Unity lagging after update? - performance

I've been working on a lightweight game with some friends. Today I updated Unity to 2018.1.0f2, and after about 30 minutes of loading time, I was able to edit my project again.
But all of a sudden, Unity is being very slow. I try playing the game, and it is running at about 2-3 FPS. The current editor mode is DX11, but I tried forcing it to OpenGL and that only made it much worse. My computer should be able to handle it; I have a GTX 1080, 32 GB of RAM, and an i7-8700K.
Can someone please explain what is causing this, and how to fix it?
Also, there is a known bug involving Unity collab being slow. I am not using that.

I'd try two things:
1) Uninstall all Unity installs you have (2018 and earlier, if you still have them), then re-install 2018.1.0f2 from scratch.
2) Go to your project folder, and delete everything except the dirs Assets and ProjectSettings (you may delete even this one, but then you need to re-set all project settings from scratch) - remember that if you imported packages via NuGet, you should leave the Packages directory too.
Then try to relaunch Unity and load the project by opening it from the Unity launch window and see if it lags again or not.
Let me know how this goes.


Is it possible to move an entire Delphi development environment?

I'm working with an old (Delphi 2010) app with a number of very specific components that have to be installed, some from compiled from sources. It's a pain to set up, is what I'm getting at.
Currently, I have it on a Windows 10 machine, but I haven't upgraded Windows 10 in quite some time. If I upgrade Windows, it breaks the debugger (and I haven't been able to fix that so I've downgraded Windows).
I'm trying to find any way to move the Delphi environment without having to go through the various steps to get it to work, like making a VM out of it. Or, if I have to go through the steps again, only do it one more time in such a way that I can push-button recreate it. (There are a lot of things I need to try to upgrade the app itself, but many of those strategies will break the environment for me.)
Any strategies?

xCode 6.1.1 slow and keeps freezing

I'm having some trouble working with xCode. It just keeps hanging and using 100% CPU right after a couple lines of code. I'm working on a new project and it barely has two files and it has become completely imposible to work with.
I tried reinstalling xCode and starting my project from scratch but it won't work.
I noticed three things that may help someone find out what it's going on.
It's slow even when typing, the characters appear delayed on the screen.
It keeps saying indexing on the task bar on top. If I clean the project it will disappear but come back whenever I start working again.
It overheats as soon as I open xCode
And here's some other facts that might help
I'm running xCode 6.1.1 (build 6A2008a)
My Mac is a mid 2012 MacBook pro 8GB Ram
I did a fresh install of Yosemite a month after it was released, so it's pretty clean.
I'm using the latest build of Xampp for my SQL server
I'm using nodejs as a backend so I'm running an http with nodemon
Hope any of you has a solution to this.
Thanks and merry christmas to all of you.
I found out that it will build just fine if I remove my conditional cast to NSInteger, NSString, Float, etc. I have like 8 of them one after the other, and just replacing as? for as did the trick. I'm curious as for why this is happening anyway though.
Similar problems on 6.1.1 (but also source kit crashes) were improved (but not completely resolved) for me by deleting derived data.

XCode 5 hangs loading a project

I'm working on an iPad app and I need to try a few things, for which I usually have a small sample app that I use. While my primary app project opens just fine, the sample app doesn't. Xcode (Version 5.0) just sits there, the wait cursor spinning. The other odd thing is that when trying to make a new project, I get the same behavior.
What's going on here? Various other threads on Stack and other forums suggest removing various files, in ~/Local/... and in the .xcodeproject directory. However this doesn't seem to help. Any ideas as to what's going on?
I restarted my macbook and XCode behaves now. There goes my 200 day uptime...

Hosting Visual Studio projects in dropbox

I develop both on my desktop and laptop, and I am frequently switching between them. Are there any problems that could arise from keeping a project folder in my dropbox and always accessing/editing from there? I'm running the VS2010 on both, but W7 on one and W8 on the other.
I'm using it often. But I do experience some issues. It seems that sometime VS and Dropbox conflict. This shows by leaving some temporary source files or by errors during compilation of file being locked.
In fact I came here while looking how to solve them. But still they are only a little issue and I keep using it that way for a long time.
EDIT: It is not just me. See Visual studio 2012 and dropbox don't play nice together question on SuperUser.
I'm using Dropbox to host my project and I edit and build directly on there and have experienced no problems, ever. Win7, VS2010, CPP. I find Dropbox to be simpler and equally robust to than version control software. I'm a big fan. I should say Microsoft OneDrive once failed me, horribly, and I no longer trust it. With Dropbox, I always check the icon in the systray carefully to make sure it is finished updating before I turn my computer off.
I use both git and Dropbox, as I also switch which machine I'm working on. This way I can use source control with the rest of my team, while also able to pick up where I left off. My 2 PCs that sync are my one at work and at home. Both desktops, both almost always on and running dropbox.
Rarely I get conflicts, when a machine is offline or something. The solution 99% of the time is to simply delete any conflicting files. Because I'm constantly up to date with git, it's fine if I ever have to delete all my local code, since I can always get it back.
So it's really for nothing other than being able to run out of work on an urgent task, and then resume where I left off when I got home.

VS2010 Express + Silverlight - Strangest thing

Bit of a random one here, and I've exhausted my knowledge on how to try and remedy this.
Basically I've just switched out my hard-drive over to an SSD (best move I ever did), and along with this I've had to reinstall everything from the ground up. When I've done so however VS2010 Express for Windows Phone keeps giving me this error with my existing projects(Silverlight 4 SDK is not installed + bunch of warnings).
But I have made sure it is installed
I have gone through reinstalling the Silverlight 4 SDK, uninstalling all of Silverlight + VS (and all it's many, many components in Control Panel) and performed updates via Windows Update, rebooting etc. Nothing seems to work.
Strange thing is though, if I create a new project it works just fine, no warnings, no errors, nothing. I'm completely stumped.
Any ideas guys?
My usual install process is:
Silverlight SDK > VS2010 Express for WP7 > Begin Developing
I have deleted the .suo/.user files, also the obj and Bin directories too. No avail :(
The only thing really that has changed since my last install was the directory I am loading the actual projects from (but I don't see how this could affect it?).
I wasn't able to solve this one without performing a full reinstall. I did discover some other elements of Win32 applications having issues as well, seems my Windows install was simply broken.
