Gensim Doc2Vec - Why does infer_vector() use alpha? - gensim

I try to map sentences to a vector in order to make sentences comparable to each other. To test gensim's Doc2Vec model, I downloaded sklearn's newsgroup dataset and trained the model on it.
In order to compare two sentences, I use model.infer_vector() and I am wondering why two calls using the same sentence delivers me different vectors:
model = Doc2Vec(vector_size=100, window=8, min_count=5, workers=6)
for epoch in range(epochs):
print("Training epoch %d" % (epoch+1))
model.train(documents, total_examples=len(documents), epochs=epochs)
v1 = model.infer_vector("I feel good")
v2 = model.infer_vector("I feel good")
Training epoch 1
Training epoch 2
Training epoch 3
Training epoch 4
Training epoch 5
Training epoch 6
Training epoch 7
Training epoch 8
Training epoch 9
Training epoch 10
If I set alpha and min_alpha = 0 I get consistent vectors for the "I feel fine" and "I feel good", but the model gives me the same vector in every epoch, so it does not seem to learn anything:
Training epoch 1
Training epoch 2
Training epoch 3
Training epoch 4
Training epoch 5
Training epoch 6
Training epoch 7
Training epoch 8
Training epoch 9
Training epoch 10
So my questions are:
Why do I even have the possibility to specify a learning rate for inference? I would expect that the model is only changed during training and not during inference.
If I specify alpha=0 for inference, why does the distance between those two vectors not change during different epochs?

Inference uses an alpha because it is the same iterative adjustment process as training, just limited to updating the one new vector for the one new text example.
So yes, the model's various weights are frozen. But the one new vector's weights (dimensions) start at small random values, just as every other vector also began, and then get incrementally nudged over multiple training cycles to make the vector work better as a doc-vector for predicting the text's words. Then the final new-vector is returned.
Those nudges begin at the larger starting alpha value, and wind up as the negligible min_alpha. With an alpha at 0.0, no training/inference can happen, because every nudge-correction to the updatable weights is multiplied by 0.0 before it's applied, meaning no change happens.
Separate from that, your code has a number of problems that may prevent desirable results:
By calling train() epochs times in a loop, and then also supplying a value larger than 1 for epochs, you're actually performing epochs * epochs total training passes
further, by leaving alpha and min_alpha unspecified, each call to train() will descend the effective alpha from its high-value to its low-value each call – a sawtooth pattern that's not proper for this kind of stochastic gradient descent optimization. (There should be a warning in your logs about this error.)
It's rare to need to call train() multiple times in a loop. Just call it once, with the right epochs value, and it will do the right thing: that many passes, with a smoothly-decaying alpha learning-rate.
Separately, when calling infer_vector():
it needs a list-of-tokens, just like the words property of the training examples that were items in documents – not a string. (By supplying a string, it looks like a list-of-characters, so it will be inferring a doc-vector for the document ['I', ' ', 'f', 'e', 'e', 'l', ' ', 'g', 'o', 'o', 'd'] not ['I', 'feel', 'good'].)
those tokens should be preprocessed the same as the training documents – for example if they were lowercased there, they should be lowercased before passing to infer_vector()
the default argument passes=5 is very small, especially for short texts – many report better results with a value in the tens or hundreds
the default argument alpha=0.1 is somewhat large compared to the training default 0.025; using the training value (especially with more passes) often gives better results
Finally, just like the algorithm during training makes use of randomization (to adjust word-prediction context windows, or randomly-sample negative examples, or randomly down-sample highly-frequent words), the inference does as well. So even supplying the exact same tokens won't automatically yield the exact same inferred-vector.
However, if the model has been sufficiently-trained, and the inference is adjusted as above for better results, the vectors for the same text should be very, very close. And because this is a randomized algorithm with some inherent 'jitter' between runs, it's best to make your downstream evaluations and uses tolerant to such small variances. (And, if you're instead seeing large variances, correct other model/inference issues, usually with more data or other parameter adjustments.)
If you want to force determinism, there's some discussion of how to do that in a gensim project issue. But, understanding & tolerating the small variances is often more consistent with the choice of such a randomly-influenced algorithm.


Can I use neural networks to forecast the next 5000 values?

Suppose I trained a neural network (RNN, LSTM etc.) which takes 60 values as input to forecast the next (61st) value.
Now, I have a train set of 10,000 observations and test set of 5,000.
This is easily done in SARIMAX. I can easily fit the model on 10,000 rows and predict the next 5,000. But how will I do this in case of the neural network.
Should I just use the model I trained (takes in 60 and predicts the 61st) and give it the last 60 values in my training dataset to predict the first one in the test dataset and use a rolling window of one step? This feels wrong intuitively.

Is validation set necessary for training a model?

I built a 3D image classification model with CNN for my research. I only have 5000 images and used 4500 images for training and 500 image for test set.
I tried different architectures and parameters for the training and
the F1 score and the accuracy on the training sets were as high as 0.9. It was fortunate that I didn't have to spend a lot of time to find these settings for the high accuracy.
Now I applied this model for the test set and I got a quite satisfying prediction with F1 score of 0.8~0.85.
My question here is, is it necessary to do validation? When I was taking a machine learning course back then, I was taught to use a validation set for tuning hyper parameters. One reason why I did not do k-fold cross validation is because I do not have much data and wanted to use as many training data as possible. And my model shows a quite good prediction on the test set. Can my model still convince people as long as the accuracy/f1 score/ROC are good enough? Or can I try to convince people only by doing k-fold cross validation without making and testing on a test set separately?
Thank you!
unfortunately i think that the single result won't be enough. This is due to the fact that your result could be just pure luck.
Using a 10 fold CV you use 90% of your data (4500 images) for training and the remaining 10% for testing. So basically you are not using less images in the training with the advantage of more reliable results.
The validation scheme proposed by Martin is already a good one but if you are looking for something more robust you should use a nested cross validation:
Split the data-set in K folds
The i-th training set is composed by {1,2,..,K} \ i folds.
Split the training set in N folds.
Set a hyper-parameter values grid
For each hyper-parameter set of values:
train on {1,2,..,N} \ j folds and test on the j-th fold;
Iterate for all the N folds and compute the average F-score.
Choose the set of hyper-parameters that maximize your metric.
Train the model using the i-th training set and the optimal set of hyper-parameters and test on the i-th fold.
Repeat for all the K folds and compute the average metrics.
The average metrics could be not sufficient to prove the stability of the method so it's advisable to provide also the confidence interval or the variance of the results.
Finally, to have a really stable validation of your method, you could consider to substitute the initial K-fold cross validation with a re-sampling procedure. Instead of splitting the data in K fold you resample the dataset at random using 90% of the samples as training and 10% of samples for testing. Repeat this M times with M>K. If the computation is fast enough you can consider to do this 20-50 or 100 times.
A cross validation dataset is used to adjust hyperparameters. You should never touch the test set, except when you are finished with everything!
As suggested in the comments, I recommend k-fold cross validation (e.g. k=10):
Split your dataset into k=10 sets
For i=1..10: Use sets {1, 2,..., 10} \ i as a training set (and to find the hyper parameters) and set i to evaluate.
Your final score is the average among those k=10 evaluation scores.

Distribution of the Training Data vs Distribution of the Test/Prediction

Does the Distribution represented by the training data need to reflect the distribution of the test data and the data that you predict on? Can I measure the quality of the training data by looking at the distribution of each feature and compare that distribution to the data I am predicting or testing with? Ideally the training data should be sufficiently representative of the real world distribution.
Short answer: similar ranges would be a good idea.
Long answer: sometimes it won't be an issue (rarely) but let's examine when.
In an ideal situation, your model will capture the true phenomenon perfectly. Imagine the simplest case: the linear model y = x. If the training data are noiseless (or have tolerable noise). Your linear regression will naturally land on a model approximately equal to y = x. The generalization of the model will work nearly perfect even outside of the training range. If your train data were {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10}. The test point 500, will nicely map onto the function, returning 500.
In most modeling scenarios, this will almost certainly not be the case. If the training data are ample and the model is appropriately complex (and no more), you're golden.
The trouble is that few functions (and corresponding natural phenomena) -- especially when we consider nonlinear functions -- extend to data outside of the training range so cleanly. Imagine sampling office temperature against employee comfort. If you only look at temperatures from 40 deg to 60 deg. A linear function will behave brilliantly in the training data. Oddly enough, if you test on 60 to 80, the mapping will break down. Here, the issue is confidence in your claim that the data are sufficiently representative.
Now let's consider noise. Imagine that you know EXACTLY what the real world function is: a sine wave. Better still, you are told its amplitude and phase. What you don't know is its frequency. You have a really solid sampling between 1 and 100, the function you fit maps against the training data really well. Now if there is just enough noise, you might estimate the frequency incorrectly by a hair. When you test near the training range, the results aren't so bad. Outside of the training range, things start to get wonky. As you move further and further from the training range, the real function and the function diverge and converge based on their relative frequencies. Sometimes, the residuals are seemingly fine; sometimes they are dreadful.
There is an issue with your idea of examining the variable distributions: interaction between variables. Even if each variable is appropriately balanced in train and test, it is possible that the relationships between variables will differ (joint distributions). For a purely contrived example, consider you were predicting an individual's likelihood of being pregnant at any given time. In your training set, you had women aged 20 to 30 and men aged 30 to 40. In testing, you had the same percentage of men and women, but the age ranges were flipped. Independently, the variables look very nicely matched! But in your training set, you could very easily conclude, "only people under 30 get pregnant." Oddly enough, your testing set would demonstrate the exact opposite! The trouble is that your predictions are being made from a multivariate space, but the distributions you are thinking about are univariate. Considering the joint distributions of continuous variables against one another (and considering categorical variables appropriately) is, however, a good idea. Ideally, your fit model should have access to a similar range to your testing data.
Fundamentally, the question is about extrapolation from a limited training space. If the model fit in the training space generalizes, you can generalize; ultimately, it is usually safest to have a really well distributed training set to maximize the likelihood that you have captured the complexity of the underlying function.
Really interesting question! I hope the answer was somewhat insightful; I'll continue to build on it as resources come to mind! Let me know if any questions remain!
EDIT: a point made in the comments that I think should be read by future readers.
Ideally, training data should NEVER influence testing data in ANY way. That includes examining of the distributions, joint distributions etc. With sufficient data, distributions in the training data should converge on distributions in the testing data (think the mean, law of large nums). Manipulation to match distributions (like z-scoring before train/test split) fundamentally skews performance metrics in your favor. An appropriate technique for splitting train and test data would be something like stratified k fold for cross validation.
Sorry for the delayed response. After going through a few months of iterating, I implemented and pushed the following solution to production and it is working quite well.
The issue here boils down to how can one reduce the training/test score variance when performing cross validation. This is important as if your variance is high, the confidence in picking the best model goes down. The more representative the test data is to the train data, the less variance you get in your test scores across the cross validation set. Stratified cross validation tackles this issue especially when there is significant class imbalance, by ensuring that the label class proportions are preserved across all test/train sets. However, this doesnt address the issue with the feature distribution.
In my case, I had a few features that were very strong predictors but also very skewed in their distribution. This caused significant variance in my test scores which made it harder to pick a model with any confidence. Essentially, the solution is to ensure that the joint distribution of the label with the feature set is maintained across test/train sets. Many ways of doing this but a very simple approach is to simply take each column bucket range (if continuous) or label (if categorical) one by one and sample from these buckets when generating the test and train sets. Note that the buckets quickly gets very sparse especially when you have a lot of categorical variables. Also, the column order in which you bucket affects the sampling output greatly. Below is a solution where I bucket the label first (same like stratified CV) and then sample 1 other feature (most important feature (called score_percentage) that is known upfront).
def train_test_folds(self, label_column="label"):
# train_test is an array of tuples where each tuple is a test numpy array and train numpy array pair.
# The final iterator would return these individual elements separately.
n_folds = self.n_folds
label_classes = np.unique(self.label)
train_test = []
fmpd_copy =
fmpd_copy[label_column] = self.label
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_copy = fmpd_copy.sort_values("score_percentage")
for lbl in label_classes:
fmpd_label = fmpd_copy[fmpd_copy[label_column] == lbl]
# Calculate the fold # using the label specific dataset
if (fmpd_label.shape[0] < n_folds):
raise ValueError("n_folds=%d cannot be greater than the"
" number of rows in each class."
% (fmpd_label.shape[0]))
# let's get some variance -- shuffle within each buck
# let's go through the data set, shuffling items in buckets of size nFolds
s = 0
shuffle_array = fmpd_label["index"].values
maxS = len(shuffle_array)
while s < maxS:
max = min(maxS, s + n_folds) - 1
for i in range(s, max):
j = random.randint(i, max)
if i < j:
tempI = shuffle_array[i]
shuffle_array[i] = shuffle_array[j]
shuffle_array[j] = tempI
s = s + n_folds
# print("shuffle s =",s," max =",max, " maxS=",maxS)
fmpd_label["index"] = shuffle_array
fmpd_label = fmpd_label.reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
fmpd_label["test_set_number"] = fmpd_label.iloc[:, 0].apply(
lambda x: x % n_folds)
print("label ", lbl)
for n in range(0, n_folds):
test_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
== n]["index"].values
train_set = fmpd_label[fmpd_label["test_set_number"]
!= n]["index"].values
print("for label ", lbl, " test size is ",
test_set.shape, " train size is ", train_set.shape)
print("len of total size", len(train_test))
if (len(train_test) != n_folds):
# Split doesnt exist. Add it in.
train_test.append([train_set, test_set])
temp_arr = train_test[n]
temp_arr[0] = np.append(temp_arr[0], train_set)
temp_arr[1] = np.append(temp_arr[1], test_set)
train_test[n] = [temp_arr[0], temp_arr[1]]
return train_test
Over time, I realized that this whole issue falls under the umbrella of covariate shift which is a well studied area within machine learning. Link below or just search google for covariate shift. The concept is how to detect and ensure that your prediction data is of similar distribution with your training data. THis is in the feature space but in theory you could have label drift as well.

Does Weka test results on a separate holdout set with 10CV?

I used 10-fold cross validation in Weka.
I know this usually means that the data is split in 10 parts, 90% training, 10% test and that this is alternated 10 times.
I am wondering on what Weka calculates the resulting AUC. Is it the average of all 10 test sets? Or (and I hope this is true), does it use a holdout test set? I can't seem to find a description of this in the weka book.
Weka averages the test results. And this is a better approach then the holdout set, I don't understand why you would hope for such approach. If you hold out the test set (of what size?) your test would not be statisticaly significant, It would only say, that for best chosen parameters on the training data you achieved some score on arbitrary small part of data. The whole point of cross validation (as the evaluation technique) is to use all the data as training and as testing in turns, so the resulting metric is approximation of the expected value of the true evaluation measure. If you use the hold out test it would not converge to expected value (at least not in a reasonable time) and what is even more important - you would have to choose another constant (how big hold out set and why?) and reduce the number of samples used for training (while cross validation has been developed due to the problem with to small datasets for both training and testing).
I performed cross validation on my own (made my own random folds and created 10 classifiers) and checked the average AUC. I also checked to see if the entire dataset was used to report the AUC (similar as to when Weka outputs a decision tree under 10-fold).
The AUC for the credit dataset with a naive Bayes classifier as found by...
10-fold weka = 0.89559
10-fold mine = 0.89509
original train = 0.90281
There is a slight discrepancy between my average AUC and Weka's, but this could be from a failure in replicating the folds (although I did try to control the seeds).

Cross Validation in Weka

I've always thought from what I read that cross validation is performed like this:
In k-fold cross-validation, the original sample is randomly
partitioned into k subsamples. Of the k subsamples, a single subsample
is retained as the validation data for testing the model, and the
remaining k − 1 subsamples are used as training data. The
cross-validation process is then repeated k times (the folds), with
each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data. The
k results from the folds then can be averaged (or otherwise combined)
to produce a single estimation
So k models are built and the final one is the average of those.
In Weka guide is written that each model is always built using ALL the data set. So how does cross validation in Weka work ? Is the model built from all data and the "cross-validation" means that k fold are created then each fold is evaluated on it and the final output results is simply the averaged result from folds?
So, here is the scenario again: you have 100 labeled data
Use training set
weka will take 100 labeled data
it will apply an algorithm to build a classifier from these 100 data
it applies that classifier AGAIN on
these 100 data
it provides you with the performance of the
classifier (applied to the same 100 data from which it was
Use 10 fold CV
Weka takes 100 labeled data
it produces 10 equal sized sets. Each set is divided into two groups: 90 labeled data are used for training and 10 labeled data are used for testing.
it produces a classifier with an algorithm from 90 labeled data and applies that on the 10 testing data for set 1.
It does the same thing for set 2 to 10 and produces 9 more classifiers
it averages the performance of the 10 classifiers produced from 10 equal sized (90 training and 10 testing) sets
Let me know if that answers your question.
I would have answered in a comment but my reputation still doesn't allow me to:
In addition to Rushdi's accepted answer, I want to emphasize that the models which are created for the cross-validation fold sets are all discarded after the performance measurements have been carried out and averaged.
The resulting model is always based on the full training set, regardless of your test options. Since M-T-A was asking for an update to the quoted link, here it is: It's an answer from one of the WEKA maintainers, pointing out just what I wrote.
I think I figured it out. Take (for example) weka.classifiers.rules.OneR -x 10 -d This does two things:
It creates a model based on the full dataset. This is the model that is written to This model is not used as part of cross-validation.
Then cross-validation is run. cross-validation involves creating (in this case) 10 new models with the training and testing on segments of the data as has been described. The key is the models used in cross-validation are temporary and only used to generate statistics. They are not equivalent to, or used for the model that is given to the user.
Weka follows the conventional k-fold cross validation you mentioned here. You have the full data set, then divide it into k nos of equal sets (k1, k2, ... , k10 for example for 10 fold CV) without overlaps. Then at the first run, take k1 to k9 as training set and develop a model. Use that model on k10 to get the performance. Next comes k1 to k8 and k10 as training set. Develop a model from them and apply it to k9 to get the performance. In this way, use all the folds where each fold at most 1 time is used as test set.
Then Weka averages the performances and presents that on the output pane.
once we've done the 10-cross-validation by dividing data in 10 segments & create Decision tree and evaluate, what Weka does is run the algorithm an eleventh time on the whole dataset. That will then produce a classifier that we might deploy in practice. We use 10-fold cross-validation in order to get an evaluation result and estimate of the error, and then finally we do classification one more time to get an actual classifier to use in practice.
During kth cross validation, we will going to have different Decision tree but final one is created on whole datasets. CV is used to see if we have overfitting or large variance issue.
According to "Data Mining with Weka" at The University of Waikato:
Cross-validation is a way of improving upon repeated holdout.
Cross-validation is a systematic way of doing repeated holdout that actually improves upon it by reducing the variance of the estimate.
We take a training set and we create a classifier
Then we’re looking to evaluate the performance of that classifier, and there’s a certain amount of variance in that evaluation, because it’s all statistical underneath.
We want to keep the variance in the estimate as low as possible.
Cross-validation is a way of reducing the variance, and a variant on cross-validation called “stratified cross-validation” reduces it even further.
(In contrast to the the “repeated holdout” method in which we hold out 10% for the testing and we repeat that 10 times.)
So how does cross validation in Weka work ?:
With cross-validation, we divide our dataset just once, but we divide into k pieces, for example , 10 pieces. Then we take 9 of the pieces and use them for training and the last piece we use for testing. Then with the same division, we take another 9 pieces and use them for training and the held-out piece for testing. We do the whole thing 10 times, using a different segment for testing each time. In other words, we divide the dataset into 10 pieces, and then we hold out each of these pieces in turn for testing, train on the rest, do the testing and average the 10 results.
That would be 10-fold cross-validation. Divide the dataset into 10 parts (these are called “folds”);
hold out each part in turn;
and average the results.
So each data point in the dataset is used once for testing and 9 times for training.
That’s 10-fold cross-validation.
