Launch Laravel project in VS Code - laravel-5

I am new to using the Laravel framework.
I want to use VS Code for debugging my Laravel project.
How do I Launch my Laravel project in VS Code?

Open the folder in VS Code.
If you are using Homestead press Ctrl+J (on Windows) or Cmd+J (on macOS), then type vagrant up. Otherwise type php artisan serve.


How to run laravel project in locahost from my computer to another computer?

I was copied my laravel project to run another computer. But this project does not work. So who can help me?

Setting up a local database on a Mac using Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to set up a local database on my Mac using VS Code for development purposes. I have installed MariaDB via homebrew, and I can access it through the terminal and play around with it.
But how do I get the connection-string to put in to VS Code, so when I'm using Entity Framework Core, it will automatically create the tables in the MariaDB database?
Check the DB provider in :
It mention the MariaDB connector as the same as MySQL, using Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql, available in Nuget
you can start a project and then add :
dotnet add package Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
Like described in this pretty straight forward tutorial :
Have fun

Running Magento project from PhpStorm

I have downloaded magento project from my ec2 instance. I have just downloaded the magento root directory folder and imported into the phpstorm. Now how do I run that project. Where do I setup server and database settings. How to deploy the project
Go ahead and create a database of your choice. Then just go to your browser and run your localhost/projectname/index.php. It will ask you for all the requirements and install your project right there.

Zend Studio problem

I installed Zend Studio on Windows 7. When i Start the Program one example project is automatically created. But When i run in browser i get this error :-
Cannot connect to the configuration database.
I think there is no Web server configured for it. Then i downloaded Apache web server and extracted the zip folder. Now how do i link this apache web server to Zend Studio? How do i start Apache Web Server from within Zend Studio? Please let me know anything is not clear.
Thanks in advance :)
Installing Zend Server (there is also a Community Edition) should simplify your work
I think that database is used for the sample project. so not setting it makes no sense.
Just for your need, try installing zend debugger made for apache and configure that.
Do you have a backtrace of where that error is occurring or does it pop up in a Window?
You can start Apache Web Server from Zend Studio by doing below steps.
Open Zend Studio.
Go to Window | Show View | PHP | Server.
Click on New button and Select Local Apache HTTP Server.
Click Next and fill the requested server details.
For details, you can refer:
Once the configuration process is successful you can create a PHP project (File | New | Local PHP project) with Apache web server as you PHP Server.

Debug next PHP page in Netbeans from Firefox

I have recently switched to using Netbeans (6.7 RC1) on a Mac, using MAMP as stack. I have Xdebug installed and working.
Previously I used Zend Studio 5.5 with the Firefox Zend toolbar. This had a great feature that allowed you to click 'Debug next page'. When you submitted the form it would then start the debug process.
How do I do something similar with Netbeans ? I would like to be able to launch the debugger from Firefox, so that all GET and POST variables were automatically passed to the debugger.
Haven't tried yet, but Netbeans should have Firebug AddOn. Not sure if it does what you need.
