Reconfirm subscribers in Mailchimp - mailchimp

In preparation to GDPR i have to send a re-confirm message to all subscribers, My client has sent me an example seemingly using Mailchimp where the subscribers can reconfirm that they do wish to continue a subscription by simply pressing a button "I wish to continue to subscribe". I have done lots of research and going through the settings at Mailchimp but cannot find any information on how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
I did however find this Question on Stackoverflow, and have been in contact with the developer who found another way to consolidate his lists.
The link on the button used in both exemples are coded like this:|0|xxxxx&sdata=xxxxx=&reserved=0.
Any help would be appreciated.

What you're seeing is a typical intermediate tracking url that mailchimp inserts instead of the underlying link and is unique to each email, link and user. Hence you can 'abuse' this to use link tracking as reconfirmation as I described in this answer.


Can I create a configuration page for a Teams bot app?

I'm building my first Teams app which will have two primary functions:
Proactively send a message to the channel (the bot is installed into) when a specific event occurs on my backend.
Members of the channel reacts to the message via actions.
I finally have a pretty good idea of how to set this up (I think) - but one part I'm missing is that in order to identify the specific app installation as belonging to one of my customers, I need to be able to allow the installing user to supply extra information like e.g. an API-key so that I can associate the specific channel with my specific customer.
Is there any way of doing this with a bot app? I've found examples for creating a configuration page, but they all seem to be associated with tab apps?
I could of cource have the bot ask the user for the information - but maybe there's a "cleaner" way?
Any examples or tutorials would be greatly appreciated as I find it rather hard to get stuff working using Microsoft's own examples etc. :)
Thanks a lot!
When you receive any message from the user, either by typing to your bot, or even installing it into a channel, group chat, or personal context (where you get the conversationUpdate event), you are able to get specific details off of the activity object. If the user sends a message, for instance, then the text property on the activity object will have a value. Incidentally, this is the same activity you will use to get the conversation details you need for the Proactive message.
With regards your question, the activity class also includes a tenantId property, hanging off the conversation property. This is the unique Microsoft 365 Id for the tenant, which would be what I'd suggest to uniquely identify them for your API, or licensing, or similar.

Is there a way to reject messages that contain particular words in channels?

My company has a policy of only sending passwords via encrypted email. However, that takes a little more effort then just asking and sending a quick message during a thread. Is there a way for Teams to reject a message containing a word, in this case password, and give a rejection message?
This isn't a programming related question, so this isn't the place to ask it. I'll answer it anyway though.
We call this "Data Loss Prevention" (DLP) and it's available in some versions of Office 365. We have not yet added it for Teams but it's definitely on the roadmap. Please use "share an idea" via the Feedback (lightbulb) icon at the lower left of Teams and add your vote.

Replying to certain message in Twilio

I am making an event organisation platform. Whenever user creates an event, the candidate gets an email notification as well as sms notification asking whether the suggested time fits or not. The problem is that since it is event organisation, there may be more than one occurance of candidate's mobile phone. So I need to have some unique information to identify to which event candidate is responding to.
I have tried identify using Message SID, but then I realised that Message SID is different on reply message.
So my question would be: is there any way to authenticate to which message candidate is replying to?
Hi Twilio developer evangelist here.
Because every message is idempotent, you wouldn't be able to track them just via the call sid. however, there's way to get around that such as passing a code that goes with each message which you can then read, or using cookies.
I think you are probably going to be more successful using cookies, and luckily enough there is an article on twilio's website that describes just how to do that. And because I noticed you're using PHP, I'm pointing you directly to the PHP article on tracking SMS conversations.
Hope this helps you

Mailchimp already subscribed error resend "Welcome Email" delivery of email

Hope you can help on this one. I want to resend the welcome email to anyone that enters email submit on my mailchimp form. This includes new subscribers and existing subscribers that re-enter their email addresses on the mailchimp form. Hope that makes sense. Any help appreciated. I'm new but quick study to the html and php coding world so if you can step thru for me.
The landing page is:
So, it seems pretty unlikely that you'd actually want to send a welcome email multiple times. It seems more likely that you're putting other content in the welcome email and trying to use it cleverly to achieve some other goal. I'd focus on that goal instead of the current implementation you're working on.
The answer to your question, though is that this isn't possible directly. Your two options are 1) delete the subscriber and then re-subscribe them or 2) use automations to send the email you really want to send when you want to send it.
I'm not 100% sure #1 will work, and even if it does, you'll lose user activity for those users when they re-subscribe. I'd work on #2 if I were you.

MailChimp: Bulk re-send opt-in mailout to all subscribers

A client of mine is planning to move from a WordPress newsletter plugin to MailChimp.
As a result we'd be importing all the subscribers from the old system into MailChimp. However we have a feeling that a lot of those subscribers are either fake, dead emails, or not interested any more.
I was wondering whether there is any way to bulk resend an opt-in, so that all subscribers get a mail asking them to click a link to continue their subscription?
I didn't notice anything obvious when selecting all subscribers in a list on MailChimp
At present, it doesn't seem as if there's any way to batch resend confirmation emails. To accomplish what you're after, you can use other mailchimp tools and external methods to clean your list up.
One way would be to contact your users and have them reconfirm. An example from a mailchimp knowledge base article:
"Hi |FNAME|,
Remember us? You visited our website back on |OPTIN_DATE| and signed up for our email newsletter. Well, we’ve finally gotten around to setting up a nifty email newsletter program, and we want to make sure you still want to hear from us. We hope you do, because every month or so our newsletter will include useful how-tos, tips, and advice (plus special offers like the one below).
If you want to stay on our list, click here to renew your subscription! Of course, we don’t want to clog up your inbox with stuff you don’t want. If you're not interested, you can ignore this and you’ll never hear from us again…"
You can also remove people who haven't clicked on the last N campaigns, remove low-rating users, or use another way to remove people who aren't engaging.
Some helpful links:
