Update a hashmap value, given a key with getOrDefault - java-8

I have a HashMap :
HashMap<string, Integer> hmap = new HashMap<>();
where I want to increase the HashMap value. In order to avoid the nullPointer Exception if the key doesn't exist, I check it! Let's say the data are:
//201803271 - 1000
//201803271 - 1000
//201803272 - 1000
//inside a loop i read the data...
if (hmap.get("201803271") != null) {
hmap.put("201803271", hmap.get("201803271") + 1000);
hmap.put("201803271", 1000);
//end of loop
which works as I get:
201803271 - 2000
201803272 - 1000
But, I read this question How to update a value, given a key in a java hashmap? and there is a solution to use the Java 8 method getOrDefault. I tried it
hmap.put("201803271", count.getOrDefault("201803271", 1000) + 1000)
However, with this solution I get wrong results...
201803271 - 3000
201803272 - 2000
What am I missing?

Java 8 introduced merge method to Map interface just for this type of problem:
hmap.merge("201803271", 1000, Integer::sum);
It means "put 1000 for this key but if this key already has a value add 1000 to it".
The reason your solution wasn't working is that you were getting 1000 by default and then adding 1000 to it. To do this correctly with getOrDefault, you would want to replace 1000 with 0 in getOrDefault. hmap.put("201803271", count.getOrDefault("201803271", 0) + 1000))

You could do it like this:
map.put(key, map.getOrDefault(key, 0) + inc);
map.compute(key, (k, v) -> v == null ? inc : v + inc);


Can I use variables across all the threads in the thread groups in jmeter?

I'm trying to create a test plan for rate-limiting behavior.
I set a rule that blocks after X requests per minute, and I want to check that I get response code 200 until I reached the X requests, and from then, to get 429. I created a counter that shared between all the threads, but it seems to be a mess because it's not a thread-safe.
This is my beanshell "once only controller":
String props_pre_fix = ${section_id} + "-" + ${START.HMS};
props.remove("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id}, props_pre_fix);
props.put("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id}, props_pre_fix);
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "200");
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter", "0");
and this is the beanshell assertion:
String props_pre_fix = props.get("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id});
//log.info("props_pre_fix " + props_pre_fix);
//extract my counter from props
int my_counter = Integer.parseInt(props.get(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter"));
//extract last response code
String last_response_code = props.get(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code");
log.info("last_response_code " + last_response_code);
//if last seconds is greater than current seconds it means we are in a new minute - set counter to zero
if(last_response_code.equals("429") && ResponseCode.equals("200")){
log.info("we moved to a new minute - my_counter should be zero");
my_counter = 0;
//increase counter
log.info("set counter with value: " + my_counter);
//save counter
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter", my_counter + "");
log.info("counter has set with value: " + my_counter);
if (ResponseCode.equals("200")) {
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "200");
if(my_counter <= ${current_limit}){
Failure = false;
else {
Failure = true;
FailureMessage = "leakage of " + (my_counter - ${current_limit}) + " requests";
else if (ResponseCode.equals("429")) {
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "429");
if(my_counter > ${current_limit}){
Failure = false;
I'm using props to share the counter, but I obviously feel that this is not the right way to do it.
Can you suggest me how to do that?
I don't think that it is possible to automatically test this requirement using JMeter Assertions because you don't have access to the current throughput so I would rather recommend considering cross-checking Response Codes per Second and Transactions per Second charts (can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager)
All the 200 and 429 responses can be marked as successful using Response Assertion configured like:
If for some reason you still want to do this programmatically you might want to take a look at Summariser class source which is used for displaying current throughput in the STDOUT.
Also be informed that starting from JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting.

Why the TiDB performance drop for 10 times when the updated field value is random?

I set up the TiDB, TiKV and PD cluster in order to benchmark them with YCSB tool, connected by the MySQL driver.
The cluster consists of 5 instances for each of TiDB, TiKV and PD.
Each node run a single TiDB, TiKV and PD instance.
However, when I play around the YCSB code in the update statement, I notice that if the value of the updated field is fixed and hardcoded, the total throughput is ~30K tps and the latency at ~30ms. If the updated field value is random, the total throughput is ~2k tps and the latency is around ~300ms.
The update statement creation code is as follow:
public String createUpdateStatement(StatementType updateType) {
String[] fieldKeys = updateType.getFieldString().split(",");
StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder("UPDATE ");
update.append(" SET ");
for (int i = 0; i < fieldKeys.length; i++) {
String randStr = RandomCharStr(); // 1) 3K tps with 300ms latency
//String randStr = "Hardcode-Field-Value"; // 2) 20K tps with 20ms latency
update.append(" = '" + randStr + "'");
if (i < fieldKeys.length - 1) {
update.append(", ");
// update.append(fieldKey);
update.append(" WHERE ");
update.append(" = ?");
return update.toString();
How do we account for this performance gap?
Is it due to the DistSQL query cache, as discussed in this post?
I manage to figure this out from this post (Same transaction returns different results when i ran multiply times) and pr (https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/7644).
It is because TiDB will not perform the txn if the updated field is identical to the previous value.

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 Java 8

ABC abc = eMsg.getAbcCont().stream()
.filter(cnt -> (option.geiID().equals(cnt.getId()) && option.getIdVersion() == cnt.getIdVersion()))
Above code is giving me en exception as
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:657)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:433)
getAbcCont method will return the List of ABC objects.Currently my eMsg contains two object with the getAbcCont. When control reach to the .collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0); its giving the above mentioned exception. Any help suggestion must be appricaited.
This means that the result after the filter is zero elements, so you cannot do get(0).
A quick solution for this would be to first get the list of elements back, and then check if there is atleast one element.
List<ABC> list = ABC abc = eMsg.getAbcCont().stream()
.filter(cnt -> (option.geiID().equals(cnt.getId()) && option.getIdVersion() == cnt.getIdVersion()))
if(list.size() > 0){
ABC abc = list.get(0);
Obviously there is a shorter way also using lambdas such as:
ABC abc = eMsg.getAbcCont().stream()
.filter(cnt -> (option.geiID().equals(cnt.getId()) && option.getIdVersion() == cnt.getIdVersion()))
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26126636/1688441
But as User nullpointer , you might need to check if an element is found before you try to call remove() using object abc. I suspect trying to remove null from a collection might not do anything, but you could check to be sure!
if(abc != null){
You should do !list.isEmpty() rather than list.size() as per sonar

Observable Interval without drift

I am using Observable.interval to schedule code execuiton at specified times:
let obs = Observable.interval(50).subscribe(()=>{
console.log(this.currentFrame+" "+new Date().getTime());
This is the output. As you can see, after 6 iterations I already have a 10ms drift. How can I use Observable.interval, but also specify that it needs to recalculate next iteration based on the current drift?
0 1513972329849
1 1513972329901
2 1513972329952
3 1513972330004
4 1513972330057
5 1513972330110
Until #cartant's fix gets repulled, you could use expand and create the behavior yourself. Assuming delay will always drift forward, try the following:
function correcting_interval(interval) {
const start_time = new Date().getTime();
return Observable.of(-1)
.expand(v => Observable.of(v + 1).delay(interval - (new Date().getTime() - start_time) % interval))

Entity Framework SaveChanges() first call is very slow

I appreciate that this issue has been raised a couple of times before, but I can't find a definitive answer (maybe there isn't one!).
Anyway the title tells it all really. Create a new context, add a new entity, SaveChanges() takes 20 seconds. Add second entity in same context, SaveChanges() instant.
Any thoughts on this? :-)
============ UPDATE =============
I've created a very simple app running against my existing model to show the issue...
public void Go()
ModelContainer context = new ModelContainer(DbHelper.GenerateConnectionString());
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Order order = context.Orders.Single(c => c.Reference == "AA05056");
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
double millisecs = (end - start).TotalMilliseconds;
Console.WriteLine("Query " + i + " = " + millisecs + "ms (" + millisecs / 1000 + "s)");
start = DateTime.Now;
order.Note = start.ToLongTimeString();
end = DateTime.Now;
millisecs = (end - start).TotalMilliseconds;
Console.WriteLine("SaveChanges " + i + " = " + millisecs + "ms (" + millisecs / 1000 + "s)");
Please do not comment on my code - unless it is an invalid test ;)
The results are:
Query 1 = 3999.2288ms (3.9992288s)
SaveChanges 1 = 3391.194ms (3.391194s)
Query 2 = 18.001ms (0.018001s)
SaveChanges 2 = 4.0002ms (0.0040002s)
Query 3 = 14.0008ms (0.0140008s)
SaveChanges 3 = 3.0002ms (0.0030002s)
Query 4 = 13.0008ms (0.0130008s)
SaveChanges 4 = 3.0002ms (0.0030002s)
Query 5 = 10.0005ms (0.0100005s)
SaveChanges 5 = 3.0002ms (0.0030002s)
The first query takes time which I assume is the view generation? Or db connection?
The first save takes nearly 4 seconds which for the more complex save in my app takes over 20 seconds which is not acceptable.
Not sure where to go with this now :-(
SQL Profiler shows first query and update are fast and are not different for first. So I know delay is Entity Framework as suspected.
It might not be the SaveChanges call - the first time you make any call to the database in EF, it has to do some initial code generation from the metadata. You can pre-generate this though at compile-time: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896240.aspx
I would be surprised if that's the only problem, but it might help.
Also have a look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc853327.aspx
I would run the following code on app start up and see how long it takes and if after that the first SaveChanges is fast.
public static void UpdateDatabase()
//Note: Using SetInitializer is reconnended by Ladislav Mrnka with reputation 275k
new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DAL.MyDbContext,
using (var db = new DAL.MyDbContext()) {
db.Database.Initialize(false);//Execute the migrations now, not at the first access
