How to conditionally exit in jmeter - jmeter

I have few steps in my script. I am testing it for 1000 users.
1. Validate username
2. Validate Password
3. User Info
4. Settings
5. Payments
20. Logout
I would get a token on password call, if call is success and then I would extract token run all the steps..
But If this is failed, then I don't want run all the step on the thread because it will definitely fail. It should go to step 1 again rather than running all the steps.

Consider put your steps until token created inside While Controller
The While Controller runs its children until the condition is "false".
As a controller Condition field you can check last sampler failed (assert that token is extracted)
And it will loop until token retrieve and continue flow


Validate token without login multiple times

In my script I am performing two steps,
Step 1: Login to the application
Step 2: Validate the coupon code from the CSV file.
Problem Statement: When I enter the coupon code on the URL it return me the following value, I want if the coupon code return me invalid then it should validate the next coupon code without switching back to login again.
{"Valid"} for Valid Token Code
{"InValid"} for Invalid Token Code
Test Plan:
CSV File:
Move your CSV Data Set Config to be a child of the Validate Coupon Code request. Amend Sharing Mode settings according to your test scenario
Put your Generate Bearer Token under the Once Only Controller, this way it will be executed only once per thread (virtual user), during the first iteration of the Thread Group and will be skipped for the subsequent iterations

Rerun getToken(authorization) requests only on expiry - Jmeter

My testplan is as follows:
get token: requests to get access token
Setting a user defined variable to get the tokenGeneratedTime, let's say tokenGeneratedTime to ${__time(,)}
Check if token is expired(if controller) - {__jexl3((${__time(,)} - ${tokenGenerationTime}) > 3599000)}
if true, goes to get token sampler
if false, goes to subsequent requests
Some https requests
So if I run this test plan for the first time(only 1 iteration), request to get token is fired, the condition would be evaluated as false and the subsequent requests are fired. All is well and good. But as you can see, if I run the test plan again immediately(not iterating) for the second time, the get token(authorization) requests are fired again, which is not needed. I need to call the get token requests, only on expiry.
I'm thinking of setting a variable to false, if the token is not expired and putting the get token requests under an if controller. But how do I set a variable in if controller?
If you have any other ways of achieving this, please do suggest.
Use a flag to check the token expiry. e.g. isTokenExpired
Define the variable in the User Defiled Variables section and set the value to true. This will ensure token request is fired for the first time.
Add an IF Controller to the token request and check the condition ${tokenExpired}. Set the flag to false when a token is created successfully. vars.put("tokenExpired","false")
Add a JSR223 Postprocessor to the top level and check the response code 401 for the token expiry response. If the token is expired, set the flag isTokenExpired to true and redirect the thread to the next iteration immediately ctx.setTestLogicalAction(org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContext.TestLogicalAction.START_NEXT_ITERATION_OF_THREAD .
String responseCode=prev.getResponseCode()
if (responseCode.equals("401")) {"Token is expired ")
ctx.setTestLogicalAction(org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContext.TestLogicalAction.START_NEXT_ITERATION_OF_THREAD )
if I run the test plan again immediately(not iterating)
If you run the test plan 2nd time it means that your tokenGenerationTime variable gets a new value of the current timestamp equal to the start time of 2nd execution.
If you want to be able to run your test plan 2nd time within 1 hour without firing the token generation request you can consider writing the tokenGenerationTime into a file using i.e. __StringToFile() function and read it from the file on 2nd and other test executions using __FileToString() function or if your logic is more complex you can go for __groovy() function and implement whatever you want there
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

TO check response of particular id should be diff through jmeter

MY response for api is:-
Now i wants to check short id is different for every virtual user.
mns if second hit gone response data is
So i want to validate that after 1000 request from virtual user every time i am getting diff id.
If you know the "current" value of the shortId and expect it to be incremented by 1 each time you call your API you can go for Response Assertion and use __intSum() and __counter() functions combination in the pattern like:
Each time the Assertion will be called it will expect the value to be incremented by one, i.e.
lu131560 - for 1st user or iteration
lu131561 - for 2nd user or iteration
lu131562 - for 3rd user or iteration
More information: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

Can we print the counter values Jmeter when running via command prompt?

This is the Jmeter script for the application.
1. Validate username
2. Validate Password
If controller
Counter Variable + 1
3. User Info
4. Settings
5. Payments
20. Logout
After Login, I have created counter variable and incremented the number..
I wanted to print the counter so that when running command prompt along with
Active: 15 Started: 15 Finished: 0 summary.. etc.
During the run, I wanted to give the number of logged in user.. Is there any way to print the counter value so that i can give the logged in user count?
Please check the below to print output to cmd line. Put whatever logic you want and use OUT.println to print it to CLI console.
Hope this helps.

without using only once controller,i want the login request to be executed once

I am trying to do the load testing of the pages which can be access after login only.
As I am using Once Only Controller for login request ,when I changed Number of thread- 5 or more,login executes 5 times.
as Once Only Controller works for loopcount so I used loopcount but it slowdown my process and it executes the whole testplan.
My test-plan is:
login thread A- one time execution - how to do it?
http request B- multiple times(by using Number of threads)
http request C- multiple times(by using Number of threads)
What should I use for one time login execution and other successor requests needs to be executed multiple times without using Once Only Controller?
Kindly follow these steps:-
In Thread Group put number of threads:5 , Ramp-up:0 , Loop count: 1
Put your Login part in Once only controller
Right click on Your thread group > add > logic controller > loop controller
Now put your http request part in loop controller and set loop count of loop controller how many times you want to run
Then run the test you will get whatever you want
The Loop count in "Thread Group" is your full script Loop count not for your Transactions, for your transactions you have to put separate loop count before transaction starts.
Please do below
Your thread group setting should be below:
A.Number of threads :1
B:Ramp up period : 0 or as per application response.
C:Loop Count :5
Put your login request under Only once controller.
Request B and Request C should be at thread group one step above it.
Run the request.
please find Sample Jmxsample Jmx for your reference Plse try. Hope it resolves your issue.
