CI_Template' not found - codeigniter

I want to load model using
function __construct()
$this->template->write_view('sidenavs', 'template/default_sidenavs', true);
$this->template->write_view('navs', 'template/default_topnavs.php', true);
But when I put it ($this->load->model) in my code, the view doesn't show, and display an error message.
Fatal error: Class 'CI_Template' not found in
D:\wamp64\www\apotek\system\core\Common.php on line 196
What should I do?

Load the template library:
In config/autoload.php add template in the libraries array.
I don't know the name of your library so I am assuming it is template if it is not - change it with the name of the library.

For any other person experiencing a 'CI_Template not found' error:
In my case, I was loading a library (in the constructor) with the same name as the controller that was being accessed.
class Authld extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
I had to change the name of the controller for the issue to be resolved.
class Authentication extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {

Your Template.php maybe looks like this:
class Template extends MX_Controller{
If so, change the MX to CI (CI_Controller).


Codeigniter function undefined error

My custom core Class in application/core/MY_Controller.php
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{
protected $data = array();
function __construct(){
function rander_page($view){
//do this to don't repeate in every controller
$this->load->view($view, $this->data);
Index Controller in application/controllers
class Index extends MY_Controller{
function __construct(){
function index(){
Error is :Fatal error: Call to undefined method Index::render_page() in D:\wamp\www\ci\application\controllers\index.php on line 10
i am trying to use one controller for all pages help plz
Yes, the error is the clue itself, it has mentioned the function is undefined. You have not defined render_page function. Instead, you misspelled and named it as rander_page().
May be you are trying to write:
function render_page()
as you have called it like :
You have misspelled the function name. Call $this->rander_page('index');

Autoload libraries in Codeigniter

I am a newbie to Codeigniter.
I have 3 libraries in autoload in config.php .
But in one of my controllers I don't want to load the libraries. Is this possible?
If you need any library throughout the application you can load it in the config file and it will be auto loaded. But if you need a library only in a specific controller you can load it in the controller where you need it.
Class test Extends CI_Controller{
function index()
Or if you need library through out the controller you can load it in the constructor.
Class test Extends CI_Controller{
function __construct()
function index(){
function test(){
Extend CI_Controller in your libraries.
Something like this:
class MyLibrary extends CI_Controller {
var $ci;
function __construct() {
$this->ci = &get_instance();
$route = $this->ci->router->fetch_class();
if( $route == strtolower('YourController') ) return false;
you can remove libraries from autoload file. then they will not be activ in the framwork.
If you want to use them, you can call them in constructors if you want them in a class. If you want to use them in just method, you load them in the method.

base controller and apply it to all existing controller

I need to create codeigniter base controller to check allowed ip address in database by mobel function if the ip is exists then user should go to home page but if the ip address is not exists and show 404 page in codeigniter, i can't find core folder in application folder
First, you need to extend a core class, call it MY_Controller.php
Save that file in: application/core/MY_Controller.php
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct()
// assuming there's a function called "check_ip($ip_address)" in ip_table_model
if (!$this->ip_table_model->check_ip($this->input->ip_address()) {
Now, we're assuming you have a model called ip_table_model which connects to database with list of IP addresses, and there's a function called check_ip which will validate whether user has access or not. This is relatively simple, and I won't show any examples on this.
The redirect('error_404'); page does not yet exist, you need to create a controller which shows your 404 page.
Now, for any other controllers in your project, instead of extends CI_Controller, make them extend MY_Controller instead.
Here's an example:
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
function __construct()
function index()
Explanation: We're extending CI_Controller to create our own core controller, called MY_Controller. Inside, we're checking if user has access or not through the constructor, which will be called in every other controller in the project.
Answer is here (section Extending Core Class).
1.7.2 has a different structure to 2.0.*, therefore there is no core folder in application
In Core Create a new Class .
Name MY_Controller.php
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
// Write your functions here which you wanna use throughout the website
public function abc (){
echo "Helllo";
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
function __construct()
function your_custom_fuctions()
$this->abc(); //echo Hello...
//Anything you want to do
function admin_view($view_name = "", $header_info = NULL, $sidebar_info=NULL,$page_info = NULL, $footer_info = NULL, $data_info = ""){
$this->load->view('Admin/includes/header', $header_info);
$this->load->view('Admin/includes/Left_sidebar', $sidebar_info);
$this->load->view($view_name, $page_info);
$this->load->view('common/footer', $footer_info);

How to Inherit A Model from Another Model in CodeIgniter

i'm using codeigniter for my project and i have this class model which i call Genesis which looks like this:
class Genesis_model extends CI_Model {
function __construct() {
function get() {
return 'human soul';
and i have another model, stored in the same directory, which extends Genesis_model
class Human_model extends Genesis_model {
function __construct() {
function get_human() {
return $this->get();
Human_model is used by Human controller
class Human extends CI_Controller {
function __construct(){
function get_human() {
$data['human'] = $this->human_model->get_human();
$this->load->view('human/human_interface', $data);
if i execute the code, it will produce an error which point to return $this->get(). it reads "Fatal error: Class 'Genesis_model' not found in ...\application\models\human_model.php on line 2".
i use this method because nearly all my models shared almost identical structure. I gather the similar functionality in Genesis while the other models serve only as data suppliers unique to the tables they represent. it works well in my ( but i don't how to do it in codeigniter.
is there a way for Human_model to inherit Genesis_model. i don't think i'm allowed to use include('genesis_model.php'). i don't know if it works either.
thanks in advance.
core/MY_Model is good if there's only 1 important superclass for your models.
If you want to inherit from more than model superclass, a better option is to change your autoload configuration.
In application/config/autoload.php, add this line:
$autoload['model'] = array('genesis_model');
Put the file genesis_model.php in the core directory
Change your Human_model to this:
class Human_model extends Genesis_model {
function __construct() {
function get_human() {
return parent::get();
notice the get_human function and the include.
You have to include the Genesis_model on your Human_model.php like this:
include_once( APPPATH . 'folder/file' . EXT );
Or you can autoload it on your config/autoload.php file, what I think is stupid =)
other solution
$obj = &get_instance();
class childModel extends parentModel{
public function __construct(){
public function get(){
return 'child';

Load Model in HMVC

I am trying to load a model within the same module from a controller.
but the model could not be loaded.
the module dir is accounts.
the model file path is: app/modules/accounts/models/pendingAccountModel.php
the model decleration is:
class PendingAccountModel extends Model {
function __construct(){
this is the controller who loads the model:
class PendingAccount extends MX_Controller {
function __construct(){
function register($data_arr)
CI 1.72 with latest hmvc
had a quick read through the HMVC docs ~
the docs suggest that you should include the module name in the include path
so try (perhaps) $this->load->model('accounts/pendingAccountModel');
also note your "PendingAccount" controller needs to be in:
