Documentation for architecture-specific Golang function - go

I have a function that I would like to provide an assembly implementation for
on amd64 architecture. For the sake of discussion let's just suppose it's an
Add function, but it's actually more complicated than this. I have the
assembly version working but my question concerns getting the godoc to display
correctly. I have a feeling this is currenty impossible, but I wanted to seek
Some more details:
The assembly implementation of this function contains only a few
instructions. In particular, the mere cost of calling the function is a
significant part of the entire cost.
It makes use of special instructions (BMI2) therefore can only be used
following a CPUID capability check.
The implementation is structured like this gist. At a high level:
In the generic (non-amd64 case) the function is defined by delegating to
In the amd64 case the function is actually a variable, initially set to
addGeneric but replaced by addAsm in the init function if a cpuid
check passes.
This approach works. However the godoc output is crappy because in the
amd64 case the function is actually a variable. Note godoc appears to be
picking up the same build tags as the machine it's running on. I'm not sure
what would do.
Alternatives considered:
The Add function delegates to addImpl. Then we pull some similar trick
to replace addImpl in the amd64 case. The problem with this is (in my
experiments) Go doesn't seem to be able to inline the call, and the assembly
is now wrapped in two function calls. Since the assembly is so small already
this has a noticable impact on performance.
In the amd64 case we define a plain function Add that has the useAsm
check inside it, and calls one of addGeneric and addAsm depending on the
result. This would have an even worse impact on performance.
So I guess the questions are:
Is there a better way to structure the code to achieve the performance I
want, and have it appear properly in documentation.
If there is no alternative, is there some other way to "trick" godoc?

See math.Sqrt for an example of how to do this.
Write a stub function with the documentation
Write a generic implementation as an unexported function.
For each architecture, write a function in assembler that jumps to the unexported generic implementation or implements the function directly.
To handle the cpuid check, set a package variable in init() and conditionally jump based on that variable in the assembly implementation.


How does GoLand of JetBrains find the implementations of interface?

As I know, it's basing on Guru for vim-go to find the implementations or usage which needs to compile the whole project as a premise. Otherwise, GoLand doesn't need to do that, but how?
While this task may look rather trivial, GoLand uses some tricks to perform it more efficiently. Let's go step by step to explore how it works.
When one opens a project for the first time, the IDE performs so-called indexing. In particular, it stores all the method and method spec names as well as the number of their parameters.
At the beginning of the search, GoLand takes method specs of the interface and finds one with the biggest number of parameters. This is a performance optimization. The idea behind it is that methods with many parameters occur less often in the code, so the IDE needs to check just a few of them.
It's time to use the index. For the chosen method spec, the IDE finds all corresponding methods. The scope is taken into account, so for a private interface, for instance, it's much smaller.
For each method, GoLand resolves its type and checks whether it implements the interface. This is the moment when all interface's method specs are taken into account.
Not only structures can implement interfaces but other interfaces, too. As the next steps, the IDE looks for all corresponding method specifications, that is, method specifications with the same name and number of parameters. There's a separate index that's responsible for this.
For each method spec, its interface is taken and checked. No resolution is involved this time as it's enough to traverse a syntax tree up to find an interface of an arbitrary method spec.
That's basically the algorithm. There are a few more implementation details to make it works faster, but they don't affect results.
GoLand relies on the IntelliJ Platform and a set of custom written tooling bundled as a custom language plugin on top of it to handle indexing, parsing, navigation and editing code.

What's the differences from inline and block compilation of SBCL?

Several weeks ago, SBCL updated 2.0.2 and brought the Block compilation feature. I have read this article to understand what it is.
I have a question, what's the difference between (declaim (inline 'some-function)) and Block compilation? Block compilation is automatic by the compiler?
Inline compilation is a specific optimization technique. A function being called is directly integrated into the calling function - usually using its source code - and then compiled.
This means that the inlined function might not be inlined only in one function, but in multiple functions.
Advantage: the overhead of calling a function disappears.
Disadvantage: the code size increases and the calling function(s) needs to be recompiled, when the inlined function changed and we want this change to become visible. Macros have the same problem.
Block compilation means that a bunch of code gets compiled together with different semantic constraints and that this enables the compiler to do a bunch of new optimizations.
Common Lisp has in the standard support for block compilation of single files. It allows the file compiler to assume that a file is such a block of code.
Example from the Common Lisp standard: Semantic Constraints
A call within a file to a named function that is defined in the same file refers to that function, unless that function has been declared notinline. The consequences are unspecified if functions are redefined individually at run time or multiply defined in the same file.
This allows the code to call a global function and not use the symbol's function cell for the call. Thus this disables late binding for global function calls - in this file and for functions in this file.
It's not said how this can be achieved, but the compiler might just allocate the code somewhere and the calls just jump there.
So this part of block compilation is defined in the standard and some compilers are doing that.
Block compilation for multiple files
If the file compiler can use block compilation for one file, then what about multiple files? A few compilers can also tell the file compiler that several files make a block for compilation. CMUCL does that. SBCL was derived and simplified from CMUCL and lacks it until now. I think Lucid Common Lisp (which is no longer actively sold) did support something like that, too.
Might be useful to add this to SBCL, too.

Make-array in SBCL

How does make-array work in SBCL? Are there some equivalents of new and delete operators in C++, or is it something else, perhaps assembler level?
I peeked into the source, but didn't understand anything.
When using SBCL compiled from source and an environment like Emacs/Slime, it is possible to navigate the code quite easily using M-. (meta-point). Basically, the make-array symbol is bound to multiple things: deftransform definitions, and a defun. The deftransform are used mostly for optimization, so better just follow the function, first.
The make-array function delegates to an internal make-array% one, which is quite complex: it checks the parameters, and dispatches to different specialized implementation of arrays, based on those parameters: a bit-vector is implemented differently than a string, for example.
If you follow the case for simple-array, you find a function which calls allocate-vector-with-widetag, which in turn calls allocate-vector.
Now, allocate-vector is bound to several objects, multiple defoptimizers forms, a function and a define-vop form.
The function is only:
(defun allocate-vector (type length words)
(allocate-vector type length words))
Even if it looks like a recursive call, it isn't.
The define-vop form is a way to define how to compile a call to allocate-vector. In the function, and anywhere where there is a call to allocate-vector, the compiler knows how to write the assembly that implements the built-in operation. But the function itself is defined so that there is an entry point with the same name, and a function object that wraps over that code.
define-vop relies on a Domain Specific Language in SBCL that abstracts over assembly. If you follow the definition, you can find different vops (virtual operations) for allocate-vector, like allocate-vector-on-heap and allocate-vector-on-stack.
Allocation on heap translates into a call to calc-size-in-bytes, a call to allocation and put-header, which most likely allocates memory and tag it (I followed the definition to src/compiler/x86-64/alloc.lisp).
How memory is allocated (and garbage collected) is another problem.
allocation emits assembly code using %alloc-tramp, which in turns executes the following:
(invoke-asm-routine 'call (if to-r11 'alloc-tramp-r11 'alloc-tramp) node)
There are apparently assembly routines called alloc-tramp-r11 and alloc-tramp, which are predefined assembly instructions. A comment says:
;;; Most allocation is done by inline code with sometimes help
;;; from the C alloc() function by way of the alloc-tramp
;;; assembly routine.
There is a base of C code for the runtime, see for example /src/runtime/alloc.c.
The -tramp suffix stands for trampoline.
Have also a look at src/runtime/x86-assem.S.

Will go compilers ignore unused functions

If there is a function from an external package that is not used at all in my project, will the compiler remove the function from the generated machine code?
This question could be targeted at any language compiler in general. But, I think the behaviour may vary language to language. So, I am interested in knowing what does go compilers do.
I would appreciate any help on understanding this.
The language spec does not mention this anywhere, and from a correctness point of view this is irrelevant.
But know that the current version does remove certain constructs that the compiler can prove is not used and will not change the runtime behaviour of the app.
Quoting from The Go Blog: Smaller Go 1.7 binaries:
The second change is method pruning. Until 1.6, all methods on all used types were kept, even if some of the methods were never called. This is because they might be called through an interface, or called dynamically using the reflect package. Now the compiler discards any unexported methods that do not match an interface. Similarly the linker can discard other exported methods, those that are only accessible through reflection, if the corresponding reflection features are not used anywhere in the program. That change shrinks binaries by 5–20%.
Methods are a "harder" case than functions because methods can be listed and called with reflection (unlike functions), but the Go tools do what they can even to remove unused methods too.
You can see examples and proof of removed / unlinked code in this answer:
How to remove unused code at compile time?
Also see other relevant questions:
Splitting client/server code
Call all functions with special prefix or suffix in Golang

Java Bytecode manipulation libraries

I am starting to work on a project and for one of the tasks I need to analyze the source code in order to gather information about the classes and their methods. More specifically, for each method I need to know which internal attributes and external objects (references) it uses throughout the entire method body.
I discussed it with my supervisors and they think that Bytecode manipulation libraries is the way to go. I already looked at BCEL, ASM and Javassist but I'm not sure which one I need to use. Do they all provide access to the method body where I can see all the instructions and get the information I need?
Any advice would be appreciate it. Thank you!
If you really “need to analyze the source code”, then libraries which allow to inspect the bytecode are not the way to go.
Otherwise, you really need to define your task precisely. Either, you are about to analyze classes, regardless of whether you will look at their source code or byte code, or you want to analyze source code and consider doing it by compiling first, followed by analyzing the compiled result. In the latter case, you have to compare the effort of both steps with alternative solution, which may, e.g. incorporate direct source code analysis.
Parsing byte code is rather easy, easier than analyzing source code, which is the reason why bytecode is produced prior to the execution of Java programs. To answer your concrete question, yes, all three libraries offer you a way to analyze the instructions and associated information. Which one is the best to fit your needs, is a question that is beyond the scope of Stackoverflow.
Whether analyzing the byte code helps, depends on your exact requirements. When it comes to field and method access, you may precisely get most of them using that approach. Only inlined compile-time constants lack their origins. When it comes to type use, you have to consider that not every source code artifact has an existing counterpart in the byte code, e.g. widening casts produce no actual code and and local variables usually don’t have a declared type (debugging information aside), but only an implied type which depends on how they are actually used. They also have no information about Generics, unless debugging information has been included.
