I use Edits.insert to create an "edit", and after that I change some listings. What version of the app or what track will be updated?
Documentation tells the Edits.insert...
Creates a new edit for an app, populated with the app's current state.
But what is "current state"? I have current production version, rollout production and a few alphas (one of them is newer than rollout production).
Or listings doesn't have versioning at all and are common for all apks and traks?
Listings are common for all APKs and tracks.
Looking at https://docs.geoserver.org/ it seems odd that under the older versions the links stop at v2.13.2. Did the community stop publishing the interactive HTML document at some point such that we now have to find a way to the page where it has to be downloaded?
We are actually going to stop providing anything other than main, stable and maintenance due to lack of resources to keep documents online: the company that provided the old doc server is no more, the project has no budget, so we'll move the docs to GitHub pages, which has a space limitation allowing only 3 versions of the doc to be published.
However, each release comes with a zip file with documentation. Go to the http://geoserver.org/download/, move to the archived tab, pick the one you want, e.g., http://geoserver.org/release/2.12.4/, follow the "user guide HTML", save and unpack the zip. You now have the docs you need.
It looks like something changed in the release process some time ago (2.13.x was quite a while ago). To be honest I didn't know we had ever provided hosted copies of any version of the manual except for Development, Stable and Maintenance. In principal you should never need a manual that is older than Maintenance as that means you are running an unsupported version.
If you desperately need a specific version (to complete a collection maybe) then you can find a zipped copy of the HTML manual under the Archived tab of the Download page.
I'll probably raise a ticket about that documentation page as it has broken links too, so expect all the old links to go soon.
I have a tricky situation here. I have an app, where the previous developer is not available; so i can't get get an export of the certificate idenetifiers
The app already has an approved version on appstore
I would like to release an update, but as i mentioned i do not have any access to previous developer
I have so much confusion right now...
Can i remove the existing bundle in itunesconnect and recreate a new one with the same bundle id? So that i can submit a new version with the same bundle it (create certificates and stuff from scratch)
If at all i can remove, will this effect existing app in appstore?
Is there any way i can create new provisioning profiles for the existing certificates? (I tried, with the message missing private key)
Any suggestions are highly appreciated
I'm going through a similar situation myself, some research landed me on an Apple document that reads:
Important: Re-creating your development or distribution certificates doesn’t affect apps that you’ve submitted to the store nor does it affect your ability to update them.
So, it seems to me that I can recreate the certificates and the provisioning profiles without impacting the current App or its future updates.
Here´s the link : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingCertificates/MaintainingCertificates.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH31-SW6
We've started to use XCode bots for CI with some success. Due to the presence of libraries and pods we have some pre and post triggers that invokes cocoapods, crashlytics etc.
Is there a way to persist the bots to source control so that if the server is reinstalled or moved to a different machine, I don't need to recreate the bot and the trigger scripts?
Apart from the trigger scripts, there are git repos that need to be connected to, verified, credentialled etc.
(I know I can create bash scripts in the source folder and invoke them however the invoking step would still need to be added)
Xcode bots are stored in a database in Xcode Server. Even though you create them locally, they are stored on the Server in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Database
More information dissecting how Xcode bots and server work can be found here Pretty informative look underneath.
They claim that you can hook into the api yourself from the current version of server (4.x), although apple has announced the ability to that in the next version OSX Server 5.0
long story short, I have a xcode (cocoa) project, and I have two targets added to this proj. One is for the sandboxed version and the other one is the non-sandboxed version. (for details please read: one project, two versions? (sandboxed and nonsandboxed version)? any easy way to maintain the code?)
however I'm not sure if I should, or shouldn't keep the same product name and same bundle id, as I don't know what's the pros and cons of doing so.
These two targets are pretty much the same, except that for the sandboxed version, I have to enable sandbox and added the entitlements, while the non-sandboxed one doesn't have such limitation, also I can add the sparkle framework to it so that it auto updates the app if necessary.
So my reason of having the same product name and same bundle id is, they are mostly identical and I really don't want to rename one of the product name to My Product - sandboxed version, or My product - non sandboxed version. Also they are both full version, so I can't named one product as Full and the other one as Lite.
So my question is, for these 2 targets if I use the same product name and same bundle id will I cause any problem?
You could change the Build Products Path under Build Settings for each target to a unique subdirectory ("AppStore" vs. "Self-Distro" or whatever).
XCode creates and manages a provisioning profile for wildcard apps.
I would like to change the profile name so it's not so easily mixed with other wildcard profiles from other teams.
Is this possible? How?
Unfortunately this is not possible in the current version of the 'Certificates, Identities, and Profiles' tool on developer.apple.com.
Because this profile was created by Xcode, the operations available to us via this tool are quite limited:
For those Profiles we've manually created we can select the 'Edit' button and provide a new name for the profile (so long as you don't include any special characters!), however in the case of these special Xcode-generated Provisioning Profiles and App IDs (as indicated by the parenthetical 'Managed by Xcode' in the upper right of the attached screenshot) the only available operation is 'Delete'.
What isn't clear is if this is only a temporary issue while Apple finishes working out the kinks in this new version of the Provisioning Center, if it is a more permanent behavior we are going to have to live with, or even if future versions of Xcode will continue to auto-generate Wildcard AppIDs and Team Provisioning Profiles. Regardless, there is nothing you can do to rename/reorganize these profiles at the current time.
Warning: Pure Speculation Follows: Given that the documentation is littered with references to the Team Provisioning Profile capabilities of Xcode and the the 'Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles' tool, I'd hazard a guess that in a future version of Xcode we will have the ability to refresh these profiles. There are a ton of people experiencing problems ranging from Xcode hanging all the way up to a complete Xcode crash as a result of these profiles, so Apple will almost certainly be doing something. Hopefully when they do so, some of these relatively minor annoyances in the Portal will also go away.