how to hygieia application in Debug mode - debugging

I have setup Hygieia ( in my local machine and when i started the app from command prompt , I am able to see the dashboard in my browser, as required.
Details about my workspace
1)I am using STS ide
2)for running/starting the application(as mentioned in the documentation).
I use windows-command prompt, and use command like (eg)
java -jar api.jar --spring.config.location=C:\[path to]\Hygieia\api\
I wanted to see the application working in debug mode when i start any module (say for eg., i wanted to debug and see how data is collected and inserted while running the module:- Collector-AWS).
Could you please let me know how would I debug the application -module (or to run the application in debug mode and inspect values ) inside IDE or any other way.
I tried the way {Debug as->Java Application} as mentioned in some other solutions but that didn't work.
kindly assist

Modify your command to add -Xdebug flag. like this:
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=8000,suspend=n \ -jar api.jar --spring.config.location=C:\[path to]\Hygieia\api\


How to debug in Liferay 7?

I'm using Liferay Developer Studio 3.8 and Liferay Portal Tomcat 7.3.1.
I would like to know how can I debug Liferay code, given that the usual Eclipse option as "Watch" or "Inspect" are disabled even starting the server in "Debug mode"?
Also, I cannot use the "Variables" perspective or the "Debug Shell".
Options disabled
Variables disabled
Does somebody know a dummy manual to debug in Liferay?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: The line suggested by Purvesh is already inserted in setenv file.
Following the steps provided by Andre, I still cannot add variables or insert expressions in debug shell. And also, nothing happens with the breakpoints at lines 68 and 69.
Remote debugging
You can start your server with jpda start (guess this should works with .bat too). In eclipse run „Remote Application“ Debug. Your debug Port should be 8000 (per default).
Add Below line in your setenv.bat/ file.
Restart tomcat server.
Set debug configuration and put breakpoints.
Run your application.

Debug jHipster application

I'm new to jHipster, I've created APIs which are consumed by my application's front end. I want to debug my services but unable to attach debugger with IntelliJ.
My application starts by running command "mvnw" which is jHispter standard command when I opened this bat file in editor i found this :
#REM e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
#REM set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
I setup MAVEN_OPTS environment variable but still it was of no use. I also tried to make a remote connection from IDE on port 8000 but still, it didn't serve a purpose.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
you can just run (in debug mode) the main method in the JhipApp Class (the SpringBootApplication Class). It worked for me
My tested and proven solution for debugging and then dividing the front end with the back ends, works for OS Windows and Ubuntu with the use of the latest version of the Ide Intellij Community (2020.1.1 used in both OS), provides that after creating a jhipster app (created with Ubuntu), from the command promp or from the Ubuntu shell launch the command: mvn -DskipTests = true clean install to compile the back end first and then the front end (in Angular 8 in my case), at the end of this compilation run the following command: mvn spring-boot: run.
After launching the application, click Ctrl + C and stop the run. Now you can launch the npm commands and then the command: npm start from the same command prompt or from the shell, since your project has been built and already launched it will be restarted and now from the Ide you can launch your class configuration annotated with #SpringBootApplication from the debug icon, at the end of the compilation you will have front ends and back ends divided and debuggable easily as well as hot changes for the front end take place quickly, while for the back end you will always have to save recompile and restart in debug.
You can do it, if you connect remotely, as you suggested in your question
Start jhipster in the terminal, but pass in some debug params
$ ./mvnw"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"
Then you just connect to it using your IDE at port 5005.
For example, in Visual Studio Code
add a "launch.json" file
A "Add Configuration" button will be displayed when you have the launch.json as the active file in the editor. Click it.
Choose "Java: Attach by Process Id"
That will add a new configuration to the "Run and Debug" tab.
Click the "Attach by Process ID", button, and choose your process (port 5005 in this example)
Debugging will begin!

How to debug revel app in goland?

I would like to debug my revel application with Jetbrain's gogland built in debugger but gogland run configuration allowing to setup either package or file run scenario not debug process started by revel run myapp.
Now Gogland is Goland
I find official manual for create debug-config. I'll post here if you do not mind...
Create your project, for this example i will be using canonical “revel new”
“revel run” to generate tmp/main.go - this file is needed by intellij
Shutdown the running server
Create run configuration and in “Program arguments” add “-importPath\myaccount\my-app -srcPath \src -runMode dev"
Point “File” to \src\\myaccount\my-app\app\tmp\main.go
In “before launch” add “Run external tool”. There: Program: \bin\revel(.exe) Paramerets: build
It works for Linux&Windows
AFAIK, Gogland built-in debugger is delve.
I think you must try run debug with option attach:
Attach to an already running process and begin debugging it.
This command will cause Delve to take control of an already running process, and
begin a new debug session. When exiting the debug session you will have the
option to let the process continue or kill it.
dlv attach pid [flags]
I don't have installed gogland now, but I had similar problem in past.

tomcat debugging

I am working on a project where the backend code is in Java.
I want to debug this code and am running tomcat in the debug mode correctly .
I have the Java code in Eclipse where I set up a new debug config for Remote Java Application and start the debugging.It shows no error but it is not breaking at the breakpoint.
So the Tomcat Webapps folder has only a copy of the Servlet classes and my Java code is in a folder at some other place.
Is this the reason that I am not being able to link them properly
You have to start tomcat with the JPDA options in order to debug remotely. Under *nix, issue "catalina jpda start" instead of "catalina start".
If you want to do a remote debug to figure out a problem in code, then your code locally must be the same. Also remember to connect to the correct port, 8000, I believe.

Can't setup remote debugging with JBoss Web 2.1.4 windows and eclipse

I'm unable to find an option to setup remote debugging in JBossWeb 2.1.4 on Windows. It is not installed as a service and there are no .bat scripts where I can edit the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to include:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4142
The only thing in the jboss web bin directory are jbossweb.exe files.
I've tried editing the run configuration in eclipse to start the container by running jbossweb.exe and setting the environment variable JAVA_OPTS to the above, but it doesn't listen on port 4142 on startup (ie, there seems to be no effect in adding the environment variable to the run configuration).
Any ideas here?
If you control the server from eclipse with for instance JBoss Tools, you can just click "debug" instead of "start" in the Server pane in order to start up in debug mode.
You can create such bat script by yourself. Just add jboss.bat file to bin subdirectory of JBoss install directory and put there:
java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4142 -jar "D:\\JBoss Web 2.1\bin\bootstrap.jar" start
When you run this script, you will get JBoss running in debug mode. Probably, it won't help you in all situations, but it worked for me.
