Laravel combine multiple collections into one query - laravel

I'm wondering if this is possible. I have 3 models.
I'm trying to find out if I can do a query like so.
Find all tenants, whose preferences, match the currently signed in users properties.
The 3 databases are like so
User Model
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('property_adverts', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->integer('user_id'); //Landlord ID
Tenant Preferances
Schema::create('tenant_preferances', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->integer('user_id'); //Tenant ID

Yes, that is possible. You need to dig in on relations. You can then create a function to define the relation on you model:
function propertyAdverts() {
return $this->hasMany(PropertyAdverts::class);
You can access the relation from the user model by using $user->propertyAdverts. If you want to eager load them you can do so:
But notice that Laravel does not do a regular join by default. It first fetches all users, and then fetches all propertyAdverts using a single query using a in statement.


3 Table Laravel Migration need advice

I think I am doing this correctly. I have a users, profile, and application table. Below are the migrations. I think I am linking them correctly in the migration but need advice to make sure. 1 user can have 1 profile but many applications.
User Table
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Profile Table
public function up()
Schema::create('profile', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function up()
Schema::create('pilgrim_application', function (Blueprint $table) {
Does your migration work at the moment?
First check your migration file order, for example
1000_ pilgrim_application
in case of multiple applications you could begin the migration with a different number for grouping files in a list, this can be handy if you want to create multiple applications.
Also, is it necessary to specify the relations user and profile in the pilgrim_application migration?
Through relationships in your models you can also access the pilgrim_application from the user model and vice versa.

Laravel Nova 2 models in 1 resource

In my case i have a User
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
And i have a Address
Schema::create('addresses', function (Blueprint $table) {
Is it possible to create a new user and add a address to it in the same Nova User Resource?
What can we add in the fields function of the Resource?
Do i need to overwrite the default create method? Or can this be fixed with a belongsTo ?
Currently i got it to work with using
method but this is not what i want. I first have to create a User and after that i can add an Address.
This should be simple, in your Nova User model add
The Address field should represent the function in your User model that returns the Address relation
So in your user there should be
public function address()
return $this->belongsTo(Address::class);
I hope that that is what you are looking for, I will be happy to update my answer if given more information.

Has Many Through where the middle table has both forain keys in laravel 5.6

I need to make a HasManyThough relation where the middle Model holds the foreign keys of both Models.
Here is detail:
Schema::create('carriers', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('shipping_zones', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('shipping_rates', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->decimal('rate', 20, 6);
Now I need something like
Is there any easy way to get this?
As per your migrations you need Many To Many relation rather than the HasManyThough relation.
public function shippingZones()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\ShippingZone', 'shipping_rates);
You can access all shipping zones related to the carrier using, $carrier->shippingZones.
If you need to chain the query you can use $shippingZones = $carrier->shippingZones()->orderBy('id')->get(); here
If you need to use HasManyThough you would have to change the migrations. here

how can I use event and listener by laravel to handle the booking?

I have rooms in hospitals. Each room has beds with numbers. I want to assign beds to patients. How can I handle this in an easy way:
rooms migration:
Schema::create('rooms', function (Blueprint $table) {
beds migration:
Schema::create('beds', function (Blueprint $table) {
reservations migration:
Schema::create('reservations', function (Blueprint $table) {
How can I check for available beds? Get the available beds? Be sure the bed is available. How can I use events and listeners to make the whole thing work?
pluck() retrieve a Collection containing the values of a single column.
Here, it retrieves a Collection of reservation bed_id:
$reserved = Reservation::pluck('bed_id)->all();
The whereNotIn method verifies that the given column's value is not contained in the given array:
$bed_available = Bed::whereNotIn('id' , $reserved)->get();
This query gives you all the bed whose id is not available in that collection $reserved , which i think is your requirement .

Laravel: How do I model this Article/Category scenario?

I have a scenario with Articles and Categories where each article can have only one category through a CategoryGroup.
This means the article can have more than one category but only one unique category from each category_group. Or, to put it another way, the article can have only one category from each category_group.
Do I model this scenario at the level of relationships? Or is this a matter of using custom validation?
This seems like a hasOneThrough scenario but this doesn't exist. So what's the workaround?
I have tried a many-to-many relationship between articles and categories but how do I constrain the article from having more than one of each category type while attaching categories to single articles?
Schema::create('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('article_category', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->primary(['article_id', 'category_id']);
