springboottest how to prevent running application - spring-boot

I have the standard Application class which runs a Spring batch ETL:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
with my Junit test doing something like:
public class MyServiceTest {
MyService myService;
public void testInsertions() {
//do stuff with assertions
My problem is that when I execute the junit test, the application also kicks off the ETL then executes the test. How to prevent the application from running?

I think there are a lot of alternatives and it really depends on what you are trying to achieve.
One of the options would be to run your tests with a specific profile, like testing, and configure your ETLs (I'm assuming they are just jobs) to be configured based on some property or specific profile.
For example:
Testing class
public class MyServiceTest {
Job/ETL classes
public class JobEtlService {
Hope it helps.


Why is my Spring application run from my spring boot unit test

I have a basic spring data application and I have written a unit test. What appears to happen is that when I run the Spring test my application run method gets called as well. I would like to know why this is and how to stop it please.
I have tried using active profiles but that doesnt fix the problem
#EntityScan({ "com.demo" })
public class Application implements ApplicationRunner {
private IncrementalLoadRepository repo;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
IncrementalLoad incrementalLoad = new IncrementalLoad("fred", Instant.now(), Instant.now(), Instant.now());
and the unit test........
#SpringBootTest(classes = { Application.class })
public class IncrementalLoadServiceTest {
private IncrementalLoadService incrementalLoadService;
public void checkInitialRecords_incrementalLoad() {
List<IncrementalLoad> incrementalLoads = incrementalLoadService.list();
assertEquals(3, incrementalLoads.size());
So I think I found the solution. I created another #SpringBootApplication class in my test folders. Initially that failed but I believe thats because the entity scan annotation pointed to packages where my "production" #SpringBootApplication was. I moved that class up a level and it all seems to work ok now.

Spring boot + cucumber in main scope. Can I autowire a step definition?

I believe this is a very particular case, but I am building some cucumber tests for some third-party applications we use.
Since I am not really testing my own application, I created a maven project and configured cucumber to run in the main folder (not the test folder).
This is my entrypoint class:
public class ExecutableMain implements CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ExecutableMain.class, args);
public void run(String... args) {
// args logic...
And my test class:
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber", "json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json"},
glue = {"cucumber.app", "cucumber.steps"}
public class MyCucumberTest {
public static void tearDown(){
// quit the browser
This currently works fine, but I want to add spring features to my tests.
Specifically, I want to autowire something in my cucumber steps.
public class MyStepdefs {
private ConfigProperties properties;
public void example() {
I searched around and found people saying I should add the ContextConfiguration annotation in the steps. I did it like so:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ExecutableMain.class, loader = SpringBootContextLoader.class)
public class MyStepdefs {
But this resulted in a loop during start up.
Can I achieve what I need?
Ok, so I got it to work following https://stackoverflow.com/a/37586547/1031162
Basically I changed:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ExecutableMain.class, loader = SpringBootContextLoader.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ExecutableMain.class, initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
I am not 100% sure how/why it worked, but it did.

Why do I need to add #Component when I have to schedule the task in spring boot

I didn't understand the proper use of #Componenet, #Configuration,#Bean annotation.
I want to run one method in every 60 seconds.Please check the below code. If I don't give #Component annotation then it doesn't run. so What is the use of #Component in this context?
public class SchedulingProjectApplication {
private static final Logger log =
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SchedulingProjectApplication.class, args);
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 6000)
public void r()
log.info("Start- main-job");
There are several problems with this piece of code:
Your Spring Boot application is not flagged with #SpringBootApplication (or #EnableAutoConfiguration). As a result, the auto-configuration will not kick in at all (Spring Boot will start your app but won't do anything with it besides basic stuff such as env preparation, etc). It's perfectly fine in certains cases but that isn't probably what you want
You've flagged the run task directly on your app. It's ok for demo but it would be better to move that logic in its own class
So to answer your question: SchedulingProjectApplication is the root source of your app but it's just a simple POJO. There's nothing that instructs the container to process it. Usually the app is a #Configuration (you can use one of the #EnableXYZ on it, you can define additional beans, etc.
If you add #SpringBootApplication on your class, it will scan any #Component in the same package of your app (and all the sub-packages).
More details about code structure in the documentation
One basic/simple structure for you would be:
package com.example.foo;
public class SchedulingProjectApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SchedulingProjectApplication.class, args);
package com.example.foo;
public class SchedulingLogger {
private static final Logger log =
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 6000)
public void r()
log.info("Start- main-job");
There are other things that you should be aware with regards to configuration (such as moving decisions outside of your #SpringBootApplication if you use slicing).

spring-boot: Application loads but tests fail

I am experiencing rather strange thing when using Spring Boot. Lets get with it.
I have an app which, when ran from spring-boot:run, loads perfectly fine and I can use my server. However, if I try to run tests (either via launching test from IntelliJ or via surefire plugin) context fails to load.
Issue lies within this class (only relevant part shown):
value = "/sa/revisions/"
class RevisionController {
// cant autowire this field
private RepositoryEntityLinks repositoryEntityLinks = null;
/* omitted */
And here is my main class:
public class SpringAtomApplication {
private DataLoaderManager dataLoaderManager = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringAtomApplication.class, args);
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
final GuavaCacheManager manager = new GuavaCacheManager();
return manager;
private void doPostConstruct() {
As I said, application loads without an issue when ran normally, however when it comes to this simple test, everything falls apart:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = SpringAtomApplication.class)
public class SpringAtomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
Would appreciate any suggestion, because I'd love to start with testing it.
You should set SpringApplicationContextLoader in your test class:
classes = SpringAtomApplication.class,
loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class)
public class SpringAtomApplicationTests {
public void contextLoads() {
With that you can test non-web features (like a repository or a service) or start an fully-configured embedded servlet container and run your tests using MockMvc.
Reference: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/api/org/springframework/boot/test/SpringApplicationContextLoader.html

Run another project's web service before start tests

IntelliJ project has two modules: Spring Data Rest app and client. Both apps are Spring bootable apps. I made a lot of tests at client and now before every test iteration I have to run the rest service manually.
Test class looks like that:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {BusinessRepositoryImpl.class})
public class BusinessLogoRepositoryTest {
Here is the service:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
So the question is if it's possible somehow to add the context of service to test class and run the service before test's start.
You can create a TestSuite with 2 methods annotated with #BeforeClass and #AfterClass to start the service before the tests and stop it after the tests are done.
Draft code to visualize :) what I mean is below.
#SuiteClasses({UnitTest1.class, UnitTest2.class, ... })
public class TestSuite {
public void start() throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public void start() throws Exception {
