Expected spy unknown to have been called - jasmine

I'm new to Jasmine, and am getting this error:
Expected spy unknown to have been called.
What does this mean? I'm spying on a method, but am not sure what unknown means.

The answer is really simple! The spy didnt have a name, so it's called "unknown" by default.
To name it, I simply did this
var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy("JamesBond");
Then it failed with something more readable!
Expected spy JamesBond to have been called.

The "unknown" value is due to the inexistence of the name attribution for the spy.
Error: Expected spy unknown.getPlans to have been called.
const mockPlansServiceEmpty: Spide<PlansService> = jasmine.createSpyObj(
['getPlans', 'separateValidFromInvalidPlans']
Error: Expected spy mockPlansEmpty.getPlans to have been called.
const mockPlansServiceEmpty: Spide<PlansService> = jasmine.createSpyObj(
['getPlans', 'separateValidFromInvalidPlans']


Failure: Inconsistent type in JSPB repeated field array. Got undefined expected object

Inconsistent type in JSPB repeated field array. Got undefined expected object +AssertionError: Failure: Inconsistent type in JSPB repeated field array. Got undefined expected object
I am using fabric, and I think this is a problem with the chain code, but can't point the problem.
here is the stacktrace:
Fri, 29 Apr 2022 13:12:24 GMT + Failure: Inconsistent type in JSPB repeated field array. Got undefined expected object +AssertionError: Failure: Inconsistent type in JSPB repeated field array. Got undefined expected object
at new goog.asserts.AssertionError (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:87:1065)
at Object.goog.asserts.fail (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:90:89)
at /Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:502:168
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.goog.array.forEach (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:101:188)
at Function.jspb.Message.assertConsistentTypes_ (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:502:114)
at Function.jspb.Message.bytesListAsU8 (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:501:217)
at proto.protos.ChaincodeInput.getArgsList_asU8 (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/#hyperledger/fabric-gateway/dist/protos/peer/chaincode_pb.js:557:59)
at proto.protos.ChaincodeInput.serializeBinaryToWriter (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/#hyperledger/fabric-gateway/dist/protos/peer/chaincode_pb.js:508:15)
at jspb.BinaryWriter.writeMessage (/Users/user/hl-f/backend/node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js:451:479)+
the code that do this is a simple AddAsset query that i modified,
public async AddAsset(ctx: Context, assetid : string,email: string,phone :string,address :string): Promise<void> {
const exists = await this.AssetExists(ctx, assetid);
if (exists) {
throw new Error(`The asset ${assetid} already exists`);
const asset = {
AssetID: assetid,
Email: email,
Phone: phone,
Address: address,
await ctx.stub.putState(assetid, Buffer.from(stringify(sortKeysRecursive(asset))));
Always double check, triple check your app/backend, when encountering this problem.
you might have a similar problem to this:
json = {
Assetid : "123",
contract.submitTransaction("AddAsset", json.AssetID, ...);
json.Assetid = 123
json.AssetID = undefined
I feel stupid, on how much time i wasted on this bug, thinking it was the chaincode,
And remember double, triple check.
And happy coding.

'RedisCluster' has no member named 'get_shards_pool'

I am trying to build DeathStarBench (https://github.com/delimitrou/DeathStarBench), however, I am getting the following error:
In file included from /social-network-microservices/src/HomeTimelineService/HomeTimelineService.cpp:15:0:
/social-network-microservices/src/HomeTimelineService/HomeTimelineHandler.h: In member function 'virtual void social_network::HomeTimelineHandler::WriteHomeTimeline(int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, const std::vector&, const std::mapstd::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::__cxx11::basic_string >&)':
/social-network-microservices/src/HomeTimelineService/HomeTimelineHandler.h:129:55: error: 'class sw::redis::RedisCluster' has no member named 'get_shards_pool'
auto *shards_pool = _redis_cluster_client_pool->get_shards_pool();
I don't know anything about Redis. However, I googled the error message and couldn't find anything related to this. Any suggestions on what might be the problem?

Formik handleReset doubts about type

in official documentation about handleReset from useFormik i have read that is type is:
handleReset: () => void
However, rewriting working JS code to TS I received error
Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554)
Formik.d.ts(16, 19): An argument for 'e' was not provided.
Affter clicking onto handleReset it toook me to fromik.d.ts where it stands that:
handleReset: (e: any) => void;
Does it mean error in documentation? Should I call it with null? I really have no idea what to pass.

Jasmine / Karma: Error: Spies must be created in a before function or a spec

I am getting this error:
Error: Spies must be created in a before function or a spec
My Test code should be sound:
describe 'A spy', ->
foo = undefined
bar = null
beforeEach ->
foo = setBar: (value) ->
bar = value
spyOn foo, 'setBar'
foo.setBar 123
foo.setBar 456, 'another param'
it 'tracks that the spy was called', ->
Turnsout I had mocha and jasmine declared inside my karma.conf.js. As a result the frameworks interpreted both beforeEach differently.
Dropping mocha from my karma config file worked.
You need to create your spy inside the beforeEach block.

NSSearchPathDirectory use of unresolved identifier

In my app I want to save some information for the user somewhere. I picked the Application Support Directory, which I am trying to get like so:
let savePath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(ApplicationSupportDirectory, UserDomainMask, true)
Im getting a compile error in XCode saying "Use of unresolved identifier", even though the function is requesting a NSSearchPathDirectory type, which according to Apple's documentation clearly exists:
enum NSSearchPathDirectory : UInt {
case ApplicationDirectory
case ApplicationSupportDirectory
The same problem occurs with 'UserDomainMask'
Is this a bug or am I missing something? (Also, I would prefer not to use a workaround like substituting an integer literal...)
The correct statement is:
let savePath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.ApplicationSupportDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
println("savePath: \(savePath)")
savePath: [/Users/zaph/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/24F94BD2-9DD7-4BC6-AA66-128AC1E7555F/data/Containers/Data/Application/9FFA8987-A36B-4A4D-A607-1BC220ADBBF2/Library/Application Support]
A leading "." is needed for the enumeration values.
