How to do chrome debugging? - debugging

I have developed a website. Some clients are getting the issue on chrome while opening a website. It's working on other search engines like firefox etc. How should I debug it in inspect mode(how to take his/her MOBILE(only) )on support? I know one solution which USB debugging but we can't take clients phone and do debugging. Is there any solution so that we can take his/her phone on inspect mode remotely?

One way that you can try is trying to plug error tracker on your website.
One of them is Sentry (Its free, but if you want to use it with more volume and features, you have to pay for it.)
The way it works is you put sentry raven.js on your html head block
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
and then configure it by attaching the sentry api key (you can look at their documentation as well, they provide you with some code examples
And after you can ask the client to browse your website using their device. By default sentry will track their session and show it in your sentry dashboard, including all of the javascript error and console output (just like when you do when you open inspect mode in your web browser). so you can try to debug the problem without having to take your client device.


Force Google Recaptcha Challenge

Is it possible to set some flag in my browser so that I always get the RECAPTHCA image challenges? Sometimes when you click on the "I am not a robot" button, it gives you a pop up challenge with something like "Click all the images which contain a car", but sometimes it just checks off the box and takes your word for the fact that you're not a robot.
I would like to test the UI of my tool both on a desktop and on mobile, and make sure that the challenge pop up shows up and interacts well with other elements of the page.
In other words, as a developer, I want Google to think that I'm a robot so that it always gives me the visual challenge.
Is there any way to force this behavior?
Note: I've done some research and was unable to find any relevant questions or blog posts that might yield an answer.
Force Google recaptcha to use simple checkbox click challenge asks for a way to force Google to NOT use the visual challenge, only the checkbox
How to force recheck user with reCAPTCHA? talks about forcing a recheck of some kind, but has no answers!topic/recaptcha/2ed-s3KK3Do actually asks my same question, but users did not seem keen on providing answers, with one user just suggesting not to use RECAPTCHA at all! is straight from Google, but it does exactly the opposite of what I want - it sets your site up such that the captcha appears on the page but is actually a test captcha that always lets you pass, and NEVER gives you the challenge. I want the exact inverse of this.
The methods told here should generally work, but there is no guarantee of the same. There is a very easy way to guarantee that Google reCAPTCHA challenge always show up. All you need to do is to add a custom BOT device in developer tools and then use the same to test.
In Chrome Dev Tools, open Settings. Open Devices after that.
Add a custom device with any name and set User Agent String to Googlebot/2.1
Finally, in Device Mode, at the left of the top bar, choose the custom device that you created (the default is Responsive).
Thanks to the SO users who had put it up in the answer and follow-up comment here.
I too have been looking for similar functionality. While I have not found a code-based solution to force the challenge, I have found a fairly reliable hack.
Grab a VPN tool (I happen to use IP Vanish), then connect to a remote server (I've had success connecting to China). Then, open up a private/incognito window and fill out your form.
From my testing, the combination of the remote IP and the blank user session triggers the challenge.
Here are a few things you can try. In my experience all of them will increase your chances of getting a challenge.
Log in at and edit your
reCAPTCHA settings. Under Security Preference choose Most Secure.
Use a VPN + incognito mode (as suggested here)
If you're using the invisible reCAPTCHA, I found that using explicit
rendering + immediately calling grecaptcha.execute() after
grecaptcha.render() will usually trigger the challenge. I suspect
this is because Google's AI expects a user interaction of some kind
to trigger grecaptcha.execute() and not the onloadCallback itself.
I use reCAPTCHA's SDK in Android, and I also encounter the need to force validation when testing. I tried it many times. At last, I turned off or turned on the flight mode, which can be verified in the retest. I guess it may be that Google put my IP on the white list in the background, so I passed the verification without any challenge.
That should be possible, because when LinkedIn forcefully logged out an user for excessive usage, it showed captcha on next login, and there always was the challenge.
Unfortunately, LinkedIn switched from Recaptcha to another provider just few days ago, so I cannot just look up into their JavaScript code.
It is what makes me believe that Recaptcha does have an undocumented option to force the challenge.
2022 and later
It seems to be increasingly harder to trigger the recaptcha challenge of the invisible recaptcha. Using the UserAgent of a bot, going into incognito mode is not enough anymore. A VPN might work, but I do not trust free VPN services.
I am however still able to trigger the recaptcha challenge when I'm only using the keyboard while filling in the form fields and pressing the submit button with the enter key. It seems like the Google Recaptcha is now also following your mouse movements to determine if you are a real user. Make sure to never hover your mouse cursor over the webpage and only use the keyboard.
I was looking for something like this and after some research plus trial & error what worked for me is to use the invisible recaptcha and invoke the challenge with JS.
After you have loaded the recaptcha script on your page then do
and the challenge might be invoked.

Which are the best extensions for use Facebook and stop the cookies and tracking?

I ´m trying with Ad Block Plus, Ghostery, Disconect and Self-Destruct Cookies in Firefox.
Can you recommend some tips to stop the tracking?
The "Do Not Track" feature in Firefox is useful for telling sites that you do not want to be tracked. A detailed guide on enabling this feature is available on Firefox's support page : .
Besides, if you want an extra level of security, I would suggest you to use the "NoScript" browser extension( NoScript blocks JavaScript and other executable content on website thus effectively protecting you from tracking codes on websites.
And if you want real privacy use a proxy or VPN. Another good idea is to use the tor browser (

Google in-page analytics doesn't work in my ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor website

We've recently launched a new website and since the launch I've been unable to get in-page analytics working on the website. Google also claims that my tracking code is not working but I think this is a misnomer.
Whenever I attempt to load in-page analytics I receive the error:
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google.
If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly.
I've simply copy and pasted the tracking code on to the website and haven't done anything out of the ordinary. I've also checked to make sure that under Web Property Settings my Web property name and default URL is
Any ideas you guys have really would be welcomed.
EDIT: Added screenshot of Google Analytics error
Thanks in advance
Well there's whole buncha people in the web complaining about the same issue.
I've noticed something funny.
Most of developers love to exclude Analytics tracking code for logged in administrators and trying to check out In-Page Analytics while they're logged in. So there's really no any ga.js.
In my experience, this occurred when I hadn't set my default URL to exactly match the URL set in the profile.
P.S. Someone beat me to your source!
Got the same problem on Magento Enterprise, but solution was pretty simple: GA code just need to be placed before <head> tags. After this simple fix In-Page tracking works perfectly.
Also, be sure you have no framekiller installed in your site.

Facebook Connect XFBML not working

I'm making a website using Facebook Connect and decided to use Facebook's XFBML tags like "fb:profile-pic" since they are so easy to use.
I haven't been able to make them work no matter how hard I look online but then I noticed that it worked on all the browser's instead of Firefox.
I also realized that even on Facebook's own "The Run Around" sample app they don't work!! You can check it out here:
If you log in with Firefox your picture is not shown, but if you use another browser it is shown. This happens with the fb:profile-pic tag or any other tag like fb:name.
I haven't found any information online so I'm asking other people that have worked with this: Are these tags simply not compatible with Firefox ? Do they have outages or something like that ? Has this happened to anyone before ? Any ideas on how to resolve this ?
I guess they do have "outages". I've spent the whole weekend trying to resolve this and now they post they had a problem and have resolved it.
From the Platform Live Status website:
We are experiencing a possible config
problem with
If you are including Connect JS
library through,
all API requests through JavaScript
would fail. This affects rendering of
XFBML tags (such as fb:name and
fb:profile-pic) as well. While we are
fixing this issue, you can work around
the problem by changing
It's also safe to keep url change
permanently because is just an alias
I wish they had updated that sooner, now I'm looking for a place to find out about this stuff before I spend days working on something before realizing it's not a problem with my code!
Open up Firefox > Preferences > Privacy and make sure "Accept third party cookies" is checked. This is needed for Facebook Connect to work. Also, when using Connect, make sure all your tags are fully closed, i.e. <fb:profile-pic></fb:profile-pic> and not <fb:profile-pic/>. From the docs:
The user's browser must be set to
accept 3rd Party Cookies in order for
it to stay connected between clicks.
FWIW, I wouldn't use "the run around" as a sample app. That thing has been the same since they introduced Connect and is pretty hacky.
do check in connect section under the canvas option.
there should be a link of your physical file.

Is IE8 going to break my CDN hosted jQuery?

IE8 has a feature called InPrivate Filtering, which will block scripts it finds on webpages from more than 'n' different sites.
I'm listening to the most recent 'Security Now' podcast which is raving about this feature as being great.
At the very same time I'm screaming NOOO! What the *#&$ -- because my site (as does many many others) includes the following (jQuery + SWFObject). i.e. I'm using Google's CDN to host my jQuery.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
So whats the deal - should I stop usin jQuery and swfobject from a CDN ?
Whats everybody else doing?
**Edit: ** I couldn't find out if they keep a list of 'trusted sites' or not, but according to this from Microsoft the InPrivate filtering is per session. So at least someone has to actively enable it every session.
InPrivate Filtering is off by default and must be enabled on a
per-session basis. To use this
feature, select InPrivate Filtering
from the Safety menu. To access and
manage different filtering options for
Internet Explorer 8, select InPrivate
Filtering Settings from the Safety
menu. To end your InPrivate Browsing
session, simply close the browser
If your site has content that people would not want cached (bank site, porn, or something else "sensitive"), then I would not use an externally hosted file. Or if your site is just totally broken if the file does not load I would consider it. But if your site is anything else, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think this is a feature most people will use if they want to hide their tracks. And if they really want to, let them deal with the consequences.
This may seem silly but since IE8 is out, why don't you test your site with InPrivate turned on and see how it behaves? Also if you can report back your findings here that would be great :)
It looks like there's a significant chance this will be disabled with InPrivate enabled, but it ultimately depends on each user's browsing habits.
If a user visits 10 sites in regular mode that all link to files from the same third-party domain, links to files on that domain will be blocked when InPrivate is enabled.
So while you won't be able to take advantage of the CDN, you should host files like this yourself if you need them to work reliably.
InPrivate Blocking keeps a record of
third-party items like the one above
as you browse. When you choose to
browse with InPrivate, IE
automatically blocks sites that have
“seen” you across more than ten sites.
You can also manually choose items to
block or allow, or obtain information
about the third-party content directly
from the site by clicking the “More
information from this website” link.
Note that Internet Explorer will only
record data for InPrivate Blocking
when you are in “regular” browsing
mode, as no browsing history is
retained while browsing InPrivate. An
easy way to think of it is that your
normal browsing determines which items
to block when you browse InPrivate.
Disclaimer: I haven't actually tested any of this as I don't have IE8, but the document you linked to is pretty clear about this.
You should host the JS files on your own site.
Here's another reason to host the JS file on your site.
I've always wondered, would it be possible to have a safe fallback in the event the CDN is down/unavailable?
Something like:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='local/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
I think there would be a low percent of people using IE8 (I think), then turning on the option "InPrivate Browsing". Google's CDN somehow says "it has a server near where the user accessing the website is, so that the performance is increased" (not directly quoted). IE has caused me numerous problems in the past, and I dropped support for it.
does it work from the domain name of the site e.g. or does it resolve the name? if it just logs the domain, couldn't you just wrap it in a CNAME e.g. ->
