Ansible 'ini_file' module not creating file if not exists - ansible

Ok, so I need to update a flag inside the config file etc/letsencrypt/dnscloudflare.ini with a new value, and also create the aforementioned file if it doesn't exist already.
So I wrote the task with the ini_file module as below,
- name: Update the "letsencrypt cloudflare plugin"'s config
path: /etc/letsencrypt/dnscloudflare.ini
section: null
option: "dns_cloudflare_api_key"
value: "my-key-here"
mode: 0600
backup: yes
create: yes
become: yes
become_user: root
Now, the file isn't there by default, so it should be created in the process but No matter what I do, the file just doesn't get created.
Note: I found this bug report, solution for which at the moment is still not merged.
So, as a work around I am now manually creating a file and then updating that file in the next task.
Why is this happening, like am I missing something?
Is there any known solution to this for the moment?

This is a documented bug and the discussion is on-going as of 29-JUN-2018.
So as an alternative for the time being, you can copy a dummy file (if not present) with the same filename then proceed to update it or you can go ahead with using other file modification modules like lineinfile.


Ansible `archive` module to archive without compression

I have to archive a bunch of files, and want to avoid compression to save time. This is a daily operation to archive 1 TB of data, and write it to a different drive, so "time is of the essence".
Looking at the Ansible archive module documentation it's not clear how to build up the target file without compression.
Currently, my Ansible task looks like this:
- name: Create snapshot tarball
become: true
path: "{{ snapshots_path.stdout_lines }}"
dest: "{{backup_location}}{{short_date.stdout}}_snapshot.tgz"
owner: "{{backup_user}}"
group: "{{backup_group}}"
Is it possible to speed up this process by telling the module to NOT compress? If yes, how?
Based on this other answer on superuser, tar is not compressing files per default, on the other hand gz, which is the default format of archive is.
So you could try going by:
- name: Create snapshot tarball
become: true
path: "{{ snapshots_path.stdout_lines }}"
dest: "{{backup_location}}{{short_date.stdout}}_snapshot.tar"
format: tar
owner: "{{backup_user}}"
group: "{{backup_group}}"
This is also backed-up by the manual page of tar:
GNU tar is an archiving program designed to store multiple files in a
single file (an archive), and to manipulate such archives. The
archive can be either a regular file or a device (e.g. a tape drive,
hence the name of the program, which stands for tape archiver), which
can be located either on the local or on a remote machine.

Resolve Local Files by Playbook Directory?

I have the following Ansible role which simply does the following:
Create a temporary directory.
Download Goss, a server testing tool, into that temporary directory.
Upload a main Goss YAML file for the tests.
Upload additional directories for additional included tests.
Here are a couple places where I'm using it:
Specifically, these playbooks upload a local file adjacent to the playbook named goss.yml and a directory goss.d again adjacent to the playbook.
Unfortunately, it seems that Ansible logic has changed recently, causing my tests to not work as expected. My role ships with a default goss.yml, and it appears that when I set goss_file: goss.yml within my playbook, it uploads degoss/files/goss.yml instead of the Goss file adjacent to my playbook.
If I'm passing the name of a file to a role, is there a way to specify that Ansible should look up the file in the context of the playbook or the current working directory?
The actual role logic that is no longer working is this:
# deploy test files including the main and additional test files
- name: deploy test files
copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ degoss_test_root }} mode=0644 directory_mode=0755 setype=user_tmp_t
with_items: "{{ [goss_file] + goss_addtl_files + goss_addtl_dirs }}"
changed_when: degoss_changed_when
I am on Ansible and I can reproduce this across distributions (namely CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14.04, and Ubuntu 16.04).
Ansible searches for relative paths in role's scope first, then in playbook's scope.
For example if you want to copy file test.txt in role r1, search order is this:
You can inspect your search_path order by calling ansible with ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1.
To answer your question, you have to options:
Use filename that doesn't exist within role's scope. Like:
goss_file: local_goss.yml
Supply absolute path. For example, you can use:
goss_file: '{{ playbook_dir }}/goss.yml'
Ansible doesn't apply search logic if the path is absolute.

Have ansible role retrieve its files from external location as part of its own role

So one thing we've encountered in our project is that we do not want to store our large files in our git repo for our ansible roles because it slows down cloning (and git limits files to 100 mb anyways).
What we've done is store our files in a separate internal location, where our files can sit statically and have no size restrictions. Our roles are written so that they first pull these static files to their local files folder and then continue like normal.
- name: Create role's files directory
path: "{{roles_files_directory}}"
state: directory
- name: Copy static foo to local
url: "{{foo_static_gz}}"
dest: "{{roles_files_directory}}/{{foo_gz}}"
#....Do rest of the tasks...
roles_files_directory: "/some/path/roles/foo/files"
foo_static_gz: ""
foo_gz: "foo.tar.gz"
The main thing I don't find really sound is the hard coded path to the role's files directory. I preferably would like to dynamically look up the path when running ansible, but I haven't been able to find documentation on that. The issue can arise because different users may check roles to a different root paths. Does anyone know how to dynamically know the role path, or have some other pattern that solves the overall problem?
I discovered there's actually a {{playbook_dir}} variable that would return "/some/path", which might be dynamic enough in this case. Still isn't safe against the situation where the role name might change, but that's a way rarer occurrence and can be handled through version control.
What about passing values from the command line?
- hosts: '{{ hosts }}'
remote_user: '{{ user }}'
- ...
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "hosts=vipers user=starbuck"
I just want to add another possible solution: you can try to add custom "facter".
Here is a link to official documentation:
And I found this article that might be useful:

How to override role's file on Ansible?

I am using the zzet.rbenv role on my playbook. It has a files/default-gems file that it copies to the provisioned system.
I need my playbook to check for a myplaybook/files/default-gems and use it if it exists, using the zzet.rbenv/files/default-gems if otherwise.
How can I do that?
After some research and trial/error. I found out that Ansible is not capable of checking if files exist between roles. This is due to the way role dependencies (which roles themselves) will get expanded into the one requiring it, making it part of the playbook. There are no tasks that will let you differentiate my_role/files/my_file.txt from required_role/files/my_file.txt.
One approach to the problem (the one I found the easiest and cleanest) was to:
Add a variable to the my_role with the path to the file I want to use (overriding the default one)
Add a task (identical to the one that uses the default file) that checks if the above variable is defined and run the task using it
# Existing task
- name: some task
copy: src=roles_file.txt dest=some/directory/file.txt
when: my_file_path is not defined
# My custom task
- name: my custom task (an alteration of the above task)
copy: src={{ my_file_path }} dest=/some/directory/file.txt
when: my_file_path is defined
#... existing code
my_file_path: "path/to/my/file"
As mentioned by Ramon de la Fuente: this solution was accepted into the zzet.rbenv repo :)

How do I prevent in saltstack if my file hasn't changed?

In the 2010.7 version of SaltStack, the onchanges element is available for states. However, that version isn't available for Windows yet, so that's right out.
And unfortunately salt doesn't use the zipfile module to extract zipfiles. So I'm trying to do this:
- source:
- source_hash: sha1=747987a475454d7a31d0da852fb9e4a2e80abe1d
- name: extract.zipfile
- archive: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/extract
- require:
- file: /path/to/
But this tries to extract the files every time. I don't want it to do that, I only want it to extract the file if the .zip file changes, because once it's been extracted then it'll be running (I've got something setup to take care of that). And once it's running, I can't overwrite nginix.exe because Windows is awesome like that.
So how can I extract the file only if it's a newer version of nginx?
I would probably use jinja to test for the existence of a file that you know would only exist if the zip file has been extracted.
{% if salt['file.exists']('/path/to/extract/known_file.txt') %}
- name: extract.zipfile
- archive: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/extract
- require:
- file: /path/to/
{% endif %}
This will cause the extract_nginx state to not appear in the final rendered sls file if the zip file has been extracted.
