Is it possible to add CI info in push? - continuous-integration

We are using Gitlab CE and Gitlab Runner for our CI/CD on our Stage Servers. We got a branch for lets say dev1 where we need to do different tasks for different changes.
E.g. for frontend stuff we need a compiler to start and for backend we need to run php-unit.
Can I decide in the push what kind of Pipeline I want to start? I saw tags but they are different in git (for versioning) and gitlab (for runners) I suppose.
Is there a best practive for that use case or do I have to use 2 different branches?

You can define two manual tasks for dev1 branch, and decide on your own which task to invoke.
stage: build
- echo "Running php unit"
when: manual
only: dev1
stage: build
- echo "Starting compiler"
when: manual
only: dev1


What does ubuntu-latest mean for GitHub Actions?

Today I am dealing with the topic of Github Actions. I am not familiar with the topic of CI.
At GitHub I want to create an action. For the time being I use the boilplate of GitHub. I don't understand what ubuntu-latest jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest means. In another tutorial I saw self-hosted. On the server I want to deploy is also ubuntu, but that has nothing to do with it, right?
Thank you very much for an answer, feedback, comments and ideas.
GitHub workflow yml
name: CI
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
# Runs a single command using the runners shell
- name: Run a one-line script
run: echo Hello, world!
# Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
- name: Run a multi-line script
run: |
echo Add other actions to build,
echo test, and deploy your project.
The runner is the application that runs a job and its steps from a GitHub Actions workflow.
It is used by GitHub Actions in the hosted virtual environments, or you can self-host the runner in your own environment.
Basically, GitHub-hosted runners offer a quicker, simpler way to run your workflows, while self-hosted runners are a highly configurable way to run workflows in your own custom environment.
Quoting the Github documentation:
GitHub-hosted runners:
- Receive automatic updates for the operating system, preinstalled packages and tools, and the self-hosted runner application.
- Are managed and maintained by GitHub.
- Provide a clean instance for every job execution.
- Use free minutes on your GitHub plan, with per-minute rates applied after surpassing the free minutes.
Self-hosted runners:
- Receive automatic updates for the self-hosted runner application only. You are responsible for updating the operating system and all other software.
- Can use cloud services or local machines that you already pay for.
- Are customizable to your hardware, operating system, software, and security requirements.
- Don't need to have a clean instance for every job execution.
Are free to use with GitHub Actions, but you are responsible for the cost of maintaining your runner machines.
You can also see on the link shared above the following table showing the available Github hosted runners with their associated label (such as ubuntu-latest):
So when you informed ubuntu-latest on your workflow, you asked Github to provide a runner to execute all the steps contained in your job implementation (it is not related to the server you wish to deploy, but to the pipeline that will perform the deploy operation (in your case)).

GitLab - run job on PR on bitbucket possible?

I just setup a project on GitLab with an external Bitbucket repository. I added the webhook to Bitbucket and I'm seeing that I'm sending out requests when I push or open a PR etc.
I would like to execute a test job every time a PR is opened to merge a branch into the master branch on Bitbucket. When the merge happened, I want to run another 2 jobs (build + deploy).
So far my gitlab file looks like
- build
- test
- deploy
stage: build
- echo 'Building...'
- master
stage: test
- echo 'Testing...'
- external_pull_requests
stage: deploy
- echo 'Deploying...'
- master
The build and deploy jobs are executed as expected when a merge has happened. However, the job that should only run when a PR is opened (or on any new commit on an already opened PR) is not executed. In the Documentation they only talk about GitHub. Is this actually possible with Bitbucket?

How can I ensure, to have different workflows for Travis CI for different git branches

I am setting up a CI pipeline.
I have a script which build docker images.
In travis.yml it's something like this.
- bash
I want to be able to use the same script and run in such a way that, it builds images and pushes to a different repository for different branches.
For example, for master, push it to dev-docker-repository
for feature branches, push it to `team-test-repository'
This is something you could handle inside your script by giving it the branch in parameter e.g.
Otherwise it would also be possible to use build stages and define different jobs depending on the branch e.g.
- name: master branch
script: bash dev-docker-repository
if: branch = master
- name: other branches
script: bash team-test-repository
if: branch != master
Hope this helps!

Gitlab-CI multi-project-pipeline

currently I'm trying to understand the Gitlab-CI multi-project-pipeline.
I want to achieve to run a pipeline if another pipeline has finshed.
I have one project nginx saved in namespace baseimages which contains some configuration like fast-cgi-params. The ci-file looks like this:
- release
- notify
DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://localhost:2375"
DOCKER_DRIVER: "overlay2"
stage: release
image: docker:git
- docker:dind
- docker build -t $SERVICE_NAME:latest .
- docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/$SERVICE_NAME:latest
- master
stage: notify
image: appropriate/curl:latest
- curl -X POST -F token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN -F ref=master
- master
Now I want to have multiple projects to rely on this image and let them rebuild if my baseimage changes e.g. new nginx version.
| | |
project1 project2 project3
If I add a trigger to the other project and insert the generated token at $GITLAB_CI_TOKEN the foreign pipeline starts but there is no combined graph as shown in the documentation (
How is it possible to show the full pipeline graph?
Do I have to add every project which relies on my baseimage to the CI-File of the baseimage or is it possible to subscribe the baseimage-pipline in each project?
The Multi-project pipelines is a paid for feature introduced in GitLab Premium 9.3, and can only be accessed using GitLab's Premium or Silver models.
A way to see this is to the right of the document title:
Well after some more digging into the documentation I found a little sentence which states that Gitlab CE provides features marked as Core-Feature.
We have 50+ Gitlab packages where this is needed. What we used to do was push a commit to a downstream package, wait for the CI to finish, then push another commit to the upstream package, wait for the CI to finish, etc. This was very time consuming.
The other thing you can do is manually trigger builds and you can manually determine the order.
If none of this works for you or you want a better way, I built a tool to help do this called Gitlab Pipes. I used it internally for many months and realized that people need something like this, so I did the work to make it public.
Basically it listens to Gitlab notifications and when it sees a commit to a package, it reads the .gitlab-pipes.yml file to determine that projects dependencies. It will be able to construct a dependency graph of your projects and build the consumer packages on downstream commits.
The documentation is here, it sort of tells you how it works. And then the primary app website is here.
If you click the versions history ... from multi_project_pipelines it reveals.
Made available in all tiers in GitLab 12.8.
Multi-project pipeline visualizations as of 13.10-pre is marked as premium however in my ee version the visualizations for down/upstream links are functional.
So reference Triggering a downstream pipeline using a bridge job
Before GitLab 11.8, it was necessary to implement a pipeline job that was responsible for making the API request to trigger a pipeline in a different project.
In GitLab 11.8, GitLab provides a new CI/CD configuration syntax to make this task easier, and avoid needing GitLab Runner for triggering cross-project pipelines. The following illustrates configuring a bridge job:
stage: test
script: bundle exec rspec
stage: deploy
trigger: my/deployment

GitLab CI/CD build/pipeline only triggered once instead of twice

I'm using GitLab CI/CD (EDIT: v10.2.2).
I've got 2 branches in my project: devel and testing
Both are protected.
devel is the default branch.
The workflow is: I push on devel, then I merge devel into testing through a merge request.
Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml v1:
stage: build
- devel
- docker build -t .
- docker login -u="$DOCKER_LOGIN" -p="$DOCKER_PWD"
- docker push
When I push a modification on devel, the script is run and the build is made. Perfect.
Now same thing with branch testing, here is my .gitlab-ci.yml v2:
stage: build
- testing
- docker build -t .
- docker login -u="$DOCKER_LOGIN" -p="$DOCKER_PWD"
- docker push
When I push a modification directly on testing, the same thing happens using the testing branch. But here the pipeline on testing (and on testing only, so only once) is also triggered when I push on devel, then merge on testing, which is perfect.
Now .gitlab-ci.yml v3, which is nothing else than a concatenation of the two previous versions:
stage: build
- devel
- docker build -t .
- docker login -u="$DOCKER_LOGIN" -p="$DOCKER_PWD"
- docker push
stage: build
- testing
- docker build -t .
- docker login -u="$DOCKER_LOGIN" -p="$DOCKER_PWD"
- docker push
My expectation was: when I push on devel, then create/accept a merge request from devel to testing, the devel pipeline should run right after my push, then the testing pipeline should run right after my merge request acceptance.
Instead here is what's happening: only the devel pipeline is triggered after the push. The testing pipeline will never be triggered after my merge request.
I assume I'm missing something about how GitLab works but I can't figure out what despite my researches.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. states:
Each job must have a unique name, ...
You have two jobs with the same name docker_build. Just give them a different name.
