Blender: Roll up, unroll plane without using Spiral or growing cylinder - animation

We're trying to get a realistic affect of a plane being rolled up into a coil in an animation like a carpet rolling up or toilet paper being rolled onto a cardboard tube.
To two ways that are usually suggested are:
Use a spiral and add a curve modifier to the plane - but this is not an accurate representation because the first roll is the widest diameter and then the coil 'tightens'. That would not be how paper really winds onto a cardboard tube ...
The Cylinder/Plane Trick - Move a cylinder while expanding a plane (so one edge is always under the cylinder and increase, decrease the size of the cylinder. This is a clever way to mimic a ribbon being wound / unwound but out plane is actually a complex model so we wouldn't be able to get away with it.
The current animation we are working on is all in Blender Render but if Blender Cycles was the only way to crack this I would go there! ;)


Can points or meshes be drawn at infinite distance?

I'm interested in drawing a stardome in THREE.js using either mesh points or a particle system.
I don't want the camera to be able to move any closer to any part of the stardome, since the stars are effectively at infinite distance.
I can think of a couple of ways to do this:
A very large mesh (or very large point/particle distances)
Camera and stardome have their movement exactly linked.
Is there any way to specify a mesh, point, or particle system is automaticaly rendered at infinite distance so it is always drawn behind any foreground objects?
I haven't used three.js, but my guess is no. OpenGL camera's need a "near clipping plane" and "far clipping plane", which effectively denote the minimum and maximum distance that it'll render things in. If you've played video games where you move too close to a wall and start to see through it, or see things in the distance suddenly vanish as you move away, those were probably the clipping planes at work.
The workaround is usually one of 2 ways:
1) Set the far clipping plane distance as high as it'll let you go. I don't know what data type three.js would use for this, but my guess is a 32-bit float.
2) Render it in "layers". Render all the stars first before anything else in the scene.
Option 2 is the one I usually use.
Even if you used option 1, you would still synchronize the position of the camera and skybox.
If you do not depth cull, draw the skybox first and match its position, but not rotation, to the camera.
Also disable lighting on the skybox. Instead, bake an ambience directly into its texture.
You're don't want things infinitely away, you just want them not to move with respect to the viewer and to not appear in front of things. The best way to do that is to prevent the viewer from getting closer to them which produces the illusion of the object being far away. The second thing is to modify your depth culling function so that the skybox is always considered further away than whatever you are currently drawing.
If you create a very large mesh object, you'll have to set your camera's far plane large enough to include the mesh which means you'll end up drawing things that you really do want to cull.

Rigid Body Physics Rotations

I'm wanting to create a physics engine within Java. However it's not the code I'm bothered about. It's simply the math of rigid body physics, specifically forces and how they affect the rotation of an object.
Let's say for example that I have a square with same length sides. The square will be accelerating towards ground level due to gravity (no air resistance). This would mean that there would be a vector force of (0,-9.8)m/s on every point in the square.
Now let's say that this square is rotated slightly. When this rotated square comes into contact with the ground (a flat surface) there will be an impulse velocity vector at the point of contact (most likely a corner of the square). However, what happens to the forces of the other corners on the square? From the original force of gravity, how are they affected?
I apologize if my question isn't detailed enough. I'd love to upload a diagram but I don't yet have the reputation.
rotation is form of kinetic energy
first the analogy to movement
alpha - angular position [rad]
omega - angular speed [rad/s]
epsilon - angular acceleration [rad/s^2]
now the inertia
I - quadratic rotation mass inertia [kg.m^2]
m - mass [kg]
M - torque [N.m]
and some equations to be exploited
M=epsilon*I - torque needed to achieve acceleration or vice versa [N.m]
acc=epsilon*radius - perimeter acceleration [m/s^2]
vel=omega*radius - perimeter speed [m/s^2]
equation #1 can be used to directly compute the force. Equations #2,#3 can be used to calculate friction based forces like wheels grip/drag. Do not forget about the kinetic energy Ek=0.5*m*vel^2+0.5*I*omega^2 so you can exploit the law of preserving energy.
During continuous contact of object1 with object2 in rotation happens this
Perimeter speed/acceleration create interaction force, this is slowing down the rotation of object2 creating drag force on the object2 and reacting force on the object1.
if object1 is not fixed then this force also create torque and rotates the object1
If the rotation is forced to stop suddenly then all rotational part of kinetic energy is moved to the collision reaction Force impulse.
If object is in more complicated rotation motion then you should compute the actual rotation axis and alpha,omega,epsilon and use that because object can rotate with more rotations each with different center of rotation.
Also if object is rotating and another rotation is applied in different axis then this creates gyroscopic torque creating also rotation in the third axis perpendicular to both.
So when yo put all these together you have a idea of what structures you need. Sorry can not be more specific than this without further info about the structures and properties of your simulation ...
Applied forces do not play a role in the calculation of contact impulses because the impulses are said to occur on a time scale much smaller than the simulation time step. Basically the change is velocity during an impact because of gravity or other forces is negligible.
If I understand correctly, you worry about the different corners of the square - one with an impact, three without.
However, since you want to do rigid body dynamics, it is more helpful to think about the rigid body as having a center of mass (in this case, the square's center), a position, a rotation, and a geometry (in this case the square, but it could be anything).
The corners of the vertices are in constant position and rotation with regards to the center of mass - it's only the rigid body's position and rotation which change all four corners position in the world at once. An advantage of this view is that it is independent of the geometry - you could have 10 or 20 corners, and the approach would be the same.
With regard to computing the rotation:
Gravity is working as before. However, you now have another force (from the impulse over the time it acts) - and you have to add the effects of the two in order to get the complete outcome of the system.
The impulse will be due to one of the corners being in collision in the case you describe. It has to be computed at the contact point, with a contact normal - in this case the normal of the flat surface.
If the normal points in a different direction than the center of mass, this will lead to a rotation (as well as a position change).
The amount of the position change is due to how you model the contact computation and resolution, material properties, numerical stepper, impact velocity, time step, ...
As others mentioned, reading up on physics (rigid body dynamics) and physics simulations might be a good starting point to understand the concepts better.

Programmatic correction of camera tilt in a positioning system

A quick introduction:
We're developing a positioning system that works the following way. Our camera is situated on a robot and is pointed upwards (looking at the ceiling). On the ceiling we have something like landmarks, thanks to whom we can compute the position of the robot. It looks like this:
Our problem:
The camera is tilted a bit (0-4 degrees I think), because the surface of the robot is not perfectly even. That means, when the robot turns around but stays at the same coordinates, the camera looks at a different position on the ceiling and therefore our positioning program yields a different position of the robot, even though it only turned around and wasn't moved a bit.
Our current (hardcoded) solution:
We've taken some test photos from the camera, turning it around the lens axis. From the pictures we've deduced that it's tilted ca. 4 degrees in the "up direction" of the picture. Using some simple geometrical transformations we've managed to reduce the tilt effect and find the real camera position. On the following pictures the grey dot marks the center of the picture, the black dot is the real place on the ceiling under which the camera is situated. The black dot was transformed from the grey dot (its position was computed correcting the grey dot position). As you can easily notice, the grey dots form a circle on the ceiling and the black dot is the center of this circle.
The problem with our solution:
Our approach is completely unportable. If we moved the camera to a new robot, the angle and direction of tilt would have to be completely recalibrated. Therefore we wanted to leave the calibration phase to the user, that would demand takings some pictures, assessing the tilt parameters by him and then setting them in the program. My question to you is: can you think of any better (more automatic) solution to computing the tilt parameters or correcting the tilt on the pictures?
Nice work. To have an automatic calibration is a nice challenge.
An idea would be to use the parallel lines from the roof tiles:
If the camera is perfectly level, then all lines will be parallel in the picture too.
If the camera is tilted, then all lines will be secant (they intersect in the vanishing point).
Now, this is probably very hard to implement. With the camera you're using, distortion needs to be corrected first so that lines are indeed straight.
Your practical approach is probably simpler and more robust. As you describe it, it seems it can be automated to become user friendly. Make the robot turn on itself and identify pragmatically which point remains at the same place in the picture.

How to rotate circle in response to collision?

I am in the process of developing a very simple physics engine. The only non-static objects in it will be circles and the only collision detection I will be performing is between circles and line pieces.
For the purpose I am utilizing the principals described in Advanced Character Physics. That is, I do integration by using a simple Verlet integrator. I perform collision detection and response simply by calculating the distance between the circles and the line pieces and in case that the distance is less than the cirles radius I project the circle out of the line piece.
This works very well and the result is a practically perfect moving circle. The current state of the engine can be seen here: This however, also shows the one major problem I am facing: The circle does not rotate at all.
As far as I can figure out there is three different collision cases that will have to be dealt with seperately:
When the circle is colliding with a line vertex and is not rolling along the line.
When the circle has just hit or rolled of a line. Then the exact point of impact will have to be calculated (how?) and the circle is rotated according to the distance between the impact position and the projected position.
When the circle is rolling along a line. Then is it simply rotated according to the distance traveled since last frame.
Here is the closest I have got to solving the problem: But as the demo shows it doesn't handle the edge cases probably.
I have searched for a solution online but I can not find any material that deals with the given problem specifically (as I said the physics engine is relatively simple and I do not want to bother with complex physic simulation concepts).
What looks wrong in your demo is that you're not considering angular moment and energy when determining the motion.
For the easy case, when the wheel is dropping to the floor in your demo, it stops spinning while in free fall. Angular momentum should keep it going.
A more complicated situation is when the wheel finally lands on the floor, it moves with the same horizontal velocity it had before hitting floor. This would be correct if it wasn't rolling but since it is rolling, some of the kinetic energy will have to go into the spinning motion, and this should slow it down. As a more clear example of this, consider the opposite case where the wheel is spinning quickly but has no linear momentum. When this wheel is set on the floor, it should take off and the spinning should slow. Also, for example, as the wheel rolls down a hill, it accelerates more slowly because the energy needs to go into both linear and circular motion.
It's not too hard to do, but to show a rolling object in a way that looks intuitively correct, I think you'll need to consider the kinetic energy and angular momentum associated with rolling. By "not too hard", I mean that all of your equations will essentially but twice as long, with one term for linear motion and another for angular. I won't recite all of the equations, it's basically just the chapter in rotational motion from any physics text.
(Nice demo, btw!)

Any ideas on real life rocks 3d Reconstruction from Single View?

So in general, when we think of Single View Reconstruction we think of working with planes, simple textures and so on... Generally, simple objects from nature's point of view. But what about such thing as wet beach stones? I wonder if there are any algorithms that could help with reconstructing 3d from single picture of stones?
Shape from shading would be my first angle of attack.
Smooth wet rocks, such as those in the first image, may exhibit predictable specular properties allowing one to estimate the surface normal based only on the brightness value and the relative angle between the camera and the light source (the sun).
If you are able to segment individual rocks, like those in the second photo, you could probably estimate the parameters of the ground plane by making some assumptions about all the rocks in the scene being similar in size and lying on said ground plane.
