Maven - 'override' not work in external settings - maven

I am using spring boot in my app like this:
In my external settings.xml I defined resource plugin like this:
<configuration combine.self="override">
and this not work. When I move it to my pom it works. I know that settings file is red because dev properties are taken from it. What is wrong?


Unable to bind maven profile to spring boot profile

I've seen all the questions and post regarding this issue so please don't mark this as duplicate or route me to those issues, I have tried implementing those solutions but nothing worked as of now.
I have profile specific files i.e,, etc
I'm doing mvn clean install -Pprod and then running the application.
I'm sure the maven profile is executing during the build as I get this during the build
The following profiles are active:
- prod (source: my-project-snapshot)
This is what I'm getting when running the application:
: The following profiles are active: #activeProfile#
Can anyone please help me here.
when I close my IDE(STS) and do the maven build, it is working. Any info regarding this info would be really appreciated.
Have you enabled resource filtering in your pom.xml? Since you are using spring-boot this can be easily enabled, in your pom.xml
I have put all your plugins in a sample project's pom.xml also matching your spring-boot version:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
When I run
mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Pdev -DskipTests
I see in the log files
com.example.demo.DemoApplication : The following profiles are active: dev
And when I check the generated jar in target\demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar\BOOT-INF\classes\ filtering has succeeded since in I get the line:
which in the source is
So if you have a pom file similar to the above filtering should work.
Thanks a lot #pleft, I tried everything and because of that I realized this may not be a maven issue but an IDE issue. I'm using STS 3 and I found out that disabling "Refresh using native hooks" under Window > preferences > General > Workspace > Refresh using native hooks would solve the issue of STS IDE ignoring -P<profile> during maven build when STS is open.
There seems to be already a bug ticket for this.

Maven module order changes on the same profile

I have project which has 3 pom files, and 2 maven profiles :prod and dev. The problems is that when I run my dev profile with cmd
mvn clean install -Pdev
it builds project with order :
When I build project with prod profile, it builds project with order :
Which is the way i want. But when I run cmd
mvn clean install
It needs to build project with dev profile, and it does it but in this order : 1.frontend, 2.backend.
and this is the problem, it changes module order. Here is the main pom.xml
<description>Main Parent Project</description>
here is backend pom.xml
<description>Backend Project</description>
and here is frontend pom.xml
<description>Frontend Project</description>
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm rebuild node-sass</id>
<arguments>rebuild node-sass</arguments>
<id>bower install</id>
Can you help me and tell why is this happening?
Normally this kind of thing is resolved because your frontend would be dependent upon the jar produced by your backend.
So, even if it does not have a compile time dependency you can still add one at provided scope:
This will tell the maven reactor that it must always build the backend first, without changing the resulting artifact that is built.
First remove <activation> tag from backend/pom.xml. I hoping that you need keep only one profile active at a time by default and which should be dev
Remove the dependency mentioned in backend/pom.xml from prod profile. Your fronend project should be depend on backend.
Add the backend dependency in frontend/pom.xml as below (not in any specific profile)
Now try below commands
mvn clean // (default profile `dev`)
mvn clean --activate-profiles prod // (with override profile `prod`)

How to read values from .properties using maven plugin

How to read the properties from .properties file by using maven provided plugin, for one of my current project, I always used to set the properties in the <properties> tag of pom.xml, But here my requirement is, I will set the all properties in some .properties file for ex: It is having the following content inside it.
So, now I want to set the above properties into the pom.xml like the following:
I gone through this link : How to read an external properties file in Maven
But it is giving the following error : Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-core:jar:spring.version
Here is the pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
But spring-core-3.0.5.RELEASE jar is avail in maven repository.
Is there any other plugin in maven to do the same, or did I missed any additional config here.
Please correct if I am wrong.
First of all, when Maven reads your pom.xml, it'll immediately replace placeholders such as ${spring.version} with the actual value you specify as
So changing the values later via a plugin is too late! Maven will not do this, however, if there's no value available at this time. Therefore you can remove these properties from pom.xml and let Maven plugin define them later in build lifecycle. This usually solves uses of properties overridden by plugins, but...
Second, there might be still another problem: Maven will likely resolve dependencies (including their versions) before even executing any plugin, which will prevent you from doing this whole thing. If that's the case, you can move your properties to a profile and activate a certain profile instead.
<!-- default goes here, when no profile is used -->
Please find below the corrected pom.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The problem was in -
tag. It should have been
inside properties tag.

Pass JVM args to maven surefire, conditional on build Java version?

Is there a way that I can pass this argLine configuration to the maven-surefire plugin ONLY when <jdk.version>1.7</jdk.version> is configured for Java 1.7 but NOT when a user changes the pom.xml to be configured for java 1.8?
The reason being that Java 1.8 doesn't have permgen space.
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
You can use Maven profile activation based on properties value, in this case the property will be jdk.version and its value the different configuration of JDK. The profile will then change the Maven Surefire Plugin configuration accordingly.
Hence, your pom may look like the following:
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
Note the profiles section at the end. Two profiles are defined:
surefire-java7: it will be activated by the value 1.7 for the jdk.version variable and set the argLine for the Maven Surefire Plugin with the desired value
surefire-java8: it will be activated by the value 1.8 for the jdk.version variable and set a different argLine for the Maven Surefire Plugin.
Also note that with this configuration you can even switch JDK version (and as such Surefire configuration) at demand from the command line, as following:
mvn clean test -Djdk.version=1.8
The associated profile will be automatically activated as part of the build.
Important note about cross-compilation (you may already be aware of it, but just in case) I would suggest to carefully read this question/answer.
Rather than a property, you should use the JDK based activation.
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
Cf maven documentation.

In maven - how to rename the output .war file based on the name of the profile in use

I have three profiles in my pom.xml for our application...
dev (for use on a developer's)
qa (for use on our internal qa server)
prod (production).
When we run our maven build all three profiles ouput a war file with the same name. I would like to output $profilename-somearbitraryname.war
Any ideas?
You've answered yourself correctly:
but there is a simpler way to redefine WAR name:
<!-- ... -->
No maven-war-plugin is needed.
The answer was simple...
Define a property in each profile like this...
Then add this to your plugins...
In maven you must use <bundleFileName> in the <module>
You should follow this link to ensure your modules are rewritted:
