Cannot run scripts in Rstudio - rstudio

I'm working through some exercises in an Introduction to R book (A Dummy's Book to be specific). I am running Rstudio version 1.1.447. I Enter the following script
h <-hello
yourname <-readline("What is your name")
I then press Ctrl+Shift+S. When I do this, I get the following error message:
Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(con, "w") :
cannot open file 'C:/Users/efami/OneDrive/Documents/.active-rstudio-document': Permission denied
I am running RStudio in Administrative Mode in a Windows 10 system. I do not understand where this path is coming from (it's obviously picking up something in my environment) or how to get past this problem.

I still don't know why it picked up the directory shown in the error message but the trick is to override the directory by creating a .Renviron file. The instructions on how to do this are found here:
Change temporary directory


psqlodbc driver not found on heroku despite being in my app directory

I am trying to get RODBC to work on heroku. I have a rails app that calls an R script from RinRuby, which then queries the production database in order to do some analysis. It all works fine on my local Mac, so I thought the best approach was to use the binary compiled on my Max ( into my repo, and reference it in production as well. Unfortunately, when I try to make the connection in production using this connection string:
> library(RODBC)
> dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver=./;database=nw_server_production;trusted_connection=true;uid=nw_server')
Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib './' : file not found
2: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>?") :
ODBC connection failed
I have seen this error in a similar post online here, but using SQL server instead of postgres. But the accepted answer on that post doesn't explain why the file isn't found, despite being in the app directory. I did follow the same approach and made my own custom buildpack (available here: I replaced the .so file with the one I compiled on my mac, and simply deleted the .rll file and the code that copies it, since I don't have that file (and hopefully don't need it for psqlodbc?). When I run that buildpack it runs without error on heroku, but then when I reference the .so file copied from the buildpack, I get the same "file not found" error.
Is this happening because the .so file was compiled on the wrong system architecture? I tried compiling psqlodbc on linux, but I do not get a file when I do that (let alone an .rll file). The closest thing I get is a file called, which is a setup file, not a driver file.
Could someone please help me understand the best approach to this problem? Why is heroku not seeing the file that is not there? And what is the best solution? Is there a simple way to just download the correct driver file somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!

Error in publishing to RPubs from Rstudio

I installed the latest version of RStudio (RStudio 1.1.423 - Windows Vista / 7/8/10).
I'm trying to publish to RPubs, but in Global Options does not appear the option for Rpubs.
When I request Publish Document, the following error appears: Error occurred while executing method.
I entered the command: options (rpubs.upload.method = "internal") at line 25 of Rprofile, but it did not resolve.
The solution is provided by a careful rereading of
"Put in options(rpubs.upload.method = “internal”) and no other text at all". Meaning that this line of code is the only code present in the .Rprofile file.
Previously I had been adding the line to a copy of the rest of the Rprofile text. The unnecessary code was the culprit.
I had the same error before. Turns out it was due to having an accent mark in a folder name from my directory (í). I just modified that one folder name and it worked fine.

Trouble Creating and Executing an Intel SGX Enclave

I'm very new to SGX and wanted to start with something simple. Fortunately, I found this very basic tutorial. Unfortunately, as simple as it is, I can't get it to work. The code executes, but there are errors in the output.
[sgx_create_enclavew ..\urts\win\urts.cpp:195] Couldn't open file with CreateFile()
error 0x200f, failed to create enclave.
Buffer before change: Hello World!
Buffer after change: Hello World!
Returned Secret:
Saved Secret: My secret string
Load Secret:
secretIntValue first load: 0
saved a 1337 to the enclave.
secretIntValue second load after 1337 was saved: 0
error, failed to destroy enclave.
image of output
the tutorial says:
If you get the error SGX couldn't find the enclave file. The solution is to move the enclave_test_save.signed.dll into the same folder where the app_test_save.exe is located.
which I've tried, but it didn't solve the problem.
when I try to create the enclave using:
sgx_create_enclave(ENCLAVE_FILE, SGX_DEBUG_FLAG, &token, &updated, &eid, NULL);
could the problem be a result of using a different version of Visual Studio? (The tutorial uses VS 2012, while I'm using VS 2015)
Did you run the application through command prompt or from IDE?
If you are using IDE, You need to change the debugging properties to $(OutDir) from $(ProjecttDir) under Project Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging->Working Directory.(Both Enclave and Application) Select the Intel(R) SGX Debugger.
Disclaimer: I had the same error although under a different setting (Ubuntu, eclipse) so I am not sure to what extent this will help.
Before initialize_enclave() is called (which in turn calls sgx_create_enclave()), a chdir(absolutePath) command needs to be executed, where absolutePath needs to be the absolute path to where your executable is.
My error was due to a wrong path I used.
Thanks, I solved it. turns out I had to place enclave_test_save.signed.dll in the root folder with the .edl file and not with the .exe file.

Unable to run SparkR in Rstudio

I cant use sparkR in Rstudio because im getting some error: Error in sparkR.sparkContext(master, appName, sparkHome, sparkConfigMap, :
JVM is not ready after 10 seconds
I have tried to search for the solution but cant find one. Here is how I have tried to setup sparkR:
Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark") # The path to your spark installation
.libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"), .libPaths()))
library("SparkR", lib.loc="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark/R") # The path to the lib folder in the spark location
Now execution starst with a message:
Launching java with spark-submit command
And finally after a few minutes it returns an error message:
Error in sparkR.sparkContext(master, appName, sparkHome,
sparkConfigMap, : JVM is not ready after 10 seconds
It looks like the path to your spark library is wrong. It should be something like: library("SparkR", lib.loc="C/Users/alibaba555/Downloads/spark/R/lib")
I'm not sure if that will fix your problem, but it could help. Also, what versions of Spark/SparkR and Scala are you using? Did you build from source?
What seemed to be causing my issues boiled down to the working directory of our users being a networked mapped drive.
Changing the working directory fixed the issue.
If by chance you are also using databricks-connect make sure that the .databricks-connect file is copied into the %HOME% of each user who will be running Rstudio or set up databricks-connect for each of them.

Automap library issue in Windows7 (with R 3.0.1)

I installed sp and automap libraries to my R 3.0.1 64-bit under Windows 7 (via install.packages command). Installation of them did not display any error and library(sp) works fine however when I try to execute library(automap) I get the following error:
> library(automap)
Error in gzfile(file, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In read.dcf(file.path(p, "DESCRIPTION"), c("Package", "Version")) :
cannot open compressed file 'C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.1/library/sp/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
2: In gzfile(file, "rb") :
cannot open compressed file '', probable reason 'Invalid argument'
I looked from the path and indeed there is no DESCRIPTION file (or folder) in that path. However there is just libs folder under which folder x64 and inside it file sp.dll
Any idea what could cause this?
I would definitely try to run R as administrator, both for installing the packages and loading them. This could solve your problem.
This probably has to do with file permissions. When you install the packages as admin in a location where only admin can read/write, running R as a normal user means you do not have the file permissions needed to load the package. Running R as admin will solve this, as admin does have the correct permissions.
Alternatively, you could install your R packages in a location where a normal user has read/write persmissions, e.g. C:/Users/UserName (or something like that, I do not have my windows machine accesible right now).
