Query for Latest Item & Proper Use of Partition Keys in DynamoDB - performance

I am creating a DynamoDB table to support an Alexa Skill for use as a podcast player. The way I envision the table is to use the episode number as the Partition Key and the PublicationDate as the optional Sort Key. I have two concerns about designing my table schema in this way.
First, say I wanted to query the table to get the latest episode - I'm not sure that I can do it in this fashion, as a query requires an equivalence operation on the Partition Key (episode = X), which I wouldn't know in advance. Am I correct in believing that a scan would be quite an expensive operation if the podcast has a large number of episodes (say more than 1000)?
I would need to look at each item in the table, compare its episode number (Partition Key value) to the previous returned Item and update a variable with the more recent Item each time one was found until all Items in the table were cycled through in this way.
Secondly, DynamoDB best practices say two things which work incongruently in my use-case (probably a sign that my design is flawed). First, the Partition Key should be unique or close to unique. Second, queries should be expected to be more or less uniformly dispersed amongst the keys. In my case, though, while the Partition Key would indeed be unique, I would expect the vast majority of queries to be targeting the latest Partition Key in the table, for the Item containing data for the latest podcast episode. What would be the impact on performance if, say for example, the skill gets 1000 queries on any given day all aimed at a single Partition Key?
Does anyone have a better table architecture solution for this type of data?
Thanks to everyone in advance!

Question 1:
First, say I wanted to query the table to get the latest episode - I'm
not sure that I can do it in this fashion, as a query requires an
equivalence operation on the Partition Key (episode = X), which I
wouldn't know in advance. Am I correct in believing that a scan would
be quite an expensive operation if the podcast has a large number of
episodes (say more than 1000)?
You are right that you would NOT be able to query for the latest episode because each episode is in their own Partition. Partitions are almost like different isolated tables so there is no way to query across all Partitions without Scanning (as you said).
Question 2:
Secondly, DynamoDB best practices say two things which work
incongruently in my use-case (probably a sign that my design is
flawed). First, the Partition Key should be unique or close to unique.
Second, queries should be expected to be more or less uniformly
dispersed amongst the keys. In my case, though, while the Partition
Key would indeed be unique, I would expect the vast majority of
queries to be targeting the latest Partition Key in the table, for the
Item containing data for the latest podcast episode. What would be the
impact on performance if, say for example, the skill gets 1000 queries
on any given day all aimed at a single Partition Key?
The issue here is two fold, AWS expects you to be reading (and writing) equally to each partition (or close to equally) so basically what is going to happen is you are going to pay for Write Units (and Read Units) on the partitions you are NOT using, even though you are not using them.
Exactly how much more that is going to run you is going to depend on the number of times you QUERY the database, however, Reading is much cheaper than writing and 1000 reads is basically nothing on a table with 1000 items. ie. You MIGHT be able to get away with it but it's not ideal.
Alternate Table Schema / Key Design
What other Queries will you make? ie. other than "Check for latest Episode"
How many Podcasts are added per day? week? year?
Are there multiple 'shows' or categories that could be used for Partition Keys that might have more even distribution and could be 'known'?


Cassandra Modeling for filter and range queries

I'm trying to model a database of users. These users have various vital statistics: age, sex, height, weight, hair color, etc.
I want to be able to write queries like these:
get all users 5'1" to 6'0" tall with red hair who weigh more than 100 pounds
get all users who are men who are 6'0" are ages 31-37 and have black hair
How can I model my data in order to make these queries? Let's assume this database will hold billions of users. I can't think of an approach that wouldn't require me to make MANY requests or cluster the data on VERY few nodes.
Just a little more background, let's assume this thought problem is to build a dating website. The site should allow users to filter people based on the aforementioned criteria (age, sex, height, weight, hair, etc.). These filters are optional, and you can have as many as you want. This site has 2 billion users. Is that something that can be achieved through data modeling alone?
If I have 2 billion users and I create both of the tables mentioned in the first answer (assuming options of male and female for sex, and blonde, brown, red for hair color), I will, for the first table, be putting at most 2 billion records on one node if everyone has blonde hair. Best case scenario, 2/3 billion records on three nodes. In the second case, I will be putting 2/5 billion records on each node in the best case with the same worst case. Am I wrong? Shouldn't the partition keys be more unique than that?
So if you are trying to model you data inside Cassandra then the general rule is that you need to make a table per query. There are also significant restrictions on what you can filter your query by. If you want to understand some of the restrictions I suggest you take a look at this post:
or my long answer here:
cassandra - how to perform table query?
All of the above only applies if you are running fixed queries that are known ahead of time. If instead you are looking to perform some sort of analytical analysis on your data (it sounds like you might be) than I would look at using Spark in conjunction with Cassandra. This will provide you a fast tool to do in-memory processing of your data. If you look at using Datastax (Community or Enterprise) then Spark also has a connector that makes reading and writing data to and from Cassandra easy.
Edited with Additional Information
Based on the query "get all users 5'1" to 6'0" tall with red hair who weigh more than 100 pounds" you would need to build a table with following:
CREATE TABLE user_by_haircolor_weight_height (
haircolor text,
weight float,
height_in int,
user varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((haircolor), weight, height_in)
You could then query this by:
SELECT * from user_by_haircolor_weight_height where haircolor='red' and weight>100 and height_in>61 and height_in<73;
For the query "get all users who are men who are 6'0" are ages 31-37 and have black hair" you would need to build a similar table with a
PRIMARY KEY ((haircolor, sex), height_in, age)
In the end if what you are trying to do is perform either ad-hoc or a set number analytics (i.e. can have a bit more latency than a straight CQL query) on the data stored in you cassandra table than I suggest you look at using Spark. If you need something a bit more real-time to handle ad-hoc queries you can look at using Solr to perform Lucene powered searches on your table.
my recommendation is :
1) keep main table with proper partition key, so that million records being spread across cluster, don't here use any cluster column which will cross row key limitation of 2gb etc.,
2) depending on query pattern you may better create additional tables(like index) as much as possible to keep inverted index data in it. coz write is cheap.
3) use multiple query to get what you need.
4) last option is, use DSE solr search capability.
Just to reiterate the end of the conversation:
"Your understanding is correct and you are correct in stating that partition keys should be more unique than that. Each partition had a maximum size of 2GB but a practical limit is lower. In practice you would want your data partitioned into far smaller chunks that the table above. Given the ad-hoc nature of your queries in your example I do not think you would be able to practically do this by data modelling alone. I would suggest looking at using a Solr index on a table. This would allow you a robust search capability. If you use Datastax you are even able to query this via CQL"
Cassandra alone is not a good candidate for this sort of complex filtering across a very large data set.

Partitioning or bucketing hive table based on only month/year to optimize queries

I'm building a table that contains about 400k rows of a messaging app's data.
The current table's columns looks something like this:
message_id (int)| sender_userid (int)| other_col (string)| other_col2 (int)| create_dt (timestamp)
A lot of queries I would be running in the future will rely on a where clause involving the create_dt column. Since I expect this table to grow, I would like to try and optimize it right now. I'm aware that partitioning is one way, but when I partition it based on create_dt the result is too many partitions since I have every single date spanning back to Nov 2013.
Is there a way to instead partition by a range of dates? How about partition for every 3 months? or even every month? If this is possible - Could I possibly have too many partitions in the future making it inefficient? What are some other possible partition methods?
I've also read about bucketing, but as far as I'm aware that's only useful if you would be doing joins on a column that the bucket is based on. I would most likely be doing joins only on column sender_userid (int).
I think this might be a case of premature optimization. I'm not sure what your definition of "too many partitions" is, but we have a similar use case. Our tables are partitioned by date and customer column. We have data that spans back to Mar 2013. This created approximately 160k+ partitions. We also use a filter on date and we haven't seen any performance problems with this schema.
On a side note, Hive is getting better at scaling up to 100s of thousands of partitions and tables.
On another side note, I'm curious as to why you're using Hive in the first place for this. 400k rows is a tiny amount of data and is not really suited for Hive.
Check out hive built in UDFs. With the right combination of them you can achieve what you want. Here's an example to partition on every month (produces "YEAR-MONTH" string that you can use as partition column value):
select concat(cast(year(to_date(create_dt)) as string),'-',cast(month(to_date(create_dt)) as string))
But when partitioning on dates it is usually useful to have multiple levels of the date dimension so in this case you should have two partition columns, first for year and second for month:
select year(to_date(create_dt)),month(to_date(create_dt))
Keep in mind that timestamps and dates are strings, and that functions like month() or year() return integers as values of date fields. You can use simple mathematical operations to figure out the right partition.

Time series in Cassandra when measures can go "back in time"

this is related to cassandra time series modeling when time can go backward, but I think I have a better scenario to explain why the topic is important.
Imagine I have a simple table
CREATE TABLE measures(
key text,
measure_time timestamp,
value int,
PRIMARY KEY (key, measure_time))
The purpose of the clustering key is to have data arranged in a decreasing timestamp ordering. This leads to very efficient range-based queries, that for a given key lead to sequential disk reading (which are intrinsically fast).
Many times I have seen suggestions to use a generated timeuuid as timestamp value ( using now() ), and this is obviously intrinsically ordered. But you can't always do that. It seems to me a very common pattern, you can't use it if:
1) your user wants to query on the actual time when the measure has been taken, not the time where the measure has been written.
2) you use multiple writing threads
So, I want to understand what happens if I write data in an unordered fashion (with respect to measure_time column).
I have personally tested that if I insert timestamp-unordered values, Cassandra indeed reports them to me in a timestamp-ordered fashion when I run a select.
But what happens "under the hood"? In my opinion, it is impossible that data are still ordered on disk. At some point in fact data need to be flushed on disk. Imagine you flush a data set in the time range [0,10]. What if the next data set to flush has measures with timestamp=9? Are data re-arranged on disk? At what cost?
Hope I was clear, I couldn't find any explanation about this on Datastax site but I admit I'm quite a novice on Cassandra. Any pointers appreciated
Sure, once written a SSTable file is immutable, Your timestamp=9 will end up in another SSTable, and C* will have to merge and sort data from both SSTables, if you'll request both timestamp=10 and timestamp=9. And that would be less effective than reading from a single SSTable.
The Compaction process may merge those two SSTables into new single one. See http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/when-to-use-leveled-compaction
And try to avoid very wide rows/partitions, which will be the case if you have a lot measurements (i.e. a lot of measure_time values) for a single key.

Bad performance when writing log data to Cassandra with timeuuid as a column name

Following the pointers in an ebay tech blog and a datastax developers blog, I model some event log data in Cassandra 1.2. As a partition key, I use “ddmmyyhh|bucket”, where bucket is any number between 0 and the number of nodes in the cluster.
The Data model
cqlsh:Log> CREATE TABLE transactions (yymmddhh varchar, bucket int,
rId int, created timeuuid, data map, PRIMARY
KEY((yymmddhh, bucket), created) );
(rId identifies the resource that fired the event.)
(map is are key value pairs derived from a JSON; keys change, but not much)
I assume that this translates into a composite primary/row key with X buckets per hours.
My column names are than timeuuids. Querying this data model works as expected (I can query time ranges.)
The problem is the performance: the time to insert a new row increases continuously.
So I am doing s.th. wrong, but can't pinpoint the problem.
When I use the timeuuid as a part of the row key, the performance remains stable on a high level, but this would prevent me from querying it (a query without the row key of course throws an error message about "filtering").
Any help? Thanks!
Switching from the map data-type to a predefined column names alleviates the problem. Insert times now seem to remain at around <0.005s per insert.
The core question remains:
How is my usage of the "map" datatype in efficient? And what would be an efficient way for thousands of inserts with only slight variation in the keys.
My keys I use data into the map mostly remain the same. I understood the datastax documentation (can't post link due to reputation limitations, sorry, but easy to find) to say that each key creates an additional column -- or does it create one new column per "map"?? That would be... hard to believe to me.
I suggest you model your rows a little differently. The collections aren't very good to use in cases where you might end up with too many elements in them. The reason is a limitation in the Cassandra binary protocol which uses two bytes to represent the number of elements in a collection. This means that if your collection has more than 2^16 elements in it the size field will overflow and even though the server sends all of the elements back to the client, the client only sees the N % 2^16 first elements (so if you have 2^16 + 3 elements it will look to the client as if there are only 3 elements).
If there is no risk of getting that many elements into your collections, you can ignore this advice. I would not think that using collections gives you worse performance, I'm not really sure how that would happen.
CQL3 collections are basically just a hack on top of the storage model (and I don't mean hack in any negative sense), you can make a MAP-like row that is not constrained by the above limitation yourself:
CREATE TABLE transactions (
yymmddhh VARCHAR,
bucket INT,
created TIMEUUID,
rId INT,
value VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY ((yymmddhh, bucket), created, rId, key)
(Notice that I moved rId and the map key into the primary key, I don't know what rId is, but I assume that this would be correct)
This has two drawbacks over using a MAP: it requires you to reassemble the map when you query the data (you would get back a row per map entry), and it uses a litte more space since C* will insert a few extra columns, but the upside is that there is no problem with getting too big collections.
In the end it depends a lot on how you want to query your data. Don't optimize for insertions, optimize for reads. For example: if you don't need to read back the whole map every time, but usually just read one or two keys from it, put the key in the partition/row key instead and have a separate partition/row per key (this assumes that the set of keys will be fixed so you know what to query for, so as I said: it depends a lot on how you want to query your data).
You also mentioned in a comment that the performance improved when you increased the number of buckets from three (0-2) to 300 (0-299). The reason for this is that you spread the load much more evenly thoughout the cluster. When you have a partition/row key that is based on time, like your yymmddhh, there will always be a hot partition where all writes go (it moves throughout the day, but at any given moment it will hit only one node). You correctly added a smoothing factor with the bucket column/cell, but with only three values the likelyhood of at least two ending up on the same physical node are too high. With three hundred you will have a much better spread.
use yymmddhh as rowkey and bucket+timeUUID as column name,where each bucket have 20 or fix no of records,buckets can be managed using counter cloumn family

How to sort by counter in Cassandra?

Let's assume I have a forum software, and I would like to sort the threads by the amount of views it has. The views would be stored in a counter.
Having experience in relational databases, I thought this would be simple to solve, turns out it's not. I have thought about creating one massive row with the columns being counters (thus being sorted), but as a single row can only be stored on a single node, this does not seam feasible (beats the point of using Cassandra).
How can I sort by counter column in Cassandra?
You can't sort big data. That's one of the fundamental assumptions.
The only things that you can sort by on cassandra, are the things that cassandra uses to store its data - the row key and the column key.
Moving to NoSQL from normal SQL you have to drop the notion of being able to sort/join data. It's just (generally) not possible in Big Data implementations.
To update on this question:
Korya is correct that you cannot assume that ALL NoSQL of BigData nature cannot sort (MongoDB can sort and it is NoSql).
Regarding to Cassandra itself: you can sort any given elements of your Primary Key AFTER your partition key inside a Composite Key:
Primary Key ((A),B,C,D);
A is your partition Key.
B,C,D are part of your composite Key, and can now be sorted ASC (default) or DESC. If you want something naturally in latest first (ie time) then you would specify it in your schema:
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (media_type_id ASC,media_id ASC);
As far as the question goes about counters:
You cannot sort the counter inside cassandra because the counter would need to be part of the KEY and the key is unique.
As pointed by Martin the solution refenced by a whitepage example of eBay they explain that two tables are used to keep track.
