Let's encrypt with Auth Basic + HTTPS only - lets-encrypt

I would like to create a frontend to go on the traefik's dashboard, so here it's what I did:
entrypoints = ["https"]
backend = "traefik"
basicAuth = [
rule = "Host:t.foo.bar"
url = ""
But the certificate is not valid. I guess it's because I force https, and I have a auth basic.
What should I do?
I guess I would need to create an other frontend on the same domain with /.well-known check and don't have http basic on this frontend ?


Ruby gRPC server authentication SSL/TLS and a custom header with token

I need to connect to a server with authentication and a custom header.
The official gRPC docs show how to do it in Python but not in Ruby:
How can this be achieved in ruby ? There doesn't seem to be a metadata call credentials method.
I have tried the following but I'm getting Permission Denied.
channel_creds = GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new()
auth_proc = proc { { 'authorization' => 'Plain ****' } }
call_creds = GRPC::Core::CallCredentials.new(auth_proc)
combined_creds = channel_creds.compose(call_creds)
#stub = Stub.new('host:port', combined_creds)
Nevermind, it was an error because of protection from the server that needed to be disabled, the above code works fine.

How to exchange JWT token for Credentials in Cognito Identity Pool in .NET Core 3.1 WebApi

Broad Overview: I am trying to create a .Net Core 3.1 WebApi backend that is authenticated against Amazon Cognito. I want to use the Amazon-hosted sign-in page(s) provided by Cognito. I want to leverage Cognito Identity Pool to provide temporary scoped credentials for users after they have logged in. I cannot figure out how to exchange the Cognito token to create the Credentials to call AWS services.
Technology Overview
.NET Core 3.1 WebApi
Amazon Cognito User Pool for initial authentication
Amazon Identity Pool for defining permissions (Roles) for logged in users
Deployed on AWS via API Gateway + Lambda using the AWS Serverless framework (basically CloudFormation)
Currently both of the following work:
Add [Authorize] attribute to a controller endpoint and access the URL in a browser. This re-directs me to the Cognito-hosted login page and, upon successful login, returns me back to the controller/endpoint and I am authorized.
Create a separate Client application and login to AWS Cognito. Pass the JWT token in the Authorization HTTP header when calling APIs from the client and the Authorization succeeds and API access is granted.
In both cases, the access to the API is permitted however the AmazonServiceClient instances that are created in the WebApi are granted the permissions associated with the Lambda function (which is the proper behavior).
I need to create AmazonServiceClients whose credentials match the Role defined by the Cognito Identity Pool.
To do this, I need to exchange token provided by logging into Cognito User Pool for temporary credentials in the Identity Pool.
Virtually ALL examples and documentation I can find on this process define how to manually login to Cognito using the API (not the hosted web UI), and then using the API response to create a CognitoUser and then get credentials from the Identity Pool using that user.
The closest (though super brief) documentation I can find to do what I need is from AWS here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-net/v3/developer-guide/cognito-creds-provider.html
// Authenticate user through Facebook
string facebookToken = GetFacebookAuthToken();
// Add Facebook login to credentials. This clears the current AWS credentials
// and retrieves new AWS credentials using the authenticated role.
credentials.AddLogin("graph.facebook.com", facebookAccessToken);
While that example uses Facebook, conceptually it should be the same for any provider (Facebook, Google, Twitter, OpenId, etc.).
My Current Attempt
I have registered CognitoAWSCredentials as a Scoped service as it is user-specific and therefore should only exist as long as the API request session exists.
RegionEndpoint region = Configuration.GetAWSOptions().Region;
services.AddScoped(_ => new CognitoAWSCredentials(Settings.CognitoIdentityPoolId, region));
I have created an event handler that gets triggered when the OpenIdConnect event 'OnTokenValidated' is fired. This happens after I login to the Cognito hosted web UI and am redirected back to my API.
In this handler I can call:
CognitoAWSCredentials creds = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetRequiredService<CognitoAWSCredentials>();
creds.AddLogin( ... ??? ...);
(note: since I'm setting all this up in the Startup.ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) method, I am building an IServiceProvider instance each time authentication succeeds... which may be inefficient but I haven't figured out another way to access a scoped service inside the ConfigureServices method)
All this preamble to say that I cannot find a set of values for the AddLogin call which allow this test call to succeed:
ImmutableCredentials immCreds = creds.GetCredentials();
Relevant Data Structures
In the event handler where I can call AddLogin, I have access to: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.TokenValidatedContext which in particular contains:
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectMessage with:
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken with:
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "**************************"
}. {
"at_hash": "**************************",
"sub": "**************************",
"email_verified": true,
"iss": "https://cognito-idp.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/**************************",
"cognito:username": "**************************",
"nonce": "**************************",
"aud": "**************************",
"event_id": "**************************",
"token_use": "id",
"auth_time": 1595260191,
"exp": 1595263791,
"iat": 1595260191,
"email": "**************************"
I have tried using the iss value as the providerName in AddLogin, and either the access_token or id_token but neither work.
Does anyone know what I need to use for AddLogin in order for Cognito to create Identity Pool credentials for me based upon a JWT token from a Cognito User Pool login?
unless I missed it, I haven't seen documentation that states this, but even though all the Issuer fields on the various data structures include the 'https://', you need to strip it before using the Issuer as the providerName on the AddLogin call. ugh.
CognitoAWSCredentials creds = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetRequiredService<CognitoAWSCredentials>();
string shortIssuer = tokenValidatedContext.SecurityToken.Issuer;
if (shortIssuer.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) shortIssuer = shortIssuer.Substring("https://".Length);
if (shortIssuer.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) shortIssuer = shortIssuer.Substring("http://".Length);
creds.AddLogin(shortIssuer, tokenValidatedContext.TokenEndpointResponse.IdToken);
now, the above code has a problem as the services.BuildServiceProvider(). part means the credentials object I modify isn't global (only local to the service provider I built here I think), but that's a different issue - just noting that in case anyone is copying this code.
services...<other authentication setup>...
.AddOpenIdConnect(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, options =>
options.ClientId = Settings.CognitoClientId;
options.MetadataAddress = CognitoMetadataAddress;
options.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.Code;
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.UsePkce = true;
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidIssuers = new string[] { Settings.CognitoAuthority },
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidAudiences = new string[] { Settings.CognitoClientId }
options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents() {
OnTokenValidated = tokenValidatedContext => {
CognitoAWSCredentials creds = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetRequiredService<CognitoAWSCredentials>();
string shortIssuer = tokenValidatedContext.SecurityToken.Issuer;
if (shortIssuer.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) shortIssuer = shortIssuer.Substring("https://".Length);
if (shortIssuer.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) shortIssuer = shortIssuer.Substring("http://".Length);
creds.AddLogin(shortIssuer, tokenValidatedContext.TokenEndpointResponse.IdToken);
return Task.CompletedTask;
(some code removed to focus on specifically the OpenId Connect event and the CognitoAWSCredentials init)

Unable to get folder by id when using Boxr JWT get_user_token- Box API

I'm unable to a folder by providing an id to that folder using Boxr gem. Previously I didn't has the enterprise settings as shown in this post which I have now fixed. I'm creating a token using JWT authentication get_user_token method the following way.
token = Boxr::get_user_token("38521XXXX", private_key: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'), private_key_password: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'), public_key_id: ENV.fetch('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'), client_id: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_ID'), client_secret: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'))
I then pass this this token when creating a client.
client = Boxr::Client.new(token)
when I check the current user on client this is what I get:
=> {"type"=>"user",
When I run client.methods I see there is folder_from_id however when I call that method I get the following error:
pry(#<FormsController>)> client.folder_from_id("123456", fields: [])
Boxr::BoxrError: 404: Not Found
from /usr/local/bundle/gems/boxr-1.4.0/lib/boxr/client.rb:239:in `check_response_status'
I have the following settings:
I also authorize the application. Not sure what else to do.
token = Boxr::get_user_token(user_id,
private_key: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'),
private_key_password: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'),
public_key_id: ENV.fetch('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'),
client_id: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_ID'),
client_secret: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'))
client = Boxr::Client.new(token.access_token)
folder = client.folder_from_id(folder_id)
client.upload_file(file_path, folder)
For anybody using C# and BOXJWT.
You just need to have a boxManager set up and will get you with anything you need, say BoxFile, Folder etc.
If you have the folderID, well & good, but if you need to retrieve, this can be done as shown below:
string inputFolderId = _boxManager.GetFolder(RootFolderID).Folders.Where(i => i.Name == boxFolder).FirstOrDefault().Id; //Retrieves FolderId
Folder inputFolder = _boxManager.GetFolder(inputFolderId);

Uber Base Redirect Error

I currently have set up a developer account on uber and everything was fine running locally on my PC and http://localhost:7000/submit
I can log in and work with the API. This is great for testing out endpoints. However, my end goal is to use the endpoints on my mobile app. So I went to the redirect URL and switched it to https://my_new_url:7000/submit
I'm using Flask for my server and am using SSL in the following manner:
if __name__ == '__main__':
However, when navigating to my base url I'm given the following error:
The code for the base url looks as follows:
def get_redirect_uri(request):
"""Return OAuth redirect URI."""
parsed_url = urlparse(request.url)
if parsed_url.hostname == 'localhost':
return 'http://{hostname}:{port}/submit'.format(
hostname=parsed_url.hostname, port=parsed_url.port
return 'https://{hostname}/submit'.format(hostname=parsed_url.hostname)
#application.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def signup():
params = {
'response_type': 'code',
'redirect_uri': get_redirect_uri(request),
'scopes': ','.join(config.get('scopes')),
url = generate_oauth_service().get_authorize_url(**params)
return redirect(url)
Do I have to have the application whitelisted before I can change the redirect URL or am I mis-configuring something?
As stated in the error response you received from the /v1/oauth2/authorize endpoint, the problem is that the base of the URI you are sending must match the redirect URI used during the registration of your application in the Uber Developers Dashboard.
Also see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35638160/313113

SailsJS server and HTTPS

Sails.js integrates node.js http server and socket.io server. How can I change that http server to a https server? Similarly, can I add SSL to encrypt socket messages as well? If yes, what should I do? Is there any module I can add to do either or both of them?
To add https to Sails.js you have to self signed create an SSL certificat (or buy one ^^) and configure config/local.js
http : {
serverOptions : {
key : require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../ssl/server.key'),
cert : require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../ssl/server.crt')
ssl : {
key : require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../ssl/server.key'),
cert : require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../ssl/server.crt')
port: process.env.PORT || 443,
I create a ssl folder at sails root folder with all certificate files.
