How to set the universal search field in jqgrid Empty on resizing jqgrid - jqgrid

How can i implement such functionality that even on size change the filter works properly or how to clear the search field on resizing jqgrid.enter code here


Hide/remove options from a view's grid header filtering

I've been looking for an approach to remove unwanted values from a views grid column filtering dropdown but I'm not sure if its even possible.
A specific view in our app only displays results where the column will contain 5 values, however the column option set has 20+. Is it possible to remove the unwanted 15 values from being displayed when the view's filter by function is used?
This documentation does not mention any way the values can be hidden.
I have added a web resource to a view column before, to change text values into an image, however I don't think this is an applicable place to add a script to hide filter by values.
I have developed plugins so not against using this medium if the approach works and does not introduce a performance hit.
Unfortunately that header filter is not open for customization/configuration. Though MS mention it as Excel like filter, it is not going to give the filter options for only values from current list. It will load the full options list.
When we had such requirements in the past - we have developed a PCF control with grid + filters and used it instead.

Hide Column, but display its filter, in Kendo Grid

I am looking to create a bunch of filters on a Kendo Grid but these filters are for hidden columns.
I want to display the filter (perhaps moving it outside the grid area with jQuery) but keep the entire column hidden.
Any suggestions?
Use the dataSource.filter method for that implementation.
If for some reason you want to extract these filter descriptors from the Grid you can use the filter method without parameters. An object will be returned which will contain how exactly the Grid is filtered.
Please notice that this approach does not even require to have the columns hidden (you can skip declaring them at all). The whole objects (with all fields) are available by default on the client.

How to Custom Search Panel In jQGrid

How Custom Search Panel In jQgrid example I Want translate search operation example equal to = or greaderthen > or ... or translate to arabic,
thanks all
I have perused the jqGrid wiki and found two pages which might help you.
This page talks about custom searching and its parameters. Notice that you can bind to the beforeSearch event and fire your own function, and parse the search text to accomplish whatever you want.
There is also toolbar searching, which allows custom filtering on each field in your data table. Depending on your solution, you may want to pursue this path. Again, this option also has events that you can bind to if the default search options don't fit your need.

How can I programmatically do a search on a jqgrid without using their built in toolbar

I need to perform a search action on a jqgrid that has local data but the values for the query would be coming from another ui element in our application not the jqgrid toolbar's search dialog nor header filter ux.
I looked at the api and did not see any way to hook into the search/filter action programmatically. Is there a way to do this? I found some info on search templates for predefined searchs is there a way to run a search template from the grid api so it performs the filter.
What you need to do is just to add in the postData the searching filter (filters for example) and set search parameter of jqGrid. Then you can reload the grid. As the results the user will see the filtered grid.
Look at the old answer. I hope you will find all what you need here.

Resize the JQGrid column at runtime

I need to resize the JQGrid column at runtime.
For eg: the column width for the column was 100px when it is loaded. I need to change it to 200 afterwards.
Please help.
Unfortunately there is no way to do this using the jqGrid API. From the documentation:
As mentioned above the options in colModel can be get or set using the methods getColProp and setColProp. Below are options which can not be changed dynamically when the grid is constructed (If changed they do not have effect or will cause the grid errors). For some of these options there are methods available to change the value:
label (method avail.)
