* Configure global security with Bccyptenoncder and custom userDetailService with Spring Security
* #param auth
* #throws Exception
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
* Bcrypt password encoding configuration, more info at
* #return
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
Spring boot team has resolved me this issue. I share the solution here:
Same Origin Policy
You cannot use the login page from your main Spring Application within actuator security. The reason is that the cookie is going to be associated with the domain + port + context path of the application. This is part of the Same Origin Policy
This means if you sent the user to localhost:9090/pizza/login and authenticated, when you visited localhost:9091/manage/ the JSESSIONID cookie would not be submitted to the management application which means you would not be seen as authenticated.
In order to authenticate across domains (i.e. different ports in this case) you would need some single sign on (OpenID, CAS, SAML, etc) mechanism.
Mapping a Login Page in the Management Application
In order to use this configuration you would need to setup a login page within the management application. To do this you would just need to return an HTML form when /login is requested. However, I'm not really certain how you would do that within the Boot management application. Perhaps #philwebb or #dsyer can elaborate on how one would do that.
Distinct Security Configuration for the Management Application
Alternatively you could create separate security configuration for the management application that allows authenticating with Basic Authentication. To do this you would create another Security Configuration that looks something like this:
public class ManagementSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.requestMatchers(request -> "/manage".equals(request.getContextPath()))
This would make sure that if the context root is "/manage" that this security configuration is used. A few points of interest:
#Order(0) makes sure the configuration occurs before your other security configuration since by default any subclass of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter will be ordered at 100. This is important because only the first WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is used (similar to the authorizeRequests() matchers).
The request matcher is using a lambda for matching on the contextPath. I had thought there was a better way to distinguish Spring Boot application from the main application, but it does not appear that is the case. Perhaps #dsyer knows how this should be done.
You can rewrite your configuration much more concisely as:
You might consider reading Spring Security Java Config Preview: Readability for details on how to format the configuration to better read it too.
