lua math.random first randomized number doesn't reroll - random

so I'm new to LUA and am writing a simple guess-the-number script, but I've found a weird quirk that happens with math.random and I would like to understand what's happening here.
So I create a random seed with math.randomseed(os.time()), but when I go to get a random number, like this:
correctNum = math.random(10)
it always gets the same random number everytime I run it, unless I do it twice (irrespective of arguments given):
random1 = math.random(10)
random2 = math.random(10)
in which case the first random number will never reroll on every execution, but the second one will.
Just confused about how randomization works in LUA and would appreciate some help.
Here is the full working code:
random1 = math.random(10)
random2 = math.random(10)
io.write "\nEnter your guess between 1 and 10: "
guess =
if tonumber(guess) ~= random2 then
print("Try again!")
until tonumber(guess) == random2

I guess you are calling the script twice within the same second. The resolution of os.time() is one second, i.e. if you are calling the script twice in the same second, you start with the same seed.
os.time ([table])
Returns the current time when called without arguments, or a time representing the date and time specified by the given table. This table must have fields year, month, and day, and may have fields hour, min, sec, and isdst (for a description of these fields, see the function).
The returned value is a number, whose meaning depends on your system. In POSIX, Windows, and some other systems, this number counts the number of seconds since some given start time (the "epoch"). In other systems, the meaning is not specified, and the number returned by time can be used only as an argument to date and difftime.
Furthermore you are rolling a number between 1 and 10, so there is a 0.1 chance that you are hitting 4 (which is not that small).
For better methods to seed random numbers, take a look here:


Missing print-out for MPI root process, after its handling data reading alone

I'm writing a project that firstly designates the root process to read a large data file and do some calculations, and secondly broadcast the calculated results to all other processes. Here is my code: (1) it reads random numbers from a txt file with nsample=30000 (2) generate dens_ent matrix by some rule (3) broadcast to other processes. Btw, I'm using OpenMPI with gfortran.
IF (myid==0) THEN
DO i=1,n_sample
DO j=1,3
READ(8,*) rn(i,j)
DO i=1,n_sample
IF (myid==0) THEN
!Random draws of productivity and savings
ib=minloc(abs(log(bgrid(1:nb/2))-rn_zb(2)),dim=1) !Find the closest saving grid
CALL SUB2IND(j,(/nb,nm,nk,nxi,nz/),(/ib,1,1,1,iz/))
DO iixi=1,nxi
DO iiz=1,nz
CALL SUB2IND(jj,(/nb,nm,nk,nxi,nz/),(/policybmk_2_statebmk_index(j,:),iixi,iiz/))
dens_ent(jj)=dens_ent(jj)+1.0d0/real(nxi)*markovian(iz,iiz)*merge(1.0d0,0.0d0,vent(j) .GE. -bgrid(ib)+ce)
!Density only recorded if the value of entry is greater than b0+ce
PRINT *, 'dingdongdingdong',myid
IF (myid==0) dens_ent=dens_ent/real(n_sample)*Mpo
IF (myid==0) PRINT *, 'sum_density by joint normal distribution',sum(dens_ent)
Problem arises:
(1) IF (myid==0) PRINT *, 'sum_density by joint normal distribution',sum(dens_ent) seems not executed, as there is no print out.
(2) I then verify this by adding PRINT *, 'BLBLALALALALALA',myid etc messages. Again no print out for root process myid=0.
It seems like root process is not working? How can this be true? I'm quite confused. Is it because I'm not using MPI_BARRIER before PRINT *, 'dingdongdingdong',myid?
Is it possible that you miss the following statement just at the very beginning of your code?
The MPI_COMM_RANK returns into myid (if succeeds) the identifier of the process within the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator (i.e a value within 0 and NP, where NP is the total number of MPI ranks).
Thanks for contributions from #cw21 #Harald and #Hristo Iliev.
The failure lies in unit numbering. One reference says:
unit number : This must be present and takes any integer type. Note this ‘number’ identifies the
file and must be unique so if you have more than one file open then you must specify a different
unit number for each file. Avoid using 0,5 or 6 as these UNITs are typically picked to be used by
Fortran as follows.
– Standard Error = 0 : Used to print error messages to the screen.
– Standard In = 5 : Used to read in data from the keyboard.
– Standard Out = 6 : Used to print general output to the screen.
So I changed all numbering i into 1i, not working; then changed into 10i. It starts to work. Mysteriously, as correctly pointed out by #Hristo Iliev, as long as the numbering is not 0,5,6, the code should behave properly. I cannot explain to myself why 1i not working. But anyhow, the root process is now printing out results.

MPI rank is changed after MPI_SENDRECV call [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
MPI_Recv overwrites parts of memory it should not access
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have some Fortran code that I'm parallelizing with MPI which is doing truly bizarre things. First, there's a variable nstartg that I broadcast from the boss process to all the workers:
call mpi_bcast(nstartg,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
The variable nstartg is never altered again in the program. Later on, I have the boss process send eproc elements of an array edge to the workers:
if (me==0) then
do n=1,ntasks-1
(determine the starting point estart and the number eproc
of values to send)
call mpi_send(edge(estart),eproc,mpi_integer,n,n,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
with a matching receive statement if me is non-zero. (I've left out some other code for readability; there's a good reason I'm not using scatterv.)
Here's where things get weird: the variable nstartg gets altered to n instead of keeping its actual value. For example, on process 1, after the mpi_recv, nstartg = 1, and on process 2 it's equal to 2, and so forth. Moreover, if I change the code above to
call mpi_send(edge(estart),eproc,mpi_integer,n,n+1234567,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
and change the tag accordingly in the matching call to mpi_recv, then on process 1, nstartg = 1234568; on process 2, nstartg = 1234569, etc.
What on earth is going on? All I've changed is the tag that mpi_send/recv are using to identify the message; provided the tags are unique so that the messages don't get mixed up, this shouldn't change anything, and yet it's altering a totally unrelated variable.
On the boss process, nstartg is unaltered, so I can fix this by broadcasting it again, but that's hardly a real solution. Finally, I should mention that compiling and running this code using electric fence hasn't picked up any buffer overflows, nor did -fbounds-check throw anything at me.
The most probable cause is that you pass an INTEGER scalar as the actual status argument to MPI_RECV when it should be really declared as an array with an implementation-specific size, available as the MPI_STATUS_SIZE constant:
The message tag is written to one of the status fields by the receive operation (its implementation-specific index is available as the MPI_TAG constant and the field value can be accessed as status(MPI_TAG)) and if your status is simply a scalar INTEGER, then several other local variables would get overwritten. In your case it simply happens so that nstartg falls just above status in the stack.
If you do not care about the receive status, you can pass the special constant MPI_STATUS_IGNORE instead.

Lua 5.2.1 - Random Numbers

In Lua 5.2.1, I tried to generate a random number with
num = math.random(9)
However, every time I run my program:
num = math.random(9)
print("The generated number is "..num..".")
I get the same number.
brendan#osiris:~$ lua number
The generated number is 8.
brendan#osiris:~$ lua number
The generated number is 8.
brendan#osiris:~$ lua number
The generated number is 8.
This is frustrating, because everytime I try to generate a new number and restart the program, I get the same sequence.
Is there a different way of generating a number?
Also, I've looked into
but I don't really get it. If this is indeed the solution could you explain how it works, what it does, and what number I'd get?
This is not particular to Lua. Pseudorandom generators usually work like that: they need a seed to start and the sequence they generate is not really random, but actually deterministic given a seed. This is a good thing for debugging but for production you need to alter the seed in a "random" way. An easy and typical way of doing that is to use the time to set the seed once at the start of the program.
In Lua this is the expected output. You are not guranteed to get different sequences across different sessions.
However, any subsequent calls to math.random will generate a new number:
>> lua
> =math.random(9)
>> lua
> =math.random(9)
>> lua
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
math.randomseed() will change which sequence is replayed. If you set math.randomseed(3) for example, you will always get the same sequence, just like above:
>> lua
> math.randomseed(3)
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
>> lua
> math.randomseed(3)
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
> =math.random(9)
If you however set math.randomseed() to a unique value each run, for example os.time(), you will ofcourse get an unique sequence each time.
First, you have to call 'math.randomseed()'
Because Lua generates pseudo random numbers.
--One of the best seeds for 'math.randomseed()' is the time.
So, you'll first write:
After this,
num = math.random(9)
print("The generated number is "..num..".")
However, there is a bug on Windows. Then if you just write 'num = math.random(9)' the generated number will be the same for 1 hour, i think.
'So how can I resolve this?'
It's easy, you need to do a for loop.
for n = 0, 5 do
num = math.random(9)
So, in Windows, the final code would be:
for n = 0, 5 do
num = math.random(9)
print("The generated number is "..num..".")
OBS: If 'for n = 0, 5 do' does not work perfectly, then replace 5 with 10.

Luaj os.time() return milliseconds

os.time() in Luaj returns time in milliseconds, but according to lua documentation, it should return time in seconds.
Is this a bug in Luaj?
And Can you suggest a workaround that will work with Luaj(for java) and real Lua(c/c++)? because i have to use the same lua source for both applications.(cant simply divide it with 1000, as they both have return different time scale)
example in my lua file:
local start = os.time()
while(true) do
print(os.time() - start)
in c++ , i received output:
...(1 seconds passed)
in java (using Luaj), i got:
...(terminate in eclipse as fast as my finger can)
fyi, i try this on windows
Yes there's a bug in luaj.
The implementation just returns System.currentTimeMillis() when you call os.time(). It should really return something like (long)(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000.)
It's also worth pointing out that the and os.time handling in luaj is almost completely missing. I would recommend that you assume that they've not been implemented yet.
Lua manual about os.time():
The returned value is a number, whose meaning depends on your system. In POSIX, Windows, and some other systems, this number counts the number of seconds since some given start time (the "epoch"). In other systems, the meaning is not specified, and the number returned by time can be used only as an argument to and os.difftime.
So, any Lua implementation could freely change the meaning of os.time() value.
It appears like you've already confirmed that it's a bug in LuaJ; as for the workaround you can replace os.time() with your own version:
if (runningunderluaj) then
local ostime = os.time
os.time = function(...) return ostime(...)/1000 end
where runningunderluaj can check for some global variable that is only set under luaj. If that's not available, you can probably come up with your own check by comparing the results from calls to os.clock and os.time that measure time difference:
local s = os.clock()
local t = os.time()
while true do
if os.clock()-s > 0.1 then break end
-- (at least) 100ms has passed
local runningunderluaj = os.time() - t > 1
Note: It's possible that os.clock() is "broken" as well. I don't have access to luaj to test this...
In luaj-3.0-beta2, this has been fixed to return time in seconds.
This was a bug in all versions of luaj up to and including luaj-3.0-beta1.

Why the difference in speed?

Consider this code:
function Foo(ds as OtherDLL.BaseObj)
dim lngRowIndex as long
dim lngColIndex as long
for lngRowIndex = 1 to ubound(ds.Data, 2)
for lngColIndex = 1 to ds.Columns.Count
Debug.Print ds.Data(lngRowIndex, lngColIndex)
end function
OK, a little context. Parameter ds is of type OtherDLL.BaseObj which is defined in a referenced ActiveX DLL. ds.Data is a variant 2-dimensional array (one dimension carries the data, the other one carries the column index. ds.Columns is a Collection of columns in 'ds.Data`.
Assuming there are at least 400 rows of data and 25 columns, this code takes about 15 seconds to run on my machine. Kind of unbelievable.
However if I copy the variant array to a local variable, so:
function Foo(ds as OtherDLL.BaseObj)
dim lngRowIndex as long
dim lngColIndex as long
dim v as variant
v = ds.Data
for lngRowIndex = 1 to ubound(v, 2)
for lngColIndex = 1 to ds.Columns.Count
Debug.Print v(lngRowIndex, lngColIndex)
end function
the entire thing processes in barely any noticeable time (basically close to 0).
Chances are that ds.Data is creating/copying the entire array each time it is accessed (e.g. by fetching it from a database or something), and this is taking a significant amount of time.
By accessing it inside the loop you are then doing this copy operation hundreds of times. In the second case, you copy it once into a local variable outside the loop, and then quickly re-use that data hundreds of times without having to actually copy it again.
This is a common and very important optimisation technique: move any unnecessary work out of the loop so it's executed as few times as possible. It's just that in your example, it's not "obvious" that it's doing lots of extra work when you access Data.
