Laravel - Action not defined but it is defined - laravel

I get this error when i try loading blade.php
Action App\Http\Controllers\InventoryItemController#change not defined.
I have change function in InventoryItemController
public function change($new_status)
This started when I wanted to make button
Confirm Change
I did everything same when i made Edit button and that button works normally.
My button looks like this now
<a href="{{route('change', [$inventoryitem['new_status'],
$inventoryitem['asset_id']])}}"class="btn btn-info">Confirm Change</a>
and my change function is this
public function change($new_status, $asset_id)
$asset = Asset::find($asset_id);
$asset->status = $new_status;
return redirect('showasset', compact('asset','asset_id'));
and my route in web is like this
But after i click button it just redirect me to url .../change/4/1 and that's it. Nothing changes.

Using Action is deprecated in Laravel
You can use routes instead.
Define Routes in your routes files (/routes/web.php) like.
and then in your view
Confirm Change
In your controller use.
public function change ($status){
// rest of the function.
Hope this helps

Define your controller's method in route file as following:
Answer on UPDATE 1
public function change($new_status, $asset_id)
$asset = Asset::find($asset_id);
$asset->status = $new_status;
return view('your_view_path',compact('variable1','variable2'));

Final error was in my route
It should be like this
After that change everything is working flawlessly. Thank you for your help guys!


Laravel Nova - Observer Update Method Causes 502

When trying to update a resource in Laravel Nova that has a Observer the update loads for a while and then ends with a 502 error. The observer is registered correctly (the created method works fine) and I'm not trying to do anything special in the updated method. Any ideas?
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';
If I try this without the $model->save(), there is no 502 error but the change I want to happen also doesn't happen. I get the green success message, and any change I make on the form prior to updating occurs, but not the change I'm trying to make during the updated method.
Any help troubleshooting this would be appreciated
I am not very good at Laravel, but I think, that you should to try this:
In your model file add method:
public function saveQuietly(array $options = [])
return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($options) {
return $this->save($options);
Then, in your updated method in observer do something like this:
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';

Laravel new controller method doesn't work

When I create a new function in the controller for some reason it does not work. When I set the code from this function(getUnitsNotIn) to another function(index), that code works.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
My UnitsController.php action
public function index(){
$items = Unit::select('parent_id')->where('parent_id','!=',NULL)->get()->toArray();
return Units::whereNotIn('id',$items)->get();
public function getUnitsNotIn(){
$items = Unit::select('parent_id')->where('parent_id','!=',NULL)->get()->toArray();
return Units::whereNotIn('id',$items)->get();
My api.php
Route::apiResource('/units', 'UnitController');
Route::get('/units/notIn', 'UnitController#getUnitsNotIn');
In short, any new controller function that I make will not work. I tried to make a new controller and the same thing happens.
How to fix this problem?
It is not working because of apiResource(). Resource route assumes /units/{id}. so when you call /units/notIn route assume notIn as id And Action call show()
You need to use a different name.
Route::get('/un/notIn', 'UnitController#getUnitsNotIn');
Verb, path , action , route name
GET /units/{id} show
Change this to
Route::get('/units-notIn', 'UnitController#getUnitsNotIn');
You define a resource controller so here in units/notin,notin define a id so
it call your show function default.

Creating a route to custom function in controller in Laravel

I still can't understand why I can't point my blade to the custom function I made in my controller. I create a route like this,
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
and in my controller I have this,
public function storeInitialItems()
return view('orders.storeInitialItems');
but when I run the page, storeInitialItems.blade.php, the error seems calling the show() function of my controller.
Why is that happening?
Complete routes for ORDERS
Route::get('/orders/create', 'OrdersController#create')->name('orders.create');
Route::post('/orders', 'OrdersController#store')->name('');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/edit', 'OrdersController#edit')->name('orders.edit');
Route::post('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#update')->name('orders.update');
Route::delete('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#destroy')->name('orders.delete');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
Route::put('orders/{order}/pub', 'OrdersController#publish')->name('orders.publish');
Route::put('orders/{order}/cancel', 'OrdersController#cancel')->name('orders.cancel');
Route::put('orders/{order}/delivered', 'OrdersController#delivered')->name('orders.delivered');
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/delivery', 'OrdersController#viewdeliveryItems')->name('');
Route::get('/orders/acceptDelivery', 'OrdersController#acceptDelivery')->name('orders.acceptDelivery');
Add your orders.storeInitialItems route
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
or add some extra path with your storeInitialItems
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems/add-some-extra-path', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');

How do I send data to partial views from controller in laravel?

I have setup my navigation menu from a ViewComposer (see laravel view composers: like this
View::composer('partials.nav', function ($view) {
$view->with('menu', Nav::all());
What I need is that from some controllers to setup which navigation item is active, ie "current section".
How do I send from some controllers a variable to "partials.nav" like currentNavItem?
Do I send it with the rest of the variables for returned view?
return view('page.blade.php",$viewVariables + $optionalVariablesForPartialsViews);
It looks spammy
Side notes:
I use laravel 5.6
Later edit
It looks Laravel 5.1 : Passing Data to View Composer might be an options. I will try and get back .
Because the $variable you want to send differs in different controller's actions yes you need to specify the $variable
return view('page.blade.php",$viewVariables,$variablesForPartialsViews);
of course you might need to set a default value for the $variable in order to avoid undefined variable error
You should handle the parameters.
for exemple:
public function compose(View $view)
$view->with('page', $this->getPage());
public function getPage()
$viewVariables = 2;
$optionalVariablesForPartialsViews = 1;
return $viewVariables + $optionalVariablesForPartialsViews;
Under your app folder make a class named yourClassNameFacade. Your class would look like this.
class yourClassNameFacade extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'keyNameYouDecide';
Then go to the file app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add to the register function
public function register()
$this->app->bind('keyNameYouDecide', function (){
//below your logic, in my case a call to the eloquent database model to retrieve all items.
//but you can return whatever you want and its available in your whole application.
return \App\MyEloquentClassName::all();
Then in your view or any other place you want it in your application you do this to reference it.
view is the following code:
{{ resolve('keyNameYouDecide') }}
if you want to check what is in it do this:
{{ ddd(resolve('keyNameYouDecide')) }}
anywhere else in your code you can just do:

How to get controller action by passing URL in laravel

I searched more time to find how to get the controller method name by passing the URL but not found my expected answer. I want to make a method where I will pass a URL and it will give the corresponding controller action like as below but I can't figure out.
I found a helper which just return the current URL's action which is Route::currentRouteAction()
If a route in my application like as Route::get('/abc', 'YourController#method') which will generate the url
then how can I get the YourController#method by passing
function getAction($url){
//what will be logic?
// return like App\Controllers\MyController#method
I have to make a custom permission system where I need it for show and hide the menu by checking the URL of each menu.
Within your controller you can do the following:
use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request, Router $route)
$action = $router->getRoutes()->match($request)->getActionName();
// action should be what you're looking for.
You can try this if you want to:
Route::get('/the/url', 'YourController#method');
Every time anything calls the URL in the route, your method will be called.
You don't need to navigate to that url to call your method, it could be called by a form action, or a buttons action and just execute your method.
url is your url as parameter (plain route)
import this:
use Illuminate\Routing\Route;
this is your function:
public function method(Route $route, $url)
$routes = \Route::getRoutes()->getRoutes();
foreach($routes as $r){
if($r->getUri() == $url){
$youraction= $r->getActionName();
dd('does not exist');
