how create and save session value after logout - laravel

i am creating session for some purpose but when user logout the purpose value becomes null but i want to use it after user logout.. the scenario is the session is created by admin and i want use this session for normal user but when admin logout its session also become null..
this is the logout code of laravel
public function logout(Request $request)
return redirect('/');

Here's what you can do:
first get all the data you want to keep.
then delete all the session data.
then save the data in to the session.
then logout.
public function logout(Request $request)
// get the data first for example the user's name
$name = Auth::user()->name;
// save the data into a new session
session(['name' => $name]);
return redirect('/');
then in your view you get the data like so:
{{ session('name') }}


Where is remember_me cookie checked in Laravel?

When I login using the remember_me feature in Laravel 5.8, a remember_me token is stored in the users table and in the cookie. When a user opens the page with expired session, then at some place in Laravel the cookie value must be compared to the remember_token and re-login the user. But where exactly does this take place?
I checked Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard but could not find that anywhere. I need to catch this event, because I need to update the session on my Login-server using the refresh token.
Its in Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard in the user() method.
There is this code section:
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
$recaller = $this->recaller();
if (is_null($this->user) && ! is_null($recaller)) {
$this->user = $this->userFromRecaller($recaller);
if ($this->user) {
$this->fireLoginEvent($this->user, true);
The variable $recaller holds the cookie value.
The method userFromRecaller will try to retrieve user by Token:
protected function userFromRecaller($recaller)
if (! $recaller->valid() || $this->recallAttempted) {
// If the user is null, but we decrypt a "recaller" cookie we can attempt to
// pull the user data on that cookie which serves as a remember cookie on
// the application. Once we have a user we can return it to the caller.
$this->recallAttempted = true;
$this->viaRemember = ! is_null($user = $this->provider->retrieveByToken(
$recaller->id(), $recaller->token()
return $user;
From here you have to check which provider driver you have specifified in config/auth.php (eloquent or database), depending on that you can continue the path on the method retrieveByToken on EloquentUserProvider or DatabaseUserProvider.
For example, the EloquentUserProvider will compare the token value with the remembertoken of the model like this:
public function retrieveByToken($identifier, $token)
$model = $this->createModel();
$model = $model->where($model->getAuthIdentifierName(), $identifier)->first();
if (! $model) {
return null;
$rememberToken = $model->getRememberToken();
return $rememberToken && hash_equals($rememberToken, $token) ? $model : null;
The method getRememberToken() is definied on the Users model via the Authenticatable trait.

Laravel Login and save user details

I want to save the user id,name etc when a successfull login happens.
This is my code,
public function Login(Request $request){
return redirect('dashboard');
return redirect('/');
when a successfull login happens it will redirect to dashboard, I need to access the user data in that page. how its possible ???
if(count($result1)>0) {
$id= session(['id'=>$result1[0]->id]);
$name= session(['name'=>$result1[0]->name]);
return redirect('dashboard');
Then use session()->get('id') and session()->get('name').
in your loginController put method:
protected function authenticated( \Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user) {
this method fires up when user is successfully logged in
and gives you logged in user information.
feel free to use it as you want

restrict multiple login in different browser using a single account in laravel 5.5

For Example i want like -
If user login from google chrome and trying to login from Firefox then previous session should automatically destroy with a alert message.
So far i have done below which is actually not the correct way because it's working fine with manually logout but when user logged out automatically because of session timeout or browser close or shutdown the db not update as it should be -
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
$previous_token = $user->token_id;
$token = $request->session()->token();
if ($previous_token == NULL) {
Auth::user()->token_id = $token;
}elseif ($previous_token == $token) { }
if ($previous_token != $token) {
public function logout(Request $request, User $user)
Auth::user()->token_id = NULL;
return redirect('/');
Please assist me on this. Thanks in advance :)
One way to do what you want is to generate new a random string/hash (you can use the str_random helper function and optionally Hash::make to help you with that) as token whenever the user login, then store it in the DB and browser-side(cookie, so it is not affected by session timeout).
Then you can make a middle-ware or modify existing one to check if the two tokens are the same, and log the user out (and/or alert them) when they are not.
Since cookie is not shared by browsers, logging in with one will invalidate the token stored by the other, thus ending that session.

How to logout a user from API using laravel Passport

I'm currently using 2 projects. 1 front end (with laravel backend to communicate with API) and another laravel project (the API).
Now I use Laravel Passport to authenticate users and to make sure every API call is an authorized call.
Now when I want to log out my user, I send a post request to my API (with Bearer token) and try to log him out of the API (and clear session, cookies,...)
Then on the client I also refresh my session so the token is no longer known. Now when I go back to the login page, it automatically logs in my user. (Or my user is just still logged in).
Can someone explain me how to properly log out a user with Laravel passport?
Make sure that in User model, you have this imported
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
and you're using the trait HasApiTokens in the User model class using
use HasApiTokens
inside the user class.
Now you create the log out route and in the controller,
do this
$user = Auth::user()->token();
return 'logged out'; // modify as per your need
This will log the user out from the current device where he requested to log out. If you want to log out from all the devices where he's logged in. Then do this instead
$tokens = $user->tokens->pluck('id');
Token::whereIn('id', $tokens)
->update(['revoked'=> true]);
RefreshToken::whereIn('access_token_id', $tokens)->update(['revoked' => true]);
Make sure to import these two at the top
use Laravel\Passport\RefreshToken;
use Laravel\Passport\Token;
This will revoke all the access and refresh tokens issued to that user. This will log the user out from everywhere. This really comes into help when the user changes his password using reset password or forget password option and you have to log the user out from everywhere.
You need to delete the token from the database table oauth_access_tokens
you can do that by creating a new model like OauthAccessToken
Run the command php artisan make:model OauthAccessToken to create the model.
Then create a relation between the User model and the new created OauthAccessToken Model , in User.php add :
public function AauthAcessToken(){
return $this->hasMany('\App\OauthAccessToken');
in UserController.php , create a new function for logout:
public function logoutApi()
if (Auth::check()) {
In api.php router , create new route :
Now you can logout by calling posting to URL /api/logout
This is sample code i'm used for log out
public function logout(Request $request)
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Successfully logged out'
Create a route for logout:
$router->group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () use ($router) {
Route::get('me/logout', 'UserController#logout');
Create a logout function in userController ( or as mentioned in your route)
public function logout() {
$accessToken = Auth::user()->token();
->where('access_token_id', $accessToken->id)
'revoked' => true
return response()->json(null, 204);
I am using Laravel 6.12.0, below function is working for me.
public function logout(Request $request){
$accessToken = Auth::user()->token();
$token= $request->user()->tokens->find($accessToken);
$response['msg']="Successfully logout";
return response()->json($response)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
This is my first post.. and i find a clean solution (Laravel last Version)
* Logout api
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function logout(Request $request)
if (Auth::check()) {
$token = Auth::user()->token();
return $this->sendResponse(null, 'User is logout');
return $this->sendError('Unauthorised.', ['error'=>'Unauthorised'] , Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
Below is the simplest way I found to do it.
Official documention
php artisan session:table
php artisan migrate
Replace SESSION_DRIVER=file by SESSION_DRIVER=database in your .env file.
After a user is redirected to your frontend and logs in to finally get a token, you probably call a route in api/routes.php to get the user information, that's where I'm closing the user backend session before sending back user information to the frontend:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
// Close user session here
return $request->user();
Then, to "log out" (actually, revoke tokens) the user from the frontend, you just need to call another route to revoke the token and refresh_token:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->post('/logout', function (Request $request) {
// Revoke access token
// => Set oauth_access_tokens.revoked to TRUE (t)
// Revoke all of the token's refresh tokens
// => Set oauth_refresh_tokens.revoked to TRUE (t)
$refreshTokenRepository = app('Laravel\Passport\RefreshTokenRepository');
You may prefer to put these two closures in the UserController.
Hope help someone:
if (Auth::check()) {
$request->user()->tokens->each(function ($token, $key) {
Good Luck.
I use this in my project to logout from multiple device.
public function logout(Request $request, $devices = FALSE)
$this->logoutMultiple(\Auth::user(), $devices);
return response()->json([], 204);
private function logoutMultiple(\App\Models\User $user, $devices = FALSE)
$accessTokens = $user->tokens();
if ($devices == 'all') {
} else if ($devices == 'other') {
$accessTokens->where('id', '!=', $user->token()->id);
} else {
$accessTokens->where('id', '=', $user->token()->id);
$accessTokens = $accessTokens->get();
foreach ($accessTokens as $accessToken) {
$refreshToken = \DB::table('oauth_refresh_tokens')
->where('access_token_id', $accessToken->id)
->update(['revoked' => TRUE]);
Try this code to help you to logout from passport authentication.
Route::post('/logout', function(){
if (Auth::check()) {
return response()->json([
'status' => 1,
'message' => 'User Logout',
], 200);
check whether your model contains OauthAccessToken which needs to connect with the database oauth_access_tokens. The access token is stored in the database table oauth_access_tokens. and makes a relation from users to oauth_access_tokens.
public function AauthAcessToken(){
return $this->hasMany(OauthAccessToken::class);
You can use following code to remove to token for logged in user.
If you want to learn about this in-depth then watch this tutorial:
public function logout(Request $request)
if ($request->everywhere) {
foreach ($request->user()->tokens()->whereRevoked(0)->get() as $token) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'success']);

Laravel 5 Pass Data from Middleware to Controller

My middleware is similar to Auth. It checks for a URL pattern (eg: /rest/*), and then looks for token in the request, retrieves its corresponding user from database. After that, I want to save that user in a variable so that I can get back to it later in any of the following controller. What's the best way?
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$token = Input::get("token");
// get user data from database
$user = User::get_user_from_token($token);
// ?? -> How to pass $user to controller, so that ..
return $next($request);
In Controller:
public function profile_save() {
// I get the user back here without querying again
$user = ???
I would flash the data to the session. When you flash data it only stays there until the next request.
In your middleware add
Session::flash('user', $user);
Don't forget to add this at the top of your middle ware
use Session;
Then whenever you need to access your user use
Here is a link to the docs for reference
I'm using Laravel 5.1.
To pass parameters from the middleware to the controller you can add it to the Request object.
In the middleware:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$user = 'DB Call To Get User';
$age = 20;
$request->route()->setParameter('user', $user);
$request->route()->setParameter('age', $age);
return $next($request);
Then you can get the user in the controller from either the arguments:
public function TestAction(Request $request, User $user, $age)
Or explicitly from the request object:
public function TestAction(Request $request)
$user = $request->route()->getParameter('user');
$age = $request->route()->getParameter('age');
Of course you can flash the data temporarily to the session or save it to the session itself and set an expiry time, but if you only need it to last for the lifetime of the request then i think this is a good way.
Hope this helps!
