Oracle Auto Partition strategy on Integer column - oracle

I need some help on how to perform auto partition on integer column, similar to how we do on date column like PARTITION BY RANGE (DIM_DT_ID) INTERVAL (NUMTODSINTERVAL(1,'DAY')).
I have 90 million rows and it sucks in performance and our SLA on query is 2 seconds, i would like to perform partition. What is the best approach and how do i enable auto partition on a Integer column
Our query will always filter by these columns like
select * from <tbname>
where ObjectID =1346785
and patentnumber=23456.

"i'm just making an example here, as i cant paste the original query for legality sake"
Fair enough, but the advice we give you will only be as good as the information you give us. So far, nothing you have posted suggests you need Partitioning.
The pasted query would perform well with a compound index, and would probably benefit from compression of the leading column:
create index your_table_lookup_index
on your_table(ObjectID, patentnumber) compress 1;
If that's a unique combination then make the index unique.
how do i enable auto partition on a Integer column
However, if you think you do have a genuine use case for Partitioning then we can use Interval Partitioning with integers as well as dates. This statement will create a table partitioned on objectid with a partition for every ten values.
create table your_table (
objectid number,
patentnumber number,
created_date date
partition by range (objectid)
interval (10)
partition p_00010 values less than (10)
On your posted figures that would be about 400 partitions with around 225000 rows per partition. Is that a good choice? Who can tell? You know your data and your use cases, we don't: perhaps a partition per objectid (i.e. with interval (1)) would be better.
You already have a table so you need to split it into Partitions. The standard of way of doing this would be
create a new table with your partitioning strategy (like above) but with the default partition ranged for values less than (MAXVALUE)
use partition exchange to move the existing table data into the new
drop the old table and rename the table to the old table; resolve
foreign keys and other dependencies.
iteratively split the partition into the required range
This is a fairly time-consuming process. You have tagged your question [oracle12c]; if you're using Oracle 12c R2 you should definitely look at its online conversion mechanism, which is a single command. Find out more.
Remember that Partitioning for performance is a tricky game. While it can improve queries which return a large number of rows aligned with the Partition key it can make no difference to other queries, or even impair their performance. In particular, any query which does not include the partition key (objectid in your case) will likely perform worse after partitioning the table .
Final aside: as you know but for the benefit of future Seekers, Partitioning is a chargeable extra to the Enterprise Edition license. We're not allowed to use it unless we've paid for it.


Can we change the interval for a partition?

I have a table partitioned by range with an interval. Then I have a partition with this configuration:
PARTITION "SYS_P657531" VALUES LESS THAN (18100000000)
There is an alter command in order to change the value for that partition?
Ex: change it into PARTITION "SYS_P657531" VALUES LESS THAN (17493458497)
I have Oracle 12c.
Thank you,
[is there] an alter command in order to change the value for that partition?
Not as such. Consider the problem of what should happen to the values in the current position which lie between 17493458497 and 1809999999. The database can't delete them but altering the high value of the partition would make them homeless.
The partition isn't full there are not such values as you said
That doesn't change the situation. Oracle does not support the reduction (or raising) of the high value of a partition.
What we can do is split the existing partition into two:
alter table your_table split partition SYS_P657531 into
(partition p_17493458497 values less than (17493458497),
partition p_18100000000);
There are various options for splitting the different types of partitions. For instance with list of range partitions we might do this instead:
alter table your_table split partition SYS_P657531
at (17493458497) into
(partition p_17493458497,
partition p_18100000000);
These two statements do the same thing; the first syntax is more flexible, as it allows us to split a partition into more than two new partitions in a single operation.
Find out more.
If you don't have any values above 17493458497 and/or don't want to store then you could drop the remainder partition p_18100000000 after the SPLIT operation. Alternatively, if as part of a related exercise you need to raise the ceiling of the remainder partition above 18100000000 then you would create a new partition with the required high value (assuming it doesn't already exist) and merge the two partitions.
alter table your_table merge partitions p_18100000000, p_whatever
into p_19000000000;
Find out more.

performance for sum oracle

I have to sum a huge number of data with aggregation and where clause, using this query
what I am doing is like this : I have three tables one contains terms the second contains user terms , and the third contains correlation factor between term and user term.
I want to calculate the similarity between the sentence that that user inserted with an already existing sentences, and take the results greater than .5 by summing the correlation factor between sentences' terms
The problem is that this query takes more than 15 min. because I have huge tables
any suggestions to improve performance please?
least( sum( plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_terms.sentence_length,
sum (plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_user_terms.sentence_length),
AND Plag_User_Terms.ISN=123)
least( sum( plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_terms.sentence_length,
sum (plag_TERM_CORRELATIONS3.CORRELATION_FACTOR)/ plag_user_terms.sentence_length) >0.5
group by (plag_User_TERMS.SENTENCE_ID,plag_TERMS.SENTENCE_ID , plag_TERMs.isn, plag_terms.sentence_length,plag_user_terms.sentence_length, plag_user_terms.isn);
plag_terms contains more than 50 million records and plag_correlations3 contains 500000
If you have a sufficient amount of free disk space, then create a materialized view
over the join of the three tables
fast-refreshable on commit (don't use the ANSI join syntax here, even if tempted to do so, or the mview won't be fast-refreshable ... a strange bug in Oracle)
with query rewrite enabled
properly physically organized for quick calculations
The query rewrite is optional. If you can modify the above insert-select, then you can just select from the materialized view instead of selecting from the join of the three tables.
As for the physical organization, consider
hash partitioning by Plag_User_Terms.ISN (with a sufficiently high number of partitions; don't hesitate to partition your table with e.g. 1024 partitions, if it seems reasonable) if you want to do a bulk calculation over all values of ISN
single-table hash clustering by Plag_User_Terms.ISN if you want to retain your calculation over a single ISN
If you don't have a spare disk space, then just hint your query to
either use nested loops joins, since the number of rows processed seems to be quite low (assumed by the estimations in the execution plan)
or full-scan the plag_correlations3 table in parallel
Bottom line: Constrain your tables with foreign keys, check constraints, not-null constraints, unique constraints, everything! Because Oracle optimizer is capable of using most of these informations to its advantage, as are the people who tune SQL queries.

oracle partitioning on columns frequently used in joins and where conditions

The customer table contains 9.5 million records. The customer_id column is the primary key. The database is Oracle.
1) Should the table contain main partitions or sub-partitions? How do I decide?
Also, I don't think indexing columnA or columnB will help here because of the type of data.
TableA.columnA (varchar) has more than 80% of the records for columnA values 5,6,7. The columnA has values from 1 to 7 only.
TableA.columnB (varchar) has 90% of the records for columnB value = 102. The columnB has values from 1 to 999.
Moreover, the typical queries are (in no particular order):
Query1: where tableA.columnA = values
Query2: where tableA.columnB = values
Query3: where tableA.columnA = values AND/OR tableA.columnB = values
2) When we create sub-partitions, what happens if the query only contains a where clause for sub-partition column? Does the query execution go directly to sub-partition or through main partition?
3) the join contains tableA.partitioned_column = tableB.indexed_column
(eg. customer_Table.branch_code = branch_table.branch_code)
Does partitioning help in the case of JOIN? Will it improve performance?
1) It's very difficult to answer not knowing table structure, the way it's usually used etc. But generally for big tables partitioning is very often necessity.
2) If you will not specify partition then Oracle will have to browse through all partitions to find where the subpartition is (which is not very slow). And then use partition pruning on subpartition. It will be still significantly faster then not having subpartitions at all. But the best situation is to refer in WHERE to partition and subpartition.
3) For 99% I think it will help, because Oracle can use partition pruning to get at once needed rows from tableA. You will be 100% sure if you check query plan. But the best situation is when both column are partition keys.
If 80-90% of these columns have the same values and they are the most often queried values, then partitioning will help some. You would be pruning 10-20% of the data during these queries but you probably want to find another way for Oracle to hone in on the data your query needs (dates, perhaps?)
The value distribution in your two columns also brings up the point of statistics and making sure they are being gathered properly (with histograms to describe the skew in these columns).
As #psur points out, without knowing the details of your system it's hard give concrete suggestions.

Designing relational system for large scale

I've been having some difficulty scaling up the application and decided to ask a question here.
Consider a relational database (say mysql). Let's say it allows users to make posts and these are stored in the post table (has fields: postid, posterid, data, timestamp). So, when you go to retrieve all posts by you sorted by recency, you simply get all posts with posterid = you and order by date. Simple enough.
This process will use timestamp as the index since it has the highest cardinality and correctly so. So, beyond looking into the indexes, it'll take literally 1 row fetch from disk to complete this task. Awesome!
But let's say it's been 1 million more posts (in the system) by other users since you last posted. Then, in order to get your latest post, the database will peg the index on timestamp again, and it's not like we know how many posts have happened since then (or should we at least manually estimate and set preferred key)? Then we wasted looking into a million and one rows just to fetch a single row.
Additionally, a set of posts from multiple arbitrary users would be one of the use cases, so I cannot make fields like userid_timestamp to create a sub-index.
Am I seeing this wrong? Or what must be changed fundamentally from the application to allow such operation to occur at least somewhat efficiently?
If you have a query: ... WHERE posterid = you ORDER BY timestamp [DESC], then you need a composite index on {posterid, timestamp}.
Finding all posts of a given user is done by a range scan on the index's leading edge (posterid).
Finding user's oldest/newest post can be done in a single index seek, which is proportional to the B-Tree height, which is proportional to log(N) where N is number of indexed rows.
To understand why, take a look at Anatomy of an SQL Index.
The leafs of a "normal" B-Tree index hold "pointers" (physical addresses) to indexed rows, while the rows themselves reside in a separate data structure called "table heap". The heap can be eliminated by storing rows directly in leafs of the B-Tree, which is called clustering. This has its pros and cons, but if you have one predominant kind of query, eliminating the table heap access through clustering is definitely something to consider.
In this particular case, the table could be created like this:
posterid int,
`timestamp` DATETIME,
data VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY (posterid, `timestamp`)
The MySQL/InnoDB clusters all its tables and uses primary key as clustering key. We haven't used the surrogate key (postid) since secondary indexes in clustered tables can be expensive and we already have the natural key. If you really need the surrogate key, consider making it alternate key and keeping the clustering established through the natural key.
For queries like
where posterid = 5
order by timestamp
where posterid in (4, 578, 222299, ...etc...)
order by timestamp
make an index on (posterid, timestamp) and the database should pick it all by itself.
edit - i just tried this with mysql
CREATE TABLE `posts` (
`id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
INDEX `id_ts` (`id`, `ts`),
INDEX `id` (`id`),
INDEX `ts` (`ts`),
INDEX `ts_id` (`ts`, `id`)
I filled it with a lot of data, and
select * from posts where id = 5 order by ts
picks the id_ts index
Assuming you use hash tables to implement your Data Base - yes. Hash tables are not ordered, and you have no other way but to iterate all elements in order to find the maximal.
However, if you use some ordered DS, such as a B+ tree (which is actually pretty optimized for disks and thus data bases), it is a different story.
You can store elements in your B+ tree ordered by user (primary order/comparator) and date (secondary comparator, descending). Once you have this DS, finding the first element can be achieved in O(log(n)) disk seeks by finding the first element matching the primary criteria (user-id).
I am not familiar with the implementations of data bases, but AFAIK, some of them do allow you to create an index, based on a B+ tree - and by doing so, you can achieve finding the last post of a user more efficiently.
To be exact, the concept of "greatest" element or ordering is not well defined in Relational Algebra. There is no max operator. To get the max element of a table R with a single column a one should actually create the Cartesian product of that table and find this entry. There is no max nor sort operator in strict relational algebra (though it does exist in SQL)
(Assuming set, and not multiset semantics):
MAX = R \ Project(Select(R x R, R1.a < R2.a),R1.a)

Create Oracle partitioning table without PK

We have a huge table which are 144 million rows available right now and also increasing 1 million rows each day.
I would like to create a partitioning table on Oracle 11G server but I am not aware of the techniques. So I have two question :
Is it possible to create a partitioning table from a table that don't have PK?
What is your suggestion to create a partitioning table like huge records?
Yes, but keep in mind that the partition key must be a part of PK
Avoid global indexes
Chose right partitioning key - have it prepared for some kind of future maintenance ( cutting off oldest or unnecessary partitions, placing them in separate tablespaces... etc)
There are too many things to consider.
"There are several non-unique index on the table. But, the performance
is realy terrible! Just simple count function was return result after
5 minutes."
Partitioning is not necessarily a performance enhancer. The partition key will allow certain queries to benefit from partition pruning i.e. those queries which drive off the partition key in the WHERE clause. Other queries may perform worse, if there WHERE clause runs against the grain of the partition key,
It is difficult to give specific advice because the details you've posted are so vague. But here are some other possible ways of speeding up queries on big tables:
index compression
parallel query
better, probably compound, indexes.
