Problems implementing an easy REST service - Spring MVC - spring

I have a Springboot application (a videoclub application). I do not think it is necessary to show you all the code as it would be very verbose. But it works fine.
A class Film, and FilmRepository with some methods, a controller, database JPA, and the HTML files. Everything works fine. I am not looking for a code solution, but more for a "conceptual" solution, just to know if I am implementing properly the REST service.
I want to add now a really easy REST service (adding a class "MyRestController") that will search for a film just by adding the name of it in the URL.
So apart from my Controller, I want to add this RestController just to do this simple thing: If I add the name of a film in the URL, it will search for it with the normal MVC methods.
But adding what I think is the solution gives me this error:
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).
No message available
So when going through the HTML content to the page to search for the film, and adding to that /buscar the film name (which I have in the db) /buscar/Interstellar, it shows the before error.
public class MyRestController {
private FilmRepository filmRepo;
#RequestMapping(value = "/buscar", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<Film>> getFilms(#RequestParam String Title) {
List<Film> pelis = (List<Film>) filmRepo.findByTitle(Title);
HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.OK;
ResponseEntity<List<Film>> response = new ResponseEntity<>(pelis, status);
return response;
Getting this error makes me think the page knows it has to do something, but might be having trouble getting it (due to strings, iterable things, lists, or that sort of problem, JSON maybe). But I do not know if the "theory" behind the rest service is alright in MyRestController.
Film repository:
public interface FilmRepository extends CrudRepository<Film, Long>{
Iterable<Film> findByTitle(String Title);
(The MVC method in the normal controller)
public ModelAndView processSearch(#RequestParam(value = "title", required = false) String title) {
if (title == null || title == "") {
Iterable<Film> films = filmRepo.findAll();
return new ModelAndView("buscar").addObject("films", films);
Iterable<Film> films = filmRepo.findByTitle(title);
return new ModelAndView("buscar").addObject("films", films);

What you're talking about is a #PathVariable
public ModelAndView processSearch(#PathVariable(value = "title", required=false) String title) {

In the end, the problem was with the #RequestParam, which makes you search in the URL with a query like: /buscar?Title=Interstellar
#RequestMapping(value = "/buscar/{title}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<Film>> getFilms(#PathVariable String title) {
List<Film> pelis = (List<Film>) filmRepo.findByTitle(title);
HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.OK;
ResponseEntity<List<Film>> response = new ResponseEntity<>(pelis, status);
return response;
With this REST service, you can search by URL like "/buscar/Interstellar".
The result is going to give you JSON content with all the information of the Object Film.


Error 400 when receiving data from URL parameters en Spring MVC

I am trying to receive data from an URL with two parameters like this one:
No matter the approach, I am always getting a 400 error, but if I access the URL without the two parameters, the controller returns the view correctly (without the parameters, naturally)
This is the code of my controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
public String tickets(Model model, #RequestParam ("codprovincia") String codprovincia, #RequestParam ("municipio") String municipio, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
Extra info: if I use this URL:
And this code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
#RequestMapping(value = "buscar/{codprovincia}/{municipio}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String buscar(#PathVariable Integer codprovincia, #PathVariable Integer municipio ,Model model, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
It gets the parameters correctly. The problem is that I have to use the first URL. I have reviewed similar questions about similar issues, and I have implemented the solutions to those issues, but I get the 400 error regardless what I try (add value="xxx=, required=false, and other suggestions.)
For RequestParam, you need to explicitly add 'name' attribute
#RequestParam(name = "codprovincia"), #RequestParam (name = "municipio")
No need to for HttpServletRequest, unless you have reason
Also, in your 'tickets' method, RequestMapping is not conforming to your URL path.
I think it should be

spring rest web service how to solve ambiguous get

I have a spring web service rest.
I have two get :
#RequestMapping(value="/products/{prodId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Product productView(#PathVariable("prodId") int prodId) {"======= in productView (REST)");
Product product = inventoryService.findProductById(prodId);
return product;
#RequestMapping(value="/products/{prodName}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Product productNameView(#PathVariable("prodName") String prodName) {"======= in productNameView (REST)");
Product product = inventoryService.findProductByName(prodName);
return product;
I get a ambiguous message when I do a get with
How can I have two different get?
You can user query param approach:
method=RequestMethod.GET, params = "type=prodId" )
method=RequestMethod.GET, params = "type=prodName")
Hit call using following URLs:
let me know it helps you.
That is because when the url */products/627790 is hit, 627790 can be treated as int as well as string. How will the rest know which controller to invoke?
To avoid ambiguity in your case you should use #RequestParam instead of #PathVariable. URL on client side will change but code will be more readable and resolvable.
#RequestMapping(value="/products", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Product productView(#RequestParam("prodId") int prodId) {}
#RequestMapping(value="/products", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Product productNameView(#RequestParam("prodName") String prodName) {}
Your urls will be:

From request object to the database

I have an app with an AngularJS front-end and a Spring MVC back-end. I'm having some trouble with converting/mapping request objects to domain/dto objects.
On one page you can add a new order to the system, the POST payload would look something like this:
memo: "This is some extra info for order",
orderLines: [{productId:3, quantity:4}, {productId:2, quantity:5}, {productId:1, quantity:4}],
shippingDate: "2014-10-08T19:16:19.947Z",
warehouseId: 2
The Spring MVC controller method looks like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/order", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Void> addOrder(#RequestBody #Valid OrderRequest orderRequest, UriComponentsBuilder b) throws Exception {
// the magic
Where OrderRequest is filled with the values of the POST request, the OrderRequest and OrderLineRequest look like this:
public class OrderRequest {
private Long id;
private Date shippingDate;
private String memo;
private List<OrderLineRequest> orderLines;
private Long warehouseId;
public OrderRequest() {
// getters and setters ommitted
public class OrderLineRequest {
private Long id;
private String productCode;
private int quantity;
public OrderLineRequest() {
My question now is, in order to save an Order object with orderService.add(order) I need to construct the Order object based on the values that were sent in the request. Where/how do I do this?
The OrderRequest class could have a makeOrder() method with just returns an Order object like so:
public Order makeOrder() {
Order order = new Order();
Then I'd have to map the OrderLineRequest which could have their own makeOrderLine method:
public OrderLine makeOrderLine() {
OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine();
orderLine.setQuantity = this.quantity;
...what to do with only the productId?
As you can see I can set the quantity but in the request I only received the productId, but in the database I save the productCode, productName as well, so I need that info from the database, but I don't want to make a database call from the Request object...I also don't want to half of the mapping in the request object and the rest of the mapping in the controller where I do have access to the services.
I can use Dozer to do the mapping for me, but that would mean injecting the services into the Dozer custom converters which seem equally unclean to me...
I pass the OrderRequest object to the service layer and let the service layer handle it, but my question would remain, how exactly would the service layer convert it, say you have the method addOrder like this:
public void addOrder(OrderRequest orderRequest) {
Would you call another service to convert from one to the other as I don't really want this conversion in a business logic method?
Any help would be appreciated
use the #RequestBody to map your jsonObject that is send with the request , to a DTO .
please refer to the following tutorial .
hope that helps .
and please ask if there is something not clear .

Spring MVC to Spring REST tutorials misunderstanding

I have developed a Spring MVC - Hibernate application as told here.
Now I am trying to modify this code to create a REST application as told here.
I have added Jackson library to the classpath and added #XmlRootElement.
#XmlRootElement(name = "persons")
public class Person implements Serializable {
But if I do a application/json request then I still get the html code back.
What I am doing wrong / forgot to do?
My controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/persons", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getPersons(Model model) {"Received request to show all persons");
// Retrieve all persons by delegating the call to PersonService
List<Person> persons = personService.getAll();
model.addAttribute("persons", persons);
return "personspage";
Changed the Controller, but get an error:
ype Status report
message /Buddies/WEB-INF/jsp/main/persons/1.jsp
description The requested resource (/Buddies/WEB-INF/jsp/main/persons/1.jsp) is not available.
Your controller should look like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/persons/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Person getPerson(#PathVariable int id) {
Person person = personService.getPersonById(id);
return person;
If you want to return a list of Person objects, you need an extra wrapper object, see: Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String>.
You are probably missing AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter and messageConverter in your spring configuration.

Redirect with GET needs relative path, why?

I am very new to Spring MVC and am seeing a rather trivial behavior I don't understand.
Bellow you can find snippets to my Controller (consider I have feed.jsp and feedList.jsp). What I don't understand is why I need the "../list" in one redirect, when the other works without it
public class FeedController {
#RequestMapping(value = "delete/{feedId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String deleteFeed(#PathVariable("feedId") Integer feedId) {
return "redirect:../list";
#RequestMapping(value = "save", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveFeed(#ModelAttribute("feed") Feed feed, BindingResult result) {
return "redirect:list";
Perhaps the UrlBasedViewResolver is handling view names as relative to the current request mapping url (citation needed).
Anyway, I always use context-relative absolute paths (starting with a slash): redirect:/list. Actually, if your jsp is called "feedList", then your should return redirect:/feedList
