Laravel : pagination with limit and page number on API - laravel

I have a query where can i get all the data from related tables and get total 10 rows.Now i want to set pagination parameter in my query. if my pagenumber=1 and limit=2 it returns 1 and 2 rows data with page=1 and limit=2, If I am sending page-3 and limit-2 it returns 5 and 6 rows and page-3.if page=null and limit=null return all data.
How can I do this.
My Function :
Also how can i pass this in POSTMAN

All you need is skip / take
Your code would be something like:
public function show(Request $request) {
$perPage = $request->perpage;
if ($request->page == "") {
$skip = 0;
else {
$skip = $perPage * $request->page;
$result = Post::with(['product.categories.attributes'])
->where("Status", "Active")
Case when $_POST['perpage'] is not set can be explored here:
Skip and take all?


Get object value on an array iteration with foreach

In the following very simplified example and study case, we get the list of posts and the count of comments for each post.
However, I intended to send to client side only the value, i.e. 2, and not the array object [{total: 2}]
Is there a simplified way to do this with the laravel?
Note: DB::select must be used
public function readPosts(Request $request) {
$posts = DB::select("SELECT * FROM posts");
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
$idComment = $post->id_comment;
$post->nComments = DB::select('SELECT COUNT(id_comment) As total FROM post_comments WHERE id_comment = ? ', [$idComment]);
return response()->json(['success'=>true, "output"=>$posts);
return response()->json(['success'=>false]);
id_post: 1
post: "post text"
nComments: [{total:2}]
id_post: 2
post: "post text 2"
nComments: [{total:1}]
id_post: 1
post: "post text"
nComments: 2
id_post: 2
post: "post text 2"
nComments: 1
I suggest that you can use Eloquent with eager loading to get the count.
However you need to reconstruct your tables, and build relationship with your models.
If you really want to use DB::select(),
You can just use subquery
$posts = DB::select('
SELECT posts.*, (
SELECT COUNT(id_comment) AS total
FROM post_comments
WHERE id_comment = posts.id_comment) AS total
FROM posts')
you can try this
public function readPosts(Request $request) {
$posts = DB::select("SELECT * FROM posts");
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
$idComment = $post->id_comment;
$total = DB::select('SELECT COUNT(id_comment) As total FROM post_comments WHERE id_comment = ? ', [$idComment]);
$post->nComments = $total[0]['total'];
return response()->json(['success'=>true, "output"=>$posts);
return response()->json(['success'=>false]);
Cleanest way would be to use the relations comments of the post
public function readPosts(Request $request) {
$posts = DB::withCount('comments')->get();
return response()->json(['success'=>true, "output"=>$posts);
return response()->json(['success'=>false]);
id_post: 1
post: "post text"
comments_count: 2
id_post: 2
post: "post text 2"
comments_count: 1
Plus: this will take advantage of the eager loading in Eloquent and the results will be way faster and performant.
Try this simple
$posts = Post::withCount('comments');
You can use count() for the collections count.
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
$idComment = $post->id_comment;
$comments = DB::select('SELECT COUNT(id_comment) As total FROM post_comments WHERE id_comment = ? ', [$idComment]);
$post->nComments = $comments[0]['total'];

How I can paginate DB::select(...) result and get links() method?

I have a big and difficult SQL query. It works fine for me. And I have the following code in the controller:
public function index(OpenRegDepDataReportInterface $openRegDepDataReport, Request $request): Renderable
$applications = $openRegDepDataReport->getReport($advertisers, $category);
return view('applications.index', compact('applications'));
So, the method getReport gives me a result of DB::select('<here is my big diffecult SQL>'), and, as well known it's an array.
But as you can see I'm trying to pass the result on a view. And, of course, I would like to call $applications->links() in the view, like for eloquent collection. Which is proper and faster way to do that?
To display pagination at the table, you must call the select and then the pagination method.
in Controller:
$test = DB::table('users')->select('id')->paginate(10);
in View:
So based on the documentation if your $applications returns a Query Builder result, then just append ->paginate(10); to it.
$applications = $openRegDepDataReport->getReport($advertisers, $category)->paginate(10);
Simple answer, use paginate() method:
$basicQuery = DB::select(DB::raw("<here is the big diffcult SQL query>"));
However, paginate() works only on collections, and since you have an array of objects, you need to turn it into a collection first, using the forPage() method:
The forPage method returns a new collection containing the items that would be present on a given page number. The method accepts the page number as its first argument and the number of items to show per page as its second argument:
$collection = collect($basicQuery);
$chunk = $collection->forPage(2, 3);
Complicated answer: build a paginator instance yourself:
$perPage = 10;
$page = $request->input("page", 1);
$skip = $page * $perPage;
if($take < 1) { $take = 1; }
if($skip < 0) { $skip = 0; }
$basicQuery = DB::select(DB::raw("<here is the big diffcult SQL query>"));
$totalCount = $basicQuery->count();
$results = $basicQuery
$paginator = new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator($results, $totalCount, $take, $page);
return $paginator;
I would recommend using the paginate() method.
You can read more about Laravel's pagination.

Any short way for handling multiple queries in laravel?

I need to get multiple results from different queries on one table.
For example I need to get Count, Sum, Average of one table. Should I do like this or is there a shorter way?
public function index()
$count = Patient::all()->count();
$dateCount = Patient::where('date', date("Y-m-d"))->count();
$loanAmount = DB::table('patients')->sum('loan_amount');
$payAmount = DB::table('patients')->sum('pay_amount');
return view('index', compact('count','dateCount','loanAmount' ,'payAmount'));
If you see All queries are for one table to get specific results, So basically is there a short way to get these results not by single queries for each?
You can do this by DB query as below :
->selectRaw('count(id) as count,sum(loan_amount) as loanAmount,sum(pay_amount) as payAmount,sum(case when date = "'.date("Y-m-d").'" then 1 else 0 end) AS dateCount')
You can also do this using eloquent but it will return you collection.
$data=Patient::selectRaw('count(id) as count,sum(loan_amount) as loanAmount,sum(pay_amount) as payAmount,sum(case when date = "'.date("Y-m-d").'" then 1 else 0 end) AS dateCount')
You can do something like this.
public function index()
$patient = Patient::all();
$count = $patient->count();
$dateCount = Patient::today()->count();
$loanAmount = $patient->sum('loan_amount');
$payAmount = $patient->sum('pay_amount');
return view('index', compact('count','dateCount','loanAmount' ,'payAmount'));
Also you can create scope in your patient model:
public function scopeToday($query) {
return $query->where('date', date("Y-m-d"));

Pagination not working on multiple querying

I have a multiple query, but for some reason the pagination is not working, i dont no if the ussue is the way i construct it.
My code:
$query = \DB::table('products');
if ($request->has('type') && $type) {
$query->where('product_type_id', $type);
if ($request->has('material') && $material) {
->whereIn("product_attribute_materials.product_material_id", $material);
if($request->has('businessarea') && $area){
->whereIn("product_attribute_businessareas.product_businessarea_id", $area);
$products = $query->paginate(15);
You need to append the query string to the pagination using append() on $products
Passing array with the keys that you want to pass the query string, will return its value on the next request.
To confirm this, chick the href value from your browser before clicking on page number 2.
$products = $query->paginate(15)->appends(['type', 'material', 'businessarea']);

Symfony 1.4 improve doctrine save() method

I have 500 entries in my db. In my backend I have action. For example:
public function executeMyAction(sfWebRequest $request) {
// Get some data from table
$templates = Doctrine_Core::getTable('SeoTemplates')->findOneByEntity('training');
//Get data from other table(500 items)
$trainings = Doctrine::getTable('Training')->getTraining();
// Make some operations with data
foreach ($trainings as $training) {
// Problem part (try to save)
save() performed for a long time. How to solve this problem? Is it possible?
In my problem part I have all known error Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
Save each record instead of a collection
$templates = Doctrine_Core::getTable('SeoTemplates')->findOneByEntity('training');
$trainings = Doctrine::getTable('Training')->getTraining();
foreach ($trainings as $training) {
or use Doctrine to update the records using a query
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set($val1, '?', $val1)
->set($val2, '?', $val2)
->set($val3, '?', $val3)
->where('id = ?', $id)
